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package todata
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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import (
// Regexes maps Delivery Service Regular Expressions to delivery services.
// For performance, we categorize Regular Expressions into 3 categories:
// 1. Direct string matches, with no regular expression matching characters
// 2. .*\.foo\..* expressions, where foo is a direct string match with no regular expression matching characters
// 3. Everything else
// This allows us to do a cheap match on 1 and 2, and only regex match the uncommon case.
type Regexes struct {
DirectMatches map[string]tc.DeliveryServiceName
DotStartSlashDotFooSlashDotDotStar map[string]tc.DeliveryServiceName
RegexMatch map[*regexp.Regexp]tc.DeliveryServiceName
// DeliveryService returns the delivery service which matches the given fqdn, or false.
func (d Regexes) DeliveryService(domain, subdomain, subsubdomain string) (tc.DeliveryServiceName, bool) {
if ds, ok := d.DotStartSlashDotFooSlashDotDotStar[subdomain]; ok {
return ds, true
fqdn := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s", subsubdomain, subdomain, domain)
if ds, ok := d.DirectMatches[fqdn]; ok {
return ds, true
for regex, ds := range d.RegexMatch {
if regex.MatchString(fqdn) {
return ds, true
return "", false
// NewRegexes constructs a new Regexes object, initializing internal pointer members.
func NewRegexes() Regexes {
return Regexes{DirectMatches: map[string]tc.DeliveryServiceName{}, DotStartSlashDotFooSlashDotDotStar: map[string]tc.DeliveryServiceName{}, RegexMatch: map[*regexp.Regexp]tc.DeliveryServiceName{}}
// TOData holds CDN data fetched from Traffic Ops.
type TOData struct {
DeliveryServiceServers map[tc.DeliveryServiceName][]tc.CacheName
ServerDeliveryServices map[tc.CacheName][]tc.DeliveryServiceName
ServerTypes map[tc.CacheName]tc.CacheType
DeliveryServiceTypes map[tc.DeliveryServiceName]tc.DSTypeCategory
DeliveryServiceRegexes Regexes
ServerCachegroups map[tc.CacheName]tc.CacheGroupName
// New returns a new empty TOData object, initializing pointer members.
func New() *TOData {
return &TOData{
DeliveryServiceServers: map[tc.DeliveryServiceName][]tc.CacheName{},
ServerDeliveryServices: map[tc.CacheName][]tc.DeliveryServiceName{},
ServerTypes: map[tc.CacheName]tc.CacheType{},
DeliveryServiceTypes: map[tc.DeliveryServiceName]tc.DSTypeCategory{},
DeliveryServiceRegexes: NewRegexes(),
ServerCachegroups: map[tc.CacheName]tc.CacheGroupName{},
// TODataThreadsafe provides safe access for multiple goroutine writers and one goroutine reader, to the encapsulated TOData object.
// This could be made lock-free, if the performance was necessary
type TODataThreadsafe struct {
toData *TOData
m *sync.RWMutex
// NewThreadsafe returns a new TOData object, wrapped to be safe for multiple goroutine readers and a single writer.
func NewThreadsafe() TODataThreadsafe {
return TODataThreadsafe{m: &sync.RWMutex{}, toData: New()}
// Get returns the current TOData. Callers MUST NOT modify returned data. Mutation IS NOT threadsafe
// If callers need to modify, a new GetMutable() should be added which copies.
func (d TODataThreadsafe) Get() TOData {
defer d.m.RUnlock()
return *d.toData
func (d TODataThreadsafe) set(newTOData TOData) {
*d.toData = newTOData
// CRConfig is the CrConfig data needed by TOData. Note this is not all data in the CRConfig.
// TODO change strings to type?
type CRConfig struct {
ContentServers map[tc.CacheName]struct {
DeliveryServices map[tc.DeliveryServiceName][]string `json:"deliveryServices"`
CacheGroup string `json:"cacheGroup"`
Type string `json:"type"`
} `json:"contentServers"`
DeliveryServices map[tc.DeliveryServiceName]struct {
Matchsets []struct {
Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
MatchList []struct {
Regex string `json:"regex"`
} `json:"matchlist"`
} `json:"matchsets"`
} `json:"deliveryServices"`
// Fetch gets the CRConfig from Traffic Ops, creates the TOData maps, and atomically sets the TOData.
// TODO since the session is threadsafe, each TOData get func below could be put in a goroutine, if performance mattered
func (d TODataThreadsafe) Fetch(to towrap.ITrafficOpsSession, cdn string) error {
if _, err := to.CRConfigRaw(cdn); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error getting CRconfig from Traffic Ops: %v", err)
return d.Update(to, cdn)
// Update updates the TOData data with the last fetched CDN
func (d TODataThreadsafe) Update(to towrap.ITrafficOpsSession, cdn string) error {
crConfigBytes, _, err := to.LastCRConfig(cdn)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error getting last CRConfig: %v", err)
newTOData := TOData{}
var crConfig CRConfig
json := jsoniter.ConfigFastest
err = json.Unmarshal(crConfigBytes, &crConfig)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error unmarshalling CRconfig: %v", err)
newTOData.DeliveryServiceServers, newTOData.ServerDeliveryServices, err = getDeliveryServiceServers(crConfig)
if err != nil {
return err
newTOData.DeliveryServiceTypes, err = getDeliveryServiceTypes(crConfig)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error getting delivery service types from Traffic Ops: %v\n", err)
newTOData.DeliveryServiceRegexes, err = getDeliveryServiceRegexes(crConfig)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error getting delivery service regexes from Traffic Ops: %v\n", err)
newTOData.ServerCachegroups, err = getServerCachegroups(crConfig)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error getting server cachegroups from Traffic Ops: %v\n", err)
newTOData.ServerTypes, err = getServerTypes(crConfig)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error getting server types from Traffic Ops: %v\n", err)
return nil
// getDeliveryServiceServers gets the servers on each delivery services, for the given CDN, from Traffic Ops.
