blob: b2e6aa64e6485247a06ad1637c5458106806be88 [file] [log] [blame]
.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
.. limitations under the License.
.. _to-api-v3-deliveryservice_requests-id-status:
Sets the status of a :term:`Delivery Service Request`.
:Auth. Required: Yes
:Roles Required: "admin", "Federation", "operations", "Portal", or "Steering"
:Response Type: Object
Request Structure
:id: The integral, unique identifier assigned to the :term:`DSR <Delivery Service Request>`
:status: The status of the `DSR <Delivery Service Request>`. Can be "draft", "submitted", "rejected", "pending", or "complete".
.. code-block:: http
:caption: Request Example
PUT /api/3.0/deliveryservice_requests/1/status HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: python-requests/2.22.0
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: */*
Connection: keep-alive
Cookie: mojolicious=...
Content-Length: 28
"id": 1,
"status": "rejected"
Response Structure
:assignee: The username of the user to whom the :term:`Delivery Service Request` is assigned.
:assigneeId: The integral, unique identifier of the user to whom the :term:`Delivery Service Request` is assigned.
:author: The author of the :term:`Delivery Service Request`
:authorId: The integral, unique identifier assigned to the author
:changeType: The change type of the :term:`DSR <Delivery Service Request>`. It can be ``create``, ``update``, or ``delete``....
:createdAt: The date and time at which the :term:`DSR <Delivery Service Request>` was created, in :ref:`non-rfc-datetime`.
:deliveryService: The delivery service that the :term:`DSR <Delivery Service Request>` is requesting to update.
:active: A boolean that defines :ref:`ds-active`.
:anonymousBlockingEnabled: A boolean that defines :ref:`ds-anonymous-blocking`
:cacheurl: A :ref:`ds-cacheurl`
.. deprecated:: ATCv3.0
This field has been deprecated in Traffic Control 3.x and is subject to removal in Traffic Control 4.x or later
:ccrDnsTtl: The :ref:`ds-dns-ttl` - named "ccrDnsTtl" for legacy reasons
:cdnId: The integral, unique identifier of the :ref:`ds-cdn` to which the :term:`Delivery Service` belongs
:cdnName: Name of the :ref:`ds-cdn` to which the :term:`Delivery Service` belongs
:checkPath: A :ref:`ds-check-path`
:consistentHashQueryParams: An array of :ref:`ds-consistent-hashing-qparams`
:consistentHashRegex: A :ref:`ds-consistent-hashing-regex`
:deepCachingType: The :ref:`ds-deep-caching` setting for this :term:`Delivery Service`
:displayName: The :ref:`ds-display-name`
:dnsBypassCname: A :ref:`ds-dns-bypass-cname`
:dnsBypassIp: A :ref:`ds-dns-bypass-ip`
:dnsBypassIp6: A :ref:`ds-dns-bypass-ipv6`
:dnsBypassTtl: The :ref:`ds-dns-bypass-ttl`
:dscp: A :ref:`ds-dscp` to be used within the :term:`Delivery Service`
:ecsEnabled: A boolean that defines the :ref:`ds-ecs` setting on this :term:`Delivery Service`
:edgeHeaderRewrite: A set of :ref:`ds-edge-header-rw-rules`
:exampleURLs: An array of :ref:`ds-example-urls`
:firstHeaderRewrite: A set of :ref:`ds-first-header-rw-rules`
:fqPacingRate: The :ref:`ds-fqpr`
:geoLimit: An integer that defines the :ref:`ds-geo-limit`
:geoLimitCountries: A string containing a comma-separated list defining the :ref:`ds-geo-limit-countries`\ [#geolimit]_
:geoLimitRedirectUrl: A :ref:`ds-geo-limit-redirect-url`\ [#geolimit]_
:geoProvider: The :ref:`ds-geo-provider`
:globalMaxMbps: The :ref:`ds-global-max-mbps`
:globalMaxTps: The :ref:`ds-global-max-tps`
:httpBypassFqdn: A :ref:`ds-http-bypass-fqdn`
:id: An integral, unique identifier for this :term:`Delivery Service`
:infoUrl: An :ref:`ds-info-url`
:initialDispersion: The :ref:`ds-initial-dispersion`
:innerHeaderRewrite: A set of :ref:`ds-inner-header-rw-rules`
:ipv6RoutingEnabled: A boolean that defines the :ref:`ds-ipv6-routing` setting on this :term:`Delivery Service`
:lastHeaderRewrite: A set of :ref:`ds-last-header-rw-rules`
:lastUpdated: The date and time at which this :term:`Delivery Service` was last updated, in :ref:`non-rfc-datetime`
