blob: 7cdf9b084c20f5d138284a808bcc45affda53a03 [file] [log] [blame]
.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
.. limitations under the License.
.. _to-api-v12-cdn:
.. _to-api-v12-cdn-route:
**GET /api/1.2/cdns**
Authentication Required: Yes
Role(s) Required: None
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| ``id`` | string | CDN id. |
| ``name`` | string | CDN name. |
| ``domainName`` | string | TLD of the CDN. |
| ``dnssecEnabled`` | bool | DNSSEC enabled. |
| ``lastUpdated`` | string | |
**Response Example** ::
"response": [
"id": "1"
"name": "cdn1",
"domainName": "",
"dnssecEnabled": false,
"lastUpdated": "2014-10-02 08:22:43"
"id": "2"
"name": "cdn2",
"domainName": "",
"dnssecEnabled": true,
"lastUpdated": "2014-10-02 08:22:43"
**GET /api/1.2/cdns/:id**
Authentication Required: Yes
Role(s) Required: None
**Request Route Parameters**
| Name | Required | Description |
| ``id`` | yes | CDN id. |
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| ``id`` | string | CDN id. |
| ``name`` | string | CDN name. |
| ``domainName`` | string | TLD of the CDN. |
| ``dnssecEnabled`` | bool | DNSSEC enabled. |
| ``lastUpdated`` | string | |
**Response Example** ::
"response": [
"id": "2"
"name": "cdn2",
"domainName": "",
"dnssecEnabled": false,
"lastUpdated": "2014-10-02 08:22:43"
**GET /api/1.2/cdns/name/:name**
Authentication Required: Yes
Role(s) Required: None
**Request Route Parameters**
| Name | Required | Description |
| ``name`` | yes | CDN name. |
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| ``id`` | string | CDN id. |
| ``name`` | string | CDN name. |
| ``domainName`` | string | TLD of the CDN. |
| ``dnssecEnabled`` | bool | DNSSEC enabled. |
| ``lastUpdated`` | string | |
**Response Example** ::
"response": [
"id": "2"
"name": "cdn2",
"domainName": "",
"dnssecEnabled": false,
"lastUpdated": "2014-10-02 08:22:43"
**POST /api/1.2/cdns**
Allows user to create a CDN.
Authentication Required: Yes
Role(s) Required: admin or oper
**Request Parameters**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| ``name`` | string | CDN name. |
| ``domainName`` | string | TLD of the CDN. |
| ``dnssecEnabled`` | bool | Whether dnssec is enabled. |
| | | - false: disabled |
| | | - true: enabled |
**Request Example** ::
"name": "cdn_test",
"domainName": "",
"dnssecEnabled": true
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| ``response`` | hash | The details of the creation, if success. |
| ``>id`` | int | CDN id. |
| ``>name`` | string | CDN name. |
| ``>dnssecEnabled`` | string | Whether dnssec is enabled. |
| ``>domainName`` | string | TLD of the CDN. |
| ``alerts`` | array | A collection of alert messages. |
| ``>level`` | string | Success, info, warning or error. |
| ``>text`` | string | Alert message. |
**Response Example** ::
"id": 3
"name": "cdn_test",
"domainName": "",
"dnssecEnabled": true
"level": "success",
"text": "cdn was created."
**PUT /api/1.2/cdns/{:id}**
Allows user to edit a CDN.
Authentication Required: Yes
Role(s) Required: admin or oper
**Request Route Parameters**
| Name | Type | Description |
| ``id`` | int | CDN id. |
**Request Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| ``name`` | string | CDN name. |
| ``domainName`` | string | TLD of the CDN. |
| ``dnssecEnabled`` | bool | Whether dnssec is enabled. |
| | | - false: disabled |
| | | - true: enabled |
**Request Example** ::
"name": "cdn_test2",
"domainName": "",
"dnssecEnabled": false
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| ``response`` | hash | The details of the update, if success. |
| ``>name`` | string | CDN name. |
| ``>id`` | int | CDN id. |
| ``>domainName`` | string | TLD of the CDN. |
| ``>dnssecEnabled`` | bool | Whether dnssec is enabled. |
| ``alerts`` | array | A collection of alert messages. |
| ``>level`` | string | Success, info, warning or error. |
| ``>text`` | string | Alert message. |
**Response Example** ::
"id": 3,
"name": "cdn_test2",
"domainName": "",
"dnssecEnabled": false
"level": "success",
"text": "cdn was updated."
