blob: b0201ea6878fb66c4f9bd91111537cf03de3103c [file] [log] [blame]
package atscfg
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import (
const CacheKeyParameterConfigFile = "cachekey.config"
const ContentTypeRemapDotConfig = ContentTypeTextASCII
const LineCommentRemapDotConfig = LineCommentHash
const RemapConfigRangeDirective = `__RANGE_DIRECTIVE__`
// RemapDotConfigOpts contains settings to configure generation options.
type RemapDotConfigOpts struct {
// VerboseComments is whether to add informative comments to the generated file, about what was generated and why.
// Note this does not include the header comment, which is configured separately with HdrComment.
// These comments are human-readable and not guarnateed to be consistent between versions. Automating anything based on them is strongly discouraged.
VerboseComments bool
// HdrComment is the header comment to include at the beginning of the file.
// This should be the text desired, without comment syntax (like # or //). The file's comment syntax will be added.
// To omit the header comment, pass the empty string.
HdrComment string
// UseStrategies is whether to use strategies.yaml rather than parent.config.
UseStrategies bool
// UseCoreStrategies is whether to use the ATS core strategies, rather than the parent_select plugin.
// This has no effect if UseStrategies is false.
UseStrategiesCore bool
func MakeRemapDotConfig(
server *Server,
unfilteredDSes []DeliveryService,
dss []DeliveryServiceServer,
dsRegexArr []tc.DeliveryServiceRegexes,
serverParams []tc.Parameter,
cdn *tc.CDN,
remapConfigParams []tc.Parameter, // includes cachekey.config
topologies []tc.Topology,
cacheGroupArr []tc.CacheGroupNullable,
serverCapabilities map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{},
dsRequiredCapabilities map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{},
configDir string,
opt *RemapDotConfigOpts,
) (Cfg, error) {
if opt == nil {
opt = &RemapDotConfigOpts{}
warnings := []string{}
if !opt.UseStrategies && opt.UseStrategiesCore {
warnings = append(warnings, "opt.UseStrategies was false, but opt.UseStrategiesCore was set, which has no effect! Not using strategies, per opt.UseStrategies.")
if server.HostName == nil {
return Cfg{}, makeErr(warnings, "server HostName missing")
} else if server.ID == nil {
return Cfg{}, makeErr(warnings, "server ID missing")
} else if server.Cachegroup == nil {
return Cfg{}, makeErr(warnings, "server Cachegroup missing")
} else if server.DomainName == nil {
return Cfg{}, makeErr(warnings, "server DomainName missing")
cdnDomain := cdn.DomainName
dsRegexes := makeDSRegexMap(dsRegexArr)
// Returned DSes are guaranteed to have a non-nil XMLID, Type, DSCP, ID, and Active.
dses, dsWarns := remapFilterDSes(server, dss, unfilteredDSes)
warnings = append(warnings, dsWarns...)
dsProfilesConfigParams, paramWarns, err := makeDSProfilesConfigParams(server, dses, remapConfigParams)
warnings = append(warnings, paramWarns...)
if err != nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "making Delivery Service Cache Key Params, cache key will be missing! : "+err.Error())
atsMajorVersion, verWarns := getATSMajorVersion(serverParams)
warnings = append(warnings, verWarns...)
serverPackageParamData, paramWarns := makeServerPackageParamData(server, serverParams)
warnings = append(warnings, paramWarns...)
cacheGroups, err := makeCGMap(cacheGroupArr)
if err != nil {
return Cfg{}, makeErr(warnings, "making remap.config, config will be malformed! : "+err.Error())
nameTopologies := makeTopologyNameMap(topologies)
hdr := makeHdrComment(opt.HdrComment)
txt := ""
typeWarns := []string{}
if tc.CacheTypeFromString(server.Type) == tc.CacheTypeMid {
txt, typeWarns, err = getServerConfigRemapDotConfigForMid(atsMajorVersion, dsProfilesConfigParams, dses, dsRegexes, hdr, server, nameTopologies, cacheGroups, serverCapabilities, dsRequiredCapabilities, configDir, opt)
} else {
txt, typeWarns, err = getServerConfigRemapDotConfigForEdge(dsProfilesConfigParams, serverPackageParamData, dses, dsRegexes, atsMajorVersion, hdr, server, nameTopologies, cacheGroups, serverCapabilities, dsRequiredCapabilities, cdnDomain, configDir, opt)
warnings = append(warnings, typeWarns...)
if err != nil {
return Cfg{}, makeErr(warnings, err.Error()) // the GetFor funcs include error context
return Cfg{
Text: txt,
ContentType: ContentTypeRemapDotConfig,
LineComment: LineCommentRemapDotConfig,
Warnings: warnings,
}, nil
// This sticks the DS parameters in a map.
