blob: a5a62fab280bd1f9d7664d4b18251c053adad8f8 [file] [log] [blame]
package atscfg
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import (
const ParentConfigParamQStringHandling = "psel.qstring_handling"
const ParentConfigParamMSOAlgorithm = "mso.algorithm"
const ParentConfigParamMSOParentRetry = "mso.parent_retry"
const ParentConfigParamUnavailableServerRetryResponses = "mso.unavailable_server_retry_responses"
const ParentConfigParamMaxSimpleRetries = "mso.max_simple_retries"
const ParentConfigParamMaxUnavailableServerRetries = "mso.max_unavailable_server_retries"
const ParentConfigParamAlgorithm = "algorithm"
const ParentConfigParamQString = "qstring"
const ParentConfigDSParamDefaultMSOAlgorithm = "consistent_hash"
const ParentConfigDSParamDefaultMSOParentRetry = "both"
const ParentConfigDSParamDefaultMSOUnavailableServerRetryResponses = ""
const ParentConfigDSParamDefaultMaxSimpleRetries = "1"
const ParentConfigDSParamDefaultMaxUnavailableServerRetries = "1"
const ParentConfigCacheParamWeight = "weight"
const ParentConfigCacheParamPort = "port"
const ParentConfigCacheParamUseIP = "use_ip_address"
const ParentConfigCacheParamRank = "rank"
const ParentConfigCacheParamNotAParent = "not_a_parent"
// TODO change, this is terrible practice, using a hard-coded key. What if there were a delivery service named "all_parents" (transliterated Perl)
const DeliveryServicesAllParentsKey = "all_parents"
type ParentConfigDS struct {
Name tc.DeliveryServiceName
QStringIgnore tc.QStringIgnore
OriginFQDN string
MultiSiteOrigin bool
OriginShield string
Type tc.DSType
QStringHandling string
RequiredCapabilities map[ServerCapability]struct{}
type ParentConfigDSTopLevel struct {
MSOAlgorithm string
MSOParentRetry string
MSOUnavailableServerRetryResponses string
MSOMaxSimpleRetries string
MSOMaxUnavailableServerRetries string
type ParentInfo struct {
Host string
Port int
Domain string
Weight string
UseIP bool
Rank int
IP string
PrimaryParent bool
SecondaryParent bool
Capabilities map[ServerCapability]struct{}
func (p ParentInfo) Format() string {
host := ""
if p.UseIP {
host = p.IP
} else {
host = p.Host + "." + p.Domain
return host + ":" + strconv.Itoa(p.Port) + "|" + p.Weight + ";"
type OriginHost string
type OriginFQDN string
type ParentInfos map[OriginHost]ParentInfo
type ParentInfoSortByRank []ParentInfo
func (s ParentInfoSortByRank) Len() int { return len(([]ParentInfo)(s)) }
func (s ParentInfoSortByRank) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
func (s ParentInfoSortByRank) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i].Rank < s[j].Rank }
type ParentConfigDSTopLevelSortByName []ParentConfigDSTopLevel
func (s ParentConfigDSTopLevelSortByName) Len() int { return len(([]ParentConfigDSTopLevel)(s)) }
func (s ParentConfigDSTopLevelSortByName) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
func (s ParentConfigDSTopLevelSortByName) Less(i, j int) bool {
// TODO make this match the Perl sort "foreach my $ds ( sort @{ $data->{dslist} } )" ?
return strings.Compare(string(s[i].Name), string(s[j].Name)) < 0
type ProfileCache struct {
Weight string
Port int
UseIP bool
Rank int
NotAParent bool
func DefaultProfileCache() ProfileCache {
return ProfileCache{
Weight: "0.999",
Port: 0,
UseIP: false,
Rank: 1,
NotAParent: false,
// CGServer is the server table data needed when selecting the servers assigned to a cachegroup.
type CGServer struct {
ServerID ServerID
ServerHost string
ServerIP string
ServerPort int
CacheGroupID int
Status int
Type int
ProfileID ProfileID
CDN int
TypeName string
Domain string
Capabilities map[ServerCapability]struct{}
type OriginURI struct {
Scheme string
Host string
Port string
func MakeParentDotConfig(
serverInfo *ServerInfo, // getServerInfoByHost OR getServerInfoByID
atsMajorVer int, // GetATSMajorVersion (TODO: determine if the cache itself [ORT via Yum] should produce this data, rather than asking TO?)
toToolName string, // tm.toolname global parameter (TODO: cache itself?)
toURL string, // tm.url global parameter (TODO: cache itself?)
parentConfigDSes []ParentConfigDSTopLevel, // getParentConfigDSTopLevel(cdn) OR getParentConfigDS(server) (TODO determine how to handle non-top missing MSO?)
