blob: 25b5ce20961f325cac7ac94cfd54de2ec717fd87 [file] [log] [blame]
package tc
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import (
// DeliveryServiceServerResponse is the type of a response from Traffic Ops
// to a GET request to the /deliveryserviceserver endpoint.
type DeliveryServiceServerResponse struct {
Orderby string `json:"orderby"`
Response []DeliveryServiceServer `json:"response"`
Size int `json:"size"`
Limit int `json:"limit"`
// DSSMapResponse is the type of the `response` property of a response from
// Traffic Ops to a PUT request made to the /deliveryserviceserver endpoint of
// its API.
type DSSMapResponse struct {
DsId int `json:"dsId"`
Replace bool `json:"replace"`
Servers []int `json:"servers"`
// DSSReplaceResponse is the type of a response from Traffic Ops to a PUT
// request made to the /deliveryserviceserver endpoint of its API.
type DSSReplaceResponse struct {
Response DSSMapResponse `json:"response"`
// DSServersResponse is the type of a response from Traffic Ops to a POST
// request made to the /deliveryservices/{{XML ID}}/servers endpoint of its
// API.
type DSServersResponse struct {
Response DeliveryServiceServers `json:"response"`
// DeliveryServiceServers structures represent the servers assigned to a
// Delivery Service.
type DeliveryServiceServers struct {
ServerNames []string `json:"serverNames"`
XmlId string `json:"xmlId"`
// DeliveryServiceServer is the type of each entry in the `response` array
// property of responses from Traffic Ops to GET requests made to the
// /deliveryserviceservers endpoint of its API.
type DeliveryServiceServer struct {
Server *int `json:"server" db:"server"`
DeliveryService *int `json:"deliveryService" db:"deliveryservice"`
LastUpdated *TimeNoMod `json:"lastUpdated" db:"last_updated"`
// Filter is a type of unknown purpose - though it appears related to the
// removed APIv1 endpoints regarding the servers which are assigned to a
// Delivery Service, not assigned to a Delivery Service, and eligible for
// assignment to a Delivery Service.
// Deprecated: This is not used by any known ATC code, and is likely a remnant
// of legacy behavior that will be removed in the future.
type Filter int
// Enumerated values of the Filter type.
// Deprecated: These are not used by any known ATC code, and are likely
// remnants of legacy behavior that will be removed in the future.
const (
Assigned Filter = iota
// DSServerBase contains the base information for a Delivery Service Server.
type DSServerBase struct {
Cachegroup *string `json:"cachegroup" db:"cachegroup"`
CachegroupID *int `json:"cachegroupId" db:"cachegroup_id"`
CDNID *int `json:"cdnId" db:"cdn_id"`
CDNName *string `json:"cdnName" db:"cdn_name"`
DeliveryServices *map[string][]string `json:"deliveryServices,omitempty"`
DomainName *string `json:"domainName" db:"domain_name"`
FQDN *string `json:"fqdn,omitempty"`
FqdnTime time.Time `json:"-"`
GUID *string `json:"guid" db:"guid"`
HostName *string `json:"hostName" db:"host_name"`
HTTPSPort *int `json:"httpsPort" db:"https_port"`
ID *int `json:"id" db:"id"`
ILOIPAddress *string `json:"iloIpAddress" db:"ilo_ip_address"`
ILOIPGateway *string `json:"iloIpGateway" db:"ilo_ip_gateway"`
ILOIPNetmask *string `json:"iloIpNetmask" db:"ilo_ip_netmask"`
ILOPassword *string `json:"iloPassword" db:"ilo_password"`
ILOUsername *string `json:"iloUsername" db:"ilo_username"`
LastUpdated *TimeNoMod `json:"lastUpdated" db:"last_updated"`
MgmtIPAddress *string `json:"mgmtIpAddress" db:"mgmt_ip_address"`
MgmtIPGateway *string `json:"mgmtIpGateway" db:"mgmt_ip_gateway"`
MgmtIPNetmask *string `json:"mgmtIpNetmask" db:"mgmt_ip_netmask"`
OfflineReason *string `json:"offlineReason" db:"offline_reason"`
PhysLocation *string `json:"physLocation" db:"phys_location"`
PhysLocationID *int `json:"physLocationId" db:"phys_location_id"`
Profile *string `json:"profile" db:"profile"`
ProfileDesc *string `json:"profileDesc" db:"profile_desc"`
ProfileID *int `json:"profileId" db:"profile_id"`
Rack *string `json:"rack" db:"rack"`
RouterHostName *string `json:"routerHostName" db:"router_host_name"`
RouterPortName *string `json:"routerPortName" db:"router_port_name"`
Status *string `json:"status" db:"status"`
StatusID *int `json:"statusId" db:"status_id"`
TCPPort *int `json:"tcpPort" db:"tcp_port"`
Type string `json:"type" db:"server_type"`
TypeID *int `json:"typeId" db:"server_type_id"`
UpdPending *bool `json:"updPending" db:"upd_pending"`
ServerCapabilities []string `json:"-" db:"server_capabilities"`
DeliveryServiceCapabilities []string `json:"-" db:"deliveryservice_capabilities"`
// DSServerBaseV4 contains the base information for a Delivery Service Server.
