blob: 5bdb47574841df13070c1b8ae39477511e3e031f [file] [log] [blame]
package atscfg
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import (
const ContentTypeParentDotConfig = ContentTypeTextASCII
const LineCommentParentDotConfig = LineCommentHash
const ParentConfigFileName = "parent.config"
const ParentConfigParamQStringHandling = "psel.qstring_handling"
const ParentConfigParamMergeGroups = "merge_parent_groups"
const ParentConfigDSParamDefaultMSOAlgorithm = ParentAbstractionServiceRetryPolicyConsistentHash
const ParentConfigDSParamDefaultMSOParentRetry = "both"
const ParentConfigDSParamDefaultMSOUnavailableServerRetryResponses = ""
const ParentConfigDSParamDefaultMaxSimpleRetries = 1
const ParentConfigDSParamDefaultMaxUnavailableServerRetries = 1
const ParentConfigCacheParamWeight = "weight"
const ParentConfigCacheParamPort = "port"
const ParentConfigCacheParamUseIP = "use_ip_address"
const ParentConfigCacheParamRank = "rank"
const ParentConfigCacheParamNotAParent = "not_a_parent"
const StrategyConfigUsePeering = "use_peering"
// same across DS
const ParentConfigParamQString = "qstring"
type ParentConfigRetryKeys struct {
Algorithm string
SecondaryMode string
ParentRetry string
MaxSimpleRetries string
SimpleRetryResponses string
MaxUnavailableRetries string
UnavailableRetryResponses string
func MakeParentConfigRetryKeysWithPrefix(prefix string) ParentConfigRetryKeys {
return ParentConfigRetryKeys{
Algorithm: prefix + "algorithm",
SecondaryMode: prefix + "try_all_primaries_before_secondary",
ParentRetry: prefix + "parent_retry",
MaxSimpleRetries: prefix + "max_simple_retries",
SimpleRetryResponses: prefix + "simple_server_retry_responses",
MaxUnavailableRetries: prefix + "max_unavailable_server_retries",
UnavailableRetryResponses: prefix + "unavailable_server_retry_responses",
var ParentConfigRetryKeysFirst = MakeParentConfigRetryKeysWithPrefix("first.")
var ParentConfigRetryKeysInner = MakeParentConfigRetryKeysWithPrefix("inner.")
var ParentConfigRetryKeysLast = MakeParentConfigRetryKeysWithPrefix("last.")
var ParentConfigRetryKeysMSO = MakeParentConfigRetryKeysWithPrefix("mso.")
var ParentConfigRetryKeysDefault = MakeParentConfigRetryKeysWithPrefix("")
type OriginHost string
type OriginFQDN string
// ParentConfigOpts contains settings to configure parent.config generation options.
type ParentConfigOpts struct {
// AddComments is whether to add informative comments to the generated file, about what was generated and why.
// Note this does not include the header comment, which is configured separately with HdrComment.
// These comments are human-readable and not guarnateed to be consistent between versions. Automating anything based on them is strongly discouraged.
AddComments bool
// HdrComment is the header comment to include at the beginning of the file.
// This should be the text desired, without comment syntax (like # or //). The file's comment syntax will be added.
// To omit the header comment, pass the empty string.
HdrComment string
// ATSMajorVersion is the integral major version of Apache Traffic server,
// used to generate the proper config for the proper version.
// If omitted or 0, the major version will be read from the Server's Profile Parameter config file 'package' name 'trafficserver'. If no such Parameter exists, the ATS version will default to 5.
// This was the old Traffic Control behavior, before the version was specifiable externally.
ATSMajorVersion uint
func MakeParentDotConfig(
dses []DeliveryService,
server *Server,
servers []Server,
topologies []tc.Topology,
tcServerParams []tc.Parameter,
tcParentConfigParams []tc.Parameter,
serverCapabilities map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{},
dsRequiredCapabilities map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{},
cacheGroupArr []tc.CacheGroupNullable,
dss []DeliveryServiceServer,
cdn *tc.CDN,
opt *ParentConfigOpts,
) (Cfg, error) {
warnings := []string{}
atsMajorVersion := getATSMajorVersion(opt.ATSMajorVersion, tcServerParams, &warnings)
parentAbstraction, dataWarns, err := makeParentDotConfigData(
warnings = append(warnings, dataWarns...)
if err != nil {
return Cfg{}, makeErr(warnings, err.Error())
text, paWarns, err := parentAbstractionToParentDotConfig(parentAbstraction, opt, atsMajorVersion)
warnings = append(warnings, paWarns...)
if err != nil {
return Cfg{}, makeErr(warnings, err.Error())
hdr := ""
if opt.HdrComment != "" {
hdr = makeHdrComment(opt.HdrComment)
return Cfg{
Text: hdr + text,
ContentType: ContentTypeParentDotConfig,
LineComment: LineCommentParentDotConfig,
Warnings: warnings,
}, nil
func makeParentDotConfigData(
dses []DeliveryService,
server *Server,
servers []Server,
topologies []tc.Topology,
tcServerParams []tc.Parameter,
tcParentConfigParams []tc.Parameter,
serverCapabilities map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{},
dsRequiredCapabilities map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{},
cacheGroupArr []tc.CacheGroupNullable,
dss []DeliveryServiceServer,
cdn *tc.CDN,
opt *ParentConfigOpts,
atsMajorVersion uint,
) (*ParentAbstraction, []string, error) {
if opt == nil {
opt = &ParentConfigOpts{}
parentAbstraction := &ParentAbstraction{}
warnings := []string{}
if server.HostName == nil || *server.HostName == "" {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("server HostName missing")
} else if server.CDNName == nil || *server.CDNName == "" {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("server CDNName missing")
} else if server.Cachegroup == nil || *server.Cachegroup == "" {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("server Cachegroup missing")
} else if len(server.ProfileNames) == 0 {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("server Profile missing")
} else if server.TCPPort == nil {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("server TCPPort missing")
cacheGroups, err := makeCGMap(cacheGroupArr)
if err != nil {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("making CacheGroup map: " + err.Error())
serverParentCGData, err := getParentCacheGroupData(server, cacheGroups)
if err != nil {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("getting server parent cachegroup data: " + err.Error())
cacheIsTopLevel := isTopLevelCache(serverParentCGData)
serverCDNDomain := cdn.DomainName
profileParentConfigParams, parentWarns := getProfileParentConfigParams(tcParentConfigParams)
warnings = append(warnings, parentWarns...)
parentConfigParamsWithProfiles, err := tcParamsToParamsWithProfiles(tcParentConfigParams)
if err != nil {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("adding profiles to parent config params: " + err.Error())
// parentConfigParams are the parent.config params for all profiles (needed for parents)
parentConfigParams := parameterWithProfilesToMap(parentConfigParamsWithProfiles)
serversWithParams := []serverWithParams{}
for _, sv := range servers {
serverParentParams, parentWarns := serverParentageParams(&sv, parentConfigParams)
warnings = append(warnings, parentWarns...)
serversWithParams = append(serversWithParams, serverWithParams{
Server: sv,
Params: serverParentParams,
// serverParams are the parent.config params for this particular server
serverParams := getServerParentConfigParams(server, parentConfigParams)
parentCacheGroups := map[string]struct{}{}
if cacheIsTopLevel {
for _, cg := range cacheGroups {
if cg.Type == nil {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("cachegroup type is nil!")
if cg.Name == nil {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("cachegroup name is nil!")
if *cg.Type != tc.CacheGroupOriginTypeName {
parentCacheGroups[*cg.Name] = struct{}{}
} else {
for _, cg := range cacheGroups {
if cg.Type == nil {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("cachegroup type is nil!")
if cg.Name == nil {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("cachegroup name is nil!")
if *cg.Name == *server.Cachegroup {
if cg.ParentName != nil && *cg.ParentName != "" {
parentCacheGroups[*cg.ParentName] = struct{}{}
if cg.SecondaryParentName != nil && *cg.SecondaryParentName != "" {
parentCacheGroups[*cg.SecondaryParentName] = struct{}{}
nameTopologies := makeTopologyNameMap(topologies)
cgPeers := map[int]serverWithParams{} // map[serverID]server
cgServers := map[int]serverWithParams{} // map[serverID]server
for _, sv := range serversWithParams {
if sv.ID == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "TO servers had server with missing ID, skipping!")
} else if sv.CDNName == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "TO servers had server with missing CDNName, skipping!")
} else if sv.Cachegroup == nil || *sv.Cachegroup == "" {
warnings = append(warnings, "TO servers had server with missing Cachegroup, skipping!")
} else if sv.Status == nil || *sv.Status == "" {
warnings = append(warnings, "TO servers had server with missing Status, skipping!")