serverParams map[string]string, // getParentConfigServerProfileParams(serverID)
parentInfos map[OriginHost][]ParentInfo, // getParentInfo(profileID, parentCachegroupID, secondaryParentCachegroupID)
) string {
// parentInfos := makeParentInfo(serverInfo)
nameVersionStr := GetNameVersionStringFromToolNameAndURL(toToolName, toURL)
hdr := HeaderCommentWithTOVersionStr(serverInfo.HostName, nameVersionStr)
textArr := []string{}
text := ""
// TODO put these in separate functions. No if-statement should be this long.
if serverInfo.IsTopLevelCache() {
uniqueOrigins := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, ds := range parentConfigDSes {
parentQStr := "ignore"
if ds.QStringHandling == "" && ds.MSOAlgorithm == tc.AlgorithmConsistentHash && ds.QStringIgnore == tc.QStringIgnoreUseInCacheKeyAndPassUp {
parentQStr = "consider"
orgURIStr := ds.OriginFQDN
orgURI, err := url.Parse(orgURIStr) // TODO verify origin is always a host:port
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("Malformed ds '" + string(ds.Name) + "' origin URI: '" + orgURIStr + "', skipping! : " + err.Error())
// TODO put in function, to remove duplication
if orgURI.Port() == "" {
if orgURI.Scheme == "http" {
orgURI.Host += ":80"
} else if orgURI.Scheme == "https" {
orgURI.Host += ":443"
} else {
log.Errorln("parent.config generation: delivery service '" + string(ds.Name) + "' origin URI: '" + orgURIStr + "' is unknown scheme '" + orgURI.Scheme + "', but has no port! Using as-is! ")
if _, ok := uniqueOrigins[ds.OriginFQDN]; ok {
continue // TODO warn?
uniqueOrigins[ds.OriginFQDN] = struct{}{}
textLine := ""
if ds.OriginShield != "" {
algorithm := ""
if parentSelectAlg := serverParams[ParentConfigParamAlgorithm]; strings.TrimSpace(parentSelectAlg) != "" {
algorithm = "round_robin=" + parentSelectAlg
textLine += "dest_domain=" + orgURI.Hostname() + " port=" + orgURI.Port() + " parent=" + ds.OriginShield + " " + algorithm + " go_direct=true\n"
} else if ds.MultiSiteOrigin {
textLine += "dest_domain=" + orgURI.Hostname() + " port=" + orgURI.Port() + " "
if len(parentInfos) == 0 {
if len(parentInfos[OriginHost(orgURI.Hostname())]) == 0 {
// TODO error? emulates Perl
log.Warnln("ParentInfo: delivery service " + ds.Name + " has no parent servers")
parents, secondaryParents := getMSOParentStrs(ds, parentInfos[OriginHost(orgURI.Hostname())], atsMajorVer)
textLine += parents + secondaryParents + ` round_robin=` + ds.MSOAlgorithm + ` qstring=` + parentQStr + ` go_direct=false parent_is_proxy=false`
parentRetry := ds.MSOParentRetry
if atsMajorVer >= 6 && parentRetry != "" {
if unavailableServerRetryResponsesValid(ds.MSOUnavailableServerRetryResponses) {
textLine += ` parent_retry=` + parentRetry + ` unavailable_server_retry_responses=` + ds.MSOUnavailableServerRetryResponses
} else {
if ds.MSOUnavailableServerRetryResponses != "" {
log.Errorln("Malformed unavailable_server_retry_responses parameter '" + ds.MSOUnavailableServerRetryResponses + "', not using!")
textLine += ` parent_retry=` + parentRetry
textLine += ` max_simple_retries=` + ds.MSOMaxSimpleRetries + ` max_unavailable_server_retries=` + ds.MSOMaxUnavailableServerRetries
textLine += "\n" // TODO remove, and join later on "\n" instead of ""?
textArr = append(textArr, textLine)
text = hdr + strings.Join(textArr, "")
} else {
processedOriginsToDSNames := map[string]tc.DeliveryServiceName{}
queryStringHandling := serverParams[ParentConfigParamQStringHandling] // "qsh" in Perl
roundRobin := `round_robin=consistent_hash`
goDirect := `go_direct=false`
for _, ds := range parentConfigDSes {
parents, secondaryParents := getParentStrs(ds, parentInfos[DeliveryServicesAllParentsKey], atsMajorVer)
text := ""
originFQDN := ds.OriginFQDN
if originFQDN == "" {
continue // TODO warn? (Perl doesn't)
orgURI, err := url.Parse(originFQDN) // TODO verify
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("Malformed ds '" + string(ds.Name) + "' origin URI: '" + originFQDN + "': skipping!" + err.Error())
if existingDS, ok := processedOriginsToDSNames[originFQDN]; ok {
log.Errorln("parent.config generation: duplicate origin! services '" + string(ds.Name) + "' and '" + string(existingDS) + "' share origin '" + orgURI.Host + "': skipping '" + string(ds.Name) + "'!")