type DSServerBaseV4 struct {
Cachegroup *string `json:"cachegroup" db:"cachegroup"`
CachegroupID *int `json:"cachegroupId" db:"cachegroup_id"`
CDNID *int `json:"cdnId" db:"cdn_id"`
CDNName *string `json:"cdnName" db:"cdn_name"`
DeliveryServices *map[string][]string `json:"deliveryServices,omitempty"`
DomainName *string `json:"domainName" db:"domain_name"`
FQDN *string `json:"fqdn,omitempty"`
FqdnTime time.Time `json:"-"`
GUID *string `json:"guid" db:"guid"`
HostName *string `json:"hostName" db:"host_name"`
HTTPSPort *int `json:"httpsPort" db:"https_port"`
ID *int `json:"id" db:"id"`
ILOIPAddress *string `json:"iloIpAddress" db:"ilo_ip_address"`
ILOIPGateway *string `json:"iloIpGateway" db:"ilo_ip_gateway"`
ILOIPNetmask *string `json:"iloIpNetmask" db:"ilo_ip_netmask"`
ILOPassword *string `json:"iloPassword" db:"ilo_password"`
ILOUsername *string `json:"iloUsername" db:"ilo_username"`
LastUpdated *TimeNoMod `json:"lastUpdated" db:"last_updated"`
MgmtIPAddress *string `json:"mgmtIpAddress" db:"mgmt_ip_address"`
MgmtIPGateway *string `json:"mgmtIpGateway" db:"mgmt_ip_gateway"`
MgmtIPNetmask *string `json:"mgmtIpNetmask" db:"mgmt_ip_netmask"`
OfflineReason *string `json:"offlineReason" db:"offline_reason"`
PhysLocation *string `json:"physLocation" db:"phys_location"`
PhysLocationID *int `json:"physLocationId" db:"phys_location_id"`
ProfileNames []string `json:"profileNames" db:"profile_name"`
Rack *string `json:"rack" db:"rack"`
Status *string `json:"status" db:"status"`
StatusID *int `json:"statusId" db:"status_id"`
TCPPort *int `json:"tcpPort" db:"tcp_port"`
Type string `json:"type" db:"server_type"`
TypeID *int `json:"typeId" db:"server_type_id"`
UpdPending *bool `json:"updPending" db:"upd_pending"`
ServerCapabilities []string `json:"-" db:"server_capabilities"`
DeliveryServiceCapabilities []string `json:"-" db:"deliveryservice_capabilities"`
// DSServerV11 contains the legacy format for a Delivery Service Server.
type DSServerV11 struct {
// DSServer contains information for a Delivery Service Server.
type DSServer struct {
ServerInterfaces *[]ServerInterfaceInfo `json:"interfaces" db:"interfaces"`
// DSServerResponseV30 is the type of a response from Traffic Ops to a request
// for servers assigned to a Delivery Service - in API version 3.0.
type DSServerResponseV30 struct {
Response []DSServer `json:"response"`
// DSServerV4 contains information for a V4.x Delivery Service Server.
type DSServerV4 struct {
ASNs []int64 `json:"asns"`
// DSServerV40 contains information for a V4.0 Delivery Service Server.
type DSServerV40 struct {
ServerInterfaces *[]ServerInterfaceInfoV40 `json:"interfaces" db:"interfaces"`
// DSServerResponseV40 is the type of a response from Traffic Ops to a request
// for servers assigned to a Delivery Service - in API version 4.0.
type DSServerResponseV40 struct {
Response []DSServerV40 `json:"response"`
// DSServerResponseV41 is the type of a response from Traffic Ops to a request
// for servers assigned to a Delivery Service - in API version 4.1.
type DSServerResponseV41 struct {
Response []DSServerV4 `json:"response"`
// DSServerResponseV4 is the type of a response from Traffic Ops to a request
// for servers assigned to a Delivery Service - in the latest minor version of
// API version 4.
type DSServerResponseV4 = DSServerResponseV41
// ToDSServerBaseV4 upgrades the DSServerBase to the structure used by the
// latest minor version of version 4 of Traffic Ops's API.