} else if sv.Type == "" {
warnings = append(warnings, "TO servers had server with missing Type, skipping!")
if *sv.CDNName != *server.CDNName {
// save cachegroup peer servers
if *sv.CDNName == *server.CDNName && *sv.Cachegroup == *server.Cachegroup {
if *sv.Status == string(tc.CacheStatusReported) || *sv.Status == string(tc.CacheStatusOnline) {
if _, ok := cgPeers[*sv.ID]; !ok {
cgPeers[*sv.ID] = sv
if _, ok := parentCacheGroups[*sv.Cachegroup]; !ok {
if sv.Type != tc.OriginTypeName &&
!strings.HasPrefix(sv.Type, tc.EdgeTypePrefix) &&
!strings.HasPrefix(sv.Type, tc.MidTypePrefix) {
if *sv.Status != string(tc.CacheStatusReported) && *sv.Status != string(tc.CacheStatusOnline) {
cgServers[*sv.ID] = sv
// save the cache group peers
for _, v := range cgPeers {
peer := &ParentAbstractionServiceParent{}
peer.FQDN = *v.HostName + "." + *v.DomainName
peer.Port = *v.TCPPort
peer.Weight = 0.999
parentAbstraction.Peers = append(parentAbstraction.Peers, peer)
cgServerIDs := map[int]struct{}{}
for serverID, _ := range cgServers {
cgServerIDs[serverID] = struct{}{}
cgServerIDs[*server.ID] = struct{}{}
cgDSServers := filterDSS(dss, nil, cgServerIDs)
parentServerDSes := map[int]map[int]struct{}{} // map[serverID][dsID]
for _, dss := range cgDSServers {
if parentServerDSes[dss.Server] == nil {
parentServerDSes[dss.Server] = map[int]struct{}{}
parentServerDSes[dss.Server][dss.DeliveryService] = struct{}{}
originServers, orgProfWarns, err := getOriginServers(cgServers, parentServerDSes, dses, serverCapabilities)
warnings = append(warnings, orgProfWarns...)
if err != nil {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("getting origin servers and profile caches: " + err.Error())
parentInfos, piWarns := makeParentInfo(serverParentCGData, serverCDNDomain, originServers, serverCapabilities)
warnings = append(warnings, piWarns...)
dsOrigins, dsOriginWarns := makeDSOrigins(dss, dses, servers)
warnings = append(warnings, dsOriginWarns...)
for _, ds := range dses {
if ds.XMLID == nil || *ds.XMLID == "" {
warnings = append(warnings, "got ds with missing XMLID, skipping!")
} else if ds.ID == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "got ds with missing ID, skipping!")
} else if ds.Type == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "got ds with missing Type, skipping!")
if !cacheIsTopLevel && ds.Topology == nil {
if _, ok := parentServerDSes[*server.ID][*ds.ID]; !ok {
continue // skip DSes not assigned to this server.
if !ds.Type.IsHTTP() && !ds.Type.IsDNS() {
continue // skip ANY_MAP, STEERING, etc
if ds.OrgServerFQDN == nil || *ds.OrgServerFQDN == "" {
// this check needs to be after the HTTP|DNS check, because Steering DSes without origins are ok'
warnings = append(warnings, "DS '"+*ds.XMLID+"' has no origin server! Skipping!")
isMSO := ds.MultiSiteOrigin != nil && *ds.MultiSiteOrigin
// TODO put these in separate functions. No if-statement should be this long.
if ds.Topology != nil && *ds.Topology != "" {
pasvc, topoWarnings, err := getTopologyParentConfigLine(
warnings = append(warnings, topoWarnings...)
if err != nil {
// we don't want to fail generation with an error if one ds is malformed
warnings = append(warnings, err.Error()) // getTopologyParentConfigLine includes error context
if pasvc != nil { // will be nil with no error if this server isn't in the Topology, or if it doesn't have the Required Capabilities
parentAbstraction.Services = append(parentAbstraction.Services, pasvc)
} else {
isLastCacheTier := noTopologyServerIsLastCacheForDS(server, &ds, cacheGroups)
serverPlacement := TopologyPlacement{
IsLastCacheTier: isLastCacheTier,
IsFirstCacheTier: !isLastCacheTier || !ds.Type.UsesMidCache(),
dsParams, dswarns := getParentDSParams(ds, profileParentConfigParams, serverPlacement, isMSO)
warnings = append(warnings, dswarns...)
if cacheIsTopLevel {
parentQStr := false
if dsParams.QueryStringHandling == "" && dsParams.Algorithm == tc.AlgorithmConsistentHash && ds.QStringIgnore != nil && tc.QStringIgnore(*ds.QStringIgnore) == tc.QStringIgnoreUseInCacheKeyAndPassUp {
parentQStr = true
orgFQDNStr := *ds.OrgServerFQDN
// if this cache isn't the last tier, i.e. we're not going to the origin, use http not https
if !isLastCacheTier {
orgFQDNStr = strings.Replace(orgFQDNStr, `https://`, `http://`, -1)
orgURI, orgWarns, err := getOriginURI(orgFQDNStr)
warnings = append(warnings, orgWarns...)
if err != nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "DS '"+*ds.XMLID+"' has malformed origin URI: '"+orgFQDNStr+"': skipping!"+err.Error())
pasvc := &ParentAbstractionService{}
pasvc.Name = *ds.XMLID
if ds.OriginShield != nil && *ds.OriginShield != "" {
policy := ParentAbstractionServiceRetryPolicyConsistentHash
if parentSelectAlg := serverParams[ParentConfigRetryKeysDefault.Algorithm]; strings.TrimSpace(parentSelectAlg) != "" {
paramPolicy := ParentSelectAlgorithmToParentAbstractionServiceRetryPolicy(parentSelectAlg)
if paramPolicy != ParentAbstractionServiceRetryPolicyInvalid {
policy = paramPolicy
} else {
warnings = append(warnings, "DS '"+*ds.XMLID+"' had malformed "+ParentConfigRetryKeysDefault.Algorithm+" parameter '"+parentSelectAlg+"', not using!")
pasvc.Comment = makeParentComment(opt.AddComments, *ds.XMLID, "")
pasvc.DestDomain = orgURI.Hostname()
pasvc.Port, err = strconv.Atoi(orgURI.Port())
if err != nil {
if strings.ToLower(orgURI.Scheme) == "https" {
pasvc.Port = 443
} else {
pasvc.Port = 80
warnings = append(warnings, "DS '"+*ds.XMLID+"' had malformed origin port: '"+orgURI.Port()+"': using "+strconv.Itoa(pasvc.Port)+"! : "+err.Error())
fqdnPort := strings.Split(*ds.OriginShield, ":")
parent := &ParentAbstractionServiceParent{}
parent.FQDN = fqdnPort[0]
if len(fqdnPort) > 1 {
parent.Port, err = strconv.Atoi(fqdnPort[1])
if err != nil {
parent.Port = 80
warnings = append(warnings, "DS '"+*ds.XMLID+"' had malformed origin port: '"+*ds.OriginShield+"': using "+strconv.Itoa(parent.Port)+"! : "+err.Error())
} else {
parent.Port = 80
warnings = append(warnings, "DS '"+*ds.XMLID+"' had no origin port: '"+*ds.OriginShield+"': using "+strconv.Itoa(parent.Port)+"!")
pasvc.Parents = append(pasvc.Parents, parent)
pasvc.RetryPolicy = policy
pasvc.GoDirect = true
// textLine += "dest_domain=" + orgURI.Hostname() + " port=" + orgURI.Port() + " parent=" + *ds.OriginShield + " " + algorithm + " go_direct=true\n"
} else if ds.MultiSiteOrigin != nil && *ds.MultiSiteOrigin {
pasvc.Comment = makeParentComment(opt.AddComments, *ds.XMLID, "")
pasvc.DestDomain = orgURI.Hostname()
pasvc.Port, err = strconv.Atoi(orgURI.Port())
if err != nil {
pasvc.Port = 80
warnings = append(warnings, "DS '"+*ds.XMLID+"' had malformed origin port: '"+orgURI.Port()+"': using "+strconv.Itoa(pasvc.Port)+"! : "+err.Error())
// textLine += "dest_domain=" + orgURI.Hostname() + " port=" + orgURI.Port() + " "
if len(parentInfos) == 0 {
if len(parentInfos[OriginHost(orgURI.Hostname())]) == 0 {
// TODO error? emulates Perl
warnings = append(warnings, "DS "+*ds.XMLID+" has no parent servers")
parents, secondaryParents, secondaryMode, parentWarns := getMSOParentStrs(&ds, parentInfos[OriginHost(orgURI.Hostname())], atsMajorVersion, dsParams.Algorithm, dsParams.TryAllPrimariesBeforeSecondary)
warnings = append(warnings, parentWarns...)
pasvc.Parents = parents
pasvc.SecondaryParents = secondaryParents
pasvc.SecondaryMode = secondaryMode
pasvc.RetryPolicy = dsParams.Algorithm // TODO convert
pasvc.IgnoreQueryStringInParentSelection = !parentQStr
pasvc.GoDirect = true
// textLine += parents + secondaryParents + ` round_robin=` + dsParams.Algorithm + ` qstring=` + parentQStr + ` go_direct=false parent_is_proxy=false`
prWarns := dsParams.FillParentSvcRetries(cacheIsTopLevel, atsMajorVersion, pasvc)
warnings = append(warnings, prWarns...)
parentAbstraction.Services = append(parentAbstraction.Services, pasvc)
} else {
queryStringHandling := ParentSelectParamQStringHandlingToBool(serverParams[ParentConfigParamQStringHandling]) // "qsh" in Perl
if queryStringHandling == nil && serverParams[ParentConfigParamQStringHandling] != "" {
warnings = append(warnings, "Server Parameter '"+ParentConfigParamQStringHandling+"' value '"+serverParams[ParentConfigParamQStringHandling]+"' malformed, not using!")
