blob: 91cea01f59158365bbce8dd444ba79edc4e87414 [file] [log] [blame]
// TODO rename
package threadsafe
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import (
// ResultStatHistory provides safe access for multiple goroutines readers and a single writer to a stored HistoryHistory object.
// This could be made lock-free, if the performance was necessary
type ResultInfoHistory struct {
history *cache.ResultInfoHistory
m *sync.RWMutex
// NewResultInfoHistory returns a new ResultInfoHistory safe for multiple readers and a single writer.
func NewResultInfoHistory() ResultInfoHistory {
h := cache.ResultInfoHistory{}
return ResultInfoHistory{m: &sync.RWMutex{}, history: &h}
// Get returns the ResultInfoHistory. Callers MUST NOT modify. If mutation is necessary, call ResultInfoHistory.Copy()
func (h *ResultInfoHistory) Get() cache.ResultInfoHistory {
defer h.m.RUnlock()
return *h.history
// Set sets the internal ResultInfoHistory. This is only safe for one thread of execution. This MUST NOT be called from multiple threads.
func (h *ResultInfoHistory) Set(v cache.ResultInfoHistory) {
*h.history = v
type ResultStatHistory struct{ *sync.Map } // map[tc.CacheName]ResultStatValHistory
func NewResultStatHistory() ResultStatHistory {
return ResultStatHistory{&sync.Map{}}
func (h ResultStatHistory) LoadOrStore(cache tc.CacheName) ResultStatValHistory {
// TODO change to use sync.Pool?
v, _ := h.Map.LoadOrStore(cache, NewResultStatValHistory())
return v.(ResultStatValHistory)
// Range behaves like sync.Map.Range. It calls f for every value in the map; if f returns false, the iteration is stopped.
func (h ResultStatHistory) Range(f func(cache tc.CacheName, val ResultStatValHistory) bool) {
h.Map.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool {
return f(k.(tc.CacheName), v.(ResultStatValHistory))
// ResultStatValHistory is threadsafe for one writer. Specifically, because a CompareAndSwap is not provided, it's not possible to Load and Store without a race condition.
// If multiple writers were necessary, it wouldn't be difficult to add a CompareAndSwap, internally storing an atomically-accessed pointer to the slice.
type ResultStatValHistory struct{ *sync.Map } // map[string][]ResultStatVal
func NewResultStatValHistory() ResultStatValHistory { return ResultStatValHistory{&sync.Map{}} }
// Load returns the []ResultStatVal for the given stat. If the given stat does not exist, nil is returned.
func (h ResultStatValHistory) Load(stat string) []cache.ResultStatVal {
v, ok := h.Map.Load(stat)
if !ok {
return nil
return v.([]cache.ResultStatVal)
// Range behaves like sync.Map.Range. It calls f for every value in the map; if f returns false, the iteration is stopped.
func (h ResultStatValHistory) Range(f func(stat string, val []cache.ResultStatVal) bool) {
h.Map.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool {
return f(k.(string), v.([]cache.ResultStatVal))
// Store stores the given []ResultStatVal in the ResultStatValHistory for the given stat. Store is threadsafe for only one writer.
// Specifically, if there are multiple writers, there's a race, that one writer could Load(), another writer could Store() underneath it, and the first writer would then Store() having lost values.
// To safely use ResultStatValHistory with multiple writers, a CompareAndSwap function would have to be added.
func (h ResultStatValHistory) Store(stat string, vals []cache.ResultStatVal) {
h.Map.Store(stat, vals)
func (a ResultStatHistory) Add(r cache.Result, limit uint64) error {
errStrs := ""
resultHistory := a.LoadOrStore(r.ID)
if limit == 0 {
log.Warnln("ResultStatHistory.Add got limit 0 - setting to 1")
limit = 1
for statName, statVal := range r.Astats.Ats {
statHistory := resultHistory.Load(statName)
if len(statHistory) == 0 {
statHistory = make([]cache.ResultStatVal, 0, limit) // initialize to the limit, to avoid multiple allocations. TODO put in .Load(statName, defaultSize)?
