blob: 87139f0632e9db522270ae286d2b605ca11f9e9f [file] [log] [blame]
package towrap
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import (
// ITrafficOpsSession provides an interface to the Traffic Ops client, so it may be wrapped or mocked.
type ITrafficOpsSession interface {
CRConfigRaw(cdn string) ([]byte, error)
LastCRConfig(cdn string) ([]byte, time.Time, error)
TrafficMonitorConfigMap(cdn string) (*tc.TrafficMonitorConfigMap, error)
Set(session *client.Session)
URL() (string, error)
User() (string, error)
Servers() ([]tc.Server, error)
Profiles() ([]tc.Profile, error)
Parameters(profileName string) ([]tc.Parameter, error)
DeliveryServices() ([]tc.DeliveryService, error)
CacheGroups() ([]tc.CacheGroupNullable, error)
CRConfigHistory() []CRConfigStat
BackupFileExists() bool
const localHostIP = ""
var ErrNilSession = fmt.Errorf("nil session")
// TODO rename CRConfigCacheObj
type ByteTime struct {
bytes []byte
time time.Time
stats *tc.CRConfigStats
type ByteMapCache struct {
cache *map[string]ByteTime
m *sync.RWMutex
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) BackupFileExists() bool {
if _, err := os.Stat(s.CRConfigBackupFile); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
if _, err = os.Stat(s.TMConfigBackupFile); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return true
return false
func NewByteMapCache() ByteMapCache {
return ByteMapCache{m: &sync.RWMutex{}, cache: &map[string]ByteTime{}}
func (c ByteMapCache) Set(key string, newBytes []byte, stats *tc.CRConfigStats) {
defer c.m.Unlock()
(*c.cache)[key] = ByteTime{bytes: newBytes, stats: stats, time: time.Now()}
func (c ByteMapCache) Get(key string) ([]byte, time.Time, *tc.CRConfigStats) {
defer c.m.RUnlock()
if byteTime, ok := (*c.cache)[key]; !ok {
return nil, time.Time{}, nil
} else {
return byteTime.bytes, byteTime.time, byteTime.stats
// CRConfigHistoryThreadsafe stores history in a circular buffer.
type CRConfigHistoryThreadsafe struct {
hist *[]CRConfigStat
m *sync.RWMutex
limit *uint64
len *uint64
pos *uint64
func NewCRConfigHistoryThreadsafe(limit uint64) CRConfigHistoryThreadsafe {
hist := make([]CRConfigStat, limit, limit)
len := uint64(0)
pos := uint64(0)
return CRConfigHistoryThreadsafe{hist: &hist, m: &sync.RWMutex{}, limit: &limit, len: &len, pos: &pos}
// Add adds the given stat to the history. Does not add new additions with the same remote address and CRConfig Date as the previous.
func (h CRConfigHistoryThreadsafe) Add(i *CRConfigStat) {
defer h.m.Unlock()
if *h.len != 0 {
last := (*h.hist)[(*h.pos-1)%*h.limit]
datesEqual := (i.Stats.DateUnixSeconds == nil && last.Stats.DateUnixSeconds == nil) || (i.Stats.DateUnixSeconds != nil && last.Stats.DateUnixSeconds != nil && *i.Stats.DateUnixSeconds == *last.Stats.DateUnixSeconds)
cdnsEqual := (i.Stats.CDNName == nil && last.Stats.CDNName == nil) || (i.Stats.CDNName != nil && last.Stats.CDNName != nil && *i.Stats.CDNName == *last.Stats.CDNName)
reqAddrsEqual := i.ReqAddr == last.ReqAddr
if reqAddrsEqual && datesEqual && cdnsEqual {
(*h.hist)[*h.pos] = *i
*h.pos = (*h.pos + 1) % *h.limit
if *h.len < *h.limit {
func (h CRConfigHistoryThreadsafe) Get() []CRConfigStat {
defer h.m.RUnlock()
if *h.len < *h.limit {
return CopyCRConfigStat((*h.hist)[:*h.len])
new := make([]CRConfigStat, *h.limit)
copy(new, (*h.hist)[*h.pos:])
copy(new[*h.len-*h.pos:], (*h.hist)[:*h.pos])
return new
func CopyCRConfigStat(old []CRConfigStat) []CRConfigStat {
new := make([]CRConfigStat, len(old))
copy(new, old)
return new
type CRConfigStat struct {
ReqTime time.Time `json:"request_time"`
ReqAddr string `json:"request_address"`
Stats tc.CRConfigStats `json:"stats"`
Err error `json:"error"`
// TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe provides access to the Traffic Ops client safe for multiple goroutines. This fulfills the ITrafficOpsSession interface.
type TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe struct {
session **client.Session // pointer-to-pointer, because we're given a pointer from the Traffic Ops package, and we don't want to copy it.
m *sync.Mutex
lastCRConfig ByteMapCache
crConfigHist CRConfigHistoryThreadsafe
CRConfigBackupFile string
TMConfigBackupFile string
// NewTrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe returns a new threadsafe TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe wrapping the given `Session`.
func NewTrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe(s *client.Session, crConfigHistoryLimit uint64, cfg config.Config) TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe {
return TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe{session: &s, m: &sync.Mutex{}, lastCRConfig: NewByteMapCache(), crConfigHist: NewCRConfigHistoryThreadsafe(crConfigHistoryLimit), CRConfigBackupFile: cfg.CRConfigBackupFile, TMConfigBackupFile: cfg.TMConfigBackupFile}
// Set sets the internal Traffic Ops session. This is safe for multiple goroutines, being aware they will race.
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) Set(session *client.Session) {
defer s.m.Unlock()
*s.session = session
// getThreadsafeSession is used internally to get a copy of the session pointer, or nil if it doesn't exist. This should not be used outside TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe, and never stored, because part of the purpose of TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe is to store a pointer to the Session pointer, so it can be updated by one goroutine and immediately used by another. This should only be called immediately before using the session, since someone else may update it concurrently.
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) get() *client.Session {
defer s.m.Unlock()
if s.session == nil || *s.session == nil {
return nil
return *s.session
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) URL() (string, error) {
ss := s.get()
if ss == nil {
return "", ErrNilSession
return ss.URL, nil
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) User() (string, error) {
ss := s.get()
if ss == nil {
return "", ErrNilSession
return ss.UserName, nil
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) CRConfigHistory() []CRConfigStat {
return s.crConfigHist.Get()
func (s *TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) CRConfigValid(crc *tc.CRConfig, cdn string) error {
if crc.Stats.CDNName == nil {
return errors.New("CRConfig.Stats.CDN missing")
if crc.Stats.DateUnixSeconds == nil {
return errors.New("CRConfig.Stats.Date missing")
// Note this intentionally takes intended CDN, rather than trusting crc.Stats
lastCrc, lastCrcTime, lastCrcStats := s.lastCRConfig.Get(cdn)
if lastCrc == nil {
return nil
if lastCrcStats.DateUnixSeconds == nil {
log.Warnln("TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe.CRConfigValid returning no error, but last CRConfig Date was missing!")
return nil
if lastCrcStats.CDNName == nil {
log.Warnln("TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe.CRConfigValid returning no error, but last CRConfig CDN was missing!")
return nil
if *lastCrcStats.CDNName != *crc.Stats.CDNName {
return errors.New("CRConfig.Stats.CDN " + *crc.Stats.CDNName + " different than last received CRConfig.Stats.CDNName " + *lastCrcStats.CDNName + " received at " + lastCrcTime.Format(time.RFC3339Nano))
if *lastCrcStats.DateUnixSeconds > *crc.Stats.DateUnixSeconds {
return errors.New("CRConfig.Stats.Date " + strconv.FormatInt(*crc.Stats.DateUnixSeconds, 10) + " older than last received CRConfig.Stats.Date " + strconv.FormatInt(*lastCrcStats.DateUnixSeconds, 10) + " received at " + lastCrcTime.Format(time.RFC3339Nano))
return nil
func MonitorConfigValid(cfg *tc.TrafficMonitorConfigMap) error {
if cfg == nil {
return errors.New("MonitorConfig is nil")
if len(cfg.TrafficServer) == 0 {
return errors.New("MonitorConfig.TrafficServer empty (is the monitoring.json an empty object?)")