// remap.config parameters use "<plugin>.pparam" key
// cachekey.config parameters retain the 'cachekey.config' key
func classifyConfigParams(configParams []tc.Parameter) map[string][]tc.Parameter {
configParamMap := map[string][]tc.Parameter{}
for _, param := range configParams {
key := param.ConfigFile
if "remap.config" == key {
key = param.Name
configParamMap[key] = append(configParamMap[key], param)
return configParamMap
// For general <plugin>.pparam parameters
func paramsStringFor(parameters []tc.Parameter, warnings *[]string) (paramsString string) {
uniquemap := map[string]int{}
for _, param := range parameters {
paramsString += " @pparam=" + param.Value
// Try to extract argument
index := strings.IndexAny(param.Value, "= ")
arg := ""
if 0 < index {
arg = param.Value[:index]
} else {
arg = param.Value
// Warn on detection, but don't correct
if _, exists := uniquemap[arg]; !exists {
uniquemap[arg] = 1
} else {
*warnings = append(*warnings, "Multiple repeated arguments '"+arg+"'")
// for parameters that use 'cachekey.config' as their key
func paramsStringOldFor(parameters []tc.Parameter, warnings *[]string) (paramsString string) {
// check for duplicate parameters
uniquemap := map[string]int{}
paramKeyVals := []keyVal{}
for _, param := range parameters {
key := param.Name
val := param.Value
if _, exists := uniquemap[key]; !exists {
uniquemap[key] = 1
paramKeyVals = append(paramKeyVals, keyVal{Key: key, Val: val})
} else {
*warnings = append(*warnings, "got multiple parameters for name '"+key+"' - ignoring '"+val+"'")
for _, keyVal := range paramKeyVals {
paramsString += " @pparam=--" + keyVal.Key + "=" + keyVal.Val
// Handles special case for cachekey
func cachekeyArgsFor(configParamsMap map[string][]tc.Parameter, warnings *[]string) (argsString string) {
hasCachekey := false
if params, ok := configParamsMap["cachekey.pparam"]; ok {
argsString += paramsStringFor(params, warnings)
hasCachekey = true
// Add on the cachekey.config
if params, ok := configParamsMap["cachekey.config"]; ok {
if hasCachekey {
*warnings = append(*warnings, "Both new cachekey.pparam and old cachekey.config parameters assigned")
argsString += paramsStringOldFor(params, warnings)
// lastPrePostRemapLinesFor Returns any pre or post raw remap lines.
func lastPrePostRemapLinesFor(dsConfigParamsMap map[string][]tc.Parameter, dsid string) ([]string, []string) {
preRemapLines := []string{}
postRemapLines := []string{}
// Any raw pre pend
if params, ok := dsConfigParamsMap["LastRawRemapPre"]; ok {
for _, param := range params {
preRemapLines = append(preRemapLines, param.Value+" # Raw: "+dsid+"\n")
// Any raw post pend
if params, ok := dsConfigParamsMap["LastRawRemapPost"]; ok {
for _, param := range params {
postRemapLines = append(postRemapLines, param.Value+" # Raw: "+dsid+"\n")
return preRemapLines, postRemapLines
// getServerConfigRemapDotConfigForMid returns the remap lines, any warnings, and any error.
func getServerConfigRemapDotConfigForMid(
atsMajorVersion int,
profilesConfigParams map[int][]tc.Parameter,
dses []DeliveryService,
dsRegexes map[tc.DeliveryServiceName][]tc.DeliveryServiceRegex,
header string,
server *Server,
nameTopologies map[TopologyName]tc.Topology,
cacheGroups map[tc.CacheGroupName]tc.CacheGroupNullable,
serverCapabilities map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{},
dsRequiredCapabilities map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{},
configDir string,
opts *RemapDotConfigOpts,
) (string, []string, error) {
warnings := []string{}
midRemaps := map[string]string{}
preRemapLines := []string{}
postRemapLines := []string{}
for _, ds := range dses {
if !hasRequiredCapabilities(serverCapabilities[*server.ID], dsRequiredCapabilities[*ds.ID]) {
topology, hasTopology := nameTopologies[TopologyName(*ds.Topology)]
if *ds.Topology != "" && hasTopology {
topoIncludesServer, err := topologyIncludesServerNullable(topology, server)
if err != nil {
return "", warnings, errors.New("getting Topology Server inclusion: " + err.Error())
if !topoIncludesServer {
if !ds.Type.UsesMidCache() && (!hasTopology || *ds.Topology == "") {
continue // Live local delivery services skip mids (except Topologies ignore DS types)
if ds.OrgServerFQDN == nil || *ds.OrgServerFQDN == "" {
warnings = append(warnings, "ds '"+*ds.XMLID+"' has no origin fqdn, skipping!") // TODO confirm - Perl uses without checking!
