blob: b698d2ad68ffdf5adb6d10676d5bf08041996f8a [file] [log] [blame]
package plugin
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import (
func init() {
AddPlugin(10000, Funcs{onRequest: stats})
const StatsEndpoint = "/_astats"
func stats(icfg interface{}, d OnRequestData) bool {
if !strings.HasPrefix(d.R.URL.Path, StatsEndpoint) {
log.Debugf("plugin onrequest http_stats returning, not in path '" + d.R.URL.Path + "'\n")
return false
log.Debugf("plugin onrequest http_stats calling\n")
w := d.W
req := d.R
// TODO access log? Stats byte count?
ip, err := web.GetIP(req)
if err != nil {
code := http.StatusInternalServerError
log.Errorln("statHandler ServeHTTP failed to get IP: " + ip.String())
return true
if !d.StatRules.Allowed(ip) {
code := http.StatusForbidden
log.Debugln("statHandler.ServeHTTP IP " + ip.String() + " FORBIDDEN") // TODO event?
return true
// TODO gzip
system := LoadSystemStats(d.Stats, d.InterfaceName) // TODO goroutine on a timer?
ats := map[string]interface{}{"server": "6.2.1"}
if req.URL.Query().Get("application") != "system" {
ats = LoadRemapStats(d.Stats, d.HTTPConns, d.HTTPSConns)
stats := stat.StatsJSON{System: system, ATS: ats}
bytes, err := json.Marshal(stats)
if err != nil {
code := http.StatusInternalServerError
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
return true
func LoadSystemStats(stats stat.Stats, interfaceName string) stat.StatsSystemJSON {
s := stat.StatsSystemJSON{}
s.InterfaceName = interfaceName
s.InterfaceSpeed = loadFileAndLogInt(fmt.Sprintf("/sys/class/net/%v/speed", interfaceName))
s.ProcNetDev = loadFileAndLogGrep("/proc/net/dev", interfaceName)
s.ProcLoadAvg = loadFileAndLog("/proc/loadavg")
s.ConfigReloadRequests = stats.System().ConfigReloadRequests()
s.LastReloadRequest = stats.System().LastReloadRequest().Unix()
s.ConfigReloads = stats.System().ConfigReloads()
s.LastReload = stats.System().LastReload().Unix()
s.AstatsLoad = stats.System().AstatsLoad().Unix()
s.Something = "here" // emulate existing ATS Astats behavior
s.Version = stats.System().Version()
return s
func LoadRemapStats(stats stat.Stats, httpConns *web.ConnMap, httpsConns *web.ConnMap) map[string]interface{} {
statsRemaps := stats.Remap()
rules := statsRemaps.Rules()
jsonStats := make(map[string]interface{}, len(rules)*8) // remap has 8 members: in, out, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx, hits, misses
jsonStats["server"] = "6.2.1" // emulate a good ATS version
for _, rule := range rules {
ruleName := rule
statsRemap, ok := statsRemaps.Stats(ruleName)
if !ok {
continue // TODO warn?
jsonStats["plugin.remap_stats."+ruleName+".in_bytes"] = statsRemap.InBytes()
jsonStats["plugin.remap_stats."+ruleName+".out_bytes"] = statsRemap.OutBytes()
jsonStats["plugin.remap_stats."+ruleName+".status_2xx"] = statsRemap.Status2xx()
jsonStats["plugin.remap_stats."+ruleName+".status_3xx"] = statsRemap.Status3xx()
jsonStats["plugin.remap_stats."+ruleName+".status_4xx"] = statsRemap.Status4xx()
jsonStats["plugin.remap_stats."+ruleName+".status_5xx"] = statsRemap.Status5xx()
jsonStats["plugin.remap_stats."+ruleName+".cache_hits"] = statsRemap.CacheHits()
jsonStats["plugin.remap_stats."+ruleName+".cache_misses"] = statsRemap.CacheMisses()
jsonStats["proxy.process.http.current_client_connections"] = httpConns.Len() + httpsConns.Len()
jsonStats["proxy.process.http.cache_hits"] = stats.CacheHits()
jsonStats["proxy.process.http.cache_misses"] = stats.CacheMisses()
jsonStats["proxy.process.http.cache_capacity_bytes"] = stats.CacheCapacity()
jsonStats["proxy.process.http.cache_size_bytes"] = stats.CacheSize()
return jsonStats
func loadFileAndLog(filename string) string {
f, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("reading system stat file %v: %v\n", filename, err)
return ""
return strings.TrimSpace(string(f))
func loadFileAndLogGrep(filename string, grepStr string) string {
file, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("reading system stat file %v: %v\n", filename, err)
return ""
defer file.Close()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
for scanner.Scan() {
l := scanner.Text()
l = strings.TrimLeftFunc(l, unicode.IsSpace)
if strings.HasPrefix(l, grepStr) {
return l
log.Errorf("reading system stat file %v looking for %v: not found\n", filename, grepStr)
return ""
func loadFileAndLogInt(filename string) int64 {
s := loadFileAndLog(filename)
i, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("parsing system stat file %v: %v\n", filename, err)
return i