if len(cfg.CacheGroup) == 0 {
return errors.New("MonitorConfig.CacheGroup empty")
if len(cfg.TrafficMonitor) == 0 {
return errors.New("MonitorConfig.TrafficMonitor empty")
// TODO uncomment this, when TO is fixed to include DeliveryServices.
// See
// if len(cfg.DeliveryService) == 0 {
// return errors.New("MonitorConfig.DeliveryService empty")
// }
if len(cfg.Profile) == 0 {
return errors.New("MonitorConfig.Profile empty")
if intervalI, ok := cfg.Config["peers.polling.interval"]; !ok {
return errors.New(`MonitorConfig.Config["peers.polling.interval"] missing, peers.polling.interval parameter required`)
} else if _, ok := intervalI.(float64); !ok {
return fmt.Errorf(`MonitorConfig.Config["peers.polling.interval"] '%v' not a number, parameter peers.polling.interval must be a number`, intervalI)
if intervalI, ok := cfg.Config["health.polling.interval"]; !ok {
return errors.New(`MonitorConfig.Config["health.polling.interval"] missing, health.polling.interval parameter required`)
} else if _, ok := intervalI.(float64); !ok {
return fmt.Errorf(`MonitorConfig.Config["health.polling.interval"] '%v' not a number, parameter health.polling.interval must be a number`, intervalI)
return nil
// CRConfigRaw returns the CRConfig from the Traffic Ops. This is safe for multiple goroutines.
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) CRConfigRaw(cdn string) ([]byte, error) {
ss := s.get()
var remoteAddr string
if ss == nil {
return nil, ErrNilSession
b, reqInf, err := ss.GetCRConfig(cdn)
if err == nil {
remoteAddr = reqInf.RemoteAddr.String()
ioutil.WriteFile(s.CRConfigBackupFile, b, 0644)
} else {
if s.BackupFileExists() {
b, err = ioutil.ReadFile(s.CRConfigBackupFile)
if err != nil {
err = errors.New("file Read Error: " + err.Error())
return nil, err
remoteAddr = localHostIP
log.Errorln("Error getting CRConfig from traffic_ops, backup file exists, reading from file")
err = nil
} else {
return nil, ErrNilSession
hist := &CRConfigStat{time.Now(), remoteAddr, tc.CRConfigStats{}, err}
defer s.crConfigHist.Add(hist)
if err != nil {
return b, err
crc := &tc.CRConfig{}
json := jsoniter.ConfigFastest
if err = json.Unmarshal(b, crc); err != nil {
err = errors.New("invalid JSON: " + err.Error())
hist.Err = err
return b, err
hist.Stats = crc.Stats
if err = s.CRConfigValid(crc, cdn); err != nil {
err = errors.New("invalid CRConfig: " + err.Error())
hist.Err = err
return b, err
s.lastCRConfig.Set(cdn, b, &crc.Stats)
return b, nil
// LastCRConfig returns the last CRConfig requested from CRConfigRaw, and the time it was returned. This is designed to be used in conjunction with a poller which regularly calls CRConfigRaw. If no last CRConfig exists, because CRConfigRaw has never been called successfully, this calls CRConfigRaw once to try to get the CRConfig from Traffic Ops.
