blob: 766076a235eb3f5ee40637188ea42e765f352b76 [file] [log] [blame]
package atscfg
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import (
const InvalidID = -1
const DefaultATSVersion = "5" // TODO Emulates Perl; change to 6? ATC no longer officially supports ATS 5.
// todo also unused
const HeaderCommentDateFormat = "Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 MST 2006"
const ContentTypeTextASCII = `text/plain; charset=us-ascii`
const LineCommentHash = "#"
const ConfigSuffix = ".config"
const TsDefaultRequestHeaderMaxSize = 131072
type DeliveryServiceID int
type ProfileID int
type ServerID int
type ProfileName string
type TopologyName string
type CacheGroupType string
type ServerCapability string
// Server is a tc.Server for the latest lib/go-tc and traffic_ops/vx-client type.
// This allows atscfg to not have to change the type everywhere it's used, every time ATC changes the base type,
// but to only have to change it here, and the places where breaking symbol changes were made.
type Server tc.ServerV40
// DeliveryService is a tc.DeliveryService for the latest lib/go-tc and traffic_ops/vx-client type.
// This allows atscfg to not have to change the type everywhere it's used, every time ATC changes the base type,
// but to only have to change it here, and the places where breaking symbol changes were made.
type DeliveryService tc.DeliveryServiceV40
// InvalidationJob is a tc.InvalidationJob for the latest lib/go-tc and traffic_ops/vx-client type.
// This allows atscfg to not have to change the type everywhere it's used, every time ATC changes the base type,
// but to only have to change it here, and the places where breaking symbol changes were made.
type InvalidationJob tc.InvalidationJobV4
// ServerUdpateStatus is a tc.ServerUdpateStatus for the latest lib/go-tc and traffic_ops/vx-client type.
// This allows atscfg to not have to change the type everywhere it's used, every time ATC changes the base type,
// but to only have to change it here, and the places where breaking symbol changes were made.
type ServerUpdateStatus tc.ServerUpdateStatusV4
// ToDeliveryServices converts a slice of the latest lib/go-tc and traffic_ops/vx-client type to the local alias.
func ToDeliveryServices(dses []tc.DeliveryServiceV40) []DeliveryService {
ad := make([]DeliveryService, 0, len(dses))
for _, ds := range dses {
ad = append(ad, DeliveryService(ds))
return ad
// V40ToDeliveryServices converts a slice of the old traffic_ops/v4-client type to the local alias.
func V40ToDeliveryServices(dses []tc.DeliveryServiceV40) []DeliveryService {
ad := make([]DeliveryService, 0, len(dses))
for _, ds := range dses {
ad = append(ad, DeliveryService(ds))
return ad
// ToInvalidationJobs converts a slice of the latest lib/go-tc and traffic_ops/vx-client type to the local alias.
func ToInvalidationJobs(jobs []tc.InvalidationJobV4) []InvalidationJob {
aj := make([]InvalidationJob, 0, len(jobs))
for _, job := range jobs {
aj = append(aj, InvalidationJob(job))
return aj
// ToServers converts a slice of the latest lib/go-tc and traffic_ops/vx-client type to the local alias.
func ToServers(servers []tc.ServerV40) []Server {
as := make([]Server, 0, len(servers))
for _, sv := range servers {
as = append(as, Server(sv))
return as
// ToServerUpdateStatuses converts a slice of the latest lib/go-tc and traffic_ops/vx-client type to the local alias.
func ToServerUpdateStatuses(statuses []tc.ServerUpdateStatusV40) []ServerUpdateStatus {
sus := make([]ServerUpdateStatus, 0, len(statuses))
for _, st := range statuses {
sus = append(sus, ServerUpdateStatus(st))
return sus
// CfgFile is all the information necessary to create an ATS config file, including the file name, path, data, and metadata.
// This is provided as a convenience and unified structure for users. The lib/go-atscfg library doesn't actually use or return this. See ATSConfigFileData.
type CfgFile struct {
Name string
Path string
// Cfg is the data and metadata for an ATS Config File.
