blob: b25c04dbc6cf0c5883a917eebd0eaea775224b50 [file] [log] [blame]
package atscfg
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import (
func TestGenericHeaderComment(t *testing.T) {
commentTxt := "foo"
txt := makeHdrComment(commentTxt)
testComment(t, txt, commentTxt)
func testComment(t *testing.T, txt string, commentTxt string) {
commentLine := strings.SplitN(txt, "\n", 2)[0] // SplitN always returns at least 1 element, no need to check len before indexing
if !strings.HasPrefix(strings.TrimSpace(commentLine), "#") {
t.Errorf("expected comment on first line, actual: '" + commentLine + "'")
if !strings.Contains(commentLine, commentTxt) {
t.Errorf("expected comment text '" + commentTxt + "' in comment, actual: '" + commentLine + "'")
func TestTrimParamUnderscoreNumSuffix(t *testing.T) {
inputExpected := map[string]string{
``: ``,
`a`: `a`,
`_`: `_`,
`foo__`: `foo__`,
`foo__1`: `foo`,
`foo__1234567890`: `foo`,
`foo_1234567890`: `foo_1234567890`,
`foo__1234__1234567890`: `foo__1234`,
`foo__1234__1234567890_`: `foo__1234__1234567890_`,
`foo__1234__1234567890a`: `foo__1234__1234567890a`,
`foo__1234__1234567890__`: `foo__1234__1234567890__`,
`foo__1234__1234567890__a`: `foo__1234__1234567890__a`,
`__`: `__`,
`__9`: ``,
`_9`: `_9`,
`__35971234789124`: ``,
`a__35971234789124`: `a`,
`1234`: `1234`,
`foo__asdf_1234`: `foo__asdf_1234`,
for input, expected := range inputExpected {
if actual := trimParamUnderscoreNumSuffix(input); expected != actual {
t.Errorf("Expected '%v' Actual '%v'", expected, actual)
func TestGetATSMajorVersionFromATSVersion(t *testing.T) {
inputExpected := map[string]int{
`7.1.2-34.56abcde.el7.centos.x86_64`: 7,
`8`: 8,
`8.1`: 8,
`10.1`: 10,
`1234.1.2-34.56abcde.el7.centos.x86_64`: 1234,
errExpected := []string{
for input, expected := range inputExpected {
if actual, err := getATSMajorVersionFromATSVersion(input); err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected %v actual: error '%v'", expected, err)
} else if actual != expected {
t.Errorf("expected %v actual: %v", expected, actual)
for _, input := range errExpected {
if actual, err := getATSMajorVersionFromATSVersion(input); err == nil {
t.Errorf("input %v expected: error, actual: nil error '%v'", input, actual)
func TestLayerProfiles(t *testing.T) {
profileNames := []string{
allParams := []tc.Parameter{
ConfigFile: "cfg_a",
ID: 1000,
Name: "param_a",
Profiles: json.RawMessage(`["FOO"]`),
Value: "alpha",
ConfigFile: "cfg_a",
ID: 1000,
Name: "param_a",
Profiles: json.RawMessage(`["BAR"]`),
Value: "beta",
ConfigFile: "cfg_b",
ID: 1000,
Name: "param_a",
Profiles: json.RawMessage(`["BAR"]`),
Value: "gamma",
ConfigFile: "cfg_c",
ID: 1000,
Name: "param_c",
Profiles: json.RawMessage(`["BAZ"]`),
Value: "epsilon",
ConfigFile: "cfg_c",
ID: 1000,
Name: "param_c",
Profiles: json.RawMessage(`["BAR"]`),
Value: "delta",
ConfigFile: "cfg_a",
ID: 1000,
Name: "param_b",
Profiles: json.RawMessage(`["BAR"]`),
Value: "zeta",
ConfigFile: "cfg_d",
ID: 1000,
Name: "param_d",
Profiles: json.RawMessage(`["BAR"]`),
Value: "eta",
ConfigFile: "cfg_d",
ID: 1000,
Name: "param_d",
Profiles: json.RawMessage(`["BAZ"]`),
Value: "theta",
ConfigFile: "cfg_d",
ID: 1000,
Name: "param_d",
Profiles: json.RawMessage(`["FOO"]`),
Value: "iota",
// per the params, on the layered profiles "FOO,BAR,BAZ" (in that order):
// (1) beta in BAR should override alpha FOO,
// because they share the ConfigFile+Name key and BAR is later in the layering
// (2) gamma should be added, but not override
// because the key is ConfigFile+Name, which isn't on any previous profile
// (3) epsilon in BAZ should override delta in BAR
// because they share the ConfigFile+Name key and BAZ is later in the layering
// - this tests the parameters being in a different order than (1)
// (4) zeta should be added, but not override
// because the key is ConfigFile+Name, which isn't on any previous profile
// - this tests the name matching but not config file, reverse of (2).
