blob: 615f07dc57f6e0816c1ecae63816caaa8389fa21 [file] [log] [blame]
package atscfg
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import (
const CacheURLParameterConfigFile = "cacheurl.config"
const CacheKeyParameterConfigFile = "cachekey.config"
type RemapConfigDSData struct {
ID int
Type tc.DSType
OriginFQDN *string
MidHeaderRewrite *string
CacheURL *string
RangeRequestHandling *int
CacheKeyConfigParams map[string]string
RemapText *string
EdgeHeaderRewrite *string
SigningAlgorithm *string
Name string
QStringIgnore *int
RegexRemap *string
FQPacingRate *int
DSCP int
RoutingName *string
MultiSiteOrigin *string
Pattern *string
RegexType *string
Domain *string
RegexSetNumber *string
OriginShield *string
ProfileID *int
Protocol *int
AnonymousBlockingEnabled *bool
Active bool
func MakeRemapDotConfig(
serverName tc.CacheName,
toToolName string, // tm.toolname global parameter (TODO: cache itself?)
toURL string, // tm.url global parameter (TODO: cache itself?)
atsMajorVersion int,
cacheURLConfigParams map[string]string, // map[name]value for this server's profile and config file 'cacheurl.config'
dsProfilesCacheKeyConfigParams map[int]map[string]string, // map[profileID][paramName]paramVal for this server's profile, config file 'cachekey.config'
serverPackageParamData map[string]string, // map[paramName]paramVal for this server, config file 'package'
serverInfo *ServerInfo, // ServerInfo for this server
remapDSData []RemapConfigDSData,
) string {
hdr := GenericHeaderComment(string(serverName), toToolName, toURL)
text := ""
if tc.CacheTypeFromString(serverInfo.Type) == tc.CacheTypeMid {
text = GetServerConfigRemapDotConfigForMid(atsMajorVersion, dsProfilesCacheKeyConfigParams, serverInfo, remapDSData, hdr)
} else {
text = GetServerConfigRemapDotConfigForEdge(cacheURLConfigParams, dsProfilesCacheKeyConfigParams, serverPackageParamData, serverInfo, remapDSData, atsMajorVersion, hdr)
return text
func GetServerConfigRemapDotConfigForMid(
atsMajorVersion int,
profilesCacheKeyConfigParams map[int]map[string]string,
server *ServerInfo,
dses []RemapConfigDSData,
header string,
) string {
midRemaps := map[string]string{}
for _, ds := range dses {
if ds.Type.IsLive() && !ds.Type.IsNational() {
continue // Live local delivery services skip mids
if ds.OriginFQDN == nil || *ds.OriginFQDN == "" {
log.Warnf("GetServerConfigRemapDotConfigForMid ds '" + ds.Name + "' has no origin fqdn, skipping!") // TODO confirm - Perl uses without checking!
if midRemaps[*ds.OriginFQDN] != "" {
continue // skip remap rules from extra HOST_REGEXP entries
// multiple uses of cacheurl and cachekey plugins don't work right in ATS, but Perl has always done it.
// So for now, keep track of it, so we can log an error when it happens.
hasCacheURL := false
hasCacheKey := false
midRemap := ""
if ds.MidHeaderRewrite != nil && *ds.MidHeaderRewrite != "" {
midRemap += ` @pparam=` + MidHeaderRewriteConfigFileName(ds.Name)
if ds.QStringIgnore != nil && *ds.QStringIgnore == tc.QueryStringIgnoreIgnoreInCacheKeyAndPassUp {
qstr, addedCacheURL, addedCacheKey := GetQStringIgnoreRemap(atsMajorVersion)
if addedCacheURL {
hasCacheURL = true
if addedCacheKey {
hasCacheKey = true
midRemap += qstr
if ds.CacheURL != nil && *ds.CacheURL != "" {
if hasCacheURL {
log.Errorln("Making remap.config for Delivery Service '" + ds.Name + "': qstring_ignore and cacheurl both add cacheurl, but ATS cacheurl doesn't work correctly with multiple entries! Adding anyway!")
midRemap += ` @pparam=` + CacheURLConfigFileName(ds.Name)
if ds.ProfileID != nil && len(profilesCacheKeyConfigParams[*ds.ProfileID]) > 0 {
if hasCacheKey {
log.Errorln("Making remap.config for Delivery Service '" + ds.Name + "': qstring_ignore and cachekey params both add cachekey, but ATS cachekey doesn't work correctly with multiple entries! Adding anyway!")