remapFrom := strings.Replace(*ds.OrgServerFQDN, `https://`, `http://`, -1)
if midRemaps[remapFrom] != "" {
continue // skip remap rules from extra HOST_REGEXP entries
midRemap := ""
midRemap += strategyDirective(getStrategyName(*ds.XMLID), configDir, opts)
if *ds.Topology != "" {
topoTxt, err := makeDSTopologyHeaderRewriteTxt(ds, tc.CacheGroupName(*server.Cachegroup), topology, cacheGroups)
if err != nil {
return "", warnings, err
midRemap += topoTxt
} else if (ds.MidHeaderRewrite != nil && *ds.MidHeaderRewrite != "") || (ds.MaxOriginConnections != nil && *ds.MaxOriginConnections > 0) || (ds.ServiceCategory != nil && *ds.ServiceCategory != "") {
midRemap += ` @pparam=` + midHeaderRewriteConfigFileName(*ds.XMLID)
// Logic for handling cachekey params
cachekeyArgs := ""
// qstring ignore
if ds.QStringIgnore != nil && *ds.QStringIgnore == tc.QueryStringIgnoreIgnoreInCacheKeyAndPassUp {
cachekeyArgs = getQStringIgnoreRemap(atsMajorVersion)
dsConfigParamsMap := map[string][]tc.Parameter{}
if nil != ds.ProfileID {
dsConfigParamsMap = classifyConfigParams(profilesConfigParams[*ds.ProfileID])
if len(dsConfigParamsMap) > 0 {
cachekeyArgs += cachekeyArgsFor(dsConfigParamsMap, &warnings)
if cachekeyArgs != "" {
midRemap += "" + cachekeyArgs
if ds.RangeRequestHandling != nil && (*ds.RangeRequestHandling == tc.RangeRequestHandlingCacheRangeRequest || *ds.RangeRequestHandling == tc.RangeRequestHandlingSlice) {
midRemap += "" +
paramsStringFor(dsConfigParamsMap["cache_range_requests.pparam"], &warnings)
isLastCache, err := serverIsLastCacheForDS(server, &ds, nameTopologies, cacheGroups)
if err != nil {
return "", warnings, errors.New("determining if cache is the last tier: " + err.Error())
mapTo := *ds.OrgServerFQDN
// if this remap is going to a parent, use http not https.
// cache-to-cache communication inside the CDN is always http (though that's likely to change in the future)
if !isLastCache {
mapTo = strings.Replace(mapTo, `https://`, `http://`, -1)
if midRemap != "" {
midRemaps[remapFrom] = mapTo + midRemap
// Any raw pre or post pend
dsPreRemaps, dsPostRemaps := lastPrePostRemapLinesFor(dsConfigParamsMap, *ds.XMLID)
// Add to pre/post remap lines if this is last tier
if len(dsPreRemaps) > 0 || len(dsPostRemaps) > 0 {
if isLastCache {
preRemapLines = append(preRemapLines, dsPreRemaps...)
postRemapLines = append(postRemapLines, dsPostRemaps...)
textLines := []string{}
for originFQDN, midRemap := range midRemaps {
textLines = append(textLines, "map "+originFQDN+" "+midRemap+"\n")
// Prepend any pre remap lines
remapLinesAll := append(preRemapLines, textLines...)
// Append on any post raw remap lines
remapLinesAll = append(remapLinesAll, postRemapLines...)
text := header + strings.Join(remapLinesAll, "")
return text, warnings, nil
// getServerConfigRemapDotConfigForEdge returns the remap lines, any warnings, and any error.
