blob: d9896decf8e3d92d8169d66ea72196f3491c2da5 [file] [log] [blame]
package cache
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import (
func TestAstats(t *testing.T) {
t.Log("Running Astats Tests")
text, err := ioutil.ReadFile("astats.json")
if err != nil {
aStats := Astats{}
json := jsoniter.ConfigFastest
err = json.Unmarshal(text, &aStats)
fmt.Printf("aStats ---> %v\n", aStats)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Found %v key/val pairs in ats\n", len(aStats.Ats))
func getMockTODataDSNameDirectMatches() map[tc.DeliveryServiceName]string {
return map[tc.DeliveryServiceName]string{
"ds0": "ds0.example.invalid",
"ds1": "ds1.example.invalid",
func getMockTOData(dsNameFQDNs map[tc.DeliveryServiceName]string) todata.TOData {
tod := todata.New()
for dsName, dsDirectMatch := range dsNameFQDNs {
tod.DeliveryServiceRegexes.DirectMatches[dsDirectMatch] = dsName
return *tod
func getMockRawStats(cacheName string, dsNameFQDNs map[tc.DeliveryServiceName]string) map[string]interface{} {
st := map[string]interface{}{}
for _, dsFQDN := range dsNameFQDNs {
st["plugin.remap_stats."+dsFQDN+".in_bytes"] = float64(rand.Uint64())
st["plugin.remap_stats."+dsFQDN+".out_bytes"] = float64(rand.Uint64())
st["plugin.remap_stats."+dsFQDN+".status_2xx"] = float64(rand.Uint64())
st["plugin.remap_stats."+dsFQDN+".status_3xx"] = float64(rand.Uint64())
st["plugin.remap_stats."+dsFQDN+".status_4xx"] = float64(rand.Uint64())
st["plugin.remap_stats."+dsFQDN+".status_5xx"] = float64(rand.Uint64())
return st
func getMockSystem(infSpeed int, outBytes int) AstatsSystem {
infName := randStr()
return AstatsSystem{
InfName: infName,
InfSpeed: 9876554433210,
ProcNetDev: infName + ":12234567 8901234 1 2 3 4 5 12345 " + strconv.Itoa(outBytes) + " 923412341234 6 7 8 9 10 11",
ProcLoadavg: "1.2 2.34 5.67 1/876 1234",
ConfigLoadRequest: rand.Int(),
LastReloadRequest: rand.Int(),
ConfigReloads: rand.Int(),
LastReload: rand.Int(),
AstatsLoad: rand.Int(),
NotAvailable: randBool(),
func TestAstatsPrecompute(t *testing.T) {
dsNameFQDNs := getMockTODataDSNameDirectMatches()
toData := getMockTOData(dsNameFQDNs)
cacheName := "cache0"
rawStats := getMockRawStats(cacheName, dsNameFQDNs)
outBytes := 987655443321
infSpeedMbps := 9876554433210
system := getMockSystem(infSpeedMbps, outBytes)
prc := astatsPrecompute(tc.CacheName(cacheName), toData, rawStats, system)
if len(prc.Errors) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("astatsPrecompute Errors expected 0, actual: %+v\n", prc.Errors)
if prc.OutBytes != int64(outBytes) {
t.Fatalf("astatsPrecompute OutBytes expected 987655443321, actual: %+v\n", prc.OutBytes)
if prc.MaxKbps != int64(infSpeedMbps*1000) {
t.Fatalf("astatsPrecompute MaxKbps expected 9876554433210000, actual: %+v\n", prc.MaxKbps)
for dsName, dsFQDN := range dsNameFQDNs {
dsStat, ok := prc.DeliveryServiceStats[dsName]
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("astatsPrecompute DeliveryServiceStats expected %+v, actual: missing\n", dsName)
if statName := "plugin.remap_stats." + dsFQDN + ".in_bytes"; dsStat.InBytes != uint64(rawStats[statName].(float64)) {
t.Fatalf("astatsPrecompute DeliveryServiceStats[%+v].InBytes expected %+v, actual: %+v\n", dsName, uint64(rawStats[statName].(float64)), dsStat.InBytes)
if statName := "plugin.remap_stats." + dsFQDN + ".out_bytes"; dsStat.OutBytes != uint64(rawStats[statName].(float64)) {
t.Fatalf("astatsPrecompute DeliveryServiceStats[%+v].OutBytes expected %+v, actual: %+v\n", dsName, uint64(rawStats[statName].(float64)), dsStat.OutBytes)
if statName := "plugin.remap_stats." + dsFQDN + ".status_2xx"; dsStat.Status2xx != uint64(rawStats[statName].(float64)) {
t.Fatalf("astatsPrecompute DeliveryServiceStats[%+v].Status2xx expected %+v, actual: %+v\n", dsName, uint64(rawStats[statName].(float64)), dsStat.Status2xx)
if statName := "plugin.remap_stats." + dsFQDN + ".status_3xx"; dsStat.Status3xx != uint64(rawStats[statName].(float64)) {
t.Fatalf("astatsPrecompute DeliveryServiceStats[%+v].Status3xx expected %+v, actual: %+v\n", dsName, uint64(rawStats[statName].(float64)), dsStat.Status3xx)
if statName := "plugin.remap_stats." + dsFQDN + ".status_4xx"; dsStat.Status4xx != uint64(rawStats[statName].(float64)) {
t.Fatalf("astatsPrecompute DeliveryServiceStats[%+v].Status4xx expected %+v, actual: %+v\n", dsName, uint64(rawStats[statName].(float64)), dsStat.Status4xx)
if statName := "plugin.remap_stats." + dsFQDN + ".status_5xx"; dsStat.Status5xx != uint64(rawStats[statName].(float64)) {
t.Fatalf("astatsPrecompute DeliveryServiceStats[%+v].Status5xx expected %+v, actual: %+v\n", dsName, uint64(rawStats[statName].(float64)), dsStat.Status5xx)