midRemap += ``
for name, val := range profilesCacheKeyConfigParams[*ds.ProfileID] {
midRemap += ` @pparam=--` + name + "=" + val
if ds.RangeRequestHandling != nil && *ds.RangeRequestHandling == tc.RangeRequestHandlingCacheRangeRequest {
midRemap += ``
if midRemap != "" {
midRemaps[*ds.OriginFQDN] = midRemap
textLines := []string{}
for originFQDN, midRemap := range midRemaps {
textLines = append(textLines, "map "+originFQDN+" "+originFQDN+midRemap+"\n")
text := header
text += strings.Join(textLines, "")
return text
func GetServerConfigRemapDotConfigForEdge(
cacheURLConfigParams map[string]string,
profilesCacheKeyConfigParams map[int]map[string]string,
serverPackageParamData map[string]string, // map[paramName]paramVal for this server, config file 'package'
server *ServerInfo,
dses []RemapConfigDSData,
atsMajorVersion int,
header string,
) string {
textLines := []string{}
for _, ds := range dses {
remapText := ""
if ds.Type == tc.DSTypeAnyMap {
if ds.RemapText == nil {
log.Errorln("ds '" + ds.Name + "' is ANY_MAP, but has no remap text - skipping")
remapText = *ds.RemapText + "\n"
textLines = append(textLines, remapText)
remapLines, err := MakeEdgeDSDataRemapLines(ds, server)
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("making remap lines for DS '" + ds.Name + "' - skipping! : " + err.Error())
for _, line := range remapLines {
profilecacheKeyConfigParams := (map[string]string)(nil)
if ds.ProfileID != nil {
profilecacheKeyConfigParams = profilesCacheKeyConfigParams[*ds.ProfileID]
remapText = BuildRemapLine(cacheURLConfigParams, atsMajorVersion, server, serverPackageParamData, remapText, ds, line.From, line.To, profilecacheKeyConfigParams)
textLines = append(textLines, remapText)
text := header
text += strings.Join(textLines, "")
return text
// BuildRemapLine builds the remap line for the given server and delivery service.
// The cacheKeyConfigParams map may be nil, if this ds profile had no cache key config params.
func BuildRemapLine(cacheURLConfigParams map[string]string, atsMajorVersion int, server *ServerInfo, pData map[string]string, text string, ds RemapConfigDSData, mapFrom string, mapTo string, cacheKeyConfigParams map[string]string) string {
// ds = 'remap' in perl
mapFrom = strings.Replace(mapFrom, `__http__`, server.HostName, -1)
if _, hasDSCPRemap := pData["dscp_remap"]; hasDSCPRemap {
text += "map " + mapFrom + " " + mapTo + ` @pparam=` + strconv.Itoa(ds.DSCP)
} else {
text += "map " + mapFrom + " " + mapTo + ` @pparam=dscp/set_dscp_` + strconv.Itoa(ds.DSCP) + ".config"
if ds.EdgeHeaderRewrite != nil && *ds.EdgeHeaderRewrite != "" {
text += ` @pparam=` + EdgeHeaderRewriteConfigFileName(ds.Name)
if ds.SigningAlgorithm != nil && *ds.SigningAlgorithm != "" {
if *ds.SigningAlgorithm == tc.SigningAlgorithmURLSig {
text += ` @pparam=url_sig_` + ds.Name + ".config"
} else if *ds.SigningAlgorithm == tc.SigningAlgorithmURISigning {
text += ` @pparam=uri_signing_` + ds.Name + ".config"
// multiple uses of cacheurl and cachekey plugins don't work right in ATS, but Perl has always done it.
// So for now, keep track of it, so we can log an error when it happens.
hasCacheURL := false
hasCacheKey := false
if ds.QStringIgnore != nil {
if *ds.QStringIgnore == tc.QueryStringIgnoreDropAtEdge {
dqsFile := "drop_qstring.config"
text += ` @pparam=` + dqsFile
} else if *ds.QStringIgnore == tc.QueryStringIgnoreIgnoreInCacheKeyAndPassUp {
if _, globalExists := cacheURLConfigParams["location"]; globalExists {
log.Warnln("Making remap.config for Delivery Service '" + ds.Name + "': qstring_ignore == 1, but global cacheurl.config param exists, so skipping remap rename config_file=cacheurl.config parameter")
} else {
qstr, addedCacheURL, addedCacheKey := GetQStringIgnoreRemap(atsMajorVersion)
if addedCacheURL {
hasCacheURL = true
if addedCacheKey {
hasCacheKey = true
text += qstr
if ds.CacheURL != nil && *ds.CacheURL != "" {
if hasCacheURL {
log.Errorln("Making remap.config for Delivery Service '" + ds.Name + "': qstring_ignore and cacheurl both add cacheurl, but ATS cacheurl doesn't work correctly with multiple entries! Adding anyway!")
text += ` @pparam=` + CacheURLConfigFileName(ds.Name)
if len(cacheKeyConfigParams) > 0 {
if hasCacheKey {
log.Errorln("Making remap.config for Delivery Service '" + ds.Name + "': qstring_ignore and params both add cachekey, but ATS cachekey doesn't work correctly with multiple entries! Adding anyway!")
