blob: 4c98d7300b517a4e8691c7e8ab69cc33086f940c [file] [log] [blame]
package atscfg
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import (
func TestMakeHeaderRewriteDotConfig(t *testing.T) {
xmlID := "xml-id"
fileName := "hdr_rw_" + xmlID + ".config"
cdnName := "mycdn"
hdr := "myHeaderComment"
server := makeGenericServer()
server.CDNName = &cdnName
server.HostName = util.StrPtr("my-edge")
server.ID = util.IntPtr(990)
server.Status = util.StrPtr(string(tc.CacheStatusReported))
server.CDNName = &cdnName
ds := makeGenericDS()
ds.EdgeHeaderRewrite = util.StrPtr("edgerewrite")
ds.ID = util.IntPtr(240)
ds.XMLID = &xmlID
ds.MaxOriginConnections = util.IntPtr(42)
ds.MidHeaderRewrite = util.StrPtr("midrewrite")
ds.CDNName = &cdnName
dsType := tc.DSTypeHTTPLive
ds.Type = &dsType
ds.ServiceCategory = util.StrPtr("servicecategory")
sv1 := makeGenericServer()
sv1.HostName = util.StrPtr("my-edge-1")
sv1.CDNName = &cdnName
sv1.ID = util.IntPtr(991)
sv1Status := string(tc.CacheStatusOnline)
sv1.Status = &sv1Status
sv2 := makeGenericServer()
sv2.HostName = util.StrPtr("my-edge-2")
sv2.CDNName = &cdnName
sv2.ID = util.IntPtr(992)
sv2Status := string(tc.CacheStatusOffline)
sv2.Status = &sv2Status
servers := []Server{*server, *sv1, *sv2}
dses := []DeliveryService{*ds}
dss := makeDSS(servers, dses)
topologies := []tc.Topology{}
serverParams := makeHdrRwServerParams()
cgs := []tc.CacheGroupNullable{}
serverCaps := map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{}{}
dsRequiredCaps := map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{}{}
cfg, err := MakeHeaderRewriteDotConfig(fileName, dses, dss, server, servers, cgs, serverParams, serverCaps, dsRequiredCaps, topologies, &HeaderRewriteDotConfigOpts{HdrComment: hdr})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error expected nil, actual '%v'\n", err)
txt := cfg.Text
if !strings.Contains(txt, "edgerewrite") {
t.Errorf("expected 'edgerewrite' actual '%v'\n", txt)
if strings.Contains(txt, "midrewrite") {
t.Errorf("expected no 'midrewrite' actual '%v'\n", txt)
if !strings.Contains(txt, "origin_max_connections") {
t.Errorf("expected origin_max_connections on edge header rewrite that doesn't use the mids, actual '%v'\n", txt)
if !strings.Contains(txt, "21") { // 21, because max is 42, and there are 2 not-offline mids, so 42/2=21
t.Errorf("expected origin_max_connections of 21, actual '%v'\n", txt)
if !strings.Contains(txt, "xml-id|servicecategory") {
t.Errorf("expected 'xml-id|servicecategory' actual '%v'\n", txt)
func TestMakeHeaderRewriteDotConfigNoMaxOriginConnections(t *testing.T) {
xmlID := "xml-id"
fileName := "hdr_rw_" + xmlID + ".config"
cdnName := "mycdn"
hdr := "myHeaderComment"
server := makeGenericServer()
server.CDNName = &cdnName
server.HostName = util.StrPtr("my-edge")
server.ID = util.IntPtr(990)
serverStatus := string(tc.CacheStatusReported)
server.Status = &serverStatus
server.CDNName = &cdnName
ds := makeGenericDS()
ds.EdgeHeaderRewrite = util.StrPtr("edgerewrite")
ds.ID = util.IntPtr(240)
ds.XMLID = &xmlID
ds.MaxOriginConnections = util.IntPtr(42)
ds.MidHeaderRewrite = util.StrPtr("midrewrite")
ds.CDNName = &cdnName
