blob: 3db6e52339713ac3902df4f70fa912d95303c65c [file] [log] [blame]
package tc
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import "errors"
import "fmt"
import "regexp"
import "database/sql"
import "math"
import "strconv"
import "strings"
import "time"
import ""
import ""
import ""
// MaxTTL is the maximum value of TTL representable as a time.Duration object, which is used
// internally by InvalidationJobInput objects to store the TTL.
const MaxTTL = math.MaxInt64 / 3600000000000
var twoDays = time.Hour * 48
// ValidJobRegexPrefix matches the only valid prefixes for a relative-path Content Invalidation Job regex
var ValidJobRegexPrefix = regexp.MustCompile(`^\?/.*$`)
// InvalidationJob represents a content invalidation job as returned by the API.
type InvalidationJob struct {
AssetURL *string `json:"assetUrl"`
CreatedBy *string `json:"createdBy"`
DeliveryService *string `json:"deliveryService"`
ID *uint64 `json:"id"`
Keyword *string `json:"keyword"`
Parameters *string `json:"parameters"`
// StartTime is the time at which the job will come into effect. Must be in the future, but will
// fail to Validate if it is further in the future than two days.
StartTime *Time `json:"startTime"`
// InvalidationJobInput represents user input intending to create or modify a content invalidation job.
type InvalidationJobInput struct {
// DeliveryService needs to be an identifier for a Delivery Service. It can be either a string - in which
// case it is treated as an XML_ID - or a float64 (because that's the type used by encoding/json
// to represent all JSON numbers) - in which case it's treated as an integral, unique identifier
// (and any fractional part is discarded, i.e. 2.34 -> 2)
DeliveryService *interface{} `json:"deliveryService"`
// Regex is a regular expression which not only must be valid, but should also start with '/'
// (or escaped: '\/')
Regex *string `json:"regex"`
// StartTime is the time at which the job will come into effect. Must be in the future.
StartTime *Time `json:"startTime"`
// TTL indicates the Time-to-Live of the job. This can be either a valid string for
// time.ParseDuration, or a float64 indicating the number of hours. Note that regardless of the
// actual value here, Traffic Ops will only consider it rounded down to the nearest natural
// number
TTL *interface{} `json:"ttl"`
dsid *uint `json:"-"`
ttl *time.Duration `json:"-"`
// UserInvalidationJobInput Represents legacy-style user input to the /user/current/jobs API endpoint.
// This is much less flexible than InvalidationJobInput, which should be used instead when possible.
type UserInvalidationJobInput struct {
DSID *uint `json:"dsId"`
Regex *string `json:"regex"`
// StartTime is the time at which the job will come into effect. Must be in the future, but will
// fail to Validate if it is further in the future than two days.
StartTime *Time `json:"startTime"`
TTL *uint64 `json:"ttl"`
Urgent *bool `json:"urgent"`
// UserInvalidationJob is a full representation of content invalidation jobs as stored in the
// database, including several unused fields.
type UserInvalidationJob struct {
// Agent is unused, and developers should never count on it containing or meaning anything.
Agent *uint `json:"agent"`
AssetURL *string `json:"assetUrl"`
// AssetType is unused, and developers should never count on it containing or meaning anything.
AssetType *string `json:"assetType"`
DeliveryService *string `json:"deliveryService"`
EnteredTime *Time `json:"enteredTime"`
ID *uint `json:"id"`
Keyword *string `json:"keyword"`
// ObjectName is unused, and developers should never count on it containing or meaning anything.
ObjectName *string `json:"objectName"`
// ObjectType is unused, and developers should never count on it containing or meaning anything.
ObjectType *string `json:"objectType"`
Parameters *string `json:"parameters"`
Username *string `json:"username"`
// TTLHours gets the number of hours of the job's TTL - rounded down to the nearest natural number,
// or an error if it is an invalid value.
func (j *InvalidationJobInput) TTLHours() (uint, error) {
if j.ttl != nil {
return uint((*j.ttl).Hours()), nil
if j.TTL == nil {
return 0, errors.New("Attempted to convert a nil TTL into hours")
var ret uint
switch t := (*j.TTL).(type) {
case float64:
v := (*j.TTL).(float64)
if v < 0 {
return 0, errors.New("TTL cannot be negative!")
if v >= MaxTTL {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("TTL cannot exceed %d hours!", MaxTTL)
ttl := time.Duration(int64(v * 3600000000000))
j.ttl = &ttl
ret = uint(ttl.Hours())
case string:
d, err := time.ParseDuration((*j.TTL).(string))
if err != nil || d.Hours() < 1 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Invalid duration entered for TTL! Must be at least one hour, but no more than %d hours!", MaxTTL)
j.ttl = &d
ret = uint(d.Hours())
log.Errorf("unsupported TTL key type: %T\n", t)
return 0, errors.New("Unknown error occurred")
return ret, nil
// DSID gets the integral, unique identifier of the Delivery Service identified by
// InvalidationJobInput.DeliveryService
// This requires a transaction connected to a Traffic Ops database, because if DeliveryService is
// an xml_id, a database lookup will be necessary to get the unique, integral identifier. Thus,
// this method also checks for the existence of the identified Delivery Service, and will return
// an error if it does not exist.
