blob: 8886ae0169776cfcfc01baf37389395a5a612727 [file] [log] [blame]
package atscfg
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import (
type CacheURLDS struct {
OrgServerFQDN string
QStringIgnore int
CacheURL string
func DeliveryServicesToCacheURLDSes(dses []tc.DeliveryServiceNullable) map[tc.DeliveryServiceName]CacheURLDS {
sDSes := map[tc.DeliveryServiceName]CacheURLDS{}
for _, ds := range dses {
if ds.OrgServerFQDN == nil || ds.QStringIgnore == nil || ds.XMLID == nil || ds.Active == nil {
log.Errorf("atscfg.DeliveryServicesToCacheURLDSes got DS %+v with nil values! Skipping!", ds)
if !*ds.Active {
sds := CacheURLDS{OrgServerFQDN: *ds.OrgServerFQDN, QStringIgnore: *ds.QStringIgnore}
if ds.CacheURL != nil {
sds.CacheURL = *ds.CacheURL
sDSes[tc.DeliveryServiceName(*ds.XMLID)] = sds
return sDSes
func MakeCacheURLDotConfig(
cdnName tc.CDNName,
toToolName string, // tm.toolname global parameter (TODO: cache itself?)
toURL string, // tm.url global parameter (TODO: cache itself?)
fileName string,
dses map[tc.DeliveryServiceName]CacheURLDS,
) string {
text := GenericHeaderComment(string(cdnName), toToolName, toURL)
if fileName == "cacheurl_qstring.config" { // This is the per remap drop qstring w cacheurl use case, the file is the same for all remaps
text += `http://([^?]+)(?:\?|$) http://$1` + "\n"
text += `https://([^?]+)(?:\?|$) https://$1` + "\n"
return text
if fileName == "cacheurl.config" { // this is the global drop qstring w cacheurl use case
seenOrigins := map[string]struct{}{}
for dsName, ds := range dses {
if ds.QStringIgnore != 1 {
if _, ok := seenOrigins[ds.OrgServerFQDN]; ok {
org := ds.OrgServerFQDN
scheme := "https://"
if !strings.HasPrefix(org, scheme) {
scheme = "http://"
if !strings.HasPrefix(org, scheme) {
log.Errorln("MakeCacheURLDotConfig got ds '" + string(dsName) + "' origin '" + org + "' with no scheme! cacheurl.config will likely be malformed!")
fqdnPath := strings.TrimPrefix(org, scheme)
text += scheme + `(` + fqdnPath + `/[^?]+)(?:\?|$) ` + scheme + `$1` + "\n"
seenOrigins[ds.OrgServerFQDN] = struct{}{}
text = strings.Replace(text, `__RETURN__`, "\n", -1)
return text
// TODO verify prefix and suffix exist, and warn if they don't? Perl doesn't
dsName := tc.DeliveryServiceName(strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(fileName, "cacheurl_"), ".config"))
ds, ok := dses[dsName]
if !ok {
return text // TODO warn? Perl doesn't
text += ds.CacheURL + "\n"
text = strings.Replace(text, `__RETURN__`, "\n", -1)
return text