blob: 2cade973475c7243f9a83f7f9fb6053e9b269059 [file] [log] [blame]
package manager
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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import (
// StartStateCombiner starts the State Combiner goroutine, and returns the threadsafe CombinedStates, and a func to signal to combine states.
func StartStateCombiner(events health.ThreadsafeEvents, peerStates peer.CRStatesPeersThreadsafe, localStates peer.CRStatesThreadsafe, toData todata.TODataThreadsafe) (peer.CRStatesThreadsafe, func()) {
combinedStates := peer.NewCRStatesThreadsafe()
// the chan buffer just reduces the number of goroutines on our infinite buffer hack in combineState(), no real writer will block, since combineState() writes in a goroutine.
combineStateChan := make(chan struct{}, 5)
combineState := func() {
go func() { combineStateChan <- struct{}{} }()
drain := func(c <-chan struct{}) {
for {
select {
case <-c:
break outer
go func() {
overrideMap := map[tc.CacheName]bool{}
for range combineStateChan {
combineCrStates(events, true, peerStates, localStates.Get(), combinedStates, overrideMap, toData.Get())
return combinedStates, combineState
func combineCacheState(cacheName tc.CacheName, localCacheState tc.IsAvailable, events health.ThreadsafeEvents, peerOptimistic bool, peerStates peer.CRStatesPeersThreadsafe, localStates tc.CRStates, combinedStates peer.CRStatesThreadsafe, overrideMap map[tc.CacheName]bool, toData todata.TOData) {
overrideCondition := ""
available := false
override := overrideMap[cacheName]
if localCacheState.IsAvailable {
available = true // we don't care about the peers, we got a "good one", and we're optimistic
if override {
overrideCondition = "cleared; healthy locally"
overrideMap[cacheName] = false
} else if peerOptimistic {
if !peerStates.HasAvailablePeers() {
if override {
overrideCondition = "irrelevant; no peers online"
overrideMap[cacheName] = false
} else {
onlineOnPeers := make([]string, 0)
for peer, peerCrStates := range peerStates.GetCrstates() {
if peerStates.GetPeerAvailability(peer) {
if peerCrStates.Caches[cacheName].IsAvailable {
onlineOnPeers = append(onlineOnPeers, peer.String())
if len(onlineOnPeers) > 0 {
available = true
if !override {
overrideCondition = fmt.Sprintf("detected; healthy on (at least) %s", strings.Join(onlineOnPeers, ", "))
overrideMap[cacheName] = true
} else {
if override {
overrideCondition = "irrelevant; not online on any peers"
overrideMap[cacheName] = false
if overrideCondition != "" {
events.Add(health.Event{Time: health.Time(time.Now()), Description: fmt.Sprintf("Health protocol override condition %s", overrideCondition), Name: cacheName.String(), Hostname: cacheName.String(), Type: toData.ServerTypes[cacheName].String(), Available: available})
combinedStates.AddCache(cacheName, tc.IsAvailable{IsAvailable: available})
func combineDSState(
deliveryServiceName tc.DeliveryServiceName,
localDeliveryService tc.CRStatesDeliveryService,
events health.ThreadsafeEvents,
peerOptimistic bool,
peerStates peer.CRStatesPeersThreadsafe,
localStates tc.CRStates,
combinedStates peer.CRStatesThreadsafe,
overrideMap map[tc.CacheName]bool,
toData todata.TOData,
) {
deliveryService := tc.CRStatesDeliveryService{IsAvailable: false, DisabledLocations: []tc.CacheGroupName{}} // important to initialize DisabledLocations, so JSON is `[]` not `null`
if localDeliveryService.IsAvailable {
deliveryService.IsAvailable = true
deliveryService.DisabledLocations = localDeliveryService.DisabledLocations
for peerName, iPeerStates := range peerStates.GetCrstates() {
peerDeliveryService, ok := iPeerStates.DeliveryService[deliveryServiceName]
if !ok {
log.Infof("local delivery service %s not found in peer %s\n", deliveryServiceName, peerName)
if peerDeliveryService.IsAvailable {
deliveryService.IsAvailable = true
deliveryService.DisabledLocations = intersection(deliveryService.DisabledLocations, peerDeliveryService.DisabledLocations)
combinedStates.SetDeliveryService(deliveryServiceName, deliveryService)
// pruneCombinedDSState deletes delivery services in combined states which have been removed from localStates and peerStates
func pruneCombinedDSState(combinedStates peer.CRStatesThreadsafe, localStates tc.CRStates, peerStates peer.CRStatesPeersThreadsafe) {
combinedCRStates := combinedStates.Get()
// remove any DS in combinedStates NOT in local states or peer states
for deliveryServiceName := range combinedCRStates.DeliveryService {
inPeer := false
inLocal := false
for _, iPeerStates := range peerStates.GetCrstates() {
if _, ok := iPeerStates.DeliveryService[deliveryServiceName]; ok {
inPeer = true
if _, ok := localStates.DeliveryService[deliveryServiceName]; ok {
inLocal = true
if !inPeer && !inLocal {
// pruneCombinedCaches deletes caches in combined states which have been removed from localStates.
func pruneCombinedCaches(combinedStates peer.CRStatesThreadsafe, localStates tc.CRStates) {
combinedCaches := combinedStates.GetCaches()
for cacheName, _ := range combinedCaches {
if _, ok := localStates.Caches[cacheName]; !ok {
func combineCrStates(events health.ThreadsafeEvents, peerOptimistic bool, peerStates peer.CRStatesPeersThreadsafe, localStates tc.CRStates, combinedStates peer.CRStatesThreadsafe, overrideMap map[tc.CacheName]bool, toData todata.TOData) {
for cacheName, localCacheState := range localStates.Caches { // localStates gets pruned when servers are disabled, it's the source of truth
combineCacheState(cacheName, localCacheState, events, peerOptimistic, peerStates, localStates, combinedStates, overrideMap, toData)
for deliveryServiceName, localDeliveryService := range localStates.DeliveryService {
combineDSState(deliveryServiceName, localDeliveryService, events, peerOptimistic, peerStates, localStates, combinedStates, overrideMap, toData)
pruneCombinedDSState(combinedStates, localStates, peerStates)
pruneCombinedCaches(combinedStates, localStates)
// CacheNameSlice is a slice of cache names, which fulfills the `sort.Interface` interface.
type CacheGroupNameSlice []tc.CacheGroupName
func (p CacheGroupNameSlice) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p CacheGroupNameSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i] < p[j] }
func (p CacheGroupNameSlice) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
// intersection returns strings in both a and b.
// Note this modifies a and b. Specifically, it sorts them. If that isn't acceptable, pass copies of your real data.
func intersection(a []tc.CacheGroupName, b []tc.CacheGroupName) []tc.CacheGroupName {
c := []tc.CacheGroupName{} // important to initialize, so JSON is `[]` not `null`
for _, s := range a {
i := sort.Search(len(b), func(i int) bool { return b[i] >= s })
if i < len(b) && b[i] == s {
c = append(c, s)
return c