func getServerConfigRemapDotConfigForEdge(
profilesRemapConfigParams map[int][]tc.Parameter,
serverPackageParamData map[string]string, // map[paramName]paramVal for this server, config file 'package'
dses []DeliveryService,
dsRegexes map[tc.DeliveryServiceName][]tc.DeliveryServiceRegex,
atsMajorVersion int,
header string,
server *Server,
nameTopologies map[TopologyName]tc.Topology,
cacheGroups map[tc.CacheGroupName]tc.CacheGroupNullable,
serverCapabilities map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{},
dsRequiredCapabilities map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{},
cdnDomain string,
configDir string,
opts *RemapDotConfigOpts,
) (string, []string, error) {
warnings := []string{}
textLines := []string{}
preRemapLines := []string{}
postRemapLines := []string{}
for _, ds := range dses {
if !hasRequiredCapabilities(serverCapabilities[*server.ID], dsRequiredCapabilities[*ds.ID]) {
topology, hasTopology := nameTopologies[TopologyName(*ds.Topology)]
if *ds.Topology != "" && hasTopology {
topoIncludesServer, err := topologyIncludesServerNullable(topology, server)
if err != nil {
return "", warnings, errors.New("getting topology server inclusion: " + err.Error())
if !topoIncludesServer {
remapText := ""
if *ds.Type == tc.DSTypeAnyMap {
if ds.RemapText == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "ds '"+*ds.XMLID+"' is ANY_MAP, but has no remap text - skipping")
remapText = *ds.RemapText + "\n"
textLines = append(textLines, remapText)
requestFQDNs, err := getDSRequestFQDNs(&ds, dsRegexes[tc.DeliveryServiceName(*ds.XMLID)], server, cdnDomain)
if err != nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "error getting ds '"+*ds.XMLID+"' request fqdns, skipping! Error: "+err.Error())
for _, requestFQDN := range requestFQDNs {
remapLines, err := makeEdgeDSDataRemapLines(ds, requestFQDN, server, cdnDomain)
if err != nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "DS '"+*ds.XMLID+"' - skipping! : "+err.Error())
for _, line := range remapLines {
profileremapConfigParams := []tc.Parameter{}
if ds.ProfileID != nil {
profileremapConfigParams = profilesRemapConfigParams[*ds.ProfileID]
remapWarns := []string{}
dsLines := RemapLines{}
dsLines, remapWarns, err = buildEdgeRemapLine(atsMajorVersion, server, serverPackageParamData, remapText, ds, line.From, line.To, profileremapConfigParams, cacheGroups, nameTopologies, configDir, opts)
warnings = append(warnings, remapWarns...)
remapText = dsLines.Text
// Add to pre/post remap lines if this is last tier
if len(dsLines.Pre) > 0 || len(dsLines.Post) > 0 {
preRemapLines = append(preRemapLines, dsLines.Pre...)
postRemapLines = append(postRemapLines, dsLines.Post...)
if err != nil {
return "", warnings, err
remapText += ` # ds '` + *ds.XMLID + `' topology '`
if hasTopology {
remapText += topology.Name
remapText += `'` + "\n"
textLines = append(textLines, remapText)
remapLinesAll := append(preRemapLines, textLines...)
remapLinesAll = append(remapLinesAll, postRemapLines...)
text := header
text += strings.Join(remapLinesAll, "")
return text, warnings, nil
type RemapLines struct {
Pre []string
Text string
Post []string
// buildEdgeRemapLine builds the remap line for the given server and delivery service.
// The cacheKeyConfigParams map may be nil, if this ds profile had no cache key config params.
// Returns the remap line, any warnings, and any error.
func buildEdgeRemapLine(
atsMajorVersion int,
server *Server,
pData map[string]string,
text string,
ds DeliveryService,
mapFrom string,
mapTo string,
remapConfigParams []tc.Parameter,
cacheGroups map[tc.CacheGroupName]tc.CacheGroupNullable,
nameTopologies map[TopologyName]tc.Topology,
configDir string,
opts *RemapDotConfigOpts,
) (RemapLines, []string, error) {
warnings := []string{}
remapLines := RemapLines{}
// ds = 'remap' in perl
mapFrom = strings.Replace(mapFrom, `__http__`, *server.HostName, -1)
isLastCache, err := serverIsLastCacheForDS(server, &ds, nameTopologies, cacheGroups)
if err != nil {
return remapLines, warnings, errors.New("determining if cache is the last tier: " + err.Error())
// if this remap is going to a parent, use http not https.