// (5) theta in BAZ should override eta and iota in FOO and BAR
// because they share the ConfigFile+Name key and BAZ is last in the layering
// - this tests multiple overrides
layeredParams, err := LayerProfiles(profileNames, allParams)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("expected LayerProfiles nil error, actual: %+v", err)
vals := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, param := range layeredParams {
vals[param.Value] = struct{}{}
if _, ok := vals["alpha"]; ok {
t.Errorf("expected: param 'beta' to override 'alpha', actual: alpha in layered parameters")
if _, ok := vals["beta"]; !ok {
t.Errorf("expected: param 'beta' to override 'alpha', actual: beta not in layered parameters")
if _, ok := vals["gamma"]; !ok {
t.Errorf("expected: param 'gamma' with no ConfigFile+Name in another profile to be in layered parameters, actual: gamma not in layered parameters")
if _, ok := vals["delta"]; ok {
t.Errorf("expected: param 'epsilon' to override 'delta' in prior profile, actual: delta in layered parameters")
if _, ok := vals["epsilon"]; !ok {
t.Errorf("expected: param 'epsilon' to override 'delta' in prior profile, actual: epsilon not in layered parameters")
if _, ok := vals["zeta"]; !ok {
t.Errorf("expected: param 'zeta' with no ConfigFile+Name in another profile to be in layered parameters, actual: zeta not in layered parameters")
if _, ok := vals["theta"]; !ok {
t.Errorf("expected: param 'theta' to override 'eta' and 'iota' in prior profile, actual: theta not in layered parameters")
if _, ok := vals["eta"]; ok {
t.Errorf("expected: param 'theta' to override 'eta' and 'iota' in prior profile, actual: eta in layered parameters")
if _, ok := vals["iota"]; ok {
t.Errorf("expected: param 'theta' to override 'eta' and 'iota' in prior profile, actual: iota in layered parameters")
func setIP(sv *Server, ipAddress string) {
setIPInfo(sv, "", ipAddress, "")
func setIP6(sv *Server, ip6Address string) {
setIPInfo(sv, "", "", ip6Address)
func setIPInfo(sv *Server, interfaceName string, ipAddress string, ip6Address string) {
if len(sv.Interfaces) == 0 {
sv.Interfaces = []tc.ServerInterfaceInfoV40{}
si := tc.ServerInterfaceInfoV40{}
si.Name = interfaceName
sv.Interfaces = append(sv.Interfaces, si)
if ipAddress != "" {
sv.Interfaces[0].IPAddresses = append(sv.Interfaces[0].IPAddresses, tc.ServerIPAddress{
Address: ipAddress,
Gateway: nil,
ServiceAddress: true,
if ip6Address != "" {
sv.Interfaces[0].IPAddresses = append(sv.Interfaces[0].IPAddresses, tc.ServerIPAddress{
Address: ip6Address,
Gateway: nil,
ServiceAddress: true,
func makeGenericServer() *Server {
server := &Server{}
server.CDNName = util.StrPtr("myCDN")
server.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("cg0")
server.CachegroupID = util.IntPtr(422)
server.DomainName = util.StrPtr("")
server.CDNID = util.IntPtr(43)
server.HostName = util.StrPtr("myserver")
server.HTTPSPort = util.IntPtr(12443)
server.ID = util.IntPtr(44)
setIP(server, "")
server.ProfileNames = []string{"serverprofile"}
server.TCPPort = util.IntPtr(80)
server.Type = "EDGE"
server.TypeID = util.IntPtr(91)
status := string(tc.CacheStatusReported)
server.Status = &status
server.StatusID = util.IntPtr(99)
return server
func makeGenericDS() *DeliveryService {
ds := &DeliveryService{}
ds.ID = util.IntPtr(42)
ds.XMLID = util.StrPtr("ds1")
ds.QStringIgnore = util.IntPtr(int(tc.QStringIgnoreDrop))
ds.OrgServerFQDN = util.StrPtr("")
dsType := tc.DSTypeDNS
ds.Type = &dsType
ds.MultiSiteOrigin = util.BoolPtr(false)
ds.Active = util.BoolPtr(true)
return ds
// makeDSS creates DSS as an outer product of every server and ds given.
// The given servers and dses must all have non-nil, unique IDs.
func makeDSS(servers []Server, dses []DeliveryService) []DeliveryServiceServer {
dss := []DeliveryServiceServer{}
for _, sv := range servers {
for _, ds := range dses {
dss = append(dss, DeliveryServiceServer{
Server: *sv.ID,
DeliveryService: *ds.ID,
return dss
func makeParamsFromMapArr(profile string, configFile string, paramM map[string][]string) []tc.Parameter {
params := []tc.Parameter{}
for name, vals := range paramM {
for _, val := range vals {
params = append(params, tc.Parameter{
Name: name,
ConfigFile: configFile,
Value: val,
Profiles: []byte(`["` + profile + `"]`),
return params
func makeParamsFromMap(profile string, configFile string, paramM map[string]string) []tc.Parameter {
params := []tc.Parameter{}
for name, val := range paramM {
params = append(params, tc.Parameter{
Name: name,
ConfigFile: configFile,
Value: val,
Profiles: []byte(`["` + profile + `"]`),
return params