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.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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.. _jobs:
Content Invalidation Jobs
:dfn:`Content Invalidation Jobs`, or simply "jobs" as they are sometimes known, are ways of forcing :term:`cache servers` to treat content as no longer valid, bypassing their normal caching policies.
In general, this *should* be unnecessary, because a well-behaved :term:`Origin` *should* be setting its HTTP caching headers properly, so that content is only considered valid for some appropriate time intervals. Occasionally, however, an :term:`Origin` will be too optimistic with its caching instructions, and when content needs to be updated, :term:`cache servers` need to be informed that they must check back with the :term:`Origin`. Content Invalidation Jobs allow this to be done for specific patterns of assets, so that :term:`cache servers` will check back in with the :term:`Origin` and verify that the content they have cached is still valid.
The model for Content Invalidation Job as API objects is given in :ref:`jobs-model`.
.. _jobs-model:
.. code-block:: typescript
:caption: Content Invalidation Job as a Typescript interface.
/** This is the form used to create a new Content Invalidation Job */
interface ContentInvalidationJobCreationRequest {
deliveryService: string;
invalidationType: "REFRESH" | "REFETCH";
regex: `/${string}` | `\\/${string}`; // must also be a valid RegExp
startTime: Date; // RFC3339 string
ttlHours: number;
* This is the form used to return representations of Content Invalidation
* Requests to clients.
interface ContentInvalidationJob {
assetUrl: string;
createdBy: string;
deliveryService: string;
id: number;
invalidationType: "REFRESH" | "REFETCH";
startTime: Date; // RFC3339 string
ttlHours: number;
.. _job-asset-url:
Asset URL
This property only appears in responses from the :ref:`to-api` (and in the bodies of ``PUT`` requests to :ref:`to-api-jobs`, where the scheme and host/authority sections of the URL is held immutable). The :dfn:`Asset URL` is constructed from the `Regular Expression`_ used in the creation of a Content Invalidation Job and the :ref:`ds-origin-url` of the :term:`Delivery Service` for which it was created. It is a URL that has a valid regular expression as its path (and may not be "percent-encoded" where a normal URL typically would be). Requests from CDN clients for content that matches this pattern will trigger Content Invalidation behavior.
.. _job-created-by:
Created By
The username of the user who created the Content Invalidation Job is stored as the :dfn:`Created By` property of the Content Invalidation Job.
.. _job-ds:
Delivery Service
A Content Invalidation Job can only act on content for a single :term:`Delivery Service` - invalidating content for multiple :term:`Delivery Services` requires multiple Content Invalidation Jobs. The :dfn:`Delivery Service` property of a Content Invalidation Job holds the :ref:`ds-xmlid` of the :term:`Delivery Service` on which it operates.
.. versionchanged:: 4.0
In earlier API versions, this property was allowed to be either the integral, unique identifier of the target :term:`Delivery Service`, *or* its :ref:`ds-xmlid` - this is no longer the case, but it should always be safe to use the :ref:`ds-xmlid` in any case.
.. _job-id:
The integral, unique identifier for the Content Invalidation Job, assigned to it upon its creation.
.. _job-invalidation-type:
Invalidation Type
:dfn:`Invalidation Type` defines how a :term:`cache server` should go about ensuring that its cache is valid.
The normal operating mode for a Content Invalidation Job is to force the :term:`cache server` to send a request to the :term:`Origin` to verify that its cache is valid. If that is the case, no extra work is done and business as usual resumes. However, some :term:`Origins` are misconfigured and do not respond as required by HTTP specification. In this case, it is strongly advised to fix the :term:`Origin` so that it properly implements HTTP. However, if an :term:`Origin` is sending cache-able responses to requests, and cannot be trusted to verify the validity of cached content based on cache-controlling HTTP headers (e.g. :mailheader:`If-Modified-Since`) instead returning responses like ``304 Not Modified`` *even when the content has in fact been modified*, **and** if correcting this behavior is not an option, then the :term:`cache server` may be forced to pretend that the content it has was actually invalidated by the :term:`Origin` and must be completely re-fetched.
The two values allowed for a Content Invalidation Job's Invalidation Type are:
A :dfn:`REFRESH` Content Invalidation Job instructs :term:`cache servers` to behave normally - when matching content is requested, send an upstream request to (eventually) the :term:`Origin` with cache-controlling HTTP headers, and trust the :term:`Origin`'s response. The vast majority of all Content Invalidation Jobs should most likely use this Invalidation Type.
Rather than treating the cached content as "stale", the :term:`cache servers` processing a :dfn:`REFETCH` Content Invalidation Job should fetch the cached content again, regardless of what the :term:`Origin` has to say about the validity of their caches. These types of Content Invalidation Jobs cannot be created without a proper "semi-global" :ref:`refetch_enabled Parameter <parameter-name-refetch_enabled>`.
.. caution:: A "REFETCH" Content Invalidation Job should be used **only** when the :term:`Origin` is not properly configured to support HTTP caching, and will return invalid or incorrect responses to conditional requests as described in section 4.3.2 of :rfc:`7234`. In any other case, this will cause undo load on both the :term:`Origin` and the requesting :term:`cache servers`, and "REFRESH" should be used instead.
.. _job-regex:
Regular Expression
The :dfn:`Regular Expression` of a Content Invalidation Job defines the content on which it acts. It is used to match URL *paths* (including the query string - but **not** including document fragments, which are not sent in HTTP requests) of content to be invalidated, and is combined with the :ref:`ds-origin-url` of the :term:`Delivery Service` for which the Content Invalidation Job was created to obtain a final pattern that is made available as the `Asset URL`_.
.. note:: While the :ref:`to-api` and :ref:`tp-overview` both require the Regular Expression to begin with ``/`` (so that it matches URL paths), the :ref:`to-api` allows optionally escaping this leading character with a "backslash" :kbd:`\\`, while :ref:`tp-overview` does not. As ``/`` is not syntactically important to regular expressions, the use of a leading :kbd:`\\` should be avoided where possible, and is only allowed for legacy compatibility reasons.
.. table:: Aliases/Synonyms
| Name | Use(s) | Type |
| Path Regex | In Traffic Portal forms | unchanged (String, str, etc.) |
| regex | In raw :ref:`to-api` requests and responses, internally in multiple components | unchanged (String, str, etc.) |
.. _job-start-time:
Start Time
Content Invalidation Jobs are planned in advance, by setting their :dfn:`Start Time` to some point in the future (the :ref:`to-api` will refuse to create Content Invalidation Jobs with a Start Time in the past). Content Invalidation Jobs will have no effect until their Start Time.
.. _job-ttl:
The :dfn:`TTL` of a Content Invalidation Job defines how long a Content Invalidation Job should remain in effect. This is generally expressed as an integer number of hours.
.. table:: Aliases/Synonyms
| Name | Use(s) | Type |
| parameters | In legacy :ref:`to-api` versions | A string, containing the TTL in the format :samp:`TTL:{Actual TTL}h` |
| ttlHours | In :ref:`to-api` requests and responses | Unchanged (unsigned integer number of hours) |