blob: 48c82e68d2a27fe1697ab8a20a0974c3551ca26d [file] [log] [blame]
package cache
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import (
const CodeConnectFailure = http.StatusBadGateway
type Retrier struct {
H *Handler
ReqHdr http.Header
ReqTime time.Time
ReqCacheControl web.CacheControl
RemappingProducer *remap.RemappingProducer
ReqID uint64
func NewRetrier(h *Handler, reqHdr http.Header, reqTime time.Time, reqCacheControl web.CacheControl, remappingProducer *remap.RemappingProducer, reqID uint64) *Retrier {
return &Retrier{
H: h,
ReqHdr: reqHdr,
ReqCacheControl: reqCacheControl,
RemappingProducer: remappingProducer,
ReqID: reqID,
// Get takes the HTTP request and the cached object if there is one, and makes a new request, retrying according to its RemappingProducer. If no cached object exists, pass a nil obj.
// Along with the cacheobj.CacheObj, a string pointer to the request hostname used to fetch the cacheobj.CacheObj is returned.
func (r *Retrier) Get(req *http.Request, obj *cacheobj.CacheObj) (*cacheobj.CacheObj, *string, error) {
retryGetFunc := func(remapping remap.Remapping, retryFailures bool, obj *cacheobj.CacheObj) *cacheobj.CacheObj {
// return true for Revalidate, and issue revalidate requests separately.
canReuse := func(cacheObj *cacheobj.CacheObj) bool {
return rfc.CanReuse(r.ReqHdr, r.ReqCacheControl, cacheObj, r.H.strictRFC, true)
getAndCache := func() *cacheobj.CacheObj {
return GetAndCache(remapping.Request, remapping.ProxyURL, remapping.CacheKey, remapping.Name, remapping.Request.Header, r.ReqTime, r.H.strictRFC, remapping.Cache, r.H.ruleThrottlers[remapping.Name], obj, remapping.Timeout, retryFailures, remapping.RetryNum, remapping.RetryCodes, remapping.Transport, r.ReqID)
gotObj, getReqID := r.H.getter.Get(remapping.CacheKey, getAndCache, canReuse, r.ReqID)
req := remapping.Request
log.Debugf("Retrier.Get Y URI %v %v %v remapping.CacheKey %v rule %v parent %v code %v headers %+v len(body) %v getterid %v (reqid %v)\n", req.URL.Scheme, req.URL.Host, req.URL.EscapedPath(), remapping.CacheKey, remapping.Name, remapping.ProxyURL, gotObj.Code, gotObj.RespHeaders, len(gotObj.Body), getReqID, r.ReqID)
return gotObj
return retryingGet(retryGetFunc, req, r.RemappingProducer, obj)
// retryingGet takes a function, and retries failures up to the RemappingProducer RetryNum limit. On failure, it creates a new remapping. The func f should use `remapping` to make its request. If it hits failures up to the limit, it returns the last received cacheobj.CacheObj
// Along with the cacheobj.CacheObj, a string pointer to the request hostname used to fetch the cacheobj.CacheObj is returned.
// TODO refactor to not close variables - it's awkward and confusing.
func retryingGet(getCacheObj func(remapping remap.Remapping, retryFailures bool, obj *cacheobj.CacheObj) *cacheobj.CacheObj, request *http.Request, remappingProducer *remap.RemappingProducer, cachedObj *cacheobj.CacheObj) (*cacheobj.CacheObj, *string, error) {
obj := (*cacheobj.CacheObj)(nil)
for {
remapping, retryAllowed, err := remappingProducer.GetNext(request)
if err == remap.ErrNoMoreRetries {
if obj == nil {
return nil, nil, errors.New("remapping producer allows no requests") // should never happen
return obj, nil, nil
} else if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
obj = getCacheObj(remapping, retryAllowed, cachedObj)
if !isFailure(obj, remapping.RetryCodes) {
return obj, &remapping.Request.URL.Host, nil
func isFailure(o *cacheobj.CacheObj, retryCodes map[int]struct{}) bool {
_, failureCode := retryCodes[o.Code]
return failureCode || o.Code == CodeConnectFailure
const ModifiedSinceHdr = "If-Modified-Since"
// GetAndCache makes a client request for the given `http.Request` and caches it if `CanCache`.
