blob: 0b19ca38a549d63f130f0a99133e00ce39e78b2c [file] [log] [blame]
package atscfg
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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import (
const IPAllowYamlFileName = `ip_allow.yaml`
const ContentTypeIPAllowDotYAML = ContentTypeYAML
const LineCommentIPAllowDotYAML = LineCommentHash
// const ParamPurgeAllowIP = "purge_allow_ip"
// const ParamCoalesceMaskLenV4 = "coalesce_masklen_v4"
// const ParamCoalesceNumberV4 = "coalesce_number_v4"
// const ParamCoalesceMaskLenV6 = "coalesce_masklen_v6"
// const ParamCoalesceNumberV6 = "coalesce_number_v6"
// const DefaultCoalesceMaskLenV4 = 24
// const DefaultCoalesceNumberV4 = 5
// const DefaultCoalesceMaskLenV6 = 48
// const DefaultCoalesceNumberV6 = 5
// AStatsDotConfigOpts contains settings to configure generation options.
type IPAllowDotYAMLOpts struct {
// HdrComment is the header comment to include at the beginning of the file.
// This should be the text desired, without comment syntax (like # or //). The file's comment syntax will be added.
// To omit the header comment, pass the empty string.
HdrComment string
// MakeIPAllowDotYAML creates the ip_allow.yaml ATS 9+ config file.
func MakeIPAllowDotYAML(
serverParams []tc.Parameter,
server *Server,
servers []Server,
cacheGroups []tc.CacheGroupNullable,
topologies []tc.Topology,
opt *IPAllowDotYAMLOpts,
) (Cfg, error) {
if opt == nil {
opt = &IPAllowDotYAMLOpts{}
warnings := []string{}
if server.Cachegroup == nil {
return Cfg{}, makeErr(warnings, "this server missing Cachegroup")
if server.HostName == nil {
return Cfg{}, makeErr(warnings, "this server missing HostName")
params := paramsToMultiMap(filterParams(serverParams, IPAllowConfigFileName, "", "", ""))
ipAllowDat := []ipAllowYAMLData{}
// localhost is trusted.
ipAllowDat = append([]ipAllowYAMLData{yamlAllowAll(``)}, ipAllowDat...)
ipAllowDat = append([]ipAllowYAMLData{yamlAllowAll(`::1`)}, ipAllowDat...)
// default for coalesce_ipv4 = 24, 5 and for ipv6 48, 5; override with the parameters in the server profile.
coalesceMaskLenV4 := DefaultCoalesceMaskLenV4
coalesceNumberV4 := DefaultCoalesceNumberV4
coalesceMaskLenV6 := DefaultCoalesceMaskLenV6
coalesceNumberV6 := DefaultCoalesceNumberV6
for name, vals := range params {
for _, val := range vals {
switch name {
case ParamPurgeAllowIP:
ipAllowDat = append(ipAllowDat, yamlAllowAll(val))
case ParamCoalesceMaskLenV4:
if vi, err := strconv.Atoi(val); err != nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "got param '"+name+"' val '"+val+"' not a number, ignoring!")
} else if coalesceMaskLenV4 != DefaultCoalesceMaskLenV4 {
warnings = append(warnings, "got multiple param '"+name+"' - ignoring val '"+val+"'!")
} else {
coalesceMaskLenV4 = vi
case ParamCoalesceNumberV4:
if vi, err := strconv.Atoi(val); err != nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "got param '"+name+"' val '"+val+"' not a number, ignoring!")
} else if coalesceNumberV4 != DefaultCoalesceNumberV4 {
warnings = append(warnings, "got multiple param '"+name+"' - ignoring val '"+val+"'!")
} else {
coalesceNumberV4 = vi
case ParamCoalesceMaskLenV6:
if vi, err := strconv.Atoi(val); err != nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "got param '"+name+"' val '"+val+"' not a number, ignoring!")
} else if coalesceMaskLenV6 != DefaultCoalesceMaskLenV6 {
warnings = append(warnings, "got multiple param '"+name+"' - ignoring val '"+val+"'!")
} else {
coalesceMaskLenV6 = vi
case ParamCoalesceNumberV6:
if vi, err := strconv.Atoi(val); err != nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "got param '"+name+"' val '"+val+"' not a number, ignoring!")
