blob: e38fe6d84b65a1d97ffe1a8b1c0731000a517de1 [file] [log] [blame]
BUILD_NUMBER(?: This very short file doesn't support comments and doesn't constitute code. ){0}
VERSION(?: This very short file doesn't support comments and doesn't constitute code. ){0}
.*\.min\.css(?: minified files are generated files, more akin to compiled binaries. Their source bears the license. ){0}
.*\.min\.js(?: minified files ){0}
.*\.css\.map(?: debug files for minified css. License borne by source. ){0}
\..*(?: hidden files ought not to be code. These are generally things like projects, ignore files and such. ){0}
LICEN[SC]E.*(?: Licenses do not usually require meta-licenses. ){0}
^licenses/*(?: Licenses do not usually require meta-licenses. ){0}
.*\.conf(?:ig)?(?:\.?.*)?(?: Config files aren't code and don't typically require licenses. ){0}
.*\.cfg(?: config file ){0}
.*\.logrotate(?: config file ){0}
.*\.example(?: example config file ){0}
etc(?: this folder contains only config files ){0}
conf(?: this folder contains only config files ){0}
.*\.prop(?: resource file for configuration ){0}
.*\.csv(?: CSV data files can't handle comments, so their licenses must be documented as part of their project. ){0}
.*\.json(?: json data files can't handle comments, so their licenses must be documented as part of their project. ){0}
.*\.traffic_ops(?: these are also json data files, albeit in a specific format. ){0}
CrStates(?: these are also json data files, albeit in a specific format. ){0}
testFiles(?: test data that is neither code nor capable of bearing a license notice ){0}
.*\.spec(?: Specifies license, among other things. ){0}
.*\.test(?: test data ){0}
.*\.txt(?: text data files can't handle comments, so their licenses must be documented as part of their project ){0}
.*\.sketch(?: sketch files are binary source image files and don't bear license information ){0}
ssl\.(?:crt|key)(?: demo certificate ){0}
keystore.*(?: keystore ){0}
README.*(?: Readme's don't usually require a separate license. ){0}
CHANGELOG.*(?: Changelogs don't usually require a separate license. ){0}
Result(?: traffic_ops/app/lib/Schema/Result contains only generated code ){0}
.*\.(?:png|gif|ico|jpe?g|svg)?(?: Images don't bear their own license information. ){0}
sphinx_rtd_theme(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
selenium(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
gmx(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
stoppableListener(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
fsnotify\.v1(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
jwt\-go(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
pq(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
bootstrap(?:-theme)?\.(?:css|js)(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
j[mM]enu(?:\.jquery)?\.(?:css|js)(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
downloadjs\-min.*\.js(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
jquery\-ui\..*(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
jquery\.dataTables\..*(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
.*underscore.*(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
.*moment.*(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
.*jsdiff.*(?: BSD 3-clause. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
NetPacket(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
.*[fF]ont[aA]wesome.*(?: SIL OFL. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
01-gofmt(?: Go BSD. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
GeoLite2-City\.mmdb\.gz(?: CC-SA 4.0. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
ssl-bundle\.crt(?: MPL. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
sorttable\.js(?: X11. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
select2\..*(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
prettyprint\.js(?: BSD 2-clause. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
seelog(?: BSD 3-clause. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
loading.scss(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
theme.scss(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
influxdb(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
errors(?: BSD 2-clause. Properly documented in LICENTS ){0}
net(?: Go BSD. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
go-sqlmock.v1(?: BSD 3-clause. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
sqlx(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
backoff(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
riak-go-client(?: Apache 2.0. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
protobuf(?: Go BSD. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
go-jwx(?: `MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
crypto(?: Go BSD. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
kelseyhightower(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
asaskevich(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
go-ozzo(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
ldap.v2(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
asn1-ber.v1(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
bytefmt(?: Apache 2.0. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
siphash(?: CC0. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
bbolt(?: MIT. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}
miekg(?: BSD 3-clause. Properly documented in LICENSE ){0}