:logsEnabled: A boolean that defines the :ref:`ds-logs-enabled` setting on this :term:`Delivery Service`
:longDesc: The :ref:`ds-longdesc` of this :term:`Delivery Service`
:longDesc1: An optional field containing the 2nd long description of this :term:`Delivery Service`
:longDesc2: An optional field containing the 3rd long description of this :term:`Delivery Service`
:matchList: The :term:`Delivery Service`'s :ref:`ds-matchlist`
:pattern: A regular expression - the use of this pattern is dependent on the ``type`` field (backslashes are escaped)
:setNumber: An integer that provides explicit ordering of :ref:`ds-matchlist` items - this is used as a priority ranking by Traffic Router, and is not guaranteed to correspond to the ordering of items in the array.
:type: The type of match performed using ``pattern``.
:maxDnsAnswers: The :ref:`ds-max-dns-answers` allowed for this :term:`Delivery Service`
:maxOriginConnections: The :ref:`ds-max-origin-connections`
:midHeaderRewrite: A set of :ref:`ds-mid-header-rw-rules`
:missLat: The :ref:`ds-geo-miss-default-latitude` used by this :term:`Delivery Service`
:missLong: The :ref:`ds-geo-miss-default-longitude` used by this :term:`Delivery Service`
:multiSiteOrigin: A boolean that defines the use of :ref:`ds-multi-site-origin` by this :term:`Delivery Service`
:orgServerFqdn: The :ref:`ds-origin-url`
:originShield: A :ref:`ds-origin-shield` string
:profileDescription: The :ref:`profile-description` of the :ref:`ds-profile` with which this :term:`Delivery Service` is associated
:profileId: An optional :ref:`profile-id` of a :ref:`ds-profile` with which this :term:`Delivery Service` shall be associated
:profileName: The :ref:`profile-name` of the :ref:`ds-profile` with which this :term:`Delivery Service` is associated
:protocol: An integral, unique identifier that corresponds to the :ref:`ds-protocol` used by this :term:`Delivery Service`
:qstringIgnore: An integral, unique identifier that corresponds to the :ref:`ds-qstring-handling` setting on this :term:`Delivery Service`
:rangeRequestHandling: An integral, unique identifier that corresponds to the :ref:`ds-range-request-handling` setting on this :term:`Delivery Service`
:regexRemap: A :ref:`ds-regex-remap`
:regionalGeoBlocking: A boolean defining the :ref:`ds-regionalgeo` setting on this :term:`Delivery Service`
:remapText: :ref:`ds-raw-remap`
:routingName: The :ref:`ds-routing-name` of this :term:`Delivery Service`
:signed: ``true`` if and only if ``signingAlgorithm`` is not ``null``, ``false`` otherwise
:signingAlgorithm: Either a :ref:`ds-signing-algorithm` or ``null`` to indicate URL/URI signing is not implemented on this :term:`Delivery Service`
:sslKeyVersion: This integer indicates the :ref:`ds-ssl-key-version`
:tenant: The name of the :term:`Tenant` who owns this :term:`Origin`
:tenantId: The integral, unique identifier of the :ref:`ds-tenant` who owns this :term:`Delivery Service`
:topology: The unique name of the :term:`Topology` that this :term:`Delivery Service` is assigned to
:trRequestHeaders: If defined, this defines the :ref:`ds-tr-req-headers` used by Traffic Router for this :term:`Delivery Service`
:trResponseHeaders: If defined, this defines the :ref:`ds-tr-resp-headers` used by Traffic Router for this :term:`Delivery Service`
:type: The :ref:`ds-types` of this :term:`Delivery Service`
:typeId: The integral, unique identifier of the :ref:`ds-types` of this :term:`Delivery Service`
:xmlId: This :term:`Delivery Service`'s :ref:`ds-xmlid`
:id: The integral, unique identifier assigned to the :term:`DSR <Delivery Service Request>`
:lastEditedBy: The username of user who last edited this :term:`DSR <Delivery Service Request>`
:lastEditedById: The integral, unique identifier assigned to the user who last edited this :term:`DSR <Delivery Service Request>`
:lastUpdated: The date and time at which the :term:`DSR <Delivery Service Request>` was last updated, in :ref:`non-rfc-datetime`.