} else if coalesceNumberV6 != DefaultCoalesceNumberV6 {
warnings = append(warnings, "got multiple param '"+name+"' - ignoring val '"+val+"'!")
} else {
coalesceNumberV6 = vi
// for edges deny "PUSH|PURGE|DELETE", allow everything else to everyone.
isMid := strings.HasPrefix(server.Type, tc.MidTypePrefix)
if !isMid {
ipAllowDat = append(ipAllowDat, yamlAllowAllButPushPurgeDelete(``))
ipAllowDat = append(ipAllowDat, yamlAllowAllButPushPurgeDelete(`::/0`))
} else {
ips := []*net.IPNet{}
ip6s := []*net.IPNet{}
cgMap := map[string]tc.CacheGroupNullable{}
for _, cg := range cacheGroups {
if cg.Name == nil {
return Cfg{}, makeErr(warnings, "got cachegroup with nil name!")
cgMap[*cg.Name] = cg
if server.Cachegroup == nil {
return Cfg{}, makeErr(warnings, "server had nil Cachegroup!")
serverCG, ok := cgMap[*server.Cachegroup]
if !ok {
return Cfg{}, makeErr(warnings, "server cachegroup not in cachegroups!")
childCGNames := getTopologyDirectChildren(tc.CacheGroupName(*server.Cachegroup), topologies)
childCGs := map[string]tc.CacheGroupNullable{}
for cgName, _ := range childCGNames {
childCGs[string(cgName)] = cgMap[string(cgName)]
for cgName, cg := range cgMap {
if (cg.ParentName != nil && *cg.ParentName == *serverCG.Name) || (cg.SecondaryParentName != nil && *cg.SecondaryParentName == *serverCG.Name) {
childCGs[cgName] = cg
// sort servers, to guarantee things like IP coalescing are deterministic
for _, childServer := range servers {
if childServer.Cachegroup == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "Servers had server with nil Cachegroup, skipping!")
} else if childServer.HostName == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "Servers had server with nil HostName, skipping!")
// We need to add IPs to the allow of
// - all children of this server
// - all monitors, if this server is a Mid
_, isChild := childCGs[*childServer.Cachegroup]
if !isChild && !strings.HasPrefix(server.Type, tc.MidTypePrefix) && string(childServer.Type) != tc.MonitorTypeName {
for _, svInterface := range childServer.Interfaces {
for _, svAddr := range svInterface.IPAddresses {
if ip := net.ParseIP(svAddr.Address); ip != nil {
// got an IP - convert it to a CIDR and add it to the list
if ip4 := ip.To4(); ip4 != nil {
ips = append(ips, util.IPToCIDR(ip4))
} else {
ip6s = append(ip6s, util.IPToCIDR(ip))
} else {
// not an IP, try a CIDR
if ip, cidr, err := net.ParseCIDR(svAddr.Address); err != nil {
// not a CIDR or IP - error out
warnings = append(warnings, "server '"+*server.HostName+"' IP '"+svAddr.Address+" is not an IP address or CIDR - skipping!")
} else if ip == nil {
// not a CIDR or IP - error out
warnings = append(warnings, "server '"+*server.HostName+"' IP '"+svAddr.Address+" failed to parse as IP or CIDR - skipping!")
} else {
// got a valid CIDR - add it to the list
if ip4 := ip.To4(); ip4 != nil {
ips = append(ips, cidr)
} else {
ip6s = append(ip6s, cidr)
cidrs := util.CoalesceCIDRs(ips, coalesceNumberV4, coalesceMaskLenV4)
cidr6s := util.CoalesceCIDRs(ip6s, coalesceNumberV6, coalesceMaskLenV6)
for _, cidr := range cidrs {
ipAllowDat = append(ipAllowDat, yamlAllowAllButPushPurge(cidr.String()))
for _, cidr := range cidr6s {
ipAllowDat = append(ipAllowDat, yamlAllowAllButPushPurge(cidr.String()))
// allow RFC 1918 server space - TODO JvD: parameterize
ipAllowDat = append(ipAllowDat, yamlAllowAllButPushPurge(``))
ipAllowDat = append(ipAllowDat, yamlAllowAllButPushPurge(``))
ipAllowDat = append(ipAllowDat, yamlAllowAllButPushPurge(``))
// order matters, so sort before adding the denys
// start with a deny for PUSH and PURGE - TODO CDL: parameterize
// but leave purge open through localhost
// Edges already deny PUSH and PURGE
// start by allowing everything to localhost, including PURGE and PUSH
ipAllowDat = append([]ipAllowYAMLData{yamlAllowAll(``)}, ipAllowDat...)