// This includes the text, the content type (which is necessary for HTTP, multipart, and other things), and the line comment syntax if any.
// This is what is generated by the lib/go-atscfg library. Note it does not include the file name or path, which this library doesn't have enough information to return and is not part of generation. That information should be fetched from Traffic Ops, along with the data used to generate config files, or else generated from the machine. See CfgFile.
type Cfg struct {
Text string
ContentType string
LineComment string
Secure bool
Warnings []string
func makeCGMap(cgs []tc.CacheGroupNullable) (map[tc.CacheGroupName]tc.CacheGroupNullable, error) {
cgMap := map[tc.CacheGroupName]tc.CacheGroupNullable{}
for _, cg := range cgs {
if cg.Name == nil {
return nil, errors.New("got cachegroup with nil name!'")
cgMap[tc.CacheGroupName(*cg.Name)] = cg
return cgMap, nil
type serverParentCacheGroupData struct {
ParentID int
ParentType CacheGroupType
SecondaryParentID int
SecondaryParentType CacheGroupType
// getParentCacheGroupData returns the parent CacheGroup IDs and types for the given server.
// Takes a server and a CG map. To create a CGMap from an API CacheGroup slice, use MakeCGMap.
// If server's CacheGroup has no parent or secondary parent, returns InvalidID and "" with no error.
func getParentCacheGroupData(server *Server, cgMap map[tc.CacheGroupName]tc.CacheGroupNullable) (serverParentCacheGroupData, error) {
if server.Cachegroup == nil || *server.Cachegroup == "" {
return serverParentCacheGroupData{}, errors.New("server missing cachegroup")
} else if server.HostName == nil || *server.HostName == "" {
return serverParentCacheGroupData{}, errors.New("server missing hostname")
serverCG, ok := cgMap[tc.CacheGroupName(*server.Cachegroup)]
if !ok {
return serverParentCacheGroupData{}, errors.New("server '" + *server.HostName + "' cachegroup '" + *server.Cachegroup + "' not found in CacheGroups")
parentCGID := InvalidID
parentCGType := ""
if serverCG.ParentName != nil && *serverCG.ParentName != "" {
parentCG, ok := cgMap[tc.CacheGroupName(*serverCG.ParentName)]
if !ok {
return serverParentCacheGroupData{}, errors.New("server '" + *server.HostName + "' cachegroup '" + *server.Cachegroup + "' parent '" + *serverCG.ParentName + "' not found in CacheGroups")
if parentCG.ID == nil {
return serverParentCacheGroupData{}, errors.New("got cachegroup '" + *parentCG.Name + "' with nil ID!'")
parentCGID = *parentCG.ID
if parentCG.Type == nil {
return serverParentCacheGroupData{}, errors.New("got cachegroup '" + *parentCG.Name + "' with nil Type!'")
parentCGType = *parentCG.Type
secondaryParentCGID := InvalidID
secondaryParentCGType := ""
if serverCG.SecondaryParentName != nil && *serverCG.SecondaryParentName != "" {
parentCG, ok := cgMap[tc.CacheGroupName(*serverCG.SecondaryParentName)]
if !ok {
return serverParentCacheGroupData{}, errors.New("server '" + *server.HostName + "' cachegroup '" + *server.Cachegroup + "' secondary parent '" + *serverCG.SecondaryParentName + "' not found in CacheGroups")
if parentCG.ID == nil {
return serverParentCacheGroupData{}, errors.New("got cachegroup '" + *parentCG.Name + "' with nil ID!'")
secondaryParentCGID = *parentCG.ID
if parentCG.Type == nil {
return serverParentCacheGroupData{}, errors.New("got cachegroup '" + *parentCG.Name + "' with nil Type!'")
secondaryParentCGType = *parentCG.Type
return serverParentCacheGroupData{
ParentID: parentCGID,
ParentType: CacheGroupType(parentCGType),
SecondaryParentID: secondaryParentCGID,
SecondaryParentType: CacheGroupType(secondaryParentCGType),
}, nil
// isTopLevelCache returns whether server is a top-level cache, as defined by traditional CacheGroup parentage.