// cache-to-cache communication inside the CDN is always http (though that's likely to change in the future)
if !isLastCache {
mapTo = strings.Replace(mapTo, `https://`, `http://`, -1)
text += "map " + mapFrom + " " + mapTo
text += strategyDirective(getStrategyName(*ds.XMLID), configDir, opts)
if _, hasDSCPRemap := pData["dscp_remap"]; hasDSCPRemap {
text += ` @pparam=` + strconv.Itoa(*ds.DSCP)
} else {
text += ` @pparam=dscp/set_dscp_` + strconv.Itoa(*ds.DSCP) + ".config"
if *ds.Topology != "" {
topoTxt, err := makeDSTopologyHeaderRewriteTxt(ds, tc.CacheGroupName(*server.Cachegroup), nameTopologies[TopologyName(*ds.Topology)], cacheGroups)
if err != nil {
return remapLines, warnings, err
text += topoTxt
} else if (ds.EdgeHeaderRewrite != nil && *ds.EdgeHeaderRewrite != "") || (ds.ServiceCategory != nil && *ds.ServiceCategory != "") || (ds.MaxOriginConnections != nil && *ds.MaxOriginConnections != 0) {
text += ` @pparam=` + edgeHeaderRewriteConfigFileName(*ds.XMLID)
dsConfigParamsMap := classifyConfigParams(remapConfigParams)
if ds.SigningAlgorithm != nil && *ds.SigningAlgorithm != "" {
if *ds.SigningAlgorithm == tc.SigningAlgorithmURLSig {
text += ` @pparam=url_sig_` + *ds.XMLID + ".config" +
paramsStringFor(dsConfigParamsMap["url_sig.pparam"], &warnings)
} else if *ds.SigningAlgorithm == tc.SigningAlgorithmURISigning {
text += ` @pparam=uri_signing_` + *ds.XMLID + ".config" +
paramsStringFor(dsConfigParamsMap["uri_signing.pparam"], &warnings)
// Form the cachekey args string, qstring ignore, then
// remap.config then cachekey.config
cachekeyArgs := ""
if ds.QStringIgnore != nil {
if *ds.QStringIgnore == tc.QueryStringIgnoreDropAtEdge {
dqsFile := "drop_qstring.config"
text += ` @pparam=` + dqsFile
} else if *ds.QStringIgnore == tc.QueryStringIgnoreIgnoreInCacheKeyAndPassUp {
cachekeyArgs = getQStringIgnoreRemap(atsMajorVersion)
if len(dsConfigParamsMap) > 0 {
cachekeyArgs += cachekeyArgsFor(dsConfigParamsMap, &warnings)
if cachekeyArgs != "" {
text += "" + cachekeyArgs
// Note: should use full path here?
if ds.RegexRemap != nil && *ds.RegexRemap != "" {
text += ` @pparam=regex_remap_` + *ds.XMLID + ".config"
rangeReqTxt := ""
if ds.RangeRequestHandling != nil {
crr := false
if *ds.RangeRequestHandling == tc.RangeRequestHandlingBackgroundFetch {
rangeReqTxt = " @pparam=--config=bg_fetch.config" +
paramsStringFor(dsConfigParamsMap["background_fetch.pparam"], &warnings)
} else if *ds.RangeRequestHandling == tc.RangeRequestHandlingSlice && ds.RangeSliceBlockSize != nil {
rangeReqTxt = " @pparam=--blockbytes=" + strconv.Itoa(*ds.RangeSliceBlockSize) +
paramsStringFor(dsConfigParamsMap["slice.pparam"], &warnings)
crr = true
} else if *ds.RangeRequestHandling == tc.RangeRequestHandlingCacheRangeRequest {
crr = true
if crr {
rangeReqTxt += " " +
paramsStringFor(dsConfigParamsMap["cache_range_requests.pparam"], &warnings)
remapText := ""
if ds.RemapText != nil {
remapText = *ds.RemapText
// Temporary hack for moving the range directive into the raw remap text
if strings.Contains(remapText, RemapConfigRangeDirective) {
remapText = strings.Replace(remapText, RemapConfigRangeDirective, rangeReqTxt, 1)
} else {
text += rangeReqTxt
if remapText != "" {
text += " " + remapText
if ds.FQPacingRate != nil && *ds.FQPacingRate > 0 {
text += ` @pparam=--rate=` + strconv.Itoa(*ds.FQPacingRate)
remapLines.Text = text
// Any raw pre or post pend lines?
if isLastCache {
remapLines.Pre, remapLines.Post = lastPrePostRemapLinesFor(dsConfigParamsMap, *ds.XMLID)
return remapLines, warnings, nil
func strategyDirective(strategyName string, configDir string, opt *RemapDotConfigOpts) string {
if !opt.UseStrategies {
return ""
if !opt.UseStrategiesCore {
return ` @pparam=` + filepath.Join(configDir, "strategies.yaml") + ` @pparam=` + strategyName
return ` @strategy=` + strategyName
// makeDSTopologyHeaderRewriteTxt returns the appropriate header rewrite remap line text for the given DS on the given server, and any error.