**DELETE /api/1.2/cdns/{:id}**
Allows user to delete a CDN.
Authentication Required: Yes
Role(s) Required: admin or oper
**Request Route Parameters**
| Name | Required | Description |
| ``id`` | yes | CDN id. |
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| ``alerts`` | array | A collection of alert messages. |
| ``>level`` | string | success, info, warning or error. |
| ``>text`` | string | Alert message. |
**Response Example** ::
"alerts": [
"level": "success",
"text": "cdn was deleted."
**POST /api/1.2/cdns/{:id}/queue_update**
Queue or dequeue updates for all servers assigned to a specific CDN.
Authentication Required: Yes
Role(s) Required: admin or oper
**Request Route Parameters**
| Name | Required | Description |
| id | yes | the cdn id. |
**Request Properties**
| Name | Type | Description |
| action | string | queue or dequeue |
**Request Example** ::
"action": "queue"
**Response Properties**
| Name | Type | Description |
| action | string | The action processed, queue or dequeue. |
| cdnId | integer | cdn id |
**Response Example** ::
"response": {
"action": "queue",
"cdn": 1
.. _to-api-v12-cdn-health-route:
**GET /api/1.2/cdns/health**
Retrieves the health of all locations (cache groups) for all CDNs.
Authentication Required: Yes
Role(s) Required: None
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| ``totalOnline`` | int | Total number of online caches across all CDNs. |
| ``totalOffline`` | int | Total number of offline caches across all CDNs. |
| ``cachegroups`` | array | A collection of cache groups. |
| ``>online`` | int | The number of online caches for the cache group |
| ``>offline`` | int | The number of offline caches for the cache |
| | | group. |
| ``>name`` | string | Cache group name. |
**Response Example** ::
"response": {
"totalOnline": 148,
"totalOffline": 0,
"cachegroups": [
"online": 8,
"offline": 0,
"name": "us-co-denver"
"online": 7,
"offline": 0,
"name": "us-de-newcastle"
**GET /api/1.2/cdns/:name/health**
Retrieves the health of all locations (cache groups) for a given CDN.
Authentication Required: Yes
Role(s) Required: None
**Request Route Parameters**
| Name | Required | Description |
|``name`` | yes | |
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| ``totalOnline`` | int | Total number of online caches across the |
| | | specified CDN. |
| ``totalOffline`` | int | Total number of offline caches across the |
| | | specified CDN. |
| ``cachegroups`` | array | A collection of cache groups. |
| ``>online`` | int | The number of online caches for the cache group |
| ``>offline`` | int | The number of offline caches for the cache |
| | | group. |
| ``>name`` | string | Cache group name. |
**Response Example** ::
"response": {
"totalOnline": 148,
"totalOffline": 0,
"cachegroups": [
"online": 8,
"offline": 0,
"name": "us-co-denver"
"online": 7,
"offline": 0,
"name": "us-de-newcastle"
**GET /api/1.2/cdns/usage/overview**
Retrieves the high-level CDN usage metrics.
Authentication Required: Yes
Role(s) Required: None
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
|``currentGbps`` | number | |
|``tps`` | int | |
|``maxGbps`` | int | |
**Response Example** ::
"response": {
"currentGbps": 149.368167,
"tps": 36805,
"maxGbps": 3961
**GET /api/1.2/cdns/capacity**
Retrieves the aggregate capacity percentages of all locations (cache groups) for a given CDN.
Authentication Required: Yes
Role(s) Required: None
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
|``availablePercent`` | number | |
|``unavailablePercent``| number | |
|``utilizedPercent`` | number | |
|``maintenancePercent``| number | |
**Response Example** ::
"response": {
"availablePercent": 89.0939840205533,
"unavailablePercent": 0,
"utilizedPercent": 10.9060020300395,
"maintenancePercent": 0.0000139494071146245
.. _to-api-v12-cdn-routing:
**GET /api/1.2/cdns/routing**
Retrieves the aggregate routing percentages of all locations (cache groups) for a given CDN.
Authentication Required: Yes
Role(s) Required: None
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| ``staticRoute`` | number | Used pre-configured DNS entries. |
| ``miss`` | number | No location available for client IP. |
| ``geo`` | number | Used 3rd party geo-IP mapping. |
| ``err`` | number | Error localizing client IP. |
| ``cz`` | number | Used Coverage Zone geo-IP mapping. |
| ``dsr`` | number | Overflow traffic sent to secondary CDN. |
**Response Example** ::
"response": {
"staticRoute": 0,
"miss": 0,
"geo": 37.8855391018869,
"err": 0,
"cz": 62.1144608981131,
"dsr": 0
.. _to-api-v12-cdn-metrics:
**GET /api/1.2/cdns/metric_types/:metric/start_date/:start/end_date/:end**
*Note: this route is not currently implemented in Traffic Ops. See*
Retrieves edge metrics of one or all locations (cache groups).