dsType := tc.DSTypeHTTP
ds.Type = &dsType
ds.ServiceCategory = util.StrPtr("servicecategory")
sv1 := makeGenericServer()
sv1.HostName = util.StrPtr("my-edge-1")
sv1.CDNName = &cdnName
sv1.ID = util.IntPtr(991)
sv1Status := string(tc.CacheStatusOnline)
sv1.Status = &sv1Status
sv2 := makeGenericServer()
sv2.HostName = util.StrPtr("my-edge-2")
sv2.CDNName = &cdnName
sv2.ID = util.IntPtr(992)
sv2Status := string(tc.CacheStatusOffline)
sv2.Status = &sv2Status
servers := []Server{*server, *sv1, *sv2}
dses := []DeliveryService{*ds}
dss := makeDSS(servers, dses)
topologies := []tc.Topology{}
serverParams := makeHdrRwServerParams()
cgs := []tc.CacheGroupNullable{}
serverCaps := map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{}{}
dsRequiredCaps := map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{}{}
cfg, err := MakeHeaderRewriteDotConfig(fileName, dses, dss, server, servers, cgs, serverParams, serverCaps, dsRequiredCaps, topologies, &HeaderRewriteDotConfigOpts{HdrComment: hdr})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error expected nil, actual '%v'\n", err)
txt := cfg.Text
if strings.Contains(txt, "origin_max_connections") {
t.Errorf("expected no origin_max_connections on DS that uses the mid, actual '%v'\n", txt)
func TestGetCachegroupsInSameTopologyTier(t *testing.T) {
allCachegroups := []tc.CacheGroupNullable{
Name: util.StrPtr("edge1"),
Type: util.StrPtr(tc.CacheGroupEdgeTypeName),
Name: util.StrPtr("edge2"),
Type: util.StrPtr(tc.CacheGroupEdgeTypeName),
Name: util.StrPtr("deep1"),
Type: util.StrPtr(tc.CacheGroupEdgeTypeName),
Name: util.StrPtr("mid1"),
Type: util.StrPtr(tc.CacheGroupMidTypeName),
Name: util.StrPtr("mid2"),
Type: util.StrPtr(tc.CacheGroupMidTypeName),
Name: util.StrPtr("org1"),
Type: util.StrPtr(tc.CacheGroupOriginTypeName),
Name: util.StrPtr("org2"),
Type: util.StrPtr(tc.CacheGroupOriginTypeName),
type testCase struct {
cachegroup string
cachegroups []tc.CacheGroupNullable
topology tc.Topology
expected map[string]bool
testCases := []testCase{
cachegroup: "edge1",
cachegroups: allCachegroups,
topology: tc.Topology{
Nodes: []tc.TopologyNode{
// 0
Cachegroup: "edge1",
Parents: []int{3},
// 1
Cachegroup: "deep1",
Parents: []int{0},
// 2
Cachegroup: "edge2",
Parents: []int{4},
// 3
Cachegroup: "mid1",
Parents: []int{},
// 4
Cachegroup: "mid2",
Parents: []int{},
expected: map[string]bool{"edge1": true, "edge2": true},
cachegroup: "deep1",
cachegroups: allCachegroups,
topology: tc.Topology{
Nodes: []tc.TopologyNode{
// 0
Cachegroup: "edge1",
Parents: []int{3},
// 1
Cachegroup: "deep1",
Parents: []int{0},
// 2
Cachegroup: "edge2",
Parents: []int{4},
// 3
Cachegroup: "mid1",
Parents: []int{},
// 4
Cachegroup: "mid2",
Parents: []int{},
expected: map[string]bool{"deep1": true},
cachegroup: "mid1",
cachegroups: allCachegroups,
topology: tc.Topology{
Nodes: []tc.TopologyNode{
// 0
Cachegroup: "edge1",
Parents: []int{3},
// 1
Cachegroup: "deep1",
Parents: []int{0},
// 2
Cachegroup: "edge2",
Parents: []int{4},
// 3
Cachegroup: "mid1",
Parents: []int{},
// 4
Cachegroup: "mid2",
Parents: []int{},
expected: map[string]bool{"mid1": true, "mid2": true},
cachegroup: "edge2",