// This does not consider Topologies, and should not be used if the Delivery Service being considered has a Topology.
// Takes a ServerParentCacheGroupData, which may be created via GetParentCacheGroupData.
func isTopLevelCache(s serverParentCacheGroupData) bool {
return (s.ParentType == tc.CacheGroupOriginTypeName || s.ParentID == InvalidID) &&
(s.SecondaryParentType == tc.CacheGroupOriginTypeName || s.SecondaryParentID == InvalidID)
func makeHdrComment(hdrComment string) string {
return "# " + hdrComment + "\n\n"
// getATSMajorVersionFromATSVersion returns the major version of the given profile's package trafficserver parameter.
// The atsVersion is typically a Parameter on the Server's Profile, with the configFile "package" name "trafficserver".
// Returns an error if atsVersion is empty or does not start with an unsigned integer followed by a period or nothing.
func getATSMajorVersionFromATSVersion(atsVersion string) (int, error) {
dotPos := strings.Index(atsVersion, ".")
if dotPos == -1 {
dotPos = len(atsVersion) // if there's no '.' then assume the whole string is just a major version.
majorVerStr := atsVersion[:dotPos]
majorVer, err := strconv.Atoi(majorVerStr)
if err != nil || majorVer < 0 {
return 0, errors.New("unexpected version format '" + majorVerStr + "', expected e.g. '7.1.2.whatever'")
return majorVer, nil
// genericProfileConfig generates a generic profile config text, from the profile's parameters with the given config file name.
// This does not include a header comment, because a generic config may not use a number sign as a comment.
// If you need a header comment, it can be added manually via ats.HeaderComment, or automatically with WithProfileDataHdr.
func genericProfileConfig(
paramData map[string]string, // GetProfileParamData(tx, profileID, fileName)
separator string,
) string {
text := ""
lines := []string{}
for name, val := range paramData {
name = trimParamUnderscoreNumSuffix(name)
lines = append(lines, name+separator+val+"\n")
text = strings.Join(lines, "")
return text
// trimParamUnderscoreNumSuffix removes any trailing "__[0-9]+" and returns the trimmed string.
func trimParamUnderscoreNumSuffix(paramName string) string {
underscorePos := strings.LastIndex(paramName, `__`)
if underscorePos == -1 {
return paramName
if _, err := strconv.ParseFloat(paramName[underscorePos+2:], 64); err != nil {
return paramName
return paramName[:underscorePos]
// topologyIncludesServer returns whether the given topology includes the given server.
// todo also unused
func topologyIncludesServer(topology tc.Topology, server *tc.Server) bool {
for _, node := range topology.Nodes {
if node.Cachegroup == server.Cachegroup {
return true
return false
// topologyIncludesServerNullable returns whether the given topology includes the given server.
func topologyIncludesServerNullable(topology tc.Topology, server *Server) (bool, error) {
if server.Cachegroup == nil {
return false, errors.New("server missing Cachegroup")
for _, node := range topology.Nodes {
if node.Cachegroup == *server.Cachegroup {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// TopologyCacheTier is the position of a cache in the topology.
// Note this is the cache tier itself, notwithstanding MSO. So for an MSO service,
// Caches immediately before the origin are the TopologyCacheTierLast, even for MSO.
type TopologyCacheTier string
const (
TopologyCacheTierFirst = TopologyCacheTier("first")
TopologyCacheTierInner = TopologyCacheTier("inner")
TopologyCacheTierLast = TopologyCacheTier("last")
TopologyCacheTierInvalid = TopologyCacheTier("")
// TopologyPlacement contains data about the placement of a server in a topology.
type TopologyPlacement struct {
// InTopology is whether the server is in the topology at all.