roundRobin := ParentAbstractionServiceRetryPolicyConsistentHash
// roundRobin := `round_robin=consistent_hash`
goDirect := false
// goDirect := `go_direct=false`
parents, secondaryParents, secondaryMode, parentWarns := getParentStrs(&ds, dsRequiredCapabilities, parentInfos[deliveryServicesAllParentsKey], atsMajorVersion, dsParams.TryAllPrimariesBeforeSecondary)
warnings = append(warnings, parentWarns...)
pasvc := &ParentAbstractionService{}
pasvc.Name = *ds.XMLID
// peering ring check
if dsParams.UsePeering {
secondaryMode = ParentAbstractionServiceParentSecondaryModePeering
orgFQDNStr := *ds.OrgServerFQDN
// if this cache isn't the last tier, i.e. we're not going to the origin, use http not https
if !isLastCacheTier {
orgFQDNStr = strings.Replace(orgFQDNStr, `https://`, `http://`, -1)
orgURI, orgWarns, err := getOriginURI(orgFQDNStr)
warnings = append(warnings, orgWarns...)
if err != nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "DS '"+*ds.XMLID+"' had malformed origin URI: '"+*ds.OrgServerFQDN+"': skipping!"+err.Error())
pasvc.Comment = makeParentComment(opt.AddComments, *ds.XMLID, "")
// TODO encode this in a DSType func, IsGoDirect() ?
if *ds.Type == tc.DSTypeHTTPNoCache || *ds.Type == tc.DSTypeHTTPLive || *ds.Type == tc.DSTypeDNSLive {
pasvc.DestDomain = orgURI.Hostname()
pasvc.Port, err = strconv.Atoi(orgURI.Port())
if err != nil {
if strings.ToLower(orgURI.Scheme) == "https" {
pasvc.Port = 443
} else {
pasvc.Port = 80
warnings = append(warnings, "DS '"+*ds.XMLID+"' had malformed origin port: '"+orgURI.Port()+"': using "+strconv.Itoa(pasvc.Port)+"! : "+err.Error())
pasvc.GoDirect = true
pasvc.Parents = []*ParentAbstractionServiceParent{&ParentAbstractionServiceParent{
FQDN: pasvc.DestDomain,
Port: pasvc.Port,
Weight: 1.0,
// text += `dest_domain=` + orgURI.Hostname() + ` port=` + orgURI.Port() + ` go_direct=true` + "\n"
} else {
// check for profile psel.qstring_handling. If this parameter is assigned to the server profile,
// then edges will use the qstring handling value specified in the parameter for all profiles.
// If there is no defined parameter in the profile, then check the delivery service profile.
// If psel.qstring_handling exists in the DS profile, then we use that value for the specified DS only.
// This is used only if not overridden by a server profile qstring handling parameter.
// TODO refactor this logic, hard to understand (transliterated from Perl)
dsQSH := queryStringHandling
if dsQSH == nil {
dsQSH = ParentSelectParamQStringHandlingToBool(dsParams.QueryStringHandling)
if dsQSH == nil && dsParams.QueryStringHandling != "" {
warnings = append(warnings, "Delivery Service parameter '"+ParentConfigParamQStringHandling+"' value '"+dsParams.QueryStringHandling+"' malformed, not using!")
parentQStr := dsQSH
if parentQStr == nil {
v := false
parentQStr = &v
if ds.QStringIgnore != nil && tc.QStringIgnore(*ds.QStringIgnore) == tc.QStringIgnoreUseInCacheKeyAndPassUp && dsQSH == nil {
v := true
parentQStr = &v
if parentQStr == nil {
b := !DefaultIgnoreQueryStringInParentSelection
parentQStr = &b
pasvc.DestDomain = orgURI.Hostname()
pasvc.Port, err = strconv.Atoi(orgURI.Port())
if err != nil {
if strings.ToLower(orgURI.Scheme) == "https" {
pasvc.Port = 443
} else {
pasvc.Port = 80
warnings = append(warnings, "DS '"+*ds.XMLID+"' had malformed origin port: '"+orgURI.Port()+"': using "+strconv.Itoa(pasvc.Port)+"! : "+err.Error())
pasvc.Parents = parents
pasvc.SecondaryParents = secondaryParents
pasvc.SecondaryMode = secondaryMode
pasvc.RetryPolicy = roundRobin
pasvc.GoDirect = goDirect
pasvc.IgnoreQueryStringInParentSelection = !*parentQStr
// text += `dest_domain=` + orgURI.Hostname() + ` port=` + orgURI.Port() + ` ` + parents + ` ` + secondaryParents + ` ` + roundRobin + ` ` + goDirect + ` qstring=` + parentQStr + "\n"
prWarns := dsParams.FillParentSvcRetries(cacheIsTopLevel, atsMajorVersion, pasvc)
warnings = append(warnings, prWarns...)
parentAbstraction.Services = append(parentAbstraction.Services, pasvc)
// TODO determine if this is necessary. It's super-dangerous, and moreover ignores Server Capabilitites.
defaultDestText := (*ParentAbstractionService)(nil)
if !isTopLevelCache(serverParentCGData) {
defaultDestText = &ParentAbstractionService{}
// magic uuid to prevent accidental DS name collision
defaultDestText.Name = `default-destination-c3854be4-a859-41d6-815d-7b36297e48c6`
invalidDS := &DeliveryService{}
invalidDS.ID = util.IntPtr(-1)
tryAllPrimariesBeforeSecondary := false
parents, secondaryParents, secondaryMode, parentWarns := getParentStrs(invalidDS, dsRequiredCapabilities, parentInfos[deliveryServicesAllParentsKey], atsMajorVersion, tryAllPrimariesBeforeSecondary)
warnings = append(warnings, parentWarns...)
defaultDestText.DestDomain = `.`
defaultDestText.Parents = parents
// defaultDestText = `dest_domain=. ` + parents
if serverParams[ParentConfigRetryKeysDefault.Algorithm] == tc.AlgorithmConsistentHash {
defaultDestText.SecondaryParents = secondaryParents
defaultDestText.SecondaryMode = secondaryMode
// defaultDestText += secondaryParents
defaultDestText.RetryPolicy = ParentAbstractionServiceRetryPolicyConsistentHash
defaultDestText.GoDirect = false
// defaultDestText += ` round_robin=consistent_hash go_direct=false`
if qStr := serverParams[ParentConfigParamQString]; qStr != "" {
if v := ParentSelectParamQStringHandlingToBool(qStr); v != nil {
defaultDestText.IgnoreQueryStringInParentSelection = !*v
} else if qStr != "" {
warnings = append(warnings, "Server parameter '"+ParentConfigParamQString+"' value '"+qStr+"' malformed, not using!")
// defaultDestText += ` qstring=` + qStr
defaultDestText.Comment = makeParentComment(opt.AddComments, "", "")
if defaultDestText != nil {
parentAbstraction.Services = append(parentAbstraction.Services, defaultDestText)
return parentAbstraction, warnings, nil
// makeParentComment creates the parent line comment and returns it.
// If addComments is false, returns the empty string. This exists for composability.
// Either dsName or topology may be the empty string.
// The returned comment includes a trailing newline.
func makeParentComment(addComments bool, dsName string, topology string) string {
if !addComments {
return ""
return "ds '" + dsName + "' topology '" + topology + "'"
type parentInfo struct {
Host string
Port int
Domain string
Weight float64
UseIP bool
Rank int
IP string
PrimaryParent bool
SecondaryParent bool
Capabilities map[ServerCapability]struct{}
func (p parentInfo) Format() string {
host := ""
if p.UseIP {
host = p.IP
} else {
host = p.Host + "." + p.Domain
return host + ":" + strconv.Itoa(p.Port) + "|" + strconv.FormatFloat(p.Weight, 'f', 3, 64) + ";"
func (p parentInfo) ToAbstract() *ParentAbstractionServiceParent {
host := ""
if p.UseIP {
host = p.IP
} else {
host = p.Host + "." + p.Domain
return &ParentAbstractionServiceParent{
FQDN: host,
Port: p.Port,
Weight: p.Weight,
type parentInfos map[OriginHost]parentInfo
type parentInfoSortByRank []parentInfo
func (s parentInfoSortByRank) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s parentInfoSortByRank) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
func (s parentInfoSortByRank) Less(i, j int) bool {
if s[i].Rank != s[j].Rank {
return s[i].Rank < s[j].Rank
} else if s[i].Host != s[j].Host {
return s[i].Host < s[j].Host
} else if s[i].Domain != s[j].Domain {
return s[i].Domain < s[j].Domain
} else if s[i].Port != s[j].Port {
return s[i].Port < s[j].Port
return s[i].IP < s[j].IP
type serverWithParams struct {
Params parentServerParams
type serversWithParamsSortByRank []serverWithParams
func (ss serversWithParamsSortByRank) Len() int { return len(ss) }
func (ss serversWithParamsSortByRank) Swap(i, j int) { ss[i], ss[j] = ss[j], ss[i] }
func (ss serversWithParamsSortByRank) Less(i, j int) bool {
if ss[i].Params.Rank != ss[j].Params.Rank {
return ss[i].Params.Rank < ss[j].Params.Rank
if ss[i].HostName == nil {
if ss[j].HostName != nil {
return true
} else if ss[j].HostName == nil {
return false
} else if ss[i].HostName != ss[j].HostName {
return *ss[i].HostName < *ss[j].HostName
if ss[i].DomainName == nil {
if ss[j].DomainName != nil {
return true
} else if ss[j].DomainName == nil {
return false
} else if ss[i].DomainName != ss[j].DomainName {
return *ss[i].DomainName < *ss[j].DomainName
if ss[i].Params.Port != ss[j].Params.Port {
return ss[i].Params.Port < ss[j].Params.Port
iIP := getServerIPAddress(&ss[i].Server)
jIP := getServerIPAddress(&ss[j].Server)
if iIP == nil {
if jIP != nil {
return true
} else if jIP == nil {
return false
return bytes.Compare(iIP, jIP) <= 0
type dsesSortByName []DeliveryService
func (s dsesSortByName) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s dsesSortByName) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
func (s dsesSortByName) Less(i, j int) bool {
if s[i].XMLID == nil {
return true
if s[j].XMLID == nil {
return false
return *s[i].XMLID < *s[j].XMLID
type parentServerParams struct {
Weight string
Port int
UseIP bool
Rank int
NotAParent bool
const DefaultParentWeight = 0.999
func defaultParentServerParams() parentServerParams {
return parentServerParams{
Weight: strconv.FormatFloat(DefaultParentWeight, 'f', 3, 64),
Port: 0,
UseIP: false,
Rank: 1,
NotAParent: false,
type originURI struct {
Scheme string
Host string
Port string
// TODO change, this is terrible practice, using a hard-coded key. What if there were a delivery service named "all_parents" (transliterated Perl)
const deliveryServicesAllParentsKey = "all_parents"
type parentDSParams struct {
Algorithm ParentAbstractionServiceRetryPolicy
QueryStringHandling string
HasRetryParams bool
ParentRetry string
MaxSimpleRetries string
MaxUnavailableServerRetries string
SimpleServerRetryResponses string
UnavailableServerRetryResponses string
TryAllPrimariesBeforeSecondary bool
UsePeering bool
MergeGroups []string
// FillParentRetries populates the parentDSParams retries values from the ds parameters map for given ds parameter keys.