func (j *InvalidationJobInput) DSID(tx *sql.Tx) (uint, error) {
if j.dsid != nil {
return *j.dsid, nil
if j.DeliveryService == nil {
return 0, errors.New("Attempted to turn a nil DeliveryService into a DSID")
if tx == nil {
return 0, errors.New("Attempted to turn a DeliveryService into a DSID with no DB connection")
var ret uint
switch t := (*j.DeliveryService).(type) {
case float64:
v := (*j.DeliveryService).(float64)
if v < 0 {
return 0, errors.New("Delivery Service ID cannot be negative")
u := uint(v)
var exists bool
row := tx.QueryRow(`SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM deliveryservice WHERE id=$1)`, u)
if err := row.Scan(&exists); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error checking for deliveryservice existence in DSID: %v\n", err)
return 0, errors.New("Unknown error occurred")
} else if !exists {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("No Delivery Service exists matching identifier: %v", *j.DeliveryService)
j.dsid = &u
return u, nil
case string:
row := tx.QueryRow(`SELECT id FROM deliveryservice WHERE xml_id=$1`, *j.DeliveryService)
if err := row.Scan(&ret); err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("No DeliveryService exists matching identifier: %v", *j.DeliveryService)
return 0, errors.New("Unknown error occurred")
j.dsid = &ret
return ret, nil
log.Errorf("unsupported DS key type: %T\n", t)
return 0, errors.New("Unknown error occurred")
// Validate, given a transaction connected to the Traffic Ops database, validates that the user input
// is correct. In particular, it enforces the constraints described on each field, as well as
// ensuring they actually exist. This method calls InvalidationJobInput.DSID to validate the
// DeliveryService field.
// This returns an error describing any and all problematic fields encountered during validation.
func (job *InvalidationJobInput) Validate(tx *sql.Tx) error {
errs := []string{}
err := validation.ValidateStruct(job,
validation.Field(&job.DeliveryService, validation.Required),
validation.Field(&job.Regex, validation.Required, validation.NewStringRule(func(s string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(s, `\/`) || strings.HasPrefix(s, "/")
}, `must start with '/' (or '\/')`)),
validation.Field(&job.TTL, validation.Required),
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err.Error())
if job.DeliveryService != nil {
if _, err := job.DSID(tx); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err.Error())
if job.Regex != nil && *job.Regex != "" {
if _, err := regexp.Compile(*job.Regex); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, "regex: is not a valid Regular Expression: "+err.Error())
if job.StartTime == nil {
errs = append(errs, "startTime: cannot be blank")
} else if job.StartTime.Time.Before(time.Now()) {
errs = append(errs, "startTime: must be in the future")
if job.TTL != nil {
if _, err := job.TTLHours(); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, "ttl: must be a number of hours, or a duration string e.g. '48h'")
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errors.New(strings.Join(errs, ", "))
return nil
// Validate checks that the InvalidationJob is valid, by ensuring all of its fields are well-defined.
// This returns an error describing any and all problematic fields encountered during validation.
func (job *InvalidationJob) Validate() error {
errs := []string{}
err := validation.ValidateStruct(job,
validation.Field(&job.AssetURL, validation.Required, is.URL),
validation.Field(&job.CreatedBy, validation.Required),
validation.Field(&job.DeliveryService, validation.Required),
validation.Field(&job.ID, validation.Required),
validation.Field(&job.Keyword, validation.Required),
validation.Field(&job.Parameters, validation.Required),
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err.Error())
if job.StartTime == nil {
return errors.New(strings.Join(append(errs, "startTime: cannot be blank"), ", "))
if job.StartTime.After(time.Now().Add(twoDays)) {
errs = append(errs, "startTime: must be within two days from now")
if job.StartTime.Before(time.Now()) {
errs = append(errs, "startTime: cannot be in the past")
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errors.New(strings.Join(errs, ", "))
return nil
// Validate, given a transaction connected to the Traffic Ops database, validates that the user input
// is correct.
// This requires a database transaction to check that the DSID is a valid identifier for an existing
// Delivery Service.
// Returns an error describing any and all problematic fields encountered during validation.
func (job *UserInvalidationJobInput) Validate(tx *sql.Tx) error {
errs := []string{}
err := validation.ValidateStruct(job,
validation.Field(&job.Regex, validation.Required, validation.NewStringRule(func(s string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(s, `\/`) || strings.HasPrefix(s, "/")
}, `must start with '/' (or '\/')`)),
validation.Field(&job.DSID, validation.Required),
validation.Field(&job.TTL, validation.Required),
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err.Error())
if job.StartTime == nil {
errs = append(errs, "startTime: cannot be blank")
} else if job.StartTime.After(time.Now().Add(twoDays)) {
errs = append(errs, "startTime: must be within two days!")
if job.Regex != nil && *(job.Regex) != "" {
if _, err := regexp.Compile(*(job.Regex)); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, "regex: is not a valid regular expression: "+err.Error())
if job.DSID != nil {
row := tx.QueryRow(`SELECT id FROM deliveryservice WHERE id = $1::bigint`, job.DSID)
var id uint
if err := row.Scan(&id); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, "No Delivery Service corresponding to 'dsId'!")
if job.TTL != nil {
row := tx.QueryRow(`SELECT value FROM parameter WHERE name='maxRevalDurationDays' AND config_file='regex_revalidate.config'`)
var max uint64
err := row.Scan(&max)
if err == sql.ErrNoRows && MaxTTL < *(job.TTL) {
errs = append(errs, "ttl: cannot exceed "+strconv.FormatUint(MaxTTL, 10)+"!")
} else if err == nil && max < *(job.TTL) { //silently ignore other errors to
errs = append(errs, "ttl: cannot exceed "+strconv.FormatUint(max, 10)+"!")
} else if *(job.TTL) < 1 {
errs = append(errs, "ttl: must be at least 1!")
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errors.New(strings.Join(errs, ", "))
return nil