// TODO check len(statHistory) == 0 before indexing, potential panic?
ok, err := newStatEqual(statHistory, statVal)
// If the new stat value is the same as the last, update the time and increment the span. Span is the number of polls the latest value has been the same, and hence the length of time it's been the same is span*pollInterval.
if err != nil {
errStrs += "cannot add stat " + statName + ": " + err.Error() + "; "
} else if ok {
statHistory[0].Time = r.Time
} else {
resultVal := cache.ResultStatVal{
Val: statVal,
Time: r.Time,
Span: 1,
if len(statHistory) > int(limit) {
statHistory = statHistory[:int(limit)]
} else if len(statHistory) < int(limit) {
statHistory = append(statHistory, cache.ResultStatVal{})
// shift all values to the right, in order to put the new val at the beginning. Faster than allocating memory again
for i := len(statHistory) - 1; i >= 1; i-- {
statHistory[i] = statHistory[i-1]
statHistory[0] = resultVal // new result at the beginning
resultHistory.Store(statName, statHistory)
if errStrs != "" {
return errors.New("some stats could not be added: " + errStrs[:len(errStrs)-2])
return nil
// newStatEqual Returns whether the given stat is equal to the latest stat in history. If len(history)==0, this returns false without error. If the given stat is not a JSON primitive (string, number, bool), this returns an error. We explicitly refuse to compare arrays and objects, for performance.
func newStatEqual(history []cache.ResultStatVal, stat interface{}) (bool, error) {
if len(history) == 0 {
return false, nil // if there's no history, it's "not equal", i.e. store this new history
switch stat.(type) {
case string:
case float64:
case bool:
return false, fmt.Errorf("incomparable stat type %T", stat)
switch history[0].Val.(type) {
case string:
case float64:
case bool:
return false, fmt.Errorf("incomparable history stat type %T", stat)
return stat == history[0].Val, nil
// StatsMarshall encodes the stats in JSON, encoding up to historyCount of each stat. If statsToUse is empty, all stats are encoded; otherwise, only the given stats are encoded. If wildcard is true, stats which contain the text in each statsToUse are returned, instead of exact stat names. If cacheType is not CacheTypeInvalid, only stats for the given type are returned. If hosts is not empty, only the given hosts are returned.
func StatsMarshall(statResultHistory ResultStatHistory, statInfo cache.ResultInfoHistory, combinedStates tc.CRStates, monitorConfig tc.TrafficMonitorConfigMap, statMaxKbpses cache.Kbpses, filter cache.Filter, params url.Values) ([]byte, error) {
stats := cache.Stats{
CommonAPIData: srvhttp.GetCommonAPIData(params, time.Now()),
Caches: map[tc.CacheName]map[string][]cache.ResultStatVal{},
computedStats := cache.ComputedStats()
// TODO in 1.0, stats are divided into 'location', 'cache', and 'type'. 'cache' are hidden by default.
for id, combinedStatesCache := range combinedStates.Caches {
if !filter.UseCache(id) {
cacheStatResultHistory := statResultHistory.LoadOrStore(id)
cacheStatResultHistory.Range(func(stat string, vals []cache.ResultStatVal) bool {
stat = "ats." + stat // TM1 prefixes ATS stats with 'ats.'
if !filter.UseStat(stat) {
return true
historyCount := 1
for _, val := range vals {
if !filter.WithinStatHistoryMax(historyCount) {
if _, ok := stats.Caches[id]; !ok {
stats.Caches[id] = map[string][]cache.ResultStatVal{}
stats.Caches[id][stat] = append(stats.Caches[id][stat], val)
historyCount += int(val.Span)
return true
serverInfo, ok := monitorConfig.TrafficServer[string(id)]
if !ok {
log.Warnf("cache.StatsMarshall server %s missing from monitorConfig\n", id)
serverProfile, ok := monitorConfig.Profile[serverInfo.Profile]
if !ok {
log.Warnf("cache.StatsMarshall server %s missing profile in monitorConfig\n", id)
for i, resultInfo := range statInfo[id] {
if !filter.WithinStatHistoryMax(i + 1) {
if _, ok := stats.Caches[id]; !ok {
stats.Caches[id] = map[string][]cache.ResultStatVal{}
t := resultInfo.Time
for stat, statValF := range computedStats {
if !filter.UseStat(stat) {
stats.Caches[id][stat] = append(stats.Caches[id][stat], cache.ResultStatVal{Val: statValF(resultInfo, serverInfo, serverProfile, combinedStatesCache), Time: t, Span: 1}) // combinedState will default to unavailable
json := jsoniter.ConfigFastest // TODO make configurable
return json.Marshal(stats)
func pruneStats(history []cache.ResultStatVal, limit uint64) []cache.ResultStatVal {
if uint64(len(history)) > limit {
history = history[:limit-1]
return history