// Returns if any params found and any warnings.
func (dsp *parentDSParams) FillParentRetries(keys ParentConfigRetryKeys, dsParams map[string]string, dsid string) (bool, []string) {
var warnings []string
hasValues := false
if v, ok := dsParams[keys.Algorithm]; ok && strings.TrimSpace(v) != "" {
policy := ParentSelectAlgorithmToParentAbstractionServiceRetryPolicy(v)
if policy != ParentAbstractionServiceRetryPolicyInvalid {
dsp.Algorithm = policy
hasValues = true
} else {
warnings = append(warnings, "DS '"+dsid+"' had malformed "+keys.Algorithm+" parameter '"+v+"', not using!")
if v, ok := dsParams[keys.ParentRetry]; ok {
dsp.ParentRetry = v
hasValues = true
if v, ok := dsParams[keys.MaxSimpleRetries]; ok {
dsp.MaxSimpleRetries = v
hasValues = true
if v, ok := dsParams[keys.MaxUnavailableRetries]; ok {
dsp.MaxUnavailableServerRetries = v
hasValues = true
if v, ok := dsParams[keys.SimpleRetryResponses]; ok {
if unavailableServerRetryResponsesValid(v) {
dsp.SimpleServerRetryResponses = v
hasValues = true
} else {
warnings = append(warnings, "DS '"+dsid+"' had malformed "+keys.SimpleRetryResponses+" parameter '"+v+"', not using!")
if v, ok := dsParams[keys.UnavailableRetryResponses]; ok {
if unavailableServerRetryResponsesValid(v) {
dsp.UnavailableServerRetryResponses = v
hasValues = true
} else {
warnings = append(warnings, "DS '"+dsid+"' had malformed "+keys.UnavailableRetryResponses+" parameter '"+v+"', not using!")
if v, ok := dsParams[keys.SecondaryMode]; ok {
if v == "false" {
dsp.TryAllPrimariesBeforeSecondary = false
} else {
dsp.TryAllPrimariesBeforeSecondary = true
if v != "" {
warnings = append(warnings, "DS '"+dsid+"' had Parameter "+keys.SecondaryMode+" which is used if it exists, the value is ignored (unless false) ! Non-empty value '"+v+"' will be ignored!")
return hasValues, warnings
// getDSParams returns the Delivery Service Profile Parameters used in parent.config, and any warnings.
// If Parameters don't exist, defaults are returned. Non-MSO Delivery Services default to no custom retry logic (we should reevaluate that).
// Note these Parameters are only used for MSO for legacy DeliveryServiceServers DeliveryServices.
// Topology DSes use them for all DSes, MSO and non-MSO.
func getParentDSParams(ds DeliveryService, profileParentConfigParams map[string]map[string]string, serverPlacement TopologyPlacement, isMSO bool) (parentDSParams, []string) {
warnings := []string{}
params := parentDSParams{}
// Default values for origin facing MSO tier
if serverPlacement.IsLastCacheTier && isMSO {
params.Algorithm = ParentConfigDSParamDefaultMSOAlgorithm
params.ParentRetry = ParentConfigDSParamDefaultMSOParentRetry
params.UnavailableServerRetryResponses = ParentConfigDSParamDefaultMSOUnavailableServerRetryResponses
params.MaxSimpleRetries = strconv.Itoa(ParentConfigDSParamDefaultMaxSimpleRetries)
params.MaxUnavailableServerRetries = strconv.Itoa(ParentConfigDSParamDefaultMaxUnavailableServerRetries)
params.HasRetryParams = true
if ds.ProfileName == nil || *ds.ProfileName == "" {
return params, warnings
dsParams, ok := profileParentConfigParams[*ds.ProfileName]
if !ok {
return params, warnings
if val, ok := dsParams[StrategyConfigUsePeering]; ok {
if val == "true" {
params.UsePeering = true
// the following may be blank, no default
params.QueryStringHandling = dsParams[ParentConfigParamQStringHandling]
params.MergeGroups = strings.Split(dsParams[ParentConfigParamMergeGroups], " ")
// progressively fill in the params
if serverPlacement.IsLastCacheTier {
// mso. prefix lowest priority
if isMSO {
hasVals, warns := params.FillParentRetries(ParentConfigRetryKeysMSO, dsParams, *ds.XMLID)
params.HasRetryParams = params.HasRetryParams || hasVals
warnings = append(warnings, warns...)
// no prefix next priority
hasVals, warns := params.FillParentRetries(ParentConfigRetryKeysDefault, dsParams, *ds.XMLID)
warnings = append(warnings, warns...)
params.HasRetryParams = params.HasRetryParams || hasVals
// last. prefix highest priority
hasVals, warns = params.FillParentRetries(ParentConfigRetryKeysLast, dsParams, *ds.XMLID)
warnings = append(warnings, warns...)
params.HasRetryParams = params.HasRetryParams || hasVals
} else if serverPlacement.IsInnerCacheTier {
hasVals, warns := params.FillParentRetries(ParentConfigRetryKeysInner, dsParams, *ds.XMLID)
warnings = append(warnings, warns...)
// Normal inner behavior has no parent retry strings
params.HasRetryParams = hasVals
} else { // if serverPlacement.IsFirstCacheTier {
hasVals, warns := params.FillParentRetries(ParentConfigRetryKeysFirst, dsParams, *ds.XMLID)
warnings = append(warnings, warns...)
// Normal first behavior has no parent retry strings
params.HasRetryParams = hasVals
return params, warnings
// getTopologyParentConfigLine returns the topology parent.config line, any warnings, and any error
// If the given DS is not used by the server, returns a nil ParentAbstractionService and nil error.
func getTopologyParentConfigLine(
server *Server,
serversWithParams []serverWithParams,
ds *DeliveryService,
serverParams map[string]string,
parentConfigParams []parameterWithProfilesMap, // all params with configFile parent.config
nameTopologies map[TopologyName]tc.Topology,
serverCapabilities map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{},
dsRequiredCapabilities map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{},
cacheGroups map[tc.CacheGroupName]tc.CacheGroupNullable,
profileParentConfigParams map[string]map[string]string,
isMSO bool,
atsMajorVersion uint,
dsOrigins map[ServerID]struct{},
addComments bool,
) (*ParentAbstractionService, []string, error) {
warnings := []string{}
if !hasRequiredCapabilities(serverCapabilities[*server.ID], dsRequiredCapabilities[*ds.ID]) {
return nil, warnings, nil
topology := nameTopologies[TopologyName(*ds.Topology)]
if topology.Name == "" {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("DS " + *ds.XMLID + " topology '" + *ds.Topology + "' not found in Topologies!")
serverPlacement, err := getTopologyPlacement(tc.CacheGroupName(*server.Cachegroup), topology, cacheGroups, ds)
if err != nil {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("getting topology placement: " + err.Error())
if !serverPlacement.InTopology {
return nil, warnings, nil // server isn't in topology, no error
dsParams, dswarns := getParentDSParams(*ds, profileParentConfigParams, serverPlacement, isMSO)
warnings = append(warnings, dswarns...)
orgFQDNStr := *ds.OrgServerFQDN
// if this cache isn't the last tier, i.e. we're not going to the origin, use http not https
if !serverPlacement.IsLastCacheTier {
orgFQDNStr = strings.Replace(orgFQDNStr, `https://`, `http://`, -1)
orgURI, orgWarns, err := getOriginURI(orgFQDNStr)
warnings = append(warnings, orgWarns...)