// THe `ruleThrottler` may be nil, in which case the request will be unthrottled.
func GetAndCache(
req *http.Request,
proxyURL *url.URL,
cacheKey string,
remapName string,
reqHeader http.Header,
reqTime time.Time,
strictRFC bool,
cache icache.Cache,
ruleThrottler thread.Throttler,
revalidateObj *cacheobj.CacheObj,
timeout time.Duration,
cacheFailure bool,
retryNum int,
retryCodes map[int]struct{},
transport *http.Transport,
reqID uint64,
) *cacheobj.CacheObj {
// TODO this is awkward, with 'revalidateObj' indicating whether the request is a Revalidate. Should Getting and Caching be split up? How?
get := func() *cacheobj.CacheObj {
// TODO figure out why respReqTime isn't used by rules
log.Debugf("GetAndCache calling request %v %v %v %v %v (reqid %v)\n", req.Method, req.URL.Scheme, req.URL.Host, req.URL.EscapedPath(), req.Header, reqID)
// TODO Verify overriding the passed reqTime is the right thing to do
proxyURLStr := ""
if proxyURL != nil {
proxyURLStr = proxyURL.Host
if revalidateObj != nil {
req.Header.Set(ModifiedSinceHdr, revalidateObj.LastModified.Format(time.RFC1123))
} else {
respCode, respHeader, respBody, reqTime, reqRespTime, err := web.Request(transport, req)
log.Debugf("GetAndCache web.Request URI %v %v %v cacheKey %v rule %v parent %v error %v reval %v code %v len(body) %v (reqid %v)\n", req.URL.Scheme, req.URL.Host, req.URL.EscapedPath(), cacheKey, remapName, proxyURLStr, err, revalidateObj != nil, respCode, len(respBody), reqID)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Parent error for URI %v %v %v cacheKey %v rule %v parent %v error %v (reqid %v)\n", req.URL.Scheme, req.URL.Host, req.URL.EscapedPath(), cacheKey, remapName, proxyURLStr, err, reqID)
code := CodeConnectFailure
body := []byte(http.StatusText(code))
return cacheobj.New(reqHeader, body, code, code, proxyURLStr, respHeader, reqTime, reqRespTime, reqRespTime, time.Time{})
if _, ok := retryCodes[respCode]; ok && !cacheFailure {
return cacheobj.New(reqHeader, respBody, respCode, respCode, proxyURLStr, respHeader, reqTime, reqRespTime, reqRespTime, time.Time{})
log.Debugf("GetAndCache request returned %v headers %+v (reqid %v)\n", respCode, respHeader, reqID)
respRespTime, ok := web.GetHTTPDate(respHeader, "Date")
if !ok {
log.Errorf("request %v returned no Date header - RFC Violation! Using local response timestamp (reqid %v)\n", req.RequestURI, reqID)
respRespTime = reqRespTime // if no Date was returned using the client response time simulates latency 0
lastModified, ok := web.GetHTTPDate(respHeader, "Last-Modified")
if !ok {
lastModified = respRespTime
obj := (*cacheobj.CacheObj)(nil)
log.Debugf("h.cache.Add %v (reqid %v)\n", cacheKey, reqID)
log.Debugf("GetAndCache respCode %v (reqid %v)\n", respCode, reqID)
if revalidateObj == nil || respCode != http.StatusNotModified {
log.Debugf("GetAndCache new %v (reqid %v)\n", cacheKey, reqID)
obj = cacheobj.New(reqHeader, respBody, respCode, respCode, proxyURLStr, respHeader, reqTime, reqRespTime, respRespTime, lastModified)
if !rfc.CanCache(req.Method, reqHeader, respCode, respHeader, strictRFC) {
return obj // return without caching
} else {
log.Debugf("GetAndCache revalidating %v len(revalidateObj.Body) %v (reqid %v)\n", cacheKey, len(revalidateObj.Body), reqID)
// must copy, because this cache object may be concurrently read by other goroutines
newRespHeader := web.CopyHeader(revalidateObj.RespHeaders)
newRespHeader.Set("Date", respHeader.Get("Date"))
obj = &cacheobj.CacheObj{
Body: revalidateObj.Body,
ReqHeaders: revalidateObj.ReqHeaders,
RespHeaders: newRespHeader,
RespCacheControl: revalidateObj.RespCacheControl,
Code: revalidateObj.Code,
OriginCode: respCode,
ProxyURL: proxyURLStr,
ReqTime: reqTime,
ReqRespTime: reqRespTime,
RespRespTime: respRespTime,
LastModified: revalidateObj.LastModified,
Size: revalidateObj.Size,
HitCount: revalidateObj.HitCount, // no need to +1 here, the cache Get did that
cache.Add(cacheKey, obj) // TODO store pointer?
return obj
c := (*cacheobj.CacheObj)(nil)
if ruleThrottler == nil {
log.Errorf("rule %v not in ruleThrottlers map. Requesting with no origin limit! (reqid %v)\n", remapName, reqID)
ruleThrottler = thread.NewNoThrottler()
ruleThrottler.Throttle(func() { c = get() })
return c