// TODO put in function, to remove duplication
if orgURI.Port() == "" {
if orgURI.Scheme == "http" {
orgURI.Host += ":80"
} else if orgURI.Scheme == "https" {
orgURI.Host += ":443"
} else {
log.Errorln("parent.config generation non-top-level: ds '" + string(ds.Name) + "' origin URI: '" + originFQDN + "' is unknown scheme '" + orgURI.Scheme + "', but has no port! Using as-is! ")
// TODO encode this in a DSType func, IsGoDirect() ?
if dsType := tc.DSType(ds.Type); dsType == tc.DSTypeHTTPNoCache || dsType == tc.DSTypeHTTPLive || dsType == tc.DSTypeDNSLive {
text += `dest_domain=` + orgURI.Hostname() + ` port=` + orgURI.Port() + ` go_direct=true` + "\n"
} else {
// check for profile psel.qstring_handling. If this parameter is assigned to the server profile,
// then edges will use the qstring handling value specified in the parameter for all profiles.
// If there is no defined parameter in the profile, then check the delivery service profile.
// If psel.qstring_handling exists in the DS profile, then we use that value for the specified DS only.
// This is used only if not overridden by a server profile qstring handling parameter.
// TODO refactor this logic, hard to understand (transliterated from Perl)
dsQSH := queryStringHandling
if dsQSH == "" {
dsQSH = ds.QStringHandling
parentQStr := dsQSH
if parentQStr == "" {
parentQStr = "ignore"
if ds.QStringIgnore == tc.QStringIgnoreUseInCacheKeyAndPassUp && dsQSH == "" {
parentQStr = "consider"
text += `dest_domain=` + orgURI.Hostname() + ` port=` + orgURI.Port() + ` ` + parents + ` ` + secondaryParents + ` ` + roundRobin + ` ` + goDirect + ` qstring=` + parentQStr + "\n"
textArr = append(textArr, text)
processedOriginsToDSNames[originFQDN] = ds.Name
parents, secondaryParents := getParentStrs(ParentConfigDSTopLevel{}, parentInfos[DeliveryServicesAllParentsKey], atsMajorVer)
// TODO determine if this is necessary. It's super-dangerous, and moreover ignores Server Capabilitites.
defaultDestText := `dest_domain=. ` + parents
if serverParams[ParentConfigParamAlgorithm] == tc.AlgorithmConsistentHash {
defaultDestText += secondaryParents
defaultDestText += ` round_robin=consistent_hash go_direct=false`
if qStr := serverParams[ParentConfigParamQString]; qStr != "" {
defaultDestText += ` qstring=` + qStr
defaultDestText += "\n"
text = hdr + strings.Join(textArr, "") + defaultDestText
return text
// getParentStrs returns the parents= and secondary_parents= strings for ATS parent.config lines.
func getParentStrs(ds ParentConfigDSTopLevel, parentInfos []ParentInfo, atsMajorVer int) (string, string) {
parentInfo := []string{}
secondaryParentInfo := []string{}
for _, parent := range parentInfos { // TODO fix magic key
if !HasRequiredCapabilities(parent.Capabilities, ds.RequiredCapabilities) {
pTxt := parent.Format()
if parent.PrimaryParent {
parentInfo = append(parentInfo, pTxt)
} else if parent.SecondaryParent {
secondaryParentInfo = append(secondaryParentInfo, pTxt)
if len(parentInfo) == 0 {
parentInfo = secondaryParentInfo
secondaryParentInfo = []string{}
// TODO remove duplicate code with top level if block
seen := map[string]struct{}{} // TODO change to host+port? host isn't unique
parentInfo, seen = util.RemoveStrDuplicates(parentInfo, seen)
secondaryParentInfo, seen = util.RemoveStrDuplicates(secondaryParentInfo, seen)
parents := ""
secondaryParents := "" // "secparents" in Perl
if atsMajorVer >= 6 && len(secondaryParentInfo) > 0 {
parents = `parent="` + strings.Join(parentInfo, "") + `"`
secondaryParents = ` secondary_parent="` + strings.Join(secondaryParentInfo, "") + `"`
} else {
parents = `parent="` + strings.Join(parentInfo, "") + strings.Join(secondaryParentInfo, "") + `"`
return parents, secondaryParents
// getMSOParentStrs returns the parents= and secondary_parents= strings for ATS parent.config lines, for MSO.