cachegroups: allCachegroups,
topology: tc.Topology{
Nodes: []tc.TopologyNode{
// 0
Cachegroup: "edge1",
Parents: []int{3},
// 1
Cachegroup: "deep1",
Parents: []int{0},
// 2
Cachegroup: "edge2",
Parents: []int{4},
// 3
Cachegroup: "mid1",
Parents: []int{5},
// 4
Cachegroup: "mid2",
Parents: []int{6},
// 5
Cachegroup: "org1",
Parents: []int{},
// 5
Cachegroup: "org2",
Parents: []int{},
expected: map[string]bool{"edge1": true, "edge2": true},
for _, tc := range testCases {
actual := getCachegroupsInSameTopologyTier(tc.cachegroup, tc.cachegroups, tc.topology)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(tc.expected, actual) {
t.Errorf("getting cachegroups in same topology tier -- expected: %v, actual: %v", tc.expected, actual)
func TestMakeHeaderRewriteMidDotConfig(t *testing.T) {
cdnName := "mycdn"
hdr := "myHeaderComment"
server := makeGenericServer()
server.CDNName = util.StrPtr(cdnName)
server.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("edgeCG")
server.HostName = util.StrPtr("myserver")
server.Status = util.StrPtr(string(tc.CacheStatusReported))
server.Type = string(tc.CacheTypeMid)
ds := makeGenericDS()
ds.EdgeHeaderRewrite = util.StrPtr("edgerewrite")
ds.ID = util.IntPtr(24)
ds.XMLID = util.StrPtr("ds0")
ds.MaxOriginConnections = util.IntPtr(42)
ds.MidHeaderRewrite = util.StrPtr("midrewrite")
ds.CDNName = &cdnName
dsType := tc.DSTypeHTTP
ds.Type = &dsType
ds.ServiceCategory = util.StrPtr("servicecategory")
mid0 := makeGenericServer()
mid0.CDNName = &cdnName
mid0.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("midCG")
mid0.HostName = util.StrPtr("mymid0")
mid0Status := string(tc.CacheStatusReported)
mid0.Status = &mid0Status
mid1 := makeGenericServer()
mid1.CDNName = &cdnName
mid1.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("midCG")
mid1.HostName = util.StrPtr("mymid1")
mid1Status := string(tc.CacheStatusOnline)
mid1.Status = &mid1Status
mid2 := makeGenericServer()
mid2.CDNName = &cdnName
mid2.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("midCG")
mid2.HostName = util.StrPtr("mymid2")
mid2Status := string(tc.CacheStatusOffline)
mid2.Status = &mid2Status
eCG := &tc.CacheGroupNullable{}
eCG.Name = server.Cachegroup
eCG.ID = server.CachegroupID
eCG.ParentName = mid0.Cachegroup
eCG.ParentCachegroupID = mid0.CachegroupID
eCGType := tc.CacheGroupEdgeTypeName
eCG.Type = &eCGType
mCG := &tc.CacheGroupNullable{}
mCG.Name = mid0.Cachegroup
mCG.ID = mid0.CachegroupID
mCGType := tc.CacheGroupMidTypeName
mCG.Type = &mCGType
cgs := []tc.CacheGroupNullable{*eCG, *mCG}
servers := []Server{*server, *mid0, *mid1, *mid2}
dses := []DeliveryService{*ds}
dss := makeDSS(servers, dses)
fileName := "hdr_rw_mid_" + *ds.XMLID + ".config"
topologies := []tc.Topology{}
serverParams := makeHdrRwServerParams()
serverCaps := map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{}{}
dsRequiredCaps := map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{}{}
cfg, err := MakeHeaderRewriteDotConfig(fileName, dses, dss, server, servers, cgs, serverParams, serverCaps, dsRequiredCaps, topologies, &HeaderRewriteDotConfigOpts{HdrComment: hdr})
if err != nil {
txt := cfg.Text