if err != nil {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("DS '" + *ds.XMLID + "' has malformed origin URI: '" + *ds.OrgServerFQDN + "': skipping!" + err.Error())
pasvc := &ParentAbstractionService{}
pasvc.Name = *ds.XMLID
pasvc.Comment = makeParentComment(addComments, *ds.XMLID, *ds.Topology)
pasvc.DestDomain = orgURI.Hostname()
pasvc.Port, err = strconv.Atoi(orgURI.Port())
if err != nil {
return nil, warnings, fmt.Errorf("parent %v port '%v' was not an integer", orgURI, orgURI.Port())
// txt += "dest_domain=" + orgURI.Hostname() + " port=" + orgURI.Port()
parents, secondaryParents, parentWarnings, err := getTopologyParents(server, ds, serversWithParams, parentConfigParams, topology, serverPlacement.IsLastTier, serverCapabilities, dsRequiredCapabilities, dsOrigins, dsParams.MergeGroups)
warnings = append(warnings, parentWarnings...)
if err != nil {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("getting topology parents for '" + *ds.XMLID + "': skipping! " + err.Error())
if len(parents) == 0 {
if len(secondaryParents) > 0 {
warnings = append(warnings, "getting topology parents for '"+*ds.XMLID+"': no parents found! using secondary parents")
parents = secondaryParents
secondaryParents = nil
} else {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("getting topology parents for '" + *ds.XMLID + "': no parents found! skipping! (Does your Topology have a CacheGroup with no servers in it?)")
pasvc.Parents = parents
// txt += ` parent="` + strings.Join(parents, `;`) + `"`
if len(secondaryParents) > 0 {
pasvc.SecondaryParents = secondaryParents
// txt += ` secondary_parent="` + strings.Join(secondaryParents, `;`) + `"`
secondaryModeStr, secondaryModeWarnings := getSecondaryModeStr(dsParams.TryAllPrimariesBeforeSecondary, atsMajorVersion, tc.DeliveryServiceName(*ds.XMLID))
warnings = append(warnings, secondaryModeWarnings...)
// txt += secondaryModeStr
pasvc.SecondaryMode = secondaryModeStr // TODO convert
pasvc.RetryPolicy = getTopologyRoundRobin(ds, serverParams, serverPlacement.IsLastCacheTier, dsParams.Algorithm)
// txt += ` round_robin=` + getTopologyRoundRobin(ds, serverParams, serverPlacement.IsLastCacheTier, dsParams.Algorithm)
pasvc.GoDirect = getTopologyGoDirect(ds, serverPlacement)
// txt += ` go_direct=` + getTopologyGoDirect(ds, serverPlacement.IsLastTier)
// TODO convert
useQueryStringInParentSelection := (*bool)(nil)
if dsParams.QueryStringHandling != "" {
qs := ParentSelectParamQStringHandlingToBool(dsParams.QueryStringHandling)
if qs != nil {
useQueryStringInParentSelection = qs
} else if dsParams.QueryStringHandling != "" {
warnings = append(warnings, fmt.Sprintf("DS '"+*ds.XMLID+"' has malformed query string handling param '"+dsParams.QueryStringHandling+"', using default %v", useQueryStringInParentSelection))
tqWarns := []string{}
pasvc.IgnoreQueryStringInParentSelection, tqWarns = getTopologyQueryStringIgnore(ds, serverParams, serverPlacement, dsParams.Algorithm, useQueryStringInParentSelection)
warnings = append(warnings, tqWarns...)
// txt += ` qstring=` + getTopologyQueryString(ds, serverParams, serverPlacement.IsLastCacheTier, dsParams.Algorithm, dsParams.QueryStringHandling)
// TODO ensure value is always !goDirect, and determine what to do if not
// txt += getTopologyParentIsProxyStr(serverPlacement.IsLastCacheTier)
// TODO convert
prWarns := dsParams.FillParentSvcRetries(serverPlacement.IsLastCacheTier, atsMajorVersion, pasvc)
warnings = append(warnings, prWarns...)
// txt += getParentRetryStr(serverPlacement.IsLastCacheTier, atsMajorVer, dsParams.ParentRetry, dsParams.UnavailableServerRetryResponses, dsParams.MaxSimpleRetries, dsParams.MaxUnavailableServerRetries)
// txt += "\n"
if dsParams.UsePeering {
pasvc.SecondaryMode = ParentAbstractionServiceParentSecondaryModePeering
return pasvc, warnings, nil
// getParentRetries builds the parent retry directive(s).
// Returns the MaxSimpleRetries, MaxMarkdownRetries, ErrorREsponseCodes, MarkdownResponseCodes.
// If atsMajorVersion < 6, "" is returned (ATS 5 and below don't support retry directives).
// If isLastCacheTier is false, "" is returned. This argument exists to simplify usage.
// If parentRetry is "", "" is returned (because the other directives are unused if parent_retry doesn't exist). This is allowed to simplify usage.
// If unavailableServerRetryResponses is not "", it must be valid. Use unavailableServerRetryResponsesValid to check.
// If maxSimpleRetries is "", ParentConfigDSParamDefaultMaxSimpleRetries will be used.
// If maxUnavailableServerRetries is "", ParentConfigDSParamDefaultMaxUnavailableServerRetries will be used.
// Does not return errors. If any input is malformed, warnings are returned and that value is set to -1.
func (dsparams parentDSParams) FillParentSvcRetries(isLastCacheTier bool, atsMajorVersion uint, pasvc *ParentAbstractionService) []string {
warnings := []string{}
if !dsparams.HasRetryParams || // allow parentRetry to be empty, to simplify usage.
atsMajorVersion < 6 { // ATS 5 and below don't support parent_retry directives
// warnings = append(warnings, "ATS 5 doesn't support parent retry, not using parent retry values")
pasvc.MaxSimpleRetries = -1
pasvc.MaxMarkdownRetries = -1
pasvc.ErrorResponseCodes = nil
pasvc.MarkdownResponseCodes = nil
return warnings
// Set initial defaults
pasvc.MaxSimpleRetries = 0
pasvc.MaxMarkdownRetries = 0
pasvc.ErrorResponseCodes = []int{}
pasvc.MarkdownResponseCodes = []int{}
if isLastCacheTier {
pasvc.MaxSimpleRetries = ParentConfigDSParamDefaultMaxSimpleRetries
pasvc.MaxMarkdownRetries = ParentConfigDSParamDefaultMaxUnavailableServerRetries
if dsparams.MaxSimpleRetries != "" {
if retriesint, err := strconv.Atoi(dsparams.MaxSimpleRetries); err == nil {
pasvc.MaxSimpleRetries = retriesint
} else {
warnings = append(warnings, "malformed maxSimpleRetries '"+dsparams.MaxSimpleRetries+"', using default "+strconv.Itoa(pasvc.MaxSimpleRetries))
if dsparams.MaxUnavailableServerRetries != "" {
if retriesint, err := strconv.Atoi(dsparams.MaxUnavailableServerRetries); err == nil {
pasvc.MaxMarkdownRetries = retriesint
} else {
warnings = append(warnings, "malformed maxUnavailableServerRetries '"+dsparams.MaxUnavailableServerRetries+"', using default "+strconv.Itoa(pasvc.MaxMarkdownRetries))
// simple retry responses only supported int ATS for 9.1.x and above
if simpleResponseInts, err := ParseRetryResponses(dsparams.SimpleServerRetryResponses); err == nil {
pasvc.ErrorResponseCodes = simpleResponseInts
} else {
warnings = append(warnings, "malformed simpleServerRetryResponses '"+dsparams.SimpleServerRetryResponses+"', using default (parse err: "+err.Error()+")")
if unavailResponseInts, err := ParseRetryResponses(dsparams.UnavailableServerRetryResponses); err == nil {
pasvc.MarkdownResponseCodes = unavailResponseInts
} else {
warnings = append(warnings, "malformed unavailableServerRetryResponses '"+dsparams.UnavailableServerRetryResponses+"', using default (parse err: "+err.Error()+")")
// TODO make consts
switch strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(dsparams.ParentRetry)) {
case "simple_retry":
if len(pasvc.ErrorResponseCodes) == 0 {
pasvc.ErrorResponseCodes = DefaultSimpleRetryCodes
case "unavailable_server_retry":
if len(pasvc.MarkdownResponseCodes) == 0 {
pasvc.MarkdownResponseCodes = DefaultUnavailableServerRetryCodes
case "both":
if len(pasvc.ErrorResponseCodes) == 0 {
pasvc.ErrorResponseCodes = DefaultSimpleRetryCodes
if len(pasvc.MarkdownResponseCodes) == 0 {
pasvc.MarkdownResponseCodes = DefaultUnavailableServerRetryCodes
// txt := ` parent_retry=` + parentRetry
// if unavailableServerRetryResponses != "" {
// txt += ` unavailable_server_retry_responses=` + unavailableServerRetryResponses
// }
// txt += ` max_simple_retries=` + maxSimpleRetries + ` max_unavailable_server_retries=` + maxUnavailableServerRetries
return warnings
// getSecondaryModeStr returns the secondary_mode string, and any warnings.