Authentication Required: Yes
Role(s) Required: None
**Request Route Parameters**
| Name | Required | Description |
| ``metric_type`` | yes | ooff, origin_tps |
| ``start`` | yes | UNIX time, yesterday, now |
| ``end`` | yes | UNIX time, yesterday, now |
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| ``stats`` | hash | |
| ``>count`` | string | |
| ``>98thPercentile`` | string | |
| ``>min`` | string | |
| ``>max`` | string | |
| ``>5thPercentile`` | string | |
| ``>95thPercentile`` | string | |
| ``>mean`` | string | |
| ``>sum`` | string | |
| ``data`` | array | |
| ``>time`` | int | |
| ``>value`` | number | |
| ``label`` | string | |
**Response Example** ::
"response": [
"stats": {
"count": 1,
"98thPercentile": 1668.03,
"min": 1668.03,
"max": 1668.03,
"5thPercentile": 1668.03,
"95thPercentile": 1668.03,
"mean": 1668.03,
"sum": 1668.03
"data": [
"label": "Origin TPS"
.. _to-api-v12-cdn-domains:
**GET /api/1.2/cdns/domains**
Authentication Required: Yes
Role(s) Required: None
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
|``profileId`` | string | |
|``parameterId`` | string | |
|``profileName`` | string | |
|``profileDescription``| string | |
|``domainName`` | string | |
**Response Example** ::
"response": [
"profileId": "5",
"parameterId": "404",
"profileName": "CR_FOO",
"profileDescription": "Content Router for",
"domainName": ""
"profileId": "8",
"parameterId": "405",
"profileName": "CR_BAR",
"profileDescription": "Content Router for",
"domainName": ""
.. _to-api-v12-cdn-topology:
**GET /api/1.2/cdns/:cdn_name/configs**
Retrieves CDN config information.
Authentication Required: Yes
**Request Route Parameters**
| Name | Required | Description |
| ``cdn_name`` | yes | Your cdn name or, all |
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
|``id`` | string | |
|``value`` | string | |
|``name`` | string | |
|``config_file`` | string | |
**Response Example** ::
**GET /api/1.2/cdns/:name/configs/monitoring**
Retrieves CDN monitoring information.
Authentication Required: Yes
Role(s) Required: None
**Request Route Parameters**
| Name | Required | Description |
| ``name`` | yes | CDN name |
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| ``trafficServers`` | array | A collection of |
| | | Traffic Servers. |
| ``>profile`` | string | |
| ``>ip`` | string | |
| ``>status`` | string | |
| ``>cacheGroup`` | string | |
| ``>ip6`` | string | |
| ``>port`` | int | |
| ``>hostName`` | string | |
| ``>fqdn`` | string | |
| ``>interfaceName`` | string | |
| ``>type`` | string | |
| ``>hashId`` | string | |
| ``cacheGroups`` | array | A collection of |
| | | cache groups. |
| ``>coordinates`` | hash | |
| ``>>longitude`` | number | |
| ``>>latitude`` | number | |
| ``>name`` | string | |
| ``config`` | hash | |
| ``>hack.ttl`` | int | |
| ``>tm.healthParams.polling.url`` | string | |
| ``>tm.dataServer.polling.url`` | string | |
| ``>health.timepad`` | int | |
| ``>tm.polling.interval`` | int | |
| ``>health.threadPool`` | int | |
| ``>health.polling.interval`` | int | |
| ``>health.event-count`` | int | |
| ``>tm.crConfig.polling.url`` | number | |
| ``>CDN_name`` | number | |
| ``trafficMonitors`` | array | A collection of |
| | | Traffic Monitors. |
| ``>profile`` | string | |
| ``>location`` | string | |
| ``>ip`` | string | |
| ``>status`` | string | |
| ``>ip6`` | string | |
| ``>port`` | int | |
| ``>hostName`` | string | |
| ``>fqdn`` | string | |
| ``deliveryServices`` | array | A collection of |
| | | delivery services. |
| ``>xmlId`` | string | |
| ``>totalTpsThreshold`` | int | |
| ``>status`` | string | |
| ``>totalKbpsThreshold`` | int | |
| ``profiles`` | array | A collection of |
| | | profiles. |
| ``>parameters`` | hash | |
| ``>>health.connection.timeout`` | int | |
| ``>>health.polling.url`` | string | |
| ``>>health.threshold.queryTime`` | int | |
| ``>>history.count`` | int | |
| ``>>health.threshold.availableBandwidthInKbps`` | string | |
| ``>>health.threshold.loadavg`` | string | |
| ``>name`` | string | |
| ``>type`` | string | |
**Response Example**
**GET /api/1.2/cdns/:name/configs/routing**
Retrieves CDN routing information.