if !strings.Contains(txt, "midrewrite") {
t.Errorf("expected no 'midrewrite' actual '%v'\n", txt)
if strings.Contains(txt, "edgerewrite") {
t.Errorf("expected 'edgerewrite' actual '%v'\n", txt)
if !strings.Contains(txt, "origin_max_connections") {
t.Errorf("expected origin_max_connections on edge header rewrite that uses the mids, actual '%v'\n", txt)
if !strings.Contains(txt, "21") { // 21, because max is 42, and there are 2 not-offline mids, so 42/2=21
t.Errorf("expected origin_max_connections of 21, actual '%v'\n", txt)
func TestMakeHeaderRewriteMidDotConfigNoMaxConns(t *testing.T) {
cdnName := "mycdn"
hdr := "myHeaderComment"
server := makeGenericServer()
server.CDNName = util.StrPtr(cdnName)
server.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("edgeCG")
server.HostName = util.StrPtr("myserver")
server.Status = util.StrPtr(string(tc.CacheStatusReported))
server.Type = string(tc.CacheTypeMid)
ds := makeGenericDS()
ds.EdgeHeaderRewrite = util.StrPtr("edgerewrite")
ds.ID = util.IntPtr(24)
ds.XMLID = util.StrPtr("ds0")
ds.MidHeaderRewrite = util.StrPtr("midrewrite")
ds.CDNName = &cdnName
dsType := tc.DSTypeHTTP
ds.Type = &dsType
ds.ServiceCategory = util.StrPtr("servicecategory")
mid0 := makeGenericServer()
mid0.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("midCG")
mid0.HostName = util.StrPtr("mymid0")
mid0Status := string(tc.CacheStatusReported)
mid0.Status = &mid0Status
mid1 := makeGenericServer()
mid1.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("midCG")
mid1.HostName = util.StrPtr("mymid1")
mid1Status := string(tc.CacheStatusOnline)
mid1.Status = &mid1Status
mid2 := makeGenericServer()
mid2.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("midCG")
mid2.HostName = util.StrPtr("mymid2")
mid2Status := string(tc.CacheStatusOffline)
mid2.Status = &mid2Status
eCG := &tc.CacheGroupNullable{}
eCG.Name = server.Cachegroup
eCG.ID = server.CachegroupID
eCG.ParentName = mid0.Cachegroup
eCG.ParentCachegroupID = mid0.CachegroupID
eCGType := tc.CacheGroupEdgeTypeName
eCG.Type = &eCGType
mCG := &tc.CacheGroupNullable{}
mCG.Name = mid0.Cachegroup
mCG.ID = mid0.CachegroupID
mCGType := tc.CacheGroupMidTypeName
mCG.Type = &mCGType
cgs := []tc.CacheGroupNullable{*eCG, *mCG}
servers := []Server{*server, *mid0, *mid1, *mid2}
dses := []DeliveryService{*ds}
dss := makeDSS(servers, dses)
fileName := "hdr_rw_mid_" + *ds.XMLID + ".config"
topologies := []tc.Topology{}
serverParams := makeHdrRwServerParams()
serverCaps := map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{}{}
dsRequiredCaps := map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{}{}
cfg, err := MakeHeaderRewriteDotConfig(fileName, dses, dss, mid0, servers, cgs, serverParams, serverCaps, dsRequiredCaps, topologies, &HeaderRewriteDotConfigOpts{HdrComment: hdr})
if err != nil {
txt := cfg.Text
if strings.Contains(txt, "origin_max_connections") {
t.Errorf("expected no origin_max_connections on edge-only DS, actual '%v'\n", txt)
func makeHdrRwServerParams() []tc.Parameter {
serverParams := []tc.Parameter{
Name: "trafficserver",
ConfigFile: "package",
Value: "7",
Profiles: []byte(`["global"]`),
return serverParams