blob: 4bdfb1b46f06cc38031e191dd56cbb11245bc1f2 [file] [log] [blame]
"_comment": "These are the default properties for Traffic Portal. Customize these values to fit your needs.",
"properties": {
"name": "Traffic Portal",
"api": {
"_comment": "This should have the same value found in /etc/traffic_portal/conf/config.js",
"baseUrl": "https://localhost:8444/api/"
"enforceCapabilities": false,
"dashboard": {
"_comments": "These are configurable properties for the dashboard",
"autoRefresh": true,
"currentStats": {
"refreshRateInMS": 30000
"deliveryServiceGbps": {
"refreshRateInMS": 60000
"healthyCacheCount": {
"refreshRateInMS": 60000
"cacheStatusCount": {
"refreshRateInMS": 60000
"cdnChart": {
"refreshRateInMS": 60000
"capacity": {
"refreshRateInMS": 60000
"routing": {
"refreshRateInMS": 60000
"cacheGroupHealth": {
"refreshRateInMS": 60000
"snapshot": {
"_comments": "These are configurable properties for a cdn snapshot",
"diff": {
"_comments": "The snapshot diff may contains nested json objects. You can specify if you want these objects expanded, and if so, how many levels. 0 = not expanded, n = expanded to n levels. Set this to a high number (i.e. 100) to ensure full expansion.",
"expandLevel": 0
"cacheChecks": {
"_comments": "These are configurable properties for the cache checks view. The data for the cache checks view is derived from TO extensions. The extensions array should include an entry for each of your extensions or you can check GET api/1.3/servers/checks to see which checks you have configured.",
"show": true,
"updatePending": {
"show": true,
"key": "UPD",
"desc": "Configuration file updates have been applied or are pending for the EDGE or MID"
"revalPending": {
"show": true,
"key": "RVL",
"desc": "Content invalidation request(s) are pending for the EDGE or MID"
"extensions": [
"key": "ILO",
"desc": "Ping the iLO interface for EDGE or MID servers",
"type": "bool"
"key": "10G",
"desc": "Ping the IPv4 address of the EDGE or MID servers",
"type": "bool"
"key": "FQDN",
"desc": "DNS check that matches what the DNS servers responds with compared to what Traffic Ops has",
"type": "bool"
"key": "DSCP",
"desc": "Checks the DSCP value of packets from the edge server to the Traffic Ops server",
"type": "bool"
"key": "10G6",
"desc": "Ping the IPv6 address of the EDGE or MID servers",
"type": "bool"
"key": "MTU",
"desc": "Ping the EDGE or MID using the configured MTU from Traffic Ops",
"type": "bool"
"key": "CHR",
"desc": "Cache Hit Ratio %",
"type": "number"
"key": "CDU",
"desc": "Cache Disk Utilization %",
"type": "number"
"key": "ORT",
"desc": "Number of configuration differences as determined by ORT found between Traffic Ops and the cache",
"type": "number"
"deliveryServices": {
"_comment": "Delivery service settings",
"defaults": {
"_comments": "These are default values used when creating resources",
"ANY_MAP": {
"dscp": 0,
"regionalGeoBlocking": false,
"logsEnabled": false,
"geoProvider": 0,
"geoLimit": 0,
"ccrDnsTtl": 30,
"anonymousBlockingEnabled": false
"DNS": {
"routingName": "cdn",
"dscp": 0,
"ipv6RoutingEnabled": true,
"rangeRequestHandling": 0,
"qstringIgnore": 0,
"maxOriginConnections": 0,
"multiSiteOrigin": false,
"logsEnabled": false,
"geoProvider": 0,
"geoLimit": 0,
"missLat": 41.881944,
"missLong": -87.627778,
"signingAlgorithm": null,
"ccrDnsTtl": 30,
"regionalGeoBlocking": false,
"anonymousBlockingEnabled": false
"HTTP": {
"routingName": "cdn",
"deepCachingType": "NEVER",
"dscp": 0,
"ipv6RoutingEnabled": true,
"rangeRequestHandling": 0,
"qstringIgnore": 0,
"maxOriginConnections": 0,
"multiSiteOrigin": false,
"logsEnabled": false,
"initialDispersion": 1,
"regionalGeoBlocking": false,
"geoProvider": 0,
"geoLimit": 0,
"missLat": 41.881944,
"missLong": -87.627778,
"signingAlgorithm": null,
"ccrDnsTtl": 3600,
"anonymousBlockingEnabled": false,
"consistentHashQueryParams": []
"dscp": 0,
"routingName": "cdn",
"ipv6RoutingEnabled": true,
"logsEnabled": false,
"geoProvider": 0,
"geoLimit": 0,
"regionalGeoBlocking": false,
"ccrDnsTtl": 30,
"anonymousBlockingEnabled": false
"charts": {
"_comment": "Delivery Service Charts",
"autoRefresh": true,
"refreshRateInMS": 30000,
"customLink": {
"_comment": "Do you want to show a custom link to your own ds dashboards?",
"show": false,
"baseUrl": ""
"dsRequests": {
"_comments": "Should all delivery service changes go through the delivery service request/review process? You can also provide a override role name (i.e. admin) that will allow users with the given role to circumvent the delivery service request process.",
"enabled": false,
"overrideRole": ""
"servers": {
"_comment": "Server settings",
"charts": {
"_comment": "Do you want to show a charts button for each server? If so, where can the charts be found? xml id will be appended to the provided url.",
"show": false,
"baseUrl": ""
"customMenu": {
"_comments": "These are custom items you want to add to the menu. 'items' is an array of hashes where each hash has 'name' (the menu item name), 'embed' (true|false to determine if content is embedded in TP or not), and 'url' (the url of the content)",
"name": "Other",
"items": [
"name": "Docs",
"embed": false,
"url": ""
"oAuth": {
"_comment": "Opt-in OAuth properties for SSO login. See for more details. redirectUriParameterOverride defaults to redirect_uri if left blank.",
"enabled": false,
"oAuthUrl": "",
"oAuthTokenQueryParam": "example_token_key",
"redirectUriParameterOverride": "example_redirect_url_key",
"clientId": "exampleClient",
"oAuthCodeTokenUrl": ""