Authentication Required: Yes
Role(s) Required: None
**Request Route Parameters**
| Name | Required | Description |
| ``name`` | yes | |
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| ``trafficServers`` | array | A collection of Traffic Servers. |
| ``>profile`` | string | |
| ``>ip`` | string | |
| ``>status`` | string | |
| ``>cacheGroup`` | string | |
| ``>ip6`` | string | |
| ``>port`` | int | |
| ``>deliveryServices`` | array | |
| ``>>xmlId`` | string | |
| ``>>remaps`` | array | |
| ``>>hostName`` | string | |
| ``>fqdn`` | string | |
| ``>interfaceName`` | string | |
| ``>type`` | string | |
| ``>hashId`` | string | |
| ``stats`` | hash | |
| ``>trafficOpsPath`` | string | |
| ``>cdnName`` | string | |
| ``>trafficOpsVersion`` | string | |
| ``>trafficOpsUser`` | string | |
| ``>date`` | int | |
| ``>trafficOpsHost`` | string | |
| ``cacheGroups`` | array | A collection of cache groups. |
| ``>coordinates`` | hash | |
| ``>>longitude`` | number | |
| ``>>latitude`` | number | |
| ``>name`` | string | |
| ``config`` | hash | |
| ``>tld.soa.admin`` | string | |
| ``>tcoveragezone.polling.interval`` | int | |
| ``>geolocation.polling.interval`` | int | |
| ``>tld.soa.expire`` | int | |
| ``>coveragezone.polling.url`` | string | |
| ``>tld.soa.minimum`` | int | |
| ``>geolocation.polling.url`` | string | |
| ``>domain_name`` | string | |
| ``>tld.ttls.AAAA`` | int | |
| ``>tld.soa.refresh`` | int | |
| ``>tld.ttls.NS`` | int | |
| ``>tld.ttls.SOA`` | int | |
| ``>geolocation6.polling.interval`` | int | |
| ``>tld.ttls.A`` | int | |
| ``>tld.soa.retry`` | int | |
| ``>geolocation6.polling.url`` | string | |
| ``trafficMonitors`` | array | A collection of Traffic Monitors. |
| ``>profile`` | string | |
| ``>location`` | string | |
| ``>ip`` | string | |
| ``>status`` | string | |
| ``>ip6`` | string | |
| ``>port`` | int | |
| ``>hostName`` | string | |
| ``>fqdn`` | string | |
| ``deliveryServices`` | array | A collection of delivery |
| | | services. |
| ``>xmlId`` | string | |
| ``>ttl`` | int | |
| ``>geoEnabled`` | string | |
| ``>coverageZoneOnly`` | boolean | |
| ``>matchSets`` | array | |
| ``>>protocol`` | string | |
| ``>>matchList`` | array | |
| ``>>>regex`` | string | |
| ``>>>matchType`` | string | |
| ``>bypassDestination`` | hash | |
| ``>>maxDnsIpsForLocation`` | int | |
| ``>>ttl`` | int | |
| ``>>type`` | string | |
| ``>ttls`` | hash | |
| ``>>A`` | int | |
| ``>>SOA`` | int | |
| ``>>NS`` | int | |
| ``>>AAAA`` | int | |
| ``>missCoordinates`` | hash | |
| ``>>longitude`` | number | |
| ``>>latitude`` | number | |
| ``>soa`` | hash | |
| ``>>admin`` | string | |
| ``>>retry`` | int | |
| ``>>minimum`` | int | |
| ``>>refresh`` | int | |
| ``>>expire`` | int | |
| ``trafficRouters`` | hash | |
| ``>profile`` | int | |
| ``>location`` | string | |
| ``>ip`` | string | |
| ``>status`` | string | |
| ``>ip6`` | string | |
| ``>port`` | int | |
| ``>hostName`` | string | |
| ``>fqdn`` | string | |
| ``>apiPort`` | int | |
**Response Example**
.. _to-api-v12-cdn-dnsseckeys:
**GET /api/1.2/cdns/name/:name/dnsseckeys**
Gets a list of dnsseckeys for a CDN and all associated Delivery Services.