InTopology bool
// IsFirstCacheTier is whether the server is the first cache tier. Note if the server is the only tier, both IsFirstCacheTier and IsLastCacheTier may be true.
IsFirstCacheTier bool
// IsInnerCacheTier is whether the server is an inner cache tier. This will never be true if IsFirstCacheTier or IsLstCacheTier are true.
IsInnerCacheTier bool
// IsLastCacheTier is whether the server is the last cache tier. Note if the server is the only tier, both IsFirstCacheTier and IsLastCacheTier may be true.
// Note this is distinct from IsLastTier, which will be false for the last cache tier of MSO.
IsLastCacheTier bool
// IsLastTier is whether the server is the last tier in the topology.
// Note this is different than IsLastCacheTier for MSO vs non-MSO. For MSO, the last tier is the Origin. For non-MSO, the last tier is the last cache tier.
IsLastTier bool
// getTopologyPlacement returns information about the cachegroup's placement in the topology, and any error.
// - Whether the cachegroup is the last tier in the topology.
// - Whether the cachegroup is in the topology at all.
// - Whether it's the first, inner, or last cache tier before the Origin.
func getTopologyPlacement(cacheGroup tc.CacheGroupName, topology tc.Topology, cacheGroups map[tc.CacheGroupName]tc.CacheGroupNullable, ds *DeliveryService) (TopologyPlacement, error) {
isMSO := ds.MultiSiteOrigin != nil && *ds.MultiSiteOrigin
serverNode := tc.TopologyNode{}
serverNodeIndex := -1
for nodeI, node := range topology.Nodes {
if node.Cachegroup == string(cacheGroup) {
serverNode = node
serverNodeIndex = nodeI
if serverNode.Cachegroup == "" {
return TopologyPlacement{InTopology: false}, nil
hasChildren := false
for _, node := range topology.Nodes {
for _, parent := range node.Parents {
if parent == serverNodeIndex {
hasChildren = true
break nodeFor
hasParents := len(serverNode.Parents) > 0
parentIsOrigin := false
if hasParents {
// TODO extra safety: check other parents, and warn if parents have different types?
parentI := serverNode.Parents[0]
if parentI >= len(topology.Nodes) {
return TopologyPlacement{}, errors.New("topology '" + topology.Name + "' has node with parent larger than nodes size! Config Generation will be malformed!")
parentNode := topology.Nodes[parentI]
parentCG, ok := cacheGroups[tc.CacheGroupName(parentNode.Cachegroup)]
if !ok {
return TopologyPlacement{}, errors.New("topology '" + topology.Name + "' has node with cachegroup '" + parentNode.Cachegroup + "' that wasn't found in cachegroups! Config Generation will be malformed!")
} else if parentCG.Type == nil {
return TopologyPlacement{}, errors.New("ATS config generation: cachegroup '" + parentNode.Cachegroup + "' with nil type! Config Generation will be malformed!")
parentIsOrigin = *parentCG.Type == tc.CacheGroupOriginTypeName
return TopologyPlacement{
InTopology: true,
IsFirstCacheTier: !hasChildren,
IsInnerCacheTier: hasChildren && hasParents && !parentIsOrigin,
IsLastCacheTier: !hasParents || parentIsOrigin,
IsLastTier: !hasParents || (parentIsOrigin && !isMSO), // If the parent CG is an Origin CG, but this DS is not MSO, then ignore the Topology and declare this the last tier
}, nil
func makeTopologyNameMap(topologies []tc.Topology) map[TopologyName]tc.Topology {
topoNames := map[TopologyName]tc.Topology{}
for _, to := range topologies {
topoNames[TopologyName(to.Name)] = to
return topoNames
// getTopologyDirectChildren returns the cachegroups which are immediate children of the given cachegroup in any topology.