text += ``
keys := []string{}
for key, _ := range cacheKeyConfigParams {
keys = append(keys, key)
for _, key := range keys {
text += ` @pparam=--` + key + "=" + cacheKeyConfigParams[key]
// Note: should use full path here?
if ds.RegexRemap != nil && *ds.RegexRemap != "" {
text += ` @pparam=regex_remap_` + ds.Name + ".config"
if ds.RangeRequestHandling != nil {
if *ds.RangeRequestHandling == tc.RangeRequestHandlingBackgroundFetch {
text += ` @pparam=bg_fetch.config`
} else if *ds.RangeRequestHandling == tc.RangeRequestHandlingCacheRangeRequest {
text += ` `
if ds.RemapText != nil && *ds.RemapText != "" {
text += " " + *ds.RemapText
if ds.FQPacingRate != nil && *ds.FQPacingRate > 0 {
text += ` @pparam=--rate=` + strconv.Itoa(*ds.FQPacingRate)
text += "\n"
return text
func DSProfileIDs(dses []RemapConfigDSData) []int {
dsProfileIDs := []int{}
for _, ds := range dses {
if ds.ProfileID != nil {
// TODO determine if this is right, if the DS has no profile
dsProfileIDs = append(dsProfileIDs, *ds.ProfileID)
return dsProfileIDs
type RemapLine struct {
From string
To string
// MakeEdgeDSDataRemapLines returns the remap lines for the given server and delivery service.
// Returns nil, if the given server and ds have no remap lines, i.e. the DS match is not a host regex, or has no origin FQDN.
func MakeEdgeDSDataRemapLines(ds RemapConfigDSData, server *ServerInfo) ([]RemapLine, error) {
if ds.RegexType == nil || tc.DSMatchType(*ds.RegexType) != tc.DSMatchTypeHostRegex || ds.OriginFQDN == nil || *ds.OriginFQDN == "" {
return nil, nil
if ds.Pattern == nil {
return nil, errors.New("ds missing regex pattern")
if ds.Protocol == nil {
return nil, errors.New("ds missing protocol")
if ds.Domain == nil {
return nil, errors.New("ds missing domain")
remapLines := []RemapLine{}
hostRegex := *ds.Pattern
mapTo := *ds.OriginFQDN + "/"
mapFromHTTP := "http://" + hostRegex + "/"
mapFromHTTPS := "https://" + hostRegex + "/"
if strings.HasSuffix(hostRegex, `.*`) {
re := hostRegex
re = strings.Replace(re, `\`, ``, -1)
re = strings.Replace(re, `.*`, ``, -1)
hName := "__http__"
if ds.Type.IsDNS() {
if ds.RoutingName == nil {
return nil, errors.New("ds is dns, but missing routing name")
hName = *ds.RoutingName
portStr := ""
if hName == "__http__" && server.Port > 0 && server.Port != 80 {
portStr = ":" + strconv.Itoa(server.Port)
httpsPortStr := ""
if hName == "__http__" && server.HTTPSPort > 0 && server.HTTPSPort != 443 {
httpsPortStr = ":" + strconv.Itoa(server.HTTPSPort)
mapFromHTTP = "http://" + hName + re + *ds.Domain + portStr + "/"
mapFromHTTPS = "https://" + hName + re + *ds.Domain + httpsPortStr + "/"
if *ds.Protocol == tc.DSProtocolHTTP || *ds.Protocol == tc.DSProtocolHTTPAndHTTPS {
remapLines = append(remapLines, RemapLine{From: mapFromHTTP, To: mapTo})
if *ds.Protocol == tc.DSProtocolHTTPS || *ds.Protocol == tc.DSProtocolHTTPToHTTPS || *ds.Protocol == tc.DSProtocolHTTPAndHTTPS {
remapLines = append(remapLines, RemapLine{From: mapFromHTTPS, To: mapTo})
return remapLines, nil
func EdgeHeaderRewriteConfigFileName(dsName string) string {
return "hdr_rw_" + dsName + ".config"
func MidHeaderRewriteConfigFileName(dsName string) string {
return "hdr_rw_mid_" + dsName + ".config"
func CacheURLConfigFileName(dsName string) string {
return "cacheurl_" + dsName + ".config"
// GetQStringIgnoreRemap returns the remap, whether cacheurl was added, and whether cachekey was added.
func GetQStringIgnoreRemap(atsMajorVersion int) (string, bool, bool) {
if atsMajorVersion >= 6 {
addingCacheURL := false
addingCacheKey := true
return ` @pparam=--separator= @pparam=--remove-all-params=true @pparam=--remove-path=true @pparam=--capture-prefix-uri=/^([^?]*)/$1/`, addingCacheURL, addingCacheKey
} else {
addingCacheURL := true
addingCacheKey := false
return ` @pparam=cacheurl_qstring.config`, addingCacheURL, addingCacheKey