// May be empty, if the DS has no header rewrite for the server's position in the topology.
func makeDSTopologyHeaderRewriteTxt(ds DeliveryService, cg tc.CacheGroupName, topology tc.Topology, cacheGroups map[tc.CacheGroupName]tc.CacheGroupNullable) (string, error) {
placement, err := getTopologyPlacement(cg, topology, cacheGroups, &ds)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.New("getting topology placement: " + err.Error())
txt := ""
const pluginTxt = ` @pparam=`
if placement.IsFirstCacheTier && ((ds.FirstHeaderRewrite != nil && *ds.FirstHeaderRewrite != "") || (ds.ServiceCategory != nil && *ds.ServiceCategory != "")) {
txt += pluginTxt + FirstHeaderRewriteConfigFileName(*ds.XMLID) + ` `
if placement.IsInnerCacheTier && ((ds.InnerHeaderRewrite != nil && *ds.InnerHeaderRewrite != "") || (ds.ServiceCategory != nil && *ds.ServiceCategory != "")) {
txt += pluginTxt + InnerHeaderRewriteConfigFileName(*ds.XMLID) + ` `
if placement.IsLastCacheTier && ((ds.LastHeaderRewrite != nil && *ds.LastHeaderRewrite != "") || (ds.ServiceCategory != nil && *ds.ServiceCategory != "") || (ds.MaxOriginConnections != nil && *ds.MaxOriginConnections != 0)) {
txt += pluginTxt + LastHeaderRewriteConfigFileName(*ds.XMLID) + ` `
return txt, nil
type remapLine struct {
From string
To string
// makeEdgeDSDataRemapLines returns the remap lines for the given server and delivery service.
// Returns nil, if the given server and ds have no remap lines, i.e. the DS match is not a host regex, or has no origin FQDN.
func makeEdgeDSDataRemapLines(
ds DeliveryService,
requestFQDN string,
// dsRegex tc.DeliveryServiceRegex,
server *Server,
cdnDomain string,
) ([]remapLine, error) {
if ds.Protocol == nil {
return nil, errors.New("ds had nil protocol")
remapLines := []remapLine{}
mapTo := *ds.OrgServerFQDN + "/"
portStr := ""
if !ds.Type.IsDNS() && server.TCPPort != nil && *server.TCPPort > 0 && *server.TCPPort != 80 {
portStr = ":" + strconv.Itoa(*server.TCPPort)
httpsPortStr := ""
if !ds.Type.IsDNS() && server.HTTPSPort != nil && *server.HTTPSPort > 0 && *server.HTTPSPort != 443 {
httpsPortStr = ":" + strconv.Itoa(*server.HTTPSPort)
mapFromHTTP := "http://" + requestFQDN + portStr + "/"
mapFromHTTPS := "https://" + requestFQDN + httpsPortStr + "/"
if *ds.Protocol == tc.DSProtocolHTTP || *ds.Protocol == tc.DSProtocolHTTPAndHTTPS {
remapLines = append(remapLines, remapLine{From: mapFromHTTP, To: mapTo})
if *ds.Protocol == tc.DSProtocolHTTPS || *ds.Protocol == tc.DSProtocolHTTPToHTTPS || *ds.Protocol == tc.DSProtocolHTTPAndHTTPS {
remapLines = append(remapLines, remapLine{From: mapFromHTTPS, To: mapTo})
return remapLines, nil
func edgeHeaderRewriteConfigFileName(dsName string) string {
return "hdr_rw_" + dsName + ".config"
func midHeaderRewriteConfigFileName(dsName string) string {
return "hdr_rw_mid_" + dsName + ".config"
// getQStringIgnoreRemap returns the remap, whether cachekey was added.
func getQStringIgnoreRemap(atsMajorVersion int) string {
if atsMajorVersion < 7 {
log.Errorf("Unsupport version of ats found %v", atsMajorVersion)
return ""
return ` @pparam=--separator= @pparam=--remove-all-params=true @pparam=--remove-path=true @pparam=--capture-prefix-uri=/^([^?]*)/$1/`
// makeServerPackageParamData returns a map[paramName]paramVal for this server, config file 'package'.