func getTopologyDirectChildren(
cg tc.CacheGroupName,
topologies []tc.Topology,
) map[tc.CacheGroupName]struct{} {
children := map[tc.CacheGroupName]struct{}{}
for _, topo := range topologies {
svNodeI := -1
for nodeI, node := range topo.Nodes {
if node.Cachegroup == string(cg) {
svNodeI = nodeI
if svNodeI < 0 {
continue // this cg wasn't in the topology
for _, node := range topo.Nodes {
for _, parent := range node.Parents {
if parent == svNodeI {
children[tc.CacheGroupName(node.Cachegroup)] = struct{}{}
return children
type parameterWithProfiles struct {
ProfileNames []string
type parameterWithProfilesMap struct {
ProfileNames map[string]struct{}
// tcParamsToParamsWithProfiles unmarshals the Profiles that the tc struct doesn't.
func tcParamsToParamsWithProfiles(tcParams []tc.Parameter) ([]parameterWithProfiles, error) {
params := make([]parameterWithProfiles, 0, len(tcParams))
for _, tcParam := range tcParams {
param := parameterWithProfiles{Parameter: tcParam}
profiles := []string{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(tcParam.Profiles, &profiles); err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("unmarshalling JSON from parameter '" + strconv.Itoa(param.ID) + "': " + err.Error())
param.ProfileNames = profiles
param.Profiles = nil
params = append(params, param)
return params, nil
func parameterWithProfilesToMap(tcParams []parameterWithProfiles) []parameterWithProfilesMap {
params := []parameterWithProfilesMap{}
for _, tcParam := range tcParams {
param := parameterWithProfilesMap{Parameter: tcParam.Parameter, ProfileNames: map[string]struct{}{}}
for _, profile := range tcParam.ProfileNames {
param.ProfileNames[profile] = struct{}{}
params = append(params, param)
return params
func filterDSS(dsses []DeliveryServiceServer, dsIDs map[int]struct{}, serverIDs map[int]struct{}) []DeliveryServiceServer {
// TODO filter only DSes on this server's CDN? Does anything ever needs DSS cross-CDN? Surely not.
// Then, we can remove a bunch of config files that filter only DSes on the current cdn.
filtered := []DeliveryServiceServer{}
for _, dss := range dsses {
if len(dsIDs) > 0 {
if _, ok := dsIDs[dss.DeliveryService]; !ok {
if len(serverIDs) > 0 {
if _, ok := serverIDs[dss.Server]; !ok {
filtered = append(filtered, dss)
return filtered
// filterParams filters params and returns only the parameters which match configFile, name, and value.
// If configFile, name, or value is the empty string, it is not filtered.
// Returns a slice of parameters.
func filterParams(params []tc.Parameter, configFile string, name string, value string, omitName string) []tc.Parameter {
filtered := []tc.Parameter{}
for _, param := range params {
if configFile != "" && param.ConfigFile != configFile {
if name != "" && param.Name != name {
if value != "" && param.Value != value {
if omitName != "" && param.Name == omitName {
filtered = append(filtered, param)
return filtered
// paramsToMap converts a []tc.Parameter to a map[paramName]paramValue.
// If multiple params have the same value, the first one in params will be used an an error will be logged.
// Warnings will be returned if any parameters have the same name but different values.
// Returns the parameter map, and any warnings.
// See ParamArrToMultiMap.
func paramsToMap(params []tc.Parameter) (map[string]string, []string) {
warnings := []string{}
mp := map[string]string{}
for _, param := range params {
if val, ok := mp[param.Name]; ok {
if val < param.Value {
warnings = append(warnings, "got multiple parameters for name '"+param.Name+"' - ignoring '"+param.Value+"'")
} else {
warnings = append(warnings, "config generation got multiple parameters for name '"+param.Name+"' - ignoring '"+val+"'")
mp[param.Name] = param.Value
return mp, warnings
// paramArrToMultiMap converts a []tc.Parameter to a map[paramName][]paramValue.
func paramsToMultiMap(params []tc.Parameter) map[string][]string {
mp := map[string][]string{}
for _, param := range params {
mp[param.Name] = append(mp[param.Name], param.Value)
return mp
// getServerIPAddress gets the old IPv4 tc.Server.IPAddress from the new tc.Server.Interfaces.