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) LastCRConfig(cdn string) ([]byte, time.Time, error) {
crConfig, crConfigTime, _ := s.lastCRConfig.Get(cdn)
if crConfig == nil {
b, err := s.CRConfigRaw(cdn)
return b, time.Now(), err
return crConfig, crConfigTime, nil
// TrafficMonitorConfigMapRaw returns the Traffic Monitor config map from the Traffic Ops, directly from the monitoring.json endpoint. This is not usually what is needed, rather monitoring needs the snapshotted CRConfig data, which is filled in by `TrafficMonitorConfigMap`. This is safe for multiple goroutines.
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) trafficMonitorConfigMapRaw(cdn string) (*tc.TrafficMonitorConfigMap, error) {
ss := s.get()
if ss == nil {
return nil, ErrNilSession
configMap, _, err := ss.GetTrafficMonitorConfigMap(cdn)
if err == nil {
err = MonitorConfigValid(configMap)
if err != nil {
// Default error case, no backup file exists
if !s.BackupFileExists() {
return nil, err
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(s.TMConfigBackupFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("reading TMConfigBackupFile: " + err.Error())
log.Errorln("Error getting configMap from traffic_ops, backup file exists, reading from file")
json := jsoniter.ConfigFastest
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &configMap); err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("unmarhsalling backup file monitoring.json: " + err.Error())
return configMap, err
json := jsoniter.ConfigFastest
data, err := json.Marshal(*configMap)
if err == nil {
ioutil.WriteFile(s.TMConfigBackupFile, data, 0644)
return configMap, err
// TrafficMonitorConfigMap returns the Traffic Monitor config map from the Traffic Ops. This is safe for multiple goroutines.
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) TrafficMonitorConfigMap(cdn string) (*tc.TrafficMonitorConfigMap, error) {
mc, err := s.trafficMonitorConfigMapRaw(cdn)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getting monitor config map: %v", err)
crcData, err := s.CRConfigRaw(cdn)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getting CRConfig: %v", err)
crConfig := tc.CRConfig{}
json := jsoniter.ConfigFastest
if err := json.Unmarshal(crcData, &crConfig); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unmarshalling CRConfig JSON : %v", err)
mc, err = CreateMonitorConfig(crConfig, mc)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("creating Traffic Monitor Config: %v", err)
return mc, nil
func CreateMonitorConfig(crConfig tc.CRConfig, mc *tc.TrafficMonitorConfigMap) (*tc.TrafficMonitorConfigMap, error) {
// Dump the "live" monitoring.json servers, and populate with the "snapshotted" CRConfig
mc.TrafficServer = map[string]tc.TrafficServer{}
for name, srv := range crConfig.ContentServers {
s := tc.TrafficServer{}
if srv.Profile != nil {
s.Profile = *srv.Profile
} else {
log.Warnf("Creating monitor config: CRConfig server %s missing Profile field\n", name)
if srv.Ip != nil {
s.IP = *srv.Ip
} else {
log.Warnf("Creating monitor config: CRConfig server %s missing IP field\n", name)
if srv.ServerStatus != nil {
s.ServerStatus = string(*srv.ServerStatus)
} else {
log.Warnf("Creating monitor config: CRConfig server %s missing Status field\n", name)
if srv.CacheGroup != nil {
s.CacheGroup = *srv.CacheGroup
} else {
log.Warnf("Creating monitor config: CRConfig server %s missing CacheGroup field\n", name)
if srv.Ip6 != nil {
s.IP6 = *srv.Ip6
} else {
log.Warnf("Creating monitor config: CRConfig server %s missing IP6 field\n", name)
if srv.Port != nil {
s.Port = *srv.Port
} else {
log.Warnf("Creating monitor config: CRConfig server %s missing Port field\n", name)
s.HostName = name
if srv.Fqdn != nil {
s.FQDN = *srv.Fqdn
} else {