// Returns the param data, and any warnings
func makeServerPackageParamData(server *Server, serverParams []tc.Parameter) (map[string]string, []string) {
warnings := []string{}
serverPackageParamData := map[string]string{}
for _, param := range serverParams {
if param.ConfigFile != "package" { // TODO put in const
if param.Name == "location" { // TODO put in const
paramName := param.Name
// some files have multiple lines with the same key... handle that with param id.
if _, ok := serverPackageParamData[param.Name]; ok {
paramName += "__" + strconv.Itoa(param.ID)
paramValue := param.Value
if paramValue == "STRING __HOSTNAME__" {
paramValue = *server.HostName + "." + *server.DomainName // TODO strings.Replace to replace all anywhere, instead of just an exact match?
if val, ok := serverPackageParamData[paramName]; ok {
if val < paramValue {
warnings = append(warnings, "got multiple parameters for server package name '"+paramName+"' - ignoring '"+paramValue+"'")
} else {
warnings = append(warnings, "got multiple parameters for server package name '"+paramName+"' - ignoring '"+val+"'")
serverPackageParamData[paramName] = paramValue
return serverPackageParamData, warnings
// remapFilterDSes filters Delivery Services to be used to generate remap.config for the given server.
// Returned DSes are guaranteed to have a non-nil XMLID, Type, DSCP, ID, Active, and Topology.
// If a DS has a nil Topology, OrgServerFQDN, FirstHeaderRewrite, InnerHeaderRewrite, or LastHeaderRewrite, "" is assigned.
// Returns the filtered delivery services, and any warnings
func remapFilterDSes(server *Server, dss []DeliveryServiceServer, dses []DeliveryService) ([]DeliveryService, []string) {
warnings := []string{}
isMid := strings.HasPrefix(server.Type, string(tc.CacheTypeMid))
serverIDs := map[int]struct{}{}
if !isMid {
// mids use all servers, so pass empty=all. Edges only use this current server
serverIDs[*server.ID] = struct{}{}
dsIDs := map[int]struct{}{}
for _, ds := range dses {
if ds.ID == nil {
// TODO log error?
dsIDs[*ds.ID] = struct{}{}
dsServers := filterDSS(dss, dsIDs, serverIDs)
dssMap := map[int]map[int]struct{}{} // set of map[dsID][serverID]
for _, dss := range dsServers {
if dssMap[dss.DeliveryService] == nil {
dssMap[dss.DeliveryService] = map[int]struct{}{}
dssMap[dss.DeliveryService][dss.Server] = struct{}{}
useInactive := false
if !isMid {
// mids get inactive DSes, edges don't. This is how it's always behaved, not necessarily how it should.
useInactive = true
filteredDSes := []DeliveryService{}
for _, ds := range dses {
if ds.Topology == nil {
ds.Topology = util.StrPtr("")
if ds.OrgServerFQDN == nil {
ds.OrgServerFQDN = util.StrPtr("")
if ds.FirstHeaderRewrite == nil {
ds.FirstHeaderRewrite = util.StrPtr("")
if ds.InnerHeaderRewrite == nil {
ds.InnerHeaderRewrite = util.StrPtr("")
if ds.LastHeaderRewrite == nil {
ds.LastHeaderRewrite = util.StrPtr("")
if ds.XMLID == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "got Delivery Service with nil XMLID, skipping!")
} else if ds.Type == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "got Delivery Service '"+*ds.XMLID+"' with nil Type, skipping!")
} else if ds.DSCP == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "got Delivery Service '"+*ds.XMLID+"' with nil DSCP, skipping!")
} else if ds.ID == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "got Delivery Service '"+*ds.XMLID+"' with nil ID, skipping!")
} else if ds.Active == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "got Delivery Service '"+*ds.XMLID+"' with nil Active, skipping!")
} else if _, ok := dssMap[*ds.ID]; !ok && *ds.Topology == "" {
continue // normal, not an error, this DS just isn't assigned to our Cache
} else if !useInactive && !*ds.Active {
continue // normal, not an error, DS just isn't active and we aren't including inactive DSes
filteredDSes = append(filteredDSes, ds)
return filteredDSes, warnings
// makeDSProfilesConfigParams returns a map[ProfileID][ParamName]ParamValue for the cache key params for each profile.
// Returns the params, any warnings, and any error.