// If no IPv4 address set as a ServiceAddress exists, returns nil
// Malformed addresses are ignored and skipped.
func getServerIPAddress(sv *Server) net.IP {
for _, iFace := range sv.Interfaces {
for _, addr := range iFace.IPAddresses {
if !addr.ServiceAddress {
if ip := net.ParseIP(addr.Address); ip != nil {
if ip4 := ip.To4(); ip4 != nil {
return ip4 // Valid IPv4, return it
continue // IP, but not v4, keep looking
// not an IP, try a CIDR
ip, _, err := net.ParseCIDR(addr.Address)
if err != nil || ip == nil {
continue // TODO log? Not a CIDR or IP, keep looking
// got a valid CIDR
if ip4 := ip.To4(); ip4 != nil {
return ip4 // CIDR is V4, return its IP
continue // valid CIDR, but not v4, keep looking
return nil
// getServiceAddresses returns the first "service" addresses for IPv4 and IPv6 that it finds.
// If an IPv4 or IPv6 "service" address is not found, returns nil for that IP.
// If no IPv4 address set as a ServiceAddress exists, returns nil
// Malformed addresses are ignored and skipped.
func getServiceAddresses(sv *Server) (net.IP, net.IP) {
v4 := net.IP(nil)
v6 := net.IP(nil)
for _, iFace := range sv.Interfaces {
for _, addr := range iFace.IPAddresses {
if !addr.ServiceAddress {
if ip := net.ParseIP(addr.Address); ip != nil {
if ip4 := ip.To4(); ip4 != nil {
if v4 == nil {
v4 = ip4
} else {
if v6 == nil {
v6 = ip
if v4 != nil && v6 != nil {
return v4, v6
// not an IP, try a CIDR
ip, _, err := net.ParseCIDR(addr.Address)
if err != nil || ip == nil {
continue // TODO log error? Not an IP or CIDR
if ip4 := ip.To4(); ip4 != nil {
if v4 == nil {
v4 = ip4
} else {
if v6 == nil {
v6 = ip
if v4 != nil && v6 != nil {
return v4, v6
return v4, v6
// getATSMajorVersion returns the ATS major version from the config_file 'package' name 'trafficserver' Parameter on the given Server Profile Parameters.
// If no Parameter is found, or the value is malformed, a warning or error is logged and DefaultATSVersion is returned.
// Returns the ATS major version, and any warnings
func getATSMajorVersion(serverParams []tc.Parameter) (int, []string) {
warnings := []string{}
atsVersionParam := ""
for _, param := range serverParams {
if param.ConfigFile != "package" || param.Name != "trafficserver" {
atsVersionParam = param.Value
if atsVersionParam == "" {
warnings = append(warnings, "ATS version Parameter (config_file 'package' name 'trafficserver') not found on Server Profile, using default")
atsVersionParam = DefaultATSVersion
atsMajorVer, err := getATSMajorVersionFromATSVersion(atsVersionParam)
if err != nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "getting ATS major version from server Profile Parameter, using default: "+err.Error())
atsMajorVer, err = getATSMajorVersionFromATSVersion(DefaultATSVersion)
if err != nil {
// should never happen
warnings = append(warnings, "getting ATS major version from default version! Should never happen! Using 0, config will be malformed! : "+err.Error())
return atsMajorVer, warnings
// getMaxRequestHeaderParam returns the 'CONFIG proxy.config.http.request_header_max_size' if configured in the Server Profile Parameters.