log.Warnf("Creating monitor config: CRConfig server %s missing FQDN field\n", name)
if srv.InterfaceName != nil {
s.InterfaceName = *srv.InterfaceName
} else {
log.Warnf("Creating monitor config: CRConfig server %s missing InterfaceName field\n", name)
if srv.ServerType != nil {
s.Type = *srv.ServerType
} else {
log.Warnf("Creating monitor config: CRConfig server %s missing Type field\n", name)
if srv.HashId != nil {
s.HashID = *srv.HashId
} else {
log.Warnf("Creating monitor config: CRConfig server %s missing HashId field\n", name)
if srv.HttpsPort != nil {
s.HTTPSPort = *srv.HttpsPort
} else {
log.Warnf("Creating monitor config: CRConfig server %s missing HttpsPort field\n", name)
mc.TrafficServer[name] = s
// Dump the "live" monitoring.json monitors, and populate with the "snapshotted" CRConfig
mc.TrafficMonitor = map[string]tc.TrafficMonitor{}
for name, mon := range crConfig.Monitors {
// monitorProfile = *mon.Profile
m := tc.TrafficMonitor{}
if mon.Port != nil {
m.Port = *mon.Port
} else {
log.Warnf("Creating monitor config: CRConfig monitor %s missing Port field\n", name)
if mon.IP6 != nil {
m.IP6 = *mon.IP6
} else {
log.Warnf("Creating monitor config: CRConfig monitor %s missing IP6 field\n", name)
if mon.IP != nil {
m.IP = *mon.IP
} else {
log.Warnf("Creating monitor config: CRConfig monitor %s missing IP field\n", name)
m.HostName = name
if mon.FQDN != nil {
m.FQDN = *mon.FQDN
} else {
log.Warnf("Creating monitor config: CRConfig monitor %s missing FQDN field\n", name)
if mon.Profile != nil {
m.Profile = *mon.Profile
} else {
log.Warnf("Creating monitor config: CRConfig monitor %s missing Profile field\n", name)
if mon.Location != nil {
m.Location = *mon.Location
} else {
log.Warnf("Creating monitor config: CRConfig monitor %s missing Location field\n", name)
if mon.ServerStatus != nil {
m.ServerStatus = string(*mon.ServerStatus)
} else {
log.Warnf("Creating monitor config: CRConfig monitor %s missing ServerStatus field\n", name)
mc.TrafficMonitor[name] = m
// Dump the "live" monitoring.json DeliveryServices, and populate with the "snapshotted" CRConfig
// But keep using the monitoring.json thresholds, because they're not in the CRConfig.
rawDeliveryServices := mc.DeliveryService
mc.DeliveryService = map[string]tc.TMDeliveryService{}
for name, _ := range crConfig.DeliveryServices {
if rawDS, ok := rawDeliveryServices[name]; ok {
// use the raw DS if it exists, because the CRConfig doesn't have thresholds or statuses
mc.DeliveryService[name] = rawDS
} else {
mc.DeliveryService[name] = tc.TMDeliveryService{
XMLID: name,
TotalTPSThreshold: 0,
ServerStatus: "REPORTED",
TotalKbpsThreshold: 0,
return mc, nil
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) Servers() ([]tc.Server, error) {
ss := s.get()
if ss == nil {
return nil, ErrNilSession
servers, _, error := ss.GetServers()
return servers, error
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) Profiles() ([]tc.Profile, error) {
ss := s.get()
if ss == nil {
return nil, ErrNilSession
profiles, _, error := ss.GetProfiles()
return profiles, error
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) Parameters(profileName string) ([]tc.Parameter, error) {
ss := s.get()
if ss == nil {
return nil, ErrNilSession
parameters, _, error := ss.GetParametersByProfileName(profileName)
return parameters, error
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) DeliveryServices() ([]tc.DeliveryService, error) {
ss := s.get()
if ss == nil {
return nil, ErrNilSession
deliveryServices, _, error := ss.GetDeliveryServices()
return deliveryServices, error
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) CacheGroups() ([]tc.CacheGroupNullable, error) {
ss := s.get()
if ss == nil {
return nil, ErrNilSession
cacheGroups, _, error := ss.GetCacheGroupsNullable()
return cacheGroups, error