blob: d5f113ed78069967547c77b6efdaa53cabd47c7e [file] [log] [blame]
package plugin
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import (
func AddPlugin(priority uint64, funcs Funcs) {
_, filename, _, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
if !ok {
fmt.Println(time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano) + " Error plugin.AddPlugin: runtime.Caller failed, can't get plugin names") // print, because this is called in init, loggers don't exist yet
pluginName := strings.TrimSuffix(path.Base(filename), ".go")
plugins = append(plugins, pluginObj{funcs: funcs, priority: priority, name: pluginName})
type Funcs struct {
load LoadFunc
startup StartupFunc
onRequest OnRequestFunc
beforeCacheLookUp BeforeCacheLookupFunc
beforeParentRequest BeforeParentRequestFunc
beforeRespond BeforeRespondFunc
afterRespond AfterRespondFunc
type StartupData struct {
Config config.Config
Context *interface{}
// Shared is the "plugins_shared" data for all rules. This is a `map[ruleName][key]value`. Keys and values are arbitrary data. This allows plugins to do pre-processing on the config, and store computed data in the context, to save processing during requests.
Shared map[string]map[string]json.RawMessage
type OnRequestData struct {
W http.ResponseWriter
R *http.Request
InterfaceName string
Stats stat.Stats
StatRules remapdata.RemapRulesStats
HTTPConns *web.ConnMap
HTTPSConns *web.ConnMap
RequestID uint64
Context *interface{}
type BeforeParentRequestData struct {
Req *http.Request
RemapRule string
Context *interface{}
// BeforeRespondData holds the data passed to plugins. The objects pointed to MAY NOT be modified, however, the location pointed to may be changed for the Code, Hdr, and Body. That iss, `*d.Hdr = myHdr` is ok, but `d.Hdr.Add("a", "b") is not.
// If that's confusing, recall `http.Header` is a map, therefore Hdr and Body are both pointers-to-pointers.
type BeforeRespondData struct {
Req *http.Request
// CacheObj is the object to be cached, containing information about the origin request. The code, headers, and body should not be considered authoritative. Look at Code, Hdr, and Body instead, as the actual values about to be sent. Note CacheObj may be nil, if an error occurred (e.g. the Origin failed to respond).
CacheObj *cacheobj.CacheObj
Code *int
Hdr *http.Header
Body *[]byte
RemapRule string
Context *interface{}
type BeforeCacheLookUpData struct {
Req *http.Request
CacheKeyOverrideFunc func(string)
DefaultCacheKey string
Context *interface{}
type AfterRespondData struct {
W http.ResponseWriter
Stats stat.Stats
RequestID uint64
Context *interface{}
type LoadFunc func(json.RawMessage) interface{}
type StartupFunc func(icfg interface{}, d StartupData)
type OnRequestFunc func(icfg interface{}, d OnRequestData) bool
type BeforeCacheLookupFunc func(icfg interface{}, d BeforeCacheLookUpData)
type BeforeParentRequestFunc func(icfg interface{}, d BeforeParentRequestData)
type BeforeRespondFunc func(icfg interface{}, d BeforeRespondData)
type AfterRespondFunc func(icfg interface{}, d AfterRespondData)
type pluginObj struct {
funcs Funcs
priority uint64
name string
type pluginsSlice []pluginObj
func (p pluginsSlice) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p pluginsSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i].priority < p[j].priority }
func (p pluginsSlice) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
var plugins = pluginsSlice{}
func Get(enabled []string) Plugins {
enabledM := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, name := range enabled {
enabledM[name] = struct{}{}
enabledPlugins := pluginsSlice{}
for _, plugin := range plugins {
if _, ok := enabledM[]; !ok {
enabledPlugins = append(enabledPlugins, plugin)
return enabledPlugins
type Plugins interface {
LoadFuncs() map[string]LoadFunc
OnStartup(cfgs map[string]interface{}, context map[string]*interface{}, d StartupData)
OnRequest(cfgs map[string]interface{}, context map[string]*interface{}, d OnRequestData) bool
OnBeforeCacheLookup(cfgs map[string]interface{}, context map[string]*interface{}, d BeforeCacheLookUpData)
OnBeforeParentRequest(cfgs map[string]interface{}, context map[string]*interface{}, d BeforeParentRequestData)
OnBeforeRespond(cfgs map[string]interface{}, context map[string]*interface{}, d BeforeRespondData)
OnAfterRespond(cfgs map[string]interface{}, context map[string]*interface{}, d AfterRespondData)
func (plugins pluginsSlice) LoadFuncs() map[string]LoadFunc {
lf := map[string]LoadFunc{}
for _, plugin := range plugins {
if plugin.funcs.load == nil {
lf[] = LoadFunc(plugin.funcs.load)
return lf
func (ps pluginsSlice) OnStartup(cfgs map[string]interface{}, context map[string]*interface{}, d StartupData) {
for _, p := range ps {
ictx := interface{}(nil)
context[] = &ictx
if p.funcs.startup == nil {
d.Context = context[]
p.funcs.startup(cfgs[], d)
// OnRequest returns a boolean whether to immediately stop processing the request. If a plugin returns true, this is immediately returned with no further plugins processed.
func (ps pluginsSlice) OnRequest(cfgs map[string]interface{}, context map[string]*interface{}, d OnRequestData) bool {
for _, p := range ps {
if p.funcs.onRequest == nil {
d.Context = context[]
if stop := p.funcs.onRequest(cfgs[], d); stop {
return true
return false
func (ps pluginsSlice) OnBeforeCacheLookup(cfgs map[string]interface{}, context map[string]*interface{}, d BeforeCacheLookUpData) {
for _, p := range ps {
if p.funcs.beforeCacheLookUp == nil {
d.Context = context[]
p.funcs.beforeCacheLookUp(cfgs[], d)
func (ps pluginsSlice) OnBeforeParentRequest(cfgs map[string]interface{}, context map[string]*interface{}, d BeforeParentRequestData) {
for _, p := range ps {
if p.funcs.beforeParentRequest == nil {
d.Context = context[]
p.funcs.beforeParentRequest(cfgs[], d)
func (ps pluginsSlice) OnBeforeRespond(cfgs map[string]interface{}, context map[string]*interface{}, d BeforeRespondData) {
for _, p := range ps {
if p.funcs.beforeRespond == nil {
d.Context = context[]
p.funcs.beforeRespond(cfgs[], d)
func (ps pluginsSlice) OnAfterRespond(cfgs map[string]interface{}, context map[string]*interface{}, d AfterRespondData) {
for _, p := range ps {
if p.funcs.afterRespond == nil {
d.Context = context[]
p.funcs.afterRespond(cfgs[], d)