// If the parameter is not configured it will return the traffic server default request header max size.
func getMaxRequestHeaderParam(serverParams []tc.Parameter) (int, []string) {
warnings := []string{}
globalRequestHeaderMaxSize := TsDefaultRequestHeaderMaxSize
params, paramWarns := paramsToMap(filterParams(serverParams, RecordsFileName, "", "", "location"))
warnings = append(warnings, strings.Join(paramWarns, " "))
if val, ok := params["CONFIG proxy.config.http.request_header_max_size"]; ok {
size := strings.Fields(val)
sizeI, err := strconv.Atoi(size[1])
if err != nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "Couldn't convert string to int for max_req_header_size")
} else {
globalRequestHeaderMaxSize = sizeI
return globalRequestHeaderMaxSize, warnings
// hasRequiredCapabilities returns whether the given caps has all the required capabilities in the given reqCaps.
func hasRequiredCapabilities(caps map[ServerCapability]struct{}, reqCaps map[ServerCapability]struct{}) bool {
for reqCap, _ := range reqCaps {
if _, ok := caps[reqCap]; !ok {
return false
return true
// makeErr takes a list of warnings and an error string, and combines them to a single error.
// Configs typically generate a list of warnings as they go. When an error is encountered, we want to combine the warnings encountered and include them in the returned error message, since they're likely hints as to why the error occurred.
func makeErr(warnings []string, err string) error {
if len(warnings) == 0 {
return errors.New(err)
return errors.New(`(warnings: ` + strings.Join(warnings, `, `) + `) ` + err)
// makeErrf is a convenience for formatting errors for makeErr.
// todo also unused, maybe remove?
func makeErrf(warnings []string, format string, v ...interface{}) error {
return makeErr(warnings, fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
// DeliveryServiceServer is a compact version of DeliveryServiceServer.
// The Delivery Service Servers is massive on large CDNs not using Topologies, compacting it in JSON and dropping the timestamp drastically reduces the size.
// The t3c apps will also drop any DSS from Traffic Ops with null values, which are invalid and useless, to avoid pointers and further reduce size.
type DeliveryServiceServer struct {
Server int `json:"s"`
DeliveryService int `json:"d"`
func JobsToInvalidationJobs(oldJobs []tc.Job) ([]InvalidationJob, error) {
jobs := make([]InvalidationJob, len(oldJobs), len(oldJobs))
err := error(nil)
for i, oldJob := range oldJobs {
jobs[i], err = JobToInvalidationJob(oldJob)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("converting old tc.Job to tc.InvalidationJob: " + err.Error())
return jobs, nil
const JobV4TimeFormat = time.RFC3339Nano
const JobLegacyTimeFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05-07"
const JobLegacyRefetchSuffix = `##REFETCH##`
const JobLegacyRefreshSuffix = `##REFRESH##`
const JobLegacyParamPrefix = "TTL:"
const JobLegacyParamSuffix = "h"
const JobLegacyKeyword = "PURGE"
func JobToInvalidationJob(jb tc.Job) (InvalidationJob, error) {
startTime := tc.Time{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(`"`+jb.StartTime+`"`), &startTime); err != nil {
return InvalidationJob{}, errors.New("unmarshalling time: " + err.Error())
ttl, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(jb.Parameters, "TTL:"), "h"))
if err != nil {
return InvalidationJob{}, errors.New("unmarshalling ttl: " + err.Error())
invalType := tc.REFRESH
if strings.HasSuffix(jb.AssetURL, JobLegacyRefetchSuffix) {
invalType = tc.REFETCH
return InvalidationJob{
AssetURL: jb.AssetURL,
CreatedBy: jb.CreatedBy,
DeliveryService: jb.DeliveryService,
ID: uint64(jb.ID),
TTLHours: uint(ttl),
InvalidationType: invalType,
StartTime: startTime.Time,
}, nil
// FilterServers returns the servers for which filter returns true
func FilterServers(servers []Server, filter func(sv *Server) bool) []Server {
// TODO add warning/error feature?
filteredServers := []Server{}
for _, sv := range servers {
if filter(&sv) {
filteredServers = append(filteredServers, sv)
return filteredServers
// BoolOnOff returns 'on' if b, else 'off'.