func makeDSProfilesConfigParams(server *Server, dses []DeliveryService, remapConfigParams []tc.Parameter) (map[int][]tc.Parameter, []string, error) {
warnings := []string{}
dsConfigParamsWithProfiles, err := tcParamsToParamsWithProfiles(remapConfigParams)
if err != nil {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("decoding cache key parameter profiles: " + err.Error())
configParamsWithProfilesMap := parameterWithProfilesToMap(dsConfigParamsWithProfiles)
dsProfileNamesToIDs := map[string]int{}
for _, ds := range dses {
if ds.ProfileID == nil || ds.ProfileName == nil {
continue // TODO log
dsProfileNamesToIDs[*ds.ProfileName] = *ds.ProfileID
dsProfilesConfigParams := map[int][]tc.Parameter{}
for _, param := range configParamsWithProfilesMap {
for dsProfileName, dsProfileID := range dsProfileNamesToIDs {
if _, ok := param.ProfileNames[dsProfileName]; ok {
if _, ok := dsProfilesConfigParams[dsProfileID]; !ok {
dsProfilesConfigParams[dsProfileID] = []tc.Parameter{}
dsProfilesConfigParams[dsProfileID] = append(dsProfilesConfigParams[dsProfileID], param.Parameter)
return dsProfilesConfigParams, warnings, nil
type deliveryServiceRegexesSortByTypeThenSetNum []tc.DeliveryServiceRegex
func (r deliveryServiceRegexesSortByTypeThenSetNum) Len() int { return len(r) }
func (r deliveryServiceRegexesSortByTypeThenSetNum) Less(i, j int) bool {
if rc := strings.Compare(r[i].Type, r[j].Type); rc != 0 {
return rc < 0
return r[i].SetNumber < r[j].SetNumber
func (r deliveryServiceRegexesSortByTypeThenSetNum) Swap(i, j int) { r[i], r[j] = r[j], r[i] }
func makeDSRegexMap(regexes []tc.DeliveryServiceRegexes) map[tc.DeliveryServiceName][]tc.DeliveryServiceRegex {
dsRegexMap := map[tc.DeliveryServiceName][]tc.DeliveryServiceRegex{}
for _, dsRegex := range regexes {
dsRegexMap[tc.DeliveryServiceName(dsRegex.DSName)] = dsRegex.Regexes
return dsRegexMap
type keyVal struct {
Key string
Val string
type keyVals []keyVal
func (ks keyVals) Len() int { return len(ks) }
func (ks keyVals) Swap(i, j int) { ks[i], ks[j] = ks[j], ks[i] }
func (ks keyVals) Less(i, j int) bool {
if ks[i].Key != ks[j].Key {
return ks[i].Key < ks[j].Key
return ks[i].Val < ks[j].Val
// getDSRequestFQDNs returns the FQDNs that clients will request from the edge.
func getDSRequestFQDNs(ds *DeliveryService, regexes []tc.DeliveryServiceRegex, server *Server, cdnDomain string) ([]string, error) {
if server.HostName == nil {
return nil, errors.New("server missing hostname")
fqdns := []string{}
for _, dsRegex := range regexes {
if tc.DSMatchType(dsRegex.Type) != tc.DSMatchTypeHostRegex || ds.OrgServerFQDN == nil || *ds.OrgServerFQDN == "" {
if dsRegex.Pattern == "" {
return nil, errors.New("ds missing regex pattern")
if ds.Protocol == nil {
return nil, errors.New("ds missing protocol")
if cdnDomain == "" {
return nil, errors.New("ds missing domain")
hostRegex := dsRegex.Pattern
fqdn := hostRegex
if strings.HasSuffix(hostRegex, `.*`) {
re := hostRegex
re = strings.Replace(re, `\`, ``, -1)
re = strings.Replace(re, `.*`, ``, -1)
hName := *server.HostName
if ds.Type.IsDNS() {
if ds.RoutingName == nil {
return nil, errors.New("ds is dns, but missing routing name")
hName = *ds.RoutingName
fqdn = hName + re + cdnDomain
fqdns = append(fqdns, fqdn)
return fqdns, nil
func serverIsLastCacheForDS(server *Server, ds *DeliveryService, topologies map[TopologyName]tc.Topology, cacheGroups map[tc.CacheGroupName]tc.CacheGroupNullable) (bool, error) {
if ds.Topology != nil && strings.TrimSpace(*ds.Topology) != "" {
if server.Cachegroup == nil {
return false, errors.New("Server has no CacheGroup")
topology, ok := topologies[TopologyName(*ds.Topology)]
if !ok {
return false, errors.New("DS topology '" + *ds.Topology + "' not found in topologies")
topoPlacement, err := getTopologyPlacement(tc.CacheGroupName(*server.Cachegroup), topology, cacheGroups, ds)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.New("getting topology placement: " + err.Error())
return topoPlacement.IsLastCacheTier, nil
return noTopologyServerIsLastCacheForDS(server, ds), nil
// noTopologyServerIsLastCacheForDS returns whether the server is the last tier for the DS, if the DS has no Topology.
// This helper MUST NOT be called if the DS has a Topology. It does not check.
func noTopologyServerIsLastCacheForDS(server *Server, ds *DeliveryService) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(server.Type, tc.MidTypePrefix) || !ds.Type.UsesMidCache()