blob: 360b03017bb7ed61b797f25ce3017f9c6f39c1cb [file] [log] [blame]
package stat
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import (
type StatsSystem interface {
ConfigReloadRequests() uint64
LastReloadRequest() time.Time
ConfigReloads() uint64
LastReload() time.Time
AstatsLoad() time.Time
Version() string
type Stats interface {
System() StatsSystem
Remap() StatsRemaps
Connections() uint64
CacheHits() uint64
CacheMisses() uint64
CacheSize() uint64
CacheCapacity() uint64
// Write writes to the remapRuleStats of s, and returns the bytes written to the connection
Write(w http.ResponseWriter, conn *web.InterceptConn, reqFQDN string, remoteAddr string, code int, bytesWritten uint64, cacheHit bool) uint64
CacheKeys(string) []string
CacheSizeByName(string) (uint64, bool)
CacheCapacityByName(string) (uint64, bool)
CacheNames() []string
CachePeek(string, string) (*cacheobj.CacheObj, bool)
func New(remapRules []remapdata.RemapRule, caches map[string]icache.Cache, cacheCapacityBytes uint64, httpConns *web.ConnMap, httpsConns *web.ConnMap, version string) Stats {
cacheHits := uint64(0)
cacheMisses := uint64(0)
return &stats{
system: NewStatsSystem(version),
remap: NewStatsRemaps(remapRules),
cacheHits: &cacheHits,
cacheMisses: &cacheMisses,
caches: caches,
cacheCapacityBytes: cacheCapacityBytes,
httpConns: httpConns,
httpsConns: httpsConns,
// Write writes to the remapRuleStats of s, and returns the bytes written to the connection
func (stats *stats) Write(w http.ResponseWriter, conn *web.InterceptConn, reqFQDN string, remoteAddr string, code int, bytesWritten uint64, cacheHit bool) uint64 {
remapRuleStats, ok := stats.Remap().Stats(reqFQDN)
if !ok {
log.Errorf("Remap rule %v not in Stats\n", reqFQDN)
return bytesWritten
if wFlusher, ok := w.(http.Flusher); !ok {
log.Errorf("ResponseWriter is not a Flusher, could not flush written bytes, stat out_bytes will be inaccurate!\n")
} else {
bytesRead := 0 // TODO get somehow? Count body? Sum header?
if conn != nil {
bytesRead = conn.BytesRead()
bytesWritten = uint64(conn.BytesWritten()) // get the more accurate interceptConn bytes written, if we can
// Don't log - the Handler has already logged the failure to get the conn
// bytesRead, bytesWritten := getConnInfoAndDestroyWriter(w, stats, remapRuleName)
if cacheHit {
} else {
switch {
case code < 200:
log.Errorf("responded with invalid code %v\n", code)
case code < 300:
case code < 400:
case code < 500:
case code < 600:
log.Errorf("responded with invalid code %v\n", code)
return bytesWritten
// stats fulfills the Stats interface
type stats struct {
system StatsSystem
remap StatsRemaps
cacheHits *uint64
cacheMisses *uint64
caches map[string]icache.Cache
cacheCapacityBytes uint64
httpConns *web.ConnMap
httpsConns *web.ConnMap
func (s stats) Connections() uint64 {
l := uint64(0)
if s.httpConns != nil {
l += uint64(s.httpConns.Len())
if s.httpsConns != nil {
l += uint64(s.httpsConns.Len())
return l
func (s stats) CacheHits() uint64 { return atomic.LoadUint64(s.cacheHits) }
func (s stats) AddCacheHit() { atomic.AddUint64(s.cacheHits, 1) }
func (s stats) CacheMisses() uint64 { return atomic.LoadUint64(s.cacheMisses) }
func (s stats) AddCacheMiss() { atomic.AddUint64(s.cacheMisses, 1) }
func (s *stats) System() StatsSystem { return StatsSystem(s.system) }
func (s *stats) Remap() StatsRemaps { return s.remap }
// CacheSizeByName returns the size of tha cache for a particular cache
func (s stats) CacheSizeByName(cName string) (uint64, bool) {
if cache, ok := s.caches[cName]; ok {
return cache.Size(), true
return 0, false
// CacheSize() returns the combined size of all caches.
func (s stats) CacheSize() uint64 {
sum := uint64(0)
for _, c := range s.caches {
sum += c.Size()
return sum
// CacheNames returns an array of all the cache names
func (s stats) CacheNames() []string {
cNames := make([]string, 0)
for cacheName, _ := range s.caches {
cNames = append(cNames, cacheName)
return cNames
// CacheKeys returns an array of all the cache keys for the cache cacheName
func (s stats) CacheKeys(cacheName string) []string {
return s.caches[cacheName].Keys()
// CachePeek returns the cached object *without* changing the recent-used-ness.
func (s stats) CachePeek(key, cacheName string) (*cacheobj.CacheObj, bool) {
return s.caches[cacheName].Peek(key)
func (s stats) CacheCapacityByName(cName string) (uint64, bool) {
if cache, ok := s.caches[cName]; ok {
return cache.Capacity(), true
return 0, false
func (s stats) CacheCapacity() uint64 { return s.cacheCapacityBytes }
type StatsRemaps interface {
Stats(fqdn string) (StatsRemap, bool)
Rules() []string
type StatsRemap interface {
InBytes() uint64
OutBytes() uint64
Status2xx() uint64
Status3xx() uint64
Status4xx() uint64
Status5xx() uint64
CacheHits() uint64
CacheMisses() uint64
func getFromFQDN(r remapdata.RemapRule) string {
path := r.From
schemeEnd := `://`
if i := strings.Index(path, schemeEnd); i != -1 {
path = path[i+len(schemeEnd):]
pathStart := `/`
if i := strings.Index(path, pathStart); i != -1 {
path = path[:i]
return path
func NewStatsRemaps(remapRules []remapdata.RemapRule) StatsRemaps {
m := make(map[string]StatsRemap, len(remapRules))
for _, rule := range remapRules {
m[getFromFQDN(rule)] = NewStatsRemap() // must pre-allocate, for threadsafety, so users are never changing the map itself, only the value pointed to.
