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package peer
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import (
// CRStatesThreadsafe provides safe access for multiple goroutines to read a single Crstates object, with a single goroutine writer.
// This could be made lock-free, if the performance was necessary
// TODO add separate locks for Caches and DeliveryService maps?
type CRStatesThreadsafe struct {
crStates *tc.CRStates
m *sync.RWMutex
// NewCRStatesThreadsafe creates a new CRStatesThreadsafe object safe for multiple goroutine readers and a single writer.
func NewCRStatesThreadsafe() CRStatesThreadsafe {
crs := tc.NewCRStates()
return CRStatesThreadsafe{m: &sync.RWMutex{}, crStates: &crs}
// Get returns the internal Crstates object for reading.
func (t *CRStatesThreadsafe) Get() tc.CRStates {
defer t.m.RUnlock()
return t.crStates.Copy()
// GetDeliveryServices returns the internal Crstates delivery services map for reading.
func (t *CRStatesThreadsafe) GetDeliveryServices() map[tc.DeliveryServiceName]tc.CRStatesDeliveryService {
defer t.m.RUnlock()
return t.crStates.CopyDeliveryServices()
// GetCache returns the availability data of the given cache. This does not mutate, and is thus safe for multiple goroutines to call.
func (t *CRStatesThreadsafe) GetCache(name tc.CacheName) (available tc.IsAvailable, ok bool) {
available, ok = t.crStates.Caches[name]
// GetCaches returns the availability data of all caches. This does not mutate, and is thus safe for multiple goroutines to call.
func (t *CRStatesThreadsafe) GetCaches() map[tc.CacheName]tc.IsAvailable {
defer t.m.RUnlock()
return t.crStates.CopyCaches()
// GetDeliveryService returns the availability data of the given delivery service. This does not mutate, and is thus safe for multiple goroutines to call.
func (t *CRStatesThreadsafe) GetDeliveryService(name tc.DeliveryServiceName) (ds tc.CRStatesDeliveryService, ok bool) {
ds, ok = t.crStates.DeliveryService[name]
// SetCache sets the internal availability data for a particular cache. It does NOT set data if the cache doesn't already exist. By adding newly received caches with `AddCache`, this allows easily avoiding a race condition when an in-flight poller tries to set a cache which has been removed.
func (t *CRStatesThreadsafe) SetCache(cacheName tc.CacheName, available tc.IsAvailable) {
if _, ok := t.crStates.Caches[cacheName]; ok {
t.crStates.Caches[cacheName] = available
// AddCache adds the internal availability data for a particular cache.
func (t *CRStatesThreadsafe) AddCache(cacheName tc.CacheName, available tc.IsAvailable) {
t.crStates.Caches[cacheName] = available
// DeleteCache deletes the given cache from the internal data.
func (t *CRStatesThreadsafe) DeleteCache(name tc.CacheName) {
delete(t.crStates.Caches, name)
// SetDeliveryService sets the availability data for the given delivery service.
func (t *CRStatesThreadsafe) SetDeliveryService(name tc.DeliveryServiceName, ds tc.CRStatesDeliveryService) {
t.crStates.DeliveryService[name] = ds
// DeleteDeliveryService deletes the given delivery service from the internal data. This MUST NOT be called by multiple goroutines.
func (t *CRStatesThreadsafe) DeleteDeliveryService(name tc.DeliveryServiceName) {
delete(t.crStates.DeliveryService, name)
// CRStatesPeersThreadsafe provides safe access for multiple goroutines to read a map of Traffic Monitor peers to their returned Crstates, with a single goroutine writer.
// This could be made lock-free, if the performance was necessary
type CRStatesPeersThreadsafe struct {
crStates map[tc.TrafficMonitorName]tc.CRStates
peerStates map[tc.TrafficMonitorName]bool
peerTimes map[tc.TrafficMonitorName]time.Time
peerOnline map[tc.TrafficMonitorName]bool
peerCount *int
quorumMin *int
timeout *time.Duration
m *sync.RWMutex
// NewCRStatesPeersThreadsafe creates a new CRStatesPeers object safe for multiple goroutine readers and a single writer.
func NewCRStatesPeersThreadsafe(quorumMin int) CRStatesPeersThreadsafe {
count := 0
timeout := time.Hour // default to a large timeout
return CRStatesPeersThreadsafe{
m: &sync.RWMutex{},
timeout: &timeout,
peerOnline: map[tc.TrafficMonitorName]bool{},
crStates: map[tc.TrafficMonitorName]tc.CRStates{},
peerStates: map[tc.TrafficMonitorName]bool{},
peerTimes: map[tc.TrafficMonitorName]time.Time{},
peerCount: &count,
quorumMin: &quorumMin,
func (t *CRStatesPeersThreadsafe) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration) {
defer t.m.Unlock()
*t.timeout = timeout
func (t *CRStatesPeersThreadsafe) SetPeers(newPeers map[tc.TrafficMonitorName]struct{}) {
defer t.m.Unlock()
peerCount := 0
for peer, _ := range t.crStates {
_, ok := newPeers[peer]
t.peerOnline[peer] = ok
if ok {
*t.peerCount = peerCount
// GetCrstates returns the internal Traffic Monitor peer Crstates data. This MUST NOT be modified.
