blob: 80930d458ed1f942593ced1fe6449ffaf6cb54f9 [file] [log] [blame]
package cache
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// stats_type_astats is the default Stats format for Traffic Control.
// It is the Stats format produced by the `astats` plugin to Apache Traffic Server, included with Traffic Control.
// Stats are of the form `{"ats": {"name", number}}`,
// Where `name` is of the form:
// `""`
// Where `stat-name` is one of:
// `in_bytes`, `out_bytes`, `status_2xx`, `status_3xx`, `status_4xx`, `status_5xx`
import (
func init() {
AddStatsType("astats", astatsParse, astatsPrecompute)
func astatsParse(cache tc.CacheName, rdr io.Reader) (error, map[string]interface{}, AstatsSystem) {
if rdr == nil {
log.Warnln(string(cache) + " handle reader nil")
return errors.New("handler got nil reader"), nil, AstatsSystem{}
astats := Astats{}
json := jsoniter.ConfigFastest // TODo make configurable?
err := json.NewDecoder(rdr).Decode(&astats)
return err, astats.Ats, astats.System
func astatsPrecompute(cache tc.CacheName, toData todata.TOData, rawStats map[string]interface{}, system AstatsSystem) PrecomputedData {
stats := map[tc.DeliveryServiceName]*AStat{}
precomputed := PrecomputedData{}
var err error
if precomputed.OutBytes, err = astatsOutBytes(system.ProcNetDev, system.InfName); err != nil {
precomputed.OutBytes = 0
log.Errorf("precomputeAstats %s handle precomputing outbytes '%v'\n", cache, err)
kbpsInMbps := int64(1000)
precomputed.MaxKbps = int64(system.InfSpeed) * kbpsInMbps
for stat, value := range rawStats {
stats, err = astatsProcessStat(cache, stats, toData, stat, value)
if err != nil && err != dsdata.ErrNotProcessedStat {
log.Infof("precomputing cache %v stat %v value %v error %v", cache, stat, value, err)
precomputed.Errors = append(precomputed.Errors, err)
precomputed.DeliveryServiceStats = stats
return precomputed
// outBytes takes the string, and the interface name, and returns the bytes field
func astatsOutBytes(procNetDev, iface string) (int64, error) {
if procNetDev == "" {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("procNetDev empty")
if iface == "" {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("iface empty")
ifacePos := strings.Index(procNetDev, iface)
if ifacePos == -1 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("interface '%s' not found in '%s'", iface, procNetDev)
procNetDevIfaceBytes := procNetDev[ifacePos+len(iface)+1:]
procNetDevIfaceBytesArr := strings.Fields(procNetDevIfaceBytes) // TODO test
if len(procNetDevIfaceBytesArr) < 10 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf(" iface '%v' unknown format '%s'", iface, procNetDev)
procNetDevIfaceBytes = procNetDevIfaceBytesArr[8]
return strconv.ParseInt(procNetDevIfaceBytes, 10, 64)
// astatsProcessStat and its subsidiary functions act as a State Machine, flowing the stat thru states for each "." component of the stat name
func astatsProcessStat(server tc.CacheName, stats map[tc.DeliveryServiceName]*AStat, toData todata.TOData, stat string, value interface{}) (map[tc.DeliveryServiceName]*AStat, error) {
parts := strings.Split(stat, ".")
if len(parts) < 1 {
return stats, fmt.Errorf("stat has no initial part")
switch parts[0] {
case "plugin":
return astatsProcessStatPlugin(server, stats, toData, stat, parts[1:], value)
case "proxy":
return stats, dsdata.ErrNotProcessedStat
case "server":
return stats, dsdata.ErrNotProcessedStat
return stats, fmt.Errorf("stat '%s' has unknown initial part '%s'", stat, parts[0])
func astatsProcessStatPlugin(server tc.CacheName, stats map[tc.DeliveryServiceName]*AStat, toData todata.TOData, stat string, statParts []string, value interface{}) (map[tc.DeliveryServiceName]*AStat, error) {
if len(statParts) < 1 {
return stats, fmt.Errorf("stat has no plugin part")
switch statParts[0] {
case "remap_stats":
return astatsProcessStatPluginRemapStats(server, stats, toData, stat, statParts[1:], value)
return stats, fmt.Errorf("stat has unknown plugin part '%s'", statParts[0])
func astatsProcessStatPluginRemapStats(server tc.CacheName, stats map[tc.DeliveryServiceName]*AStat, toData todata.TOData, stat string, statParts []string, value interface{}) (map[tc.DeliveryServiceName]*AStat, error) {
if len(statParts) < 3 {
return stats, fmt.Errorf("stat has no remap_stats deliveryservice and name parts")
// the FQDN is `subsubdomain`.`subdomain`.`domain`. For a HTTP delivery service, `subsubdomain` will be the cache hostname; for a DNS delivery service, it will be `edge`. Then, `subdomain` is the delivery service regex.
subsubdomain := statParts[0]
subdomain := statParts[1]
domain := strings.Join(statParts[2:len(statParts)-1], ".")
ds, ok := toData.DeliveryServiceRegexes.DeliveryService(domain, subdomain, subsubdomain)
if !ok {
fqdn := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s", subsubdomain, subdomain, domain)
return stats, fmt.Errorf("ERROR no delivery service match for fqdn '%v' stat '%v'\n", fqdn, strings.Join(statParts, "."))
if ds == "" {
fqdn := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s", subsubdomain, subdomain, domain)
return stats, fmt.Errorf("ERROR EMPTY delivery service fqdn %v stat %v\n", fqdn, strings.Join(statParts, "."))
statName := statParts[len(statParts)-1]
dsStat, ok := stats[ds]
if !ok {
dsStat = &AStat{}
stats[ds] = dsStat
if err := astatsAddCacheStat(dsStat, statName, value); err != nil {
return stats, err
stats[ds] = dsStat // TODO verify unnecessary, remove
return stats, nil
// addCacheStat adds the given stat to the existing stat. Note this adds, it doesn't overwrite. Numbers are summed, strings are concatenated.
// TODO make this less duplicate code somehow.
func astatsAddCacheStat(stat *AStat, name string, val interface{}) error {
switch name {
case "status_2xx":
v, ok := val.(float64)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("stat '%s' value expected int actual '%v' type %T", name, val, val)
stat.Status2xx += uint64(v)
case "status_3xx":
v, ok := val.(float64)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("stat '%s' value expected int actual '%v' type %T", name, val, val)
stat.Status3xx += uint64(v)
case "status_4xx":
v, ok := val.(float64)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("stat '%s' value expected int actual '%v' type %T", name, val, val)
stat.Status4xx += uint64(v)
case "status_5xx":
v, ok := val.(float64)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("stat '%s' value expected int actual '%v' type %T", name, val, val)
stat.Status5xx += uint64(v)
case "out_bytes":
v, ok := val.(float64)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("stat '%s' value expected int actual '%v' type %T", name, val, val)
stat.OutBytes += uint64(v)
case "in_bytes":
v, ok := val.(float64)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("stat '%s' value expected int actual '%v' type %T", name, val, val)
stat.InBytes += uint64(v)
case "status_unknown":
return dsdata.ErrNotProcessedStat
return fmt.Errorf("unknown stat '%s'", name)
return nil