return statsRemaps(m)
// statsRemaps fulfills the StatsRemaps interface
type statsRemaps map[string]StatsRemap
func (s statsRemaps) Stats(rule string) (StatsRemap, bool) {
r, ok := s[rule]
return r, ok
func (s statsRemaps) Rules() []string {
rules := make([]string, len(s))
for rule := range s {
rules = append(rules, rule)
return rules
func NewStatsRemap() StatsRemap {
return &statsRemap{}
type statsRemap struct {
inBytes uint64
outBytes uint64
status2xx uint64
status3xx uint64
status4xx uint64
status5xx uint64
cacheHits uint64
cacheMisses uint64
func (r *statsRemap) InBytes() uint64 { return atomic.LoadUint64(&r.inBytes) }
func (r *statsRemap) AddInBytes(v uint64) { atomic.AddUint64(&r.inBytes, v) }
func (r *statsRemap) OutBytes() uint64 { return atomic.LoadUint64(&r.outBytes) }
func (r *statsRemap) AddOutBytes(v uint64) { atomic.AddUint64(&r.outBytes, v) }
func (r *statsRemap) Status2xx() uint64 { return atomic.LoadUint64(&r.status2xx) }
func (r *statsRemap) AddStatus2xx(v uint64) { atomic.AddUint64(&r.status2xx, v) }
func (r *statsRemap) Status3xx() uint64 { return atomic.LoadUint64(&r.status3xx) }
func (r *statsRemap) AddStatus3xx(v uint64) { atomic.AddUint64(&r.status3xx, v) }
func (r *statsRemap) Status4xx() uint64 { return atomic.LoadUint64(&r.status4xx) }
func (r *statsRemap) AddStatus4xx(v uint64) { atomic.AddUint64(&r.status4xx, v) }
func (r *statsRemap) Status5xx() uint64 { return atomic.LoadUint64(&r.status5xx) }
func (r *statsRemap) AddStatus5xx(v uint64) { atomic.AddUint64(&r.status5xx, v) }
func (r *statsRemap) CacheHits() uint64 { return atomic.LoadUint64(&r.cacheHits) }
func (r *statsRemap) AddCacheHit() { atomic.AddUint64(&r.cacheHits, 1) }
func (r *statsRemap) CacheMisses() uint64 { return atomic.LoadUint64(&r.cacheMisses) }
func (r *statsRemap) AddCacheMiss() { atomic.AddUint64(&r.cacheMisses, 1) }
func NewStatsSystem(version string) StatsSystem {
return &statsSystem{version: version}
type statsSystem struct {
configReloadRequests uint64
lastReloadRequestUnixNano int64
configReloads uint64
lastReloadUnixNano int64
astatsLoadUnixNano int64
version string
func (s *statsSystem) ConfigReloadRequests() uint64 {
return atomic.LoadUint64(&s.configReloadRequests)
func (s *statsSystem) AddConfigReloadRequests() {
atomic.AddUint64(&s.configReloadRequests, 1)
func (s *statsSystem) LastReloadRequest() time.Time {
return time.Unix(0, atomic.LoadInt64(&s.lastReloadRequestUnixNano))
func (s *statsSystem) SetLastReloadRequest(t time.Time) {
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.lastReloadRequestUnixNano, t.UnixNano())
func (s *statsSystem) ConfigReloads() uint64 {
return atomic.LoadUint64(&s.configReloads)
func (s *statsSystem) AddConfigReload() {
atomic.AddUint64(&s.configReloads, 1)
func (s *statsSystem) LastReload() time.Time {
return time.Unix(0, atomic.LoadInt64(&s.lastReloadUnixNano))
func (s *statsSystem) SetLastReload(t time.Time) {
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.lastReloadUnixNano, t.UnixNano())
func (s *statsSystem) AstatsLoad() time.Time {
return time.Unix(0, atomic.LoadInt64(&s.astatsLoadUnixNano))
func (s *statsSystem) SetAstatsLoad(t time.Time) {
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.astatsLoadUnixNano, t.UnixNano())
func (s *statsSystem) Version() string {
return s.version
const ATSVersion = "5.3.2" // of course, we're not really ATS. We're terrible liars.
// type StatsATSJSON struct {
// Server string `json:"server"`
// Remap map[string]uint64 `json:"remap"`
// }
type StatsSystemJSON struct {
InterfaceName string `json:""`
InterfaceSpeed int64 `json:"inf.speed"`
ProcNetDev string `json:""`
ProcLoadAvg string `json:"proc.loadavg"`
ConfigReloadRequests uint64 `json:"configReloadRequests"`
LastReloadRequest int64 `json:"lastReloadRequest"`
ConfigReloads uint64 `json:"configReloads"`
LastReload int64 `json:"lastReload"`
AstatsLoad int64 `json:"astatsLoad"`
Something string `json:"something"`
Version string `json:"application_version"`
type StatsJSON struct {
ATS map[string]interface{} `json:"ats"`
System StatsSystemJSON `json:"system"`