blob: 42c125a82c3f1addadb0c313921b1d2500566439 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license Apache-2.0
* Copyright 2022 ocket8888
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import type { LocalizationMethod } from "./";
import type { Interface } from "./server";
* The basic set of properties common to all requests to (de)queue updates on a
* Cache Group.
interface CacheGroupQueueRequestBase {
action: "queue" | "dequeue";
* A request to queue updates on a Cache Group, identifying the CDN to which to
* restrict the operation by its ID. Specifying the Name is not allowed.
interface CacheGroupQueueRequestByCDNID extends CacheGroupQueueRequestBase{
cdn?: never;
cdnId: number;
* A request to queue updates on a Cache Group, identifying the CDN to which to
* restrict the operation by its Name. Specifying the ID is not allowed.
interface CacheGroupQueueRequestByCDNName extends CacheGroupQueueRequestBase {
cdn: string;
cdnId?: never;
/** Represents a request to queue updates on a Cache Group. */
export type CacheGroupQueueRequest = CacheGroupQueueRequestByCDNID | CacheGroupQueueRequestByCDNName;
* Represents a response from the Traffic Ops API to a request to queue updates
* on a Cache Group.
export interface CacheGroupQueueResponse {
action: "queue" | "dequeue";
cachegroupName: string;
cachegroupID: number;
cdn: string;
serverNames: Array<string>;
/** Represents a request to (de)queue updates on a CDN. */
export interface CDNQueueRequest {
action: "queue" | "dequeue";
* Represents a response from Traffic Ops to a request made to its API to
* (de)queue updates on a CDN.
export interface CDNQueueResponse {
action: "queue" | "dequeue";
cdnId: number;
* Represents a request to (de)queue updates on a Server.
export interface ServerQueueRequest {
action: "queue" | "dequeue";
* Represents a response from Traffic Ops to a request made to its API to
* (de)queue updates on a server.
export interface ServerQueueResponse {
action: "queue" | "dequeue";
serverId: number;
* Represents a request to (de)queue updates on a Topology.
export type TopologyQueueRequest = CacheGroupQueueRequestByCDNID;
* A response to a {@link TopologyQueueRequest}.
export interface TopologyQueueResponse extends TopologyQueueRequest {
topology: string;
/** The basic properties common to all of a Snapshot's "contentServers" */
interface ContentServerBase {
cacheGroup: string;
capabilities: Array<string>;
fqdn: string;
hashCount: number;
hashId: string;
httpsPort: number | null;
interfaceName: string;
ip: string;
ip6: string;
locationId: string;
port: number;
profile: string;
routingDisabled: 0 | 1;
status: string;
/** An edge-tier Snapshot "contentServer". */
interface EdgeContentServer extends ContentServerBase {
deliveryServices: {
[xmlID: string]: Array<string>;
type: "EDGE";
/** A mid-tier Snapshot "contentServer". */
interface MidContentServer extends ContentServerBase {
type: "MID";
* Represents a Snapshot "contentServer" of arbitrary tier.
export type SnapshotContentServer = EdgeContentServer | MidContentServer;
* Represents a Traffic Router in a CDN Snapshot.
export interface SnapshotContentRouter {
// These property names are defined by the API and are therefore
// beyond my control.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
"api.port": string;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
"secure.api.port": string;
fqdn: string;
httpsPort: number | null;
ip: string;
ip6: string;
location: string;
port: number;
profile: string;
status: string;
* Represents a Delivery Service in a CDN Snapshot.
export interface SnapshotDeliveryService {
anonymousBlockingEnabled: "true" | "false";
consistentHashQueryParameters: Array<string>;
consistentHashRegex?: string;
coverageZoneOnly: "true" | "false";
deepCachingType: "ALWAYS" | "NEVER";
dispersion: {
limit: number;
shuffled: "true" | "false";
domains: Array<string>;
ecsEnabled: "true" | "false";
geolocationProvider: string;
ip6RoutingEnabled: "true" | "false";
matchsets: Array<{
matchList: Array<{
// This is beyond my control.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
"match-type": string;
regex: string;
protocol: string;
missLocation: {
lat: number;
long: number;
protocol: {
acceptHttps: "true" | "false";
redirectToHttps: "true" | "false";
regionalGeoBlocking: "true" | "false";
requiredCapabilities: Array<string>;
routingName: string;
soa: {
admin: string;
expire: string;
minimum: string;
refresh: string;
retry: string;
sslEnabled: "true" | "false";
topology?: string;
ttls: {
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
A: string;
AAAA: string;
NS: string;
SOA: string;
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
* Represents an Edge-tier Cache Group in a CDN Snapshot.
export interface SnapshotEdgeLocation {
backupLocations: {
fallbackToClosest: "true" | "false";
list?: Array<string>;
latitude: number;
longitude: number;
localizationMethods: Array<LocalizationMethod>;
* Represents a Traffic Monitor in the context of a CDN Snapshot.
export interface SnapshotMonitor {
fqdn: string;
httpsPort: number | null;
ip: string;
ip6: string;
location: string;
port: number;
profile: string;
status: string;
* Represents the "stats" section of a CDN Snapshot.
export interface SnapshotStatsSection {
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
CDN_name?: string;
date?: Date;
tm_host?: string;
tm_path?: string;
tm_user?: string;
tm_version?: string;
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
* Represents a Traffic Router Cache Group in a CDN Snapshot.
export interface SnapshotTrafficRouterLocation {
backupLocations: {
fallbackToClosest: "true" | "false";
list?: Array<string>;
latitude: number;
localizationMethods: Array<LocalizationMethod>;
longitude: number;
* Represents a Topology in a CDN Snapshot.
export interface SnapshotTopology {
nodes: Array<string>;
* Represents a CDN Snapshot.
* Note that this structure is highly volatile, and in general isn't bound by
* the normal rules of API versioning.
export interface Snapshot {
config?: Record<string, string>;
contentRouters?: {
[routerHostName: string]: SnapshotContentRouter;
contentServers?: {
[cacheServerHostName: string]: SnapshotContentServer;
deliveryServices?: {
[xmlID: string]: SnapshotDeliveryService;
edgeLocations?: {
[name: string]: SnapshotEdgeLocation;
monitors?: {
[monitorHostName: string]: SnapshotMonitor;
stats?: SnapshotStatsSection;
topologies?: {
[name: string]: SnapshotTopology;
trafficRouterLocations?: {
[name: string]: SnapshotTrafficRouterLocation;
* Represents a CDN "Monitoring Snapshot".
* Note that this structure is highly volatile, and in general isn't bound by
* the normal rules of API versioning.
export interface MonitoringConfig {
cacheGroups: Array<{
coordinates: {
latitude: number;
longitude: number;
name: string;
config: Record<string, number | string | boolean>;
deliveryServices: Array<{
hostRegexes: Array<string>;
status: string;
topology: string | null;
totalKbpsThreshold: number;
totalTpsThreshold: number;
type: string;
xmlId: string;
profiles: Array<{
name: string;
parameters: Record<string, string | number | boolean>;
type: string;
topologies?: {
[name: string]: {
nodes: Array<string>;
trafficMonitors: Array<{
cachegroup: string;
fqdn: string;
hostname: string;
ip: string;
ip6: string;
port: number;
profile: string;
status: string;
trafficServers: Array<{
cachegroup: string;
fqdn: string;
hashid: string;
hostname: string;
interfaces: Array<Interface>;
port: number;
profile: string;
status: string;
type: string;