func getSecondaryModeStr(tryAllPrimariesBeforeSecondary bool, atsMajorVersion uint, ds tc.DeliveryServiceName) (ParentAbstractionServiceParentSecondaryMode, []string) {
warnings := []string{}
if !tryAllPrimariesBeforeSecondary {
return ParentAbstractionServiceParentSecondaryModeDefault, warnings
if atsMajorVersion < 8 {
warnings = append(warnings, "DS '"+string(ds)+"' had Parameter "+ParentConfigRetryKeysDefault.SecondaryMode+" but this cache is "+strconv.FormatUint(uint64(atsMajorVersion), 10)+" and secondary_mode isn't supported in ATS until 8. Not using!")
return ParentAbstractionServiceParentSecondaryModeDefault, warnings
// See
return ParentAbstractionServiceParentSecondaryModeExhaust, warnings
func getTopologyParentIsProxyStr(serverIsLastCacheTier bool) string {
if serverIsLastCacheTier {
return ` parent_is_proxy=false`
return ""
// RetryPolicy
func getTopologyRoundRobin(
ds *DeliveryService,
serverParams map[string]string,
serverIsLastTier bool,
algorithm ParentAbstractionServiceRetryPolicy,
) ParentAbstractionServiceRetryPolicy {
if !serverIsLastTier {
return ParentAbstractionServiceRetryPolicyConsistentHash
if parentSelectAlg := serverParams[ParentConfigRetryKeysDefault.Algorithm]; ds.OriginShield != nil && *ds.OriginShield != "" && strings.TrimSpace(parentSelectAlg) != "" {
if policy := ParentSelectAlgorithmToParentAbstractionServiceRetryPolicy(parentSelectAlg); policy != ParentAbstractionServiceRetryPolicyInvalid {
return policy
if algorithm != "" {
return algorithm
return ParentAbstractionServiceRetryPolicyConsistentHash
func getTopologyGoDirect(ds *DeliveryService, serverPlacement TopologyPlacement) bool {
if serverPlacement.IsLastCacheTier {
return true
} else if !serverPlacement.IsLastTier {
return false
} else if ds.OriginShield != nil && *ds.OriginShield != "" {
return true
} else if ds.MultiSiteOrigin != nil && *ds.MultiSiteOrigin {
return false
return true
func getTopologyQueryStringIgnore(
ds *DeliveryService,
serverParams map[string]string,
serverPlacement TopologyPlacement,
algorithm ParentAbstractionServiceRetryPolicy,
qStringHandling *bool,
) (bool, []string) {
warnings := []string{}
if serverPlacement.IsLastCacheTier {
if ds.MultiSiteOrigin != nil && *ds.MultiSiteOrigin && qStringHandling == nil && algorithm == ParentAbstractionServiceRetryPolicyConsistentHash && ds.QStringIgnore != nil && tc.QStringIgnore(*ds.QStringIgnore) == tc.QStringIgnoreUseInCacheKeyAndPassUp {
return false, warnings
if qStringHandling != nil {
return !(*qStringHandling), warnings
return true, warnings
if param := serverParams[ParentConfigParamQStringHandling]; param != "" {
if useQStr := ParentSelectParamQStringHandlingToBool(param); useQStr != nil {
return !(*useQStr), warnings
} else if param != "" {
warnings = append(warnings, "Server param '"+ParentConfigParamQStringHandling+"' value '"+param+"' malformed, not using!")
// TODO warn if parsing fails?
if qStringHandling != nil {
return !(*qStringHandling), warnings
if ds.QStringIgnore != nil && tc.QStringIgnore(*ds.QStringIgnore) == tc.QStringIgnoreUseInCacheKeyAndPassUp {
return false, warnings
return true, warnings
// serverParentageParams gets the Parameters used for parent= line, or defaults if they don't exist
// Returns the Parameters used for parent= lines for the given server, and any warnings.
func serverParentageParams(sv *Server, allParentConfigParams []parameterWithProfilesMap) (parentServerParams, []string) {
warnings := []string{}
// TODO deduplicate with atstccfg/parentdotconfig.go
parentServerParams := defaultParentServerParams()
if sv.TCPPort != nil {
parentServerParams.Port = *sv.TCPPort
serverParentConfigParams := layerProfilesFromMap(sv.ProfileNames, allParentConfigParams)
for _, param := range serverParentConfigParams {
switch param.Name {
case ParentConfigCacheParamWeight:
parentServerParams.Weight = param.Value
case ParentConfigCacheParamPort:
if i, err := strconv.Atoi(param.Value); err != nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "port param is not an integer, skipping! : "+err.Error())
} else {
parentServerParams.Port = i
case ParentConfigCacheParamUseIP:
parentServerParams.UseIP = param.Value == "1"
case ParentConfigCacheParamRank:
if i, err := strconv.Atoi(param.Value); err != nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "rank param is not an integer, skipping! : "+err.Error())
} else {
parentServerParams.Rank = i
case ParentConfigCacheParamNotAParent:
parentServerParams.NotAParent = param.Value != "false"
return parentServerParams, warnings
func serverParentStr(sv *Server, svParams parentServerParams) (*ParentAbstractionServiceParent, error) {
if svParams.NotAParent {
return nil, nil
host := ""
if svParams.UseIP {
// TODO get service interface here
ip := getServerIPAddress(sv)
if ip == nil {
return nil, errors.New("server params Use IP, but has no valid IPv4 Service Address")
host = ip.String()
} else {
host = *sv.HostName + "." + *sv.DomainName
weight, err := strconv.ParseFloat(svParams.Weight, 64)
if err != nil {
// TODO warn? error?
weight = DefaultParentWeight
return &ParentAbstractionServiceParent{
FQDN: host,
Port: svParams.Port,
Weight: weight,
}, nil
// getTopologyParents returns the parents, secondary parents, any warnings, and any error.
func getTopologyParents(
server *Server,
ds *DeliveryService,
serversWithParams []serverWithParams,
parentConfigParams []parameterWithProfilesMap, // all params with configFile parent.config
topology tc.Topology,
serverIsLastTier bool,
serverCapabilities map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{},
dsRequiredCapabilities map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{},
dsOrigins map[ServerID]struct{}, // for Topology DSes, MSO still needs DeliveryServiceServer assignments.
dsMergeGroups []string, // sorted parent merge groups for this ds
) ([]*ParentAbstractionServiceParent, []*ParentAbstractionServiceParent, []string, error) {
warnings := []string{}
// If it's the last tier, then the parent is the origin.
// Note this doesn't include MSO, whose final tier cachegroup points to the origin cachegroup.
if serverIsLastTier {
orgURI, orgWarns, err := getOriginURI(*ds.OrgServerFQDN) // TODO pass, instead of calling again
warnings = append(warnings, orgWarns...)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, warnings, err
orgPort, err := strconv.Atoi(orgURI.Port())
if err != nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "DS "+*ds.XMLID+" origin '"+*ds.OrgServerFQDN+"' failed to parse port, using 80!")
orgPort = 80
parent := &ParentAbstractionServiceParent{
FQDN: orgURI.Hostname(),
Port: orgPort,
Weight: DefaultParentWeight,
return []*ParentAbstractionServiceParent{parent}, nil, warnings, nil
svNode := tc.TopologyNode{}
for _, node := range topology.Nodes {
if node.Cachegroup == *server.Cachegroup {
svNode = node
if svNode.Cachegroup == "" {
return nil, nil, warnings, errors.New("This server '" + *server.HostName + "' not in DS " + *ds.XMLID + " topology, skipping")
if len(svNode.Parents) == 0 {
return nil, nil, warnings, errors.New("DS " + *ds.XMLID + " topology '" + *ds.Topology + "' is last tier, but NonLastTier called! Should never happen")
if numParents := len(svNode.Parents); numParents > 2 {
warnings = append(warnings, "DS "+*ds.XMLID+" topology '"+*ds.Topology+"' has "+strconv.Itoa(numParents)+" parent nodes, but Apache Traffic Server only supports Primary and Secondary (2) lists of parents. CacheGroup nodes after the first 2 will be ignored!")
if len(topology.Nodes) <= svNode.Parents[0] {
return nil, nil, warnings, errors.New("DS " + *ds.XMLID + " topology '" + *ds.Topology + "' node parent " + strconv.Itoa(svNode.Parents[0]) + " greater than number of topology nodes " + strconv.Itoa(len(topology.Nodes)) + ". Cannot create parents!")
if len(svNode.Parents) > 1 && len(topology.Nodes) <= svNode.Parents[1] {
warnings = append(warnings, "DS "+*ds.XMLID+" topology '"+*ds.Topology+"' node secondary parent "+strconv.Itoa(svNode.Parents[1])+" greater than number of topology nodes "+strconv.Itoa(len(topology.Nodes))+". Secondary parent will be ignored!")
parentCG := topology.Nodes[svNode.Parents[0]].Cachegroup
secondaryParentCG := ""
if len(svNode.Parents) > 1 && len(topology.Nodes) > svNode.Parents[1] {
secondaryParentCG = topology.Nodes[svNode.Parents[1]].Cachegroup
if parentCG == "" {
return nil, nil, warnings, errors.New("Server '" + *server.HostName + "' DS " + *ds.XMLID + " topology '" + *ds.Topology + "' cachegroup '" + *server.Cachegroup + "' topology node parent " + strconv.Itoa(svNode.Parents[0]) + " is not in the topology!")
parentStrs := []*ParentAbstractionServiceParent{}
secondaryParentStrs := []*ParentAbstractionServiceParent{}
for _, sv := range serversWithParams {
if sv.ID == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "TO Servers server had nil ID, skipping")
} else if sv.Cachegroup == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "TO Servers server had nil Cachegroup, skipping")
} else if sv.CDNName == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "TO servers had server with missing CDNName, skipping!")