// This is a helper func for some ATS config files that use "on" and "off" for boolean values.
func BoolOnOff(b bool) string {
if b {
return "on"
return "off"
// GetDSParameters returns the parameters for the given Delivery Service.
func GetDSParameters(
ds *DeliveryService,
params []tc.Parameter, // from v4-client.GetParameters -> /4.0/parameters
) ([]tc.Parameter, error) {
profileNames := []string{}
if ds.ProfileName != nil {
profileNames = append(profileNames, *ds.ProfileName)
return LayerProfiles(profileNames, params)
// GetServerParameters returns the parameters for the given Server, per the Layered Profiles feature.
// See LayerProfiles.
func GetServerParameters(
server *Server,
params []tc.Parameter, // from v4-client.GetParameters -> /4.0/parameters
) ([]tc.Parameter, error) {
return LayerProfiles(server.ProfileNames, params)
// LayerProfiles takes an ordered list of profile names (presumably from a Server or Delivery Service),
// and the Parameters from Traffic Ops (which includes Profile-Parameters data),
// and layers the parameters according to the ordered list of profiles.
// Returns the appropriate parameters for the Server, Delivery Service,
// or other object containing an ordered list of profiles.
func LayerProfiles(
profileNames []string, // from a Server, Delivery Service, or other object with "layered profiles".
tcParams []tc.Parameter, // from v4-client.GetParameters -> /4.0/parameters
) ([]tc.Parameter, error) {
params, err := tcParamsToParamsWithProfiles(tcParams)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("parsing parameters profiles: " + err.Error())
return layerProfilesFromWith(profileNames, params), nil
// layerProfilesFromWith is like LayerProfiles if you already have a []parameterWithProfiles.
func layerProfilesFromWith(profileNames []string, params []parameterWithProfiles) []tc.Parameter {
paramsMap := parameterWithProfilesToMap(params)
return layerProfilesFromMap(profileNames, paramsMap)
// layerProfilesFromMap is like LayerProfiles if you already have a []parameterWithProfilesMap.
func layerProfilesFromMap(profileNames []string, params []parameterWithProfilesMap) []tc.Parameter {
// ParamKey is the key for a Parameter, which
// if there's another Parameter with the same key in a subsequent profile
// in the ordered list, the last Parameter with this key will be used.
type ParamKey struct {
Name string
ConfigFile string
getParamKey := func(pa tc.Parameter) ParamKey { return ParamKey{Name: pa.Name, ConfigFile: pa.ConfigFile} }
allProfileParams := map[string][]tc.Parameter{}
for _, param := range params {
for profile, _ := range param.ProfileNames {
allProfileParams[profile] = append(allProfileParams[profile], param.Parameter)
layeredParamMap := map[ParamKey]tc.Parameter{}
for _, profileName := range profileNames {
profileParams := allProfileParams[profileName]
for _, param := range profileParams {
paramkey := getParamKey(param)
// because profileNames is ordered, this will cause subsequent params
// on other profiles to override previous ones, "layering" like we want.
layeredParamMap[paramkey] = param
layeredParams := []tc.Parameter{}
for _, param := range layeredParamMap {
layeredParams = append(layeredParams, param)
return layeredParams
// ServerProfilesMatch returns whether both servers have the same Profiles in the same order,
// and thus will have the same Parameters.
func ServerProfilesMatch(sa *Server, sb *Server) bool {
return ProfilesMatch(sa.ProfileNames, sb.ProfileNames)
// ProfilesMatch takes two ordered lists of profile names (such as from Servers or Delivery Services)
// and returns whether they contain the same profiles in the same order,
// and thus whether they will contain the same Parameters.
func ProfilesMatch(pa []string, pb []string) bool {
if len(pa) != len(pb) {
return false
for i, _ := range pa {
if pa[i] != pb[i] {
return false
return true