blob: feb534b7f7d845a81e0cdbe2462abc9125592c20 [file] [log] [blame]
.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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.. _to-api-v12-iso:
.. _to-api-v12-iso-route:
**GET /api/1.2/osversions**
Get all OS versions for ISO generation and the directory where the kickstarter files are found. The values are retrieved from osversions.cfg found in either /var/www/files or in the location defined by the kickstart.files.location parameter (if defined).
Authentication Required: Yes
Role(s) Required: None
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Description |
|``OS version name`` | OS version name. For example, "CentOS 7.2 vda". |
|``OS version dir`` | The directory where the kickstarter ISO files are found. For example, |
| | centos72-netinstall. |
**Response Example** ::
"CentOS 7.2": "centos72-netinstall"
"CentOS 7.2 vda": "centos72-netinstall-vda"
**POST /api/1.2/isos**
Generate an ISO.
Authentication Required: Yes
Role(s) Required: Operations
**Request Properties**
| Parameter | Required | Description |
| ``osversionDir`` | yes | The directory name where the kickstarter ISO files are found. |
| ``hostName`` | yes | |
| ``domainName`` | yes | |
| ``rootPass`` | yes | |
| ``dhcp`` | yes | Valid values are 'yes' or 'no'. If yes, other IP settings will be ignored. |
| ``interfaceMtu`` | yes | 1500 or 9000 |
| ``ipAddress`` | yes|no | Required if dhcp=no |
| ``ipNetmask`` | yes|no | Required if dhcp=no |
| ``ipGateway`` | yes|no | Required if dhcp=no |
| ``ip6Address`` | no | /64 is assumed if prefix is omitted. |
| ``ip6Gateway`` | no | Ignored if an IPV4 gateway is specified. |
| ``interfaceName`` | no | Typical values are bond0, eth4, etc. If you enter bond0, a LACP bonding config will be written. |
| ``disk`` | no | Typical values are "sda" |
**Request Example** ::
"osversionDir": "centos72-netinstall-vda",
"hostName": "foo-bar",
"domainName": "",
"rootPass": "password",
"dhcp": "no",
"interfaceMtu": 1500,
"ipAddress": "",
"ipNetmask": "",
"ipGateway": ""
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
|``isoURL`` | string | The URL location of the ISO. ISO locations can be found in cnd.conf file. |
**Response Example** ::
"response": {
"isoURL": ""
"alerts": [
"level": "success",
"text": "Generate ISO was successful."