} else if sv.Status == nil || *sv.Status == "" {
warnings = append(warnings, "TO servers had server with missing Status, skipping!")
if !strings.HasPrefix(sv.Type, tc.EdgeTypePrefix) && !strings.HasPrefix(sv.Type, tc.MidTypePrefix) && sv.Type != tc.OriginTypeName {
continue // only consider edges, mids, and origins in the CacheGroup.
if _, dsHasOrigin := dsOrigins[ServerID(*sv.ID)]; sv.Type == tc.OriginTypeName && !dsHasOrigin {
if *sv.CDNName != *server.CDNName {
if *sv.Status != string(tc.CacheStatusReported) && *sv.Status != string(tc.CacheStatusOnline) {
if sv.Type != tc.OriginTypeName && !hasRequiredCapabilities(serverCapabilities[*sv.ID], dsRequiredCapabilities[*ds.ID]) {
if *sv.Cachegroup == parentCG {
parentStr, err := serverParentStr(&sv.Server, sv.Params)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, warnings, errors.New("getting server parent string: " + err.Error())
if parentStr != nil { // will be nil if server is not_a_parent (possibly other reasons)
parentStrs = append(parentStrs, parentStr)
if *sv.Cachegroup == secondaryParentCG {
parentStr, err := serverParentStr(&sv.Server, sv.Params)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, warnings, errors.New("getting server parent string: " + err.Error())
secondaryParentStrs = append(secondaryParentStrs, parentStr)
if 0 < len(dsMergeGroups) && 0 < len(secondaryParentStrs) {
if util.ContainsStr(dsMergeGroups, parentCG) && util.ContainsStr(dsMergeGroups, secondaryParentCG) {
parentStrs = append(parentStrs, secondaryParentStrs...)
secondaryParentStrs = nil
return parentStrs, secondaryParentStrs, warnings, nil
// getOriginURI returns the URL, any warnings, and any error.
func getOriginURI(fqdn string) (*url.URL, []string, error) {
warnings := []string{}
orgURI, err := url.Parse(fqdn) // TODO verify origin is always a host:port
if err != nil {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("parsing: " + err.Error())
if orgURI.Port() == "" {
if orgURI.Scheme == "http" {
orgURI.Host += ":80"
} else if orgURI.Scheme == "https" {
orgURI.Host += ":443"
} else {
warnings = append(warnings, "non-top-level: origin '"+fqdn+"' is unknown scheme '"+orgURI.Scheme+"', but has no port! Using as-is! ")
return orgURI, warnings, nil
// getParentStrs returns the primary parents, secondary parents, the secondary mode, and any warnings.
func getParentStrs(
ds *DeliveryService,
dsRequiredCapabilities map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{},
parentInfos []parentInfo,
atsMajorVersion uint,
tryAllPrimariesBeforeSecondary bool,
) ([]*ParentAbstractionServiceParent, []*ParentAbstractionServiceParent, ParentAbstractionServiceParentSecondaryMode, []string) {
warnings := []string{}
parentInfo := []*ParentAbstractionServiceParent{}
secondaryParentInfo := []*ParentAbstractionServiceParent{}
for _, parent := range parentInfos { // TODO fix magic key
if !hasRequiredCapabilities(parent.Capabilities, dsRequiredCapabilities[*ds.ID]) {
pTxt := parent.ToAbstract()
if parent.PrimaryParent {
parentInfo = append(parentInfo, pTxt)
} else if parent.SecondaryParent {
secondaryParentInfo = append(secondaryParentInfo, pTxt)
if len(parentInfo) == 0 {
parentInfo = secondaryParentInfo
secondaryParentInfo = []*ParentAbstractionServiceParent{}
// TODO remove duplicate code with top level if block
seen := map[string]struct{}{} // TODO change to host+port? host isn't unique
parentInfo, seen = RemoveParentDuplicates(parentInfo, seen)
secondaryParentInfo, seen = RemoveParentDuplicates(secondaryParentInfo, seen)
dsName := tc.DeliveryServiceName("")
if ds != nil && ds.XMLID != nil {
dsName = tc.DeliveryServiceName(*ds.XMLID)
// parents := ""
// secondaryParents := "" // "secparents" in Perl
// TODO the abstract->text needs to take this into account
// if atsMajorVersion >= 6 && len(secondaryParentInfo) > 0 {
// parents = `parent="` + strings.Join(parentInfo, "") + `"`
// secondaryParents = ` secondary_parent="` + strings.Join(secondaryParentInfo, "") + `"`
secondaryMode, secondaryModeWarnings := getSecondaryModeStr(tryAllPrimariesBeforeSecondary, atsMajorVersion, dsName)
warnings = append(warnings, secondaryModeWarnings...)
// secondaryParents += secondaryModeStr
// } else {
// parents = `parent="` + strings.Join(parentInfo, "") + strings.Join(secondaryParentInfo, "") + `"`
// }
return parentInfo, secondaryParentInfo, secondaryMode, warnings
// getMSOParentStrs returns the parents= and secondary_parents= strings for ATS parent.config lines for MSO, and any warnings.
func getMSOParentStrs(
ds *DeliveryService,
parentInfos []parentInfo,
atsMajorVersion uint,
msoAlgorithm ParentAbstractionServiceRetryPolicy,
tryAllPrimariesBeforeSecondary bool,
) ([]*ParentAbstractionServiceParent, []*ParentAbstractionServiceParent, ParentAbstractionServiceParentSecondaryMode, []string) {
warnings := []string{}
// TODO determine why MSO is different, and if possible, combine with getParentAndSecondaryParentStrs.
rankedParents := parentInfoSortByRank(parentInfos)
parentInfoTxt := []*ParentAbstractionServiceParent{}
secondaryParentInfo := []*ParentAbstractionServiceParent{}
nullParentInfo := []*ParentAbstractionServiceParent{}
for _, parent := range ([]parentInfo)(rankedParents) {
if parent.PrimaryParent {
parentInfoTxt = append(parentInfoTxt, parent.ToAbstract())
} else if parent.SecondaryParent {
secondaryParentInfo = append(secondaryParentInfo, parent.ToAbstract())
} else {
nullParentInfo = append(nullParentInfo, parent.ToAbstract())
if len(parentInfoTxt) == 0 {
// If no parents are found in the secondary parent either, then set the null parent list (parents in neither secondary or primary)
// as the secondary parent list and clear the null parent list.
if len(secondaryParentInfo) == 0 {
secondaryParentInfo = nullParentInfo
nullParentInfo = []*ParentAbstractionServiceParent{}
parentInfoTxt = secondaryParentInfo
secondaryParentInfo = []*ParentAbstractionServiceParent{} // TODO should this be '= secondary'? Currently emulates Perl
// TODO benchmark, verify this isn't slow. if it is, it could easily be made faster
seen := map[string]struct{}{} // TODO change to host+port? host isn't unique
parentInfoTxt, seen = RemoveParentDuplicates(parentInfoTxt, seen)
secondaryParentInfo, seen = RemoveParentDuplicates(secondaryParentInfo, seen)
nullParentInfo, seen = RemoveParentDuplicates(nullParentInfo, seen)
// secondaryParentStr := strings.Join(secondaryParentInfo, "") + strings.Join(nullParentInfo, "")
secondaryParentInfo = append(secondaryParentInfo, nullParentInfo...)
dsName := tc.DeliveryServiceName("")
if ds != nil && ds.XMLID != nil {
dsName = tc.DeliveryServiceName(*ds.XMLID)
// If the ats version supports it and the algorithm is consistent hash, put secondary and non-primary parents into secondary parent group.
// This will ensure that secondary and tertiary parents will be unused unless all hosts in the primary group are unavailable.
// parents := ""
// secondaryParents := ""
// TODO add this logic to the abstraction->text converter
// if atsMajorVersion >= 6 && msoAlgorithm == "consistent_hash" && len(secondaryParentStr) > 0 {
// parents = `parent="` + strings.Join(parentInfoTxt, "") + `"`
// secondaryParents = ` secondary_parent="` + secondaryParentStr + `"`
secondaryMode, secondaryModeWarnings := getSecondaryModeStr(tryAllPrimariesBeforeSecondary, atsMajorVersion, dsName)
warnings = append(warnings, secondaryModeWarnings...)