:status: The status of the request. Can be "draft", "submitted", "rejected", "pending", or "complete".
.. code-block:: http
:caption: Response Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Set-Cookie, Cookie
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST,GET,OPTIONS,PUT,DELETE
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Type: application/json
Set-Cookie: mojolicious=...; Path=/; Expires=Sun, 23 Feb 2020 15:54:53 GMT; Max-Age=3600; HttpOnly
Whole-Content-Sha512: C8Nhciy1jv5X7CGgHwAnLp1qmLIzHq+4dvlAApb3cFSz5V2dABl7+N1Z4ndzB7GertB7rNLP31pVcat8vEz6rA==
X-Server-Name: traffic_ops_golang/
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2020 14:54:53 GMT
Content-Length: 930
"alerts": [
"text": "deliveryservice_request was updated.",
"level": "success"
"response": {
"assigneeId": 2,
"assignee": "admin",
"authorId": 2,
"author": "admin",
"changeType": "update",
"createdAt": "2020-02-23 11:06:00+00",
"id": 1,
"lastEditedBy": "admin",
"lastEditedById": 2,
"lastUpdated": "2020-02-23 14:54:53+00",
"deliveryService": {
"active": true,
"anonymousBlockingEnabled": false,
"cacheurl": null,
"ccrDnsTtl": null,
"cdnId": 2,
"cdnName": "CDN-in-a-Box",
"checkPath": null,
"displayName": "Demo 2",
"dnsBypassCname": null,
"dnsBypassIp": null,
"dnsBypassIp6": null,
"dnsBypassTtl": null,
"dscp": 0,
"edgeHeaderRewrite": null,
"firstHeaderRewrite": null,
"geoLimit": 0,
"geoLimitCountries": null,
"geoLimitRedirectURL": null,
"geoProvider": 0,
"globalMaxMbps": null,
"globalMaxTps": null,
"httpBypassFqdn": null,
"id": 1,
"infoUrl": null,
"initialDispersion": 1,
"innerHeaderRewrite": null,
"ipv6RoutingEnabled": true,
"lastHeaderRewrite": null,
"lastUpdated": "0001-01-01 00:00:00+00",
"logsEnabled": true,
"longDesc": "Apachecon North America 2018",
"longDesc1": null,
"longDesc2": null,
"matchList": [
"type": "HOST_REGEXP",
"setNumber": 0,
"pattern": ".*\\.demo1\\..*"
"maxDnsAnswers": null,
"midHeaderRewrite": null,
"missLat": 42,
"missLong": -88,
"multiSiteOrigin": false,
"originShield": null,
"orgServerFqdn": "http://origin.infra.ciab.test",
"profileDescription": null,
"profileId": null,
"profileName": null,
"protocol": 2,
"qstringIgnore": 0,
"rangeRequestHandling": 0,
"regexRemap": null,
"regionalGeoBlocking": false,
"remapText": null,
"routingName": "video",
"signed": false,
"sslKeyVersion": null,
"tenantId": 1,
"topology": null,
"type": "HTTP",
"typeId": 1,
"xmlId": "demo1",
"exampleURLs": [
"deepCachingType": "NEVER",
"fqPacingRate": null,
"signingAlgorithm": null,
"tenant": "root",
"trResponseHeaders": null,
"trRequestHeaders": null,
"consistentHashRegex": null,
"consistentHashQueryParams": [
"maxOriginConnections": 0,
"ecsEnabled": false
"status": "rejected"
.. [#geoLimit] These fields must be defined if and only if ``geoLimit`` is non-zero