func (oldBase DSServerBase) ToDSServerBaseV4() DSServerBaseV4 {
var dsServerBaseV4 DSServerBaseV4
dsServerBaseV4.Cachegroup = oldBase.Cachegroup
dsServerBaseV4.CachegroupID = oldBase.CachegroupID
dsServerBaseV4.CDNID = oldBase.CDNID
dsServerBaseV4.CDNName = oldBase.CDNName
dsServerBaseV4.DeliveryServices = oldBase.DeliveryServices
dsServerBaseV4.DomainName = oldBase.DomainName
dsServerBaseV4.FQDN = oldBase.FQDN
dsServerBaseV4.FqdnTime = oldBase.FqdnTime
dsServerBaseV4.GUID = oldBase.GUID
dsServerBaseV4.HostName = oldBase.HostName
dsServerBaseV4.HTTPSPort = oldBase.HTTPSPort
dsServerBaseV4.ID = oldBase.ID
dsServerBaseV4.ILOIPAddress = oldBase.ILOIPAddress
dsServerBaseV4.ILOIPGateway = oldBase.ILOIPGateway
dsServerBaseV4.ILOIPNetmask = oldBase.ILOIPNetmask
dsServerBaseV4.ILOPassword = oldBase.ILOPassword
dsServerBaseV4.ILOUsername = oldBase.ILOUsername
dsServerBaseV4.LastUpdated = oldBase.LastUpdated
dsServerBaseV4.MgmtIPAddress = oldBase.MgmtIPAddress
dsServerBaseV4.MgmtIPGateway = oldBase.MgmtIPGateway
dsServerBaseV4.MgmtIPNetmask = oldBase.MgmtIPNetmask
dsServerBaseV4.OfflineReason = oldBase.OfflineReason
dsServerBaseV4.PhysLocation = oldBase.PhysLocation
dsServerBaseV4.PhysLocationID = oldBase.PhysLocationID
dsServerBaseV4.ProfileNames = []string{*oldBase.Profile}
dsServerBaseV4.Rack = oldBase.Rack
dsServerBaseV4.Status = oldBase.Status
dsServerBaseV4.StatusID = oldBase.StatusID
dsServerBaseV4.TCPPort = oldBase.TCPPort
dsServerBaseV4.Type = oldBase.Type
dsServerBaseV4.TypeID = oldBase.TypeID
dsServerBaseV4.UpdPending = oldBase.UpdPending
dsServerBaseV4.ServerCapabilities = oldBase.ServerCapabilities
dsServerBaseV4.DeliveryServiceCapabilities = oldBase.DeliveryServiceCapabilities
return dsServerBaseV4
// ToDSServerBase downgrades the DSServerBaseV4 to the structure used by the
// Traffic Ops API in versions earlier than 4.0.
func (baseV4 DSServerBaseV4) ToDSServerBase(routerHostName, routerPort, pDesc *string, pID *int) DSServerBase {
var dsServerBase DSServerBase
dsServerBase.Cachegroup = baseV4.Cachegroup
dsServerBase.CachegroupID = baseV4.CachegroupID
dsServerBase.CDNID = baseV4.CDNID
dsServerBase.CDNName = baseV4.CDNName
dsServerBase.DeliveryServices = baseV4.DeliveryServices
dsServerBase.DomainName = baseV4.DomainName
dsServerBase.FQDN = baseV4.FQDN
dsServerBase.FqdnTime = baseV4.FqdnTime
dsServerBase.GUID = baseV4.GUID
dsServerBase.HostName = baseV4.HostName
dsServerBase.HTTPSPort = baseV4.HTTPSPort
dsServerBase.ID = baseV4.ID
dsServerBase.ILOIPAddress = baseV4.ILOIPAddress
dsServerBase.ILOIPGateway = baseV4.ILOIPGateway
dsServerBase.ILOIPNetmask = baseV4.ILOIPNetmask
dsServerBase.ILOPassword = baseV4.ILOPassword
dsServerBase.ILOUsername = baseV4.ILOUsername
dsServerBase.LastUpdated = baseV4.LastUpdated
dsServerBase.MgmtIPAddress = baseV4.MgmtIPAddress
dsServerBase.MgmtIPGateway = baseV4.MgmtIPGateway
dsServerBase.MgmtIPNetmask = baseV4.MgmtIPNetmask
dsServerBase.OfflineReason = baseV4.OfflineReason
dsServerBase.PhysLocation = baseV4.PhysLocation
dsServerBase.PhysLocationID = baseV4.PhysLocationID
dsServerBase.Profile = &baseV4.ProfileNames[0]
dsServerBase.ProfileDesc = pDesc
dsServerBase.ProfileID = pID
dsServerBase.Rack = baseV4.Rack
dsServerBase.Status = baseV4.Status
dsServerBase.StatusID = baseV4.StatusID
dsServerBase.TCPPort = baseV4.TCPPort
dsServerBase.Type = baseV4.Type
dsServerBase.TypeID = baseV4.TypeID
dsServerBase.UpdPending = baseV4.UpdPending
dsServerBase.ServerCapabilities = baseV4.ServerCapabilities
dsServerBase.DeliveryServiceCapabilities = baseV4.DeliveryServiceCapabilities
dsServerBase.RouterHostName = routerHostName
dsServerBase.RouterPortName = routerPort
return dsServerBase