// secondaryParents += secondaryModeStr
// } else {
// parents = `parent="` + strings.Join(parentInfoTxt, "") + secondaryParentStr + `"`
// }
return parentInfoTxt, secondaryParentInfo, secondaryMode, warnings
// makeParentInfo returns the parent info and any warnings
func makeParentInfo(
serverParentCGData serverParentCacheGroupData,
serverDomain string, // getCDNDomainByProfileID(tx, server.ProfileID)
originServers map[OriginHost][]serverWithParams,
serverCapabilities map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{},
) (map[OriginHost][]parentInfo, []string) {
warnings := []string{}
parentInfos := map[OriginHost][]parentInfo{}
// note servers also contains an "all" key
for originHost, servers := range originServers {
for _, sv := range servers {
if sv.Params.NotAParent {
// Perl has this check, but we only select servers ("deliveryServices" in Perl) with the right CDN in the first place
// if profile.Domain != serverDomain {
// continue
// }
weight, err := strconv.ParseFloat(sv.Params.Weight, 64)
if err != nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "server "+*sv.HostName+" profile had malformed weight, using default!")
weight = DefaultParentWeight
ipAddr := getServerIPAddress(&sv.Server)
if ipAddr == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "making parent info: got server with no valid IP Address, skipping!")
parentInf := parentInfo{
Host: *sv.HostName,
Port: sv.Params.Port,
Domain: *sv.DomainName,
Weight: weight,
UseIP: sv.Params.UseIP,
Rank: sv.Params.Rank,
IP: ipAddr.String(),
PrimaryParent: serverParentCGData.ParentID == *sv.CachegroupID,
SecondaryParent: serverParentCGData.SecondaryParentID == *sv.CachegroupID,
Capabilities: serverCapabilities[*sv.ID],
if parentInf.Port < 1 {
parentInf.Port = *sv.TCPPort
parentInfos[originHost] = append(parentInfos[originHost], parentInf)
return parentInfos, warnings
// unavailableServerRetryResponsesValid returns whether a unavailable_server_retry_responses parameter is valid for an ATS parent rule.
func unavailableServerRetryResponsesValid(s string) bool {
_, err := ParseRetryResponses(s)
return err == nil
// getOriginServers returns the origin servers with parameters, any warnings, and any error.
func getOriginServers(
cgServers map[int]serverWithParams,
parentServerDSes map[int]map[int]struct{},
dses []DeliveryService,
serverCapabilities map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{},
) (map[OriginHost][]serverWithParams, []string, error) {
warnings := []string{}
originServers := map[OriginHost][]serverWithParams{}
dsIDMap := map[int]DeliveryService{}
for _, ds := range dses {
if ds.ID == nil {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("delivery services got nil ID!")
if !ds.Type.IsHTTP() && !ds.Type.IsDNS() {
continue // skip ANY_MAP, STEERING, etc
dsIDMap[*ds.ID] = ds
allDSMap := map[int]DeliveryService{} // all DSes for this server, NOT all dses in TO
for _, dsIDs := range parentServerDSes {
for dsID, _ := range dsIDs {
if _, ok := dsIDMap[dsID]; !ok {
// this is normal if the TO was too old to understand our /deliveryserviceserver?servers= query param
// In which case, the DSS will include DSes from other CDNs, which aren't in the dsIDMap
// If the server was new enough to respect the params, this should never happen.
// warnings = append(warnings, ("getting delivery services: parent server DS %v not in dsIDMap\n", dsID)
if _, ok := allDSMap[dsID]; !ok {
allDSMap[dsID] = dsIDMap[dsID]
dsOrigins, dsOriginWarns, err := getDSOrigins(allDSMap)
warnings = append(warnings, dsOriginWarns...)
if err != nil {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("getting DS origins: " + err.Error())
for _, cgSv := range cgServers {
if cgSv.ID == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "getting origin servers: got server with nil ID, skipping!")
} else if cgSv.HostName == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "getting origin servers: got server with nil HostName, skipping!")
} else if cgSv.TCPPort == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "getting origin servers: got server with nil TCPPort, skipping!")
} else if cgSv.CachegroupID == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "getting origin servers: got server with nil CachegroupID, skipping!")
} else if cgSv.StatusID == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "getting origin servers: got server with nil StatusID, skipping!")
} else if cgSv.TypeID == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "getting origin servers: got server with nil TypeID, skipping!")
} else if len(cgSv.ProfileNames) == 0 {
warnings = append(warnings, "getting origin servers: got server with no profile names, skipping!")
} else if cgSv.CDNID == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "getting origin servers: got server with nil CDNID, skipping!")
} else if cgSv.DomainName == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "getting origin servers: got server with nil DomainName, skipping!")
ipAddr := getServerIPAddress(&cgSv.Server)
if ipAddr == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "getting origin servers: got server with no valid IP Address, skipping!")
if cgSv.Type == tc.OriginTypeName {
for dsID, _ := range parentServerDSes[*cgSv.ID] { // map[serverID][]dsID
orgURI := dsOrigins[dsID]
if orgURI == nil {
// warnings = append(warnings, fmt.Sprintf(("ds %v has no origins! Skipping!\n", dsID) // TODO determine if this is normal
orgHost := OriginHost(orgURI.Host)
originServers[orgHost] = append(originServers[orgHost], cgSv)
} else {
originServers[deliveryServicesAllParentsKey] = append(originServers[deliveryServicesAllParentsKey], cgSv)
return originServers, warnings, nil
// getDSOrigins takes a map[deliveryServiceID]DeliveryService, and returns a map[DeliveryServiceID]OriginURI, any warnings, and any error.
func getDSOrigins(dses map[int]DeliveryService) (map[int]*originURI, []string, error) {
warnings := []string{}
dsOrigins := map[int]*originURI{}
for _, ds := range dses {
if ds.ID == nil {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("ds has nil ID")
if ds.XMLID == nil {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("ds has nil XMLID")
if ds.OrgServerFQDN == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, fmt.Sprintf("GetDSOrigins ds %v got nil OrgServerFQDN, skipping!\n", *ds.XMLID))
orgURL, err := url.Parse(*ds.OrgServerFQDN)
if err != nil {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("parsing ds '" + *ds.XMLID + "' OrgServerFQDN '" + *ds.OrgServerFQDN + "': " + err.Error())
if orgURL.Scheme == "" {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("parsing ds '" + *ds.XMLID + "' OrgServerFQDN '" + *ds.OrgServerFQDN + "': " + "missing scheme")
if orgURL.Host == "" {
return nil, warnings, errors.New("parsing ds '" + *ds.XMLID + "' OrgServerFQDN '" + *ds.OrgServerFQDN + "': " + "missing scheme")
scheme := orgURL.Scheme
host := orgURL.Hostname()
port := orgURL.Port()
if port == "" {
if scheme == "http" {
port = "80"
} else if scheme == "https" {
port = "443"
} else {
warnings = append(warnings, "parsing ds '"+*ds.XMLID+"' OrgServerFQDN '"+*ds.OrgServerFQDN+"': "+"unknown scheme '"+scheme+"' and no port, leaving port empty!")
dsOrigins[*ds.ID] = &originURI{Scheme: scheme, Host: host, Port: port}
return dsOrigins, warnings, nil
// makeDSOrigins returns the DS Origins and any warnings.
func makeDSOrigins(dsses []DeliveryServiceServer, dses []DeliveryService, servers []Server) (map[DeliveryServiceID]map[ServerID]struct{}, []string) {
warnings := []string{}
dssMap := map[DeliveryServiceID]map[ServerID]struct{}{}
for _, dss := range dsses {
dsID := DeliveryServiceID(dss.DeliveryService)
serverID := ServerID(dss.Server)
if dssMap[dsID] == nil {
dssMap[dsID] = map[ServerID]struct{}{}
dssMap[dsID][serverID] = struct{}{}
svMap := map[ServerID]Server{}
for _, sv := range servers {
if sv.ID == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "got server with missing ID, skipping!")
svMap[ServerID(*sv.ID)] = sv
dsOrigins := map[DeliveryServiceID]map[ServerID]struct{}{}
for _, ds := range dses {
if ds.ID == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "got ds with missing ID, skipping!")
dsID := DeliveryServiceID(*ds.ID)
assignedServers := dssMap[dsID]
for svID, _ := range assignedServers {
sv := svMap[svID]
if sv.Type != tc.OriginTypeName {
if dsOrigins[dsID] == nil {
dsOrigins[dsID] = map[ServerID]struct{}{}
dsOrigins[dsID][svID] = struct{}{}
return dsOrigins, warnings
// getProfileParentConfigParams returns a map[profileName][paramName]paramVal and any warnings
func getProfileParentConfigParams(tcParentConfigParams []tc.Parameter) (map[string]map[string]string, []string) {
warnings := []string{}
parentConfigParamsWithProfiles, err := tcParamsToParamsWithProfiles(tcParentConfigParams)
if err != nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "error getting profiles from Traffic Ops Parameters, Parameters will not be considered for generation! : "+err.Error())
parentConfigParamsWithProfiles = []parameterWithProfiles{}
// this is an optimization, to avoid looping over all params, for every DS. Instead, we loop over all params only once, and put them in a profile map.
profileParentConfigParams := map[string]map[string]string{} // map[profileName][paramName]paramVal
for _, param := range parentConfigParamsWithProfiles {
for _, profile := range param.ProfileNames {
if _, ok := profileParentConfigParams[profile]; !ok {
profileParentConfigParams[profile] = map[string]string{}
profileParentConfigParams[profile][param.Name] = param.Value
return profileParentConfigParams, warnings
// getServerParentConfigParams returns a map[name]value.
// Intended to be called with the result of getProfileParentConfigParams.
func getServerParentConfigParams(server *Server, allParentConfigParams []parameterWithProfilesMap) map[string]string {
// We only need parent.config params, don't need all the params on the server
serverParams := map[string]string{}
serverParentConfigParams := layerProfilesFromMap(server.ProfileNames, allParentConfigParams)
for _, pa := range serverParentConfigParams {
name := pa.Name
val := pa.Value
if name == ParentConfigParamQStringHandling ||
name == ParentConfigRetryKeysDefault.Algorithm ||
name == ParentConfigParamQString {
serverParams[name] = val
return serverParams