Authentication Required: Yes
Role(s) Required: Admin
**Request Route Parameters**
| Name | Required | Description |
| ``name`` | yes | |
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| ``cdn name/ds xml_id`` | string | identifier for ds or cdn |
| ``>zsk/ksk`` | array | collection of zsk/ksk data |
| ``>>ttl`` | string | time-to-live for dnssec requests |
| ``>>inceptionDate`` | string | epoch timestamp for when the keys were created |
| ``>>expirationDate`` | string | epoch timestamp representing the expiration of the keys |
| ``>>private`` | string | encoded private key |
| ``>>public`` | string | encoded public key |
| ``>>name`` | string | domain name |
| ``version`` | string | API version |
| ``ksk>>dsRecord>>algorithm`` | string | The algorithm of the referenced DNSKEY-recor. |
| ``ksk>>dsRecord>>digestType`` | string | Cryptographic hash algorithm used to create the Digest value. |
| ``ksk>>dsRecord>>digest`` | string | A cryptographic hash value of the referenced DNSKEY-record. |
**Response Example** ::
"response": {
"cdn1": {
"zsk": {
"ttl": "60",
"inceptionDate": "1426196750",
"private": "zsk private key",
"public": "zsk public key",
"expirationDate": "1428788750",
"name": ""
"ksk": {
"name": "",
"expirationDate": "1457732750",
"public": "ksk public key",
"private": "ksk private key",
"inceptionDate": "1426196750",
"ttl": "60",
dsRecord: {
"algorithm": "5",
"digestType": "2",
"digest": "abc123def456"
"ds-01": {
"zsk": {
"ttl": "60",
"inceptionDate": "1426196750",
"private": "zsk private key",
"public": "zsk public key",
"expirationDate": "1428788750",
"name": ""
"ksk": {
"name": "",
"expirationDate": "1457732750",
"public": "ksk public key",
"private": "ksk private key",
"inceptionDate": "1426196750"
... repeated for each ds in the cdn
**GET /api/1.2/cdns/name/:name/dnsseckeys/delete**
Delete dnssec keys for a cdn and all associated delivery services.
Authentication Required: Yes
Role(s) Required: Admin
**Request Route Parameters**
| Name | Required | Description |
| ``name`` | yes | name of the CDN for which you want to delete dnssec keys |
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| ``response`` | string | success response |
**Response Example**
"response": "Successfully deleted dnssec keys for <cdn>"
**POST /api/1.2/deliveryservices/dnsseckeys/generate**
Generates ZSK and KSK keypairs for a CDN and all associated Delivery Services.
Authentication Required: Yes
Role(s) Required: Admin
**Request Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| ``key`` | string | name of the cdn |
| ``name`` | string | domain name of the cdn |
| ``ttl`` | string | time to live |
| ``kskExpirationDays`` | string | Expiration (in days) for the key signing keys |
| ``zskExpirationDays`` | string | Expiration (in days) for the zone signing keys |
**Request Example** ::
"key": "cdn1",
"name" "",
"ttl": "60",
"kskExpirationDays": "365",
"zskExpirationDays": "90"
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| ``response`` | string | response string |
| ``version`` | string | API version |
**Response Example** ::
"response": "Successfully created dnssec keys for cdn1"
.. _to-api-v12-cdn-sslkeys:
SSL Keys
**GET /api/1.2/cdns/name/:name/sslkeys**
Returns ssl certificates for all Delivery Services that are a part of the CDN.
Authentication Required: Yes
Role(s) Required: Admin
**Request Route Parameters**
| Name | Required | Description |
| ``name`` | yes | |
**Response Properties**
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| ``deliveryservice`` | string | identifier for deliveryservice xml_id |
| ``certificate`` | array | collection of certificate |
| ``>>key`` | string | base64 encoded private key for ssl certificate |
| ``>>crt`` | string | base64 encoded ssl certificate |
**Response Example** ::
"response": [
"deliveryservice": "ds1",
"certificate": {
"crt": "base64encodedcrt1",
"key": "base64encodedkey1"
"deliveryservice": "ds2",
"certificate": {
"crt": "base64encodedcrt2",
"key": "base64encodedkey2"