ipAllowDat = append([]ipAllowYAMLData{yamlAllowAll(`::1`)}, ipAllowDat...)
// end with a deny
ipAllowDat = append(ipAllowDat, yamlDenyAll(``))
ipAllowDat = append(ipAllowDat, yamlDenyAll(`::/0`))
text := makeHdrComment(opt.HdrComment)
text += `
for _, al := range ipAllowDat {
text += `
- apply: in
ip_addrs: ` + al.Src + `
action: ` + al.Action + `
for _, method := range al.Methods {
text += `
- ` + method
text += "\n"
return Cfg{
Text: text,
ContentType: ContentTypeHostingDotConfig,
LineComment: LineCommentHostingDotConfig,
Warnings: warnings,
}, nil
type ipAllowYAMLData struct {
Src string
Action string
Methods []string
type ipAllowYAMLDatas []ipAllowYAMLData
func (is ipAllowYAMLDatas) Len() int { return len(is) }
func (is ipAllowYAMLDatas) Swap(i, j int) { is[i], is[j] = is[j], is[i] }
func (is ipAllowYAMLDatas) Less(i, j int) bool {
if is[i].Src != is[j].Src {
return is[i].Src < is[j].Src
if is[i].Action != is[j].Action {
return is[i].Action < is[j].Action
if len(is[i].Methods) < len(is[j].Methods) {
return true
for mi := 0; mi < len(is[i].Methods); mi++ {
if is[i].Methods[mi] != is[j].Methods[mi] {
return is[i].Methods[mi] < is[j].Methods[mi]
return false
const YAMLActionAllow = "allow"
const YAMLActionDeny = "deny"
const YAMLMethodAll = "ALL"
// yamlAllowAllButPushPurge is a helper func to build a ipAllowYAMLData for the given range string immediately allowing all Methods except Push and Purge.
func yamlAllowAllButPushPurge(rangeStr string) ipAllowYAMLData {
// Note denying methods implicitly and immediately allows all other methods!
// So Deny PUSH|PURGE will make all other methods
// immediately allowed, regardless of any later deny rules!
methodPushPurge := []string{MethodPush, MethodPurge}
return ipAllowYAMLData{
Src: rangeStr,
Action: YAMLActionDeny,
Methods: methodPushPurge,
// yamlAllowAllButPushPurgeDelete is a helper func to build a ipAllowYAMLData for the given range string immediately allowing all Methods except PUSH, PURGE, and DELETE.
func yamlAllowAllButPushPurgeDelete(rangeStr string) ipAllowYAMLData {
// Note denying methods implicitly and immediately allows all other methods!
// So Deny PUSH|PURGE will make all other methods
// immediately allowed, regardless of any later deny rules!
methodPushPurgeDelete := []string{MethodPush, MethodPurge, MethodDelete}
return ipAllowYAMLData{
Src: rangeStr,
Action: YAMLActionDeny,
Methods: methodPushPurgeDelete,
// yamlAllowAll is a helper func to build a ipAllowYAMLData for the given range string immediately allowing all Methods, including Push and Purge.
func yamlAllowAll(rangeStr string) ipAllowYAMLData {
return ipAllowYAMLData{
Src: rangeStr,
Action: YAMLActionAllow,
Methods: []string{YAMLMethodAll},
// yamlDenyAll is a helper func to build a ipAllowYAMLData for the given range string immediately denying all Methods.
func yamlDenyAll(rangeStr string) ipAllowYAMLData {
return ipAllowYAMLData{
Src: rangeStr,
Action: YAMLActionDeny,
Methods: []string{YAMLMethodAll},