func getDeliveryServiceServers(crc CRConfig) (map[tc.DeliveryServiceName][]tc.CacheName, map[tc.CacheName][]tc.DeliveryServiceName, error) {
dsServers := map[tc.DeliveryServiceName][]tc.CacheName{}
serverDses := map[tc.CacheName][]tc.DeliveryServiceName{}
for serverName, serverData := range crc.ContentServers {
for deliveryServiceName := range serverData.DeliveryServices {
dsServers[deliveryServiceName] = append(dsServers[deliveryServiceName], serverName)
serverDses[serverName] = append(serverDses[serverName], deliveryServiceName)
return dsServers, serverDses, nil
// getDeliveryServiceRegexes gets the regexes of each delivery service, for the given CDN, from Traffic Ops.
// Returns a map[deliveryService][]regex.
func getDeliveryServiceRegexes(crc CRConfig) (Regexes, error) {
dsRegexes := map[tc.DeliveryServiceName][]string{}
for dsName, dsData := range crc.DeliveryServices {
for _, matchset := range dsData.Matchsets {
if len(matchset.MatchList) < 1 {
log.Warnln("CRConfig missing regex for delivery service '" + string(dsName) + "' matchset protocol '" + matchset.Protocol + "'")
dsRegexes[dsName] = append(dsRegexes[dsName], matchset.MatchList[0].Regex)
if len(dsRegexes[dsName]) == 0 {
return Regexes{}, fmt.Errorf("CRConfig missing regex for '%s'", dsName)
return createRegexes(dsRegexes)
// TODO precompute, move to TOData; call when we get new delivery services, instead of every time we create new stats
func createRegexes(dsToRegex map[tc.DeliveryServiceName][]string) (Regexes, error) {
dsRegexes := Regexes{
DirectMatches: map[string]tc.DeliveryServiceName{},
DotStartSlashDotFooSlashDotDotStar: map[string]tc.DeliveryServiceName{},
RegexMatch: map[*regexp.Regexp]tc.DeliveryServiceName{},
for ds, regexStrs := range dsToRegex {
for _, regexStr := range regexStrs {
prefix := `.*\.`
suffix := `\..*`
if strings.HasPrefix(regexStr, prefix) && strings.HasSuffix(regexStr, suffix) {
matchStr := regexStr[len(prefix) : len(regexStr)-len(suffix)]
if otherDs, ok := dsRegexes.DotStartSlashDotFooSlashDotDotStar[matchStr]; ok {
return dsRegexes, fmt.Errorf("duplicate regex %s (%s) in %s and %s", regexStr, matchStr, ds, otherDs)
dsRegexes.DotStartSlashDotFooSlashDotDotStar[matchStr] = ds
if !strings.ContainsAny(regexStr, `[]^\:{}()|?+*,=%@<>!'`) {
if otherDs, ok := dsRegexes.DirectMatches[regexStr]; ok {
return dsRegexes, fmt.Errorf("duplicate Regex %s in %s and %s", regexStr, ds, otherDs)
dsRegexes.DirectMatches[regexStr] = ds
// TODO warn? regex matches are unusual
r, err := regexp.Compile(regexStr)
if err != nil {
return dsRegexes, fmt.Errorf("regex %s failed to compile: %v", regexStr, err)
dsRegexes.RegexMatch[r] = ds
return dsRegexes, nil
// getServerCachegroups gets the cachegroup of each ATS Edge+Mid Cache server, for the given CDN, from Traffic Ops.
// Returns a map[server]cachegroup.
func getServerCachegroups(crc CRConfig) (map[tc.CacheName]tc.CacheGroupName, error) {
serverCachegroups := map[tc.CacheName]tc.CacheGroupName{}
for server, serverData := range crc.ContentServers {
serverCachegroups[server] = tc.CacheGroupName(serverData.CacheGroup)
return serverCachegroups, nil
// getServerTypes gets the cache type of each ATS Edge+Mid Cache server, for the given CDN, from Traffic Ops.
func getServerTypes(crc CRConfig) (map[tc.CacheName]tc.CacheType, error) {
serverTypes := map[tc.CacheName]tc.CacheType{}
for server, serverData := range crc.ContentServers {
t := tc.CacheTypeFromString(serverData.Type)
if t == tc.CacheTypeInvalid {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getServerTypes CRConfig unknown type for '%s': '%s'", server, serverData.Type)
serverTypes[server] = t
return serverTypes, nil
func getDeliveryServiceTypes(crc CRConfig) (map[tc.DeliveryServiceName]tc.DSTypeCategory, error) {
dsTypes := map[tc.DeliveryServiceName]tc.DSTypeCategory{}
for dsName, dsData := range crc.DeliveryServices {
if len(dsData.Matchsets) < 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("CRConfig missing protocol for '%s'", dsName)
dsTypeStr := dsData.Matchsets[0].Protocol
dsType := tc.DSTypeCategoryFromString(dsTypeStr)
if dsType == tc.DSTypeCategoryInvalid {
log.Warnln("CRConfig invalid matchset protocol for delivery service '" + string(dsName) + "' matchset protocol '" + dsTypeStr + "'; skipping")
dsTypes[dsName] = dsType
return dsTypes, nil