func getMSOParentStrs(ds ParentConfigDSTopLevel, parentInfos []ParentInfo, atsMajorVer int) (string, string) {
// TODO determine why MSO is different, and if possible, combine with getParentAndSecondaryParentStrs.
rankedParents := ParentInfoSortByRank(parentInfos)
parentInfo := []string{}
secondaryParentInfo := []string{}
nullParentInfo := []string{}
for _, parent := range ([]ParentInfo)(rankedParents) {
if !HasRequiredCapabilities(parent.Capabilities, ds.RequiredCapabilities) {
if parent.PrimaryParent {
parentInfo = append(parentInfo, parent.Format())
} else if parent.SecondaryParent {
secondaryParentInfo = append(secondaryParentInfo, parent.Format())
} else {
nullParentInfo = append(nullParentInfo, parent.Format())
if len(parentInfo) == 0 {
// If no parents are found in the secondary parent either, then set the null parent list (parents in neither secondary or primary)
// as the secondary parent list and clear the null parent list.
if len(secondaryParentInfo) == 0 {
secondaryParentInfo = nullParentInfo
nullParentInfo = []string{}
parentInfo = secondaryParentInfo
secondaryParentInfo = []string{} // TODO should thi be '= secondary'? Currently emulates Perl
// TODO benchmark, verify this isn't slow. if it is, it could easily be made faster
seen := map[string]struct{}{} // TODO change to host+port? host isn't unique
parentInfo, seen = util.RemoveStrDuplicates(parentInfo, seen)
secondaryParentInfo, seen = util.RemoveStrDuplicates(secondaryParentInfo, seen)
nullParentInfo, seen = util.RemoveStrDuplicates(nullParentInfo, seen)
secondaryParentStr := strings.Join(secondaryParentInfo, "") + strings.Join(nullParentInfo, "")
// If the ats version supports it and the algorithm is consistent hash, put secondary and non-primary parents into secondary parent group.
// This will ensure that secondary and tertiary parents will be unused unless all hosts in the primary group are unavailable.
parents := ""
secondaryParents := ""
if atsMajorVer >= 6 && ds.MSOAlgorithm == "consistent_hash" && len(secondaryParentStr) > 0 {
parents = `parent="` + strings.Join(parentInfo, "") + `"`
secondaryParents = ` secondary_parent="` + secondaryParentStr + `"`
} else {
parents = `parent="` + strings.Join(parentInfo, "") + secondaryParentStr + `"`
return parents, secondaryParents
func MakeParentInfo(
server *ServerInfo,
serverDomain string, // getCDNDomainByProfileID(tx, server.ProfileID)
profileCaches map[ProfileID]ProfileCache, // getServerParentCacheGroupProfiles(tx, server)
originServers map[OriginHost][]CGServer, // getServerParentCacheGroupProfiles(tx, server)
) map[OriginHost][]ParentInfo {
parentInfos := map[OriginHost][]ParentInfo{}
// note servers also contains an "all" key
for originHost, servers := range originServers {
for _, row := range servers {
profile := profileCaches[row.ProfileID]
if profile.NotAParent {
// Perl has this check, but we only select servers ("deliveryServices" in Perl) with the right CDN in the first place
// if profile.Domain != serverDomain {
// continue
// }
parentInf := ParentInfo{
Host: row.ServerHost,
Port: profile.Port,
Domain: row.Domain,
Weight: profile.Weight,
UseIP: profile.UseIP,
Rank: profile.Rank,
IP: row.ServerIP,
PrimaryParent: server.ParentCacheGroupID == row.CacheGroupID,
SecondaryParent: server.SecondaryParentCacheGroupID == row.CacheGroupID,
Capabilities: row.Capabilities,
if parentInf.Port < 1 {
parentInf.Port = row.ServerPort
parentInfos[originHost] = append(parentInfos[originHost], parentInf)
return parentInfos
// unavailableServerRetryResponsesValid returns whether a unavailable_server_retry_responses parameter is valid for an ATS parent rule.
func unavailableServerRetryResponsesValid(s string) bool {
// optimization if param is empty
if s == "" {
return false
re := regexp.MustCompile(`^"(:?\d{3},)+\d{3}"\s*$`) // TODO benchmark, cache if performance matters
return re.MatchString(s)
// HasRequiredCapabilities returns whether the given caps has all the required capabilities in the given reqCaps.
func HasRequiredCapabilities(caps map[ServerCapability]struct{}, reqCaps map[ServerCapability]struct{}) bool {
for reqCap, _ := range reqCaps {
if _, ok := caps[reqCap]; !ok {
return false
return true