func (t *CRStatesPeersThreadsafe) GetCrstates() map[tc.TrafficMonitorName]tc.CRStates {
m := map[tc.TrafficMonitorName]tc.CRStates{}
for k, v := range t.crStates {
m[k] = v.Copy()
return m
func copyPeerTimes(a map[tc.TrafficMonitorName]time.Time) map[tc.TrafficMonitorName]time.Time {
m := make(map[tc.TrafficMonitorName]time.Time, len(a))
for k, v := range a {
m[k] = v
return m
func copyPeerAvailable(a map[tc.TrafficMonitorName]bool) map[tc.TrafficMonitorName]bool {
m := make(map[tc.TrafficMonitorName]bool, len(a))
for k, v := range a {
m[k] = v
return m
// GetPeerAvailability returns the state of the given peer
func (t *CRStatesPeersThreadsafe) GetPeerAvailability(peer tc.TrafficMonitorName) bool {
availability := t.peerStates[peer] && t.peerOnline[peer] && time.Since(t.peerTimes[peer]) < *t.timeout
return availability
// GetPeersOnline return a map of peers which are marked ONLINE in the latest CRConfig from Traffic Ops. This is NOT guaranteed to actually _contain_ all OFFLINE monitors returned by other functions, such as `GetPeerAvailability` and `GetQueryTimes`, but bool defaults to false, so the value of any key is guaranteed to be correct.
func (t *CRStatesPeersThreadsafe) GetPeersOnline() map[tc.TrafficMonitorName]bool {
defer t.m.RUnlock()
return copyPeerAvailable(t.peerOnline)
// GetQueryTimes returns the last query time of all peers
func (t *CRStatesPeersThreadsafe) GetQueryTimes() map[tc.TrafficMonitorName]time.Time {
defer t.m.RUnlock()
return copyPeerTimes(t.peerTimes)
// HasAvailablePeers returns true if at least one peer is ONLINE and available (reachable via polling)
func (t *CRStatesPeersThreadsafe) HasAvailablePeers() bool {
defer t.m.RUnlock()
return t.hasAvailablePeers()
// hasAvailablePeers is a private function to determine whether any peers are currently available; callers must lock t
func (t *CRStatesPeersThreadsafe) hasAvailablePeers() bool {
for _, available := range t.peerStates {
if available {
return true
return false
// numAvailablePeers is a private function to determine how many peers are currently available; callers must lock t
func (t *CRStatesPeersThreadsafe) numAvailablePeers() int {
count := 0
for _, available := range t.peerStates {
if available {
return count
// Set sets the internal Traffic Monitor peer state and Crstates data. This MUST NOT be called by multiple goroutines.
func (t *CRStatesPeersThreadsafe) Set(result Result) {
t.crStates[result.ID] = result.PeerStates
t.peerStates[result.ID] = result.Available
t.peerTimes[result.ID] = result.Time
// HasOptimisticQuorum returns true when the number of available peers is equal to or greater than the peer_optimistic_quorum_min setting.
func (t *CRStatesPeersThreadsafe) HasOptimisticQuorum() (bool, int, int, int) {
defer t.m.RUnlock()
available := t.numAvailablePeers()
if available >= *t.quorumMin {
return true, available, *t.peerCount, *t.quorumMin
return false, available, *t.peerCount, *t.quorumMin
// OptimisticQuorumEnabled returns true when peer_optimistic_quorum_min is set to a value greater than zero and the number of peers is greater than 1. Optimistic quorum requires a minimum of three Traffic Monitors; every individual monitor requires at least two peers to prevent a split-brain scenario that would be caused by having a single peer. If a single peer was legal (i.e.: two Traffic Monitors), neither peer would know which peer is reachable, and consequently both would serve 503s. This would force all Traffic Routers to use only their last-known state until the peering is restored, despite the fact that one of the two Traffic Monitors could still be reachable. A future enhancement could employ a heuristic to enable two monitors to determine whether they are offline independently by combining peer connectivity state with a calculation around the number of caches that are reachable, which might also include a rate of change in cache health state.
func (t *CRStatesPeersThreadsafe) OptimisticQuorumEnabled() bool {
defer t.m.RUnlock()
if *t.quorumMin > 0 && *t.peerCount > 1 {
return true
return false