blob: a621830b864404b5355ce061d93320ad79c524fa [file] [log] [blame]
package config
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import (
const bytesPerGibibyte = 1024 * 1024 * 1024
const bytesPerMebibyte = 1024 * 1024
type Config struct {
// RFCCompliant determines whether `Cache-Control: no-cache` requests are honored. The ability to ignore `no-cache` is necessary to protect origin servers from DDOS attacks. In general, CDNs and caching proxies with the goal of origin protection should set RFCComplaint false. Cache with other goals (performance, load balancing, etc) should set RFCCompliant true.
RFCCompliant bool `json:"rfc_compliant"`
// Port is the HTTP port to serve on
Port int `json:"port"`
HTTPSPort int `json:"https_port"`
DisableHTTP2 bool `json:"disable_http2"`
// CacheSizeBytes is the size of the memory cache, in bytes.
CacheSizeBytes int `json:"cache_size_bytes"`
RemapRulesFile string `json:"remap_rules_file"`
// ConcurrentRuleRequests is the number of concurrent requests permitted to a remap rule, that is, to an origin. Note this is overridden by any per-rule settings in the remap rules.
ConcurrentRuleRequests int `json:"concurrent_rule_requests"`
CertFile string `json:"cert_file"`
KeyFile string `json:"key_file"`
InterfaceName string `json:"interface_name"`
// ConnectionClose determines whether to send a `Connection: close` header. This is primarily designed for maintenance, to drain the cache of incoming requestors. This overrides rule-specific `connection-close: false` configuration, under the assumption that draining a cache is a temporary maintenance operation, and if connectionClose is true on the service and false on some rules, those rules' configuration is probably a permament setting whereas the operator probably wants to drain all connections if the global setting is true. If it's necessary to leave connection close false on some rules, set all other rules' connectionClose to true and leave the global connectionClose unset.
ConnectionClose bool `json:"connection_close"`
LogLocationError string `json:"log_location_error"`
LogLocationWarning string `json:"log_location_warning"`
LogLocationInfo string `json:"log_location_info"`
LogLocationDebug string `json:"log_location_debug"`
LogLocationEvent string `json:"log_location_event"`
Plugins []string `json:"plugins"`
ReqTimeoutMS int `json:"parent_request_timeout_ms"` // TODO rename "parent_request" to distinguish from client requests
ReqKeepAliveMS int `json:"parent_request_keep_alive_ms"`
ReqMaxIdleConns int `json:"parent_request_max_idle_connections"`
ReqIdleConnTimeoutMS int `json:"parent_request_idle_connection_timeout_ms"`
ServerIdleTimeoutMS int `json:"server_idle_timeout_ms"`
ServerWriteTimeoutMS int `json:"server_write_timeout_ms"`
ServerReadTimeoutMS int `json:"server_read_timeout_ms"`
CacheFiles map[string][]CacheFile `json:"cache_files"`
// FileMemBytes is the amount of memory to use as an LRU in front of each name in CacheFiles, that is, each named group of files. E.g. if there are 10 files, the amount of memory used will be 10*FileMemBytes+CacheSizeBytes.
FileMemBytes int `json:"file_mem_bytes"`
type CacheFile struct {
Path string `json:"path"`
Bytes uint64 `json:"size_bytes"`
func (c Config) ErrorLog() log.LogLocation {
return log.LogLocation(c.LogLocationError)
func (c Config) WarningLog() log.LogLocation {
return log.LogLocation(c.LogLocationWarning)
func (c Config) InfoLog() log.LogLocation {
return log.LogLocation(c.LogLocationInfo)
func (c Config) DebugLog() log.LogLocation {
return log.LogLocation(c.LogLocationDebug)
func (c Config) EventLog() log.LogLocation {
return log.LogLocation(c.LogLocationEvent)
const MSPerSec = 1000
// DefaultConfig is the default configuration for the application, if no configuration file is given, or if a given config setting doesn't exist in the config file.
var DefaultConfig = Config{
RFCCompliant: true,
Port: 80,
DisableHTTP2: false,
HTTPSPort: 443,
CacheSizeBytes: bytesPerGibibyte,
RemapRulesFile: "remap.config",
ConcurrentRuleRequests: 100000,
ConnectionClose: false,
LogLocationError: log.LogLocationStderr,
LogLocationWarning: log.LogLocationStdout,
LogLocationInfo: log.LogLocationNull,
LogLocationDebug: log.LogLocationNull,
LogLocationEvent: log.LogLocationStdout,
ReqTimeoutMS: 30 * MSPerSec,
ReqKeepAliveMS: 30 * MSPerSec,
ReqMaxIdleConns: 100,
ReqIdleConnTimeoutMS: 90 * MSPerSec,
ServerIdleTimeoutMS: 10 * MSPerSec,
ServerWriteTimeoutMS: 3 * MSPerSec,
ServerReadTimeoutMS: 3 * MSPerSec,
FileMemBytes: bytesPerMebibyte * 100,
// LoadConfig loads the given config file. If an empty string is passed, the default config is returned.
func LoadConfig(fileName string) (Config, error) {
cfg := DefaultConfig
if fileName == "" {
return cfg, nil
configBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileName)
if err == nil {
err = json.Unmarshal(configBytes, &cfg)
return cfg, err