blob: c60221d769c5fc109b1de89808a04fd4cacdbabd [file] [log] [blame]
* @license Apache-2.0
* Copyright 2022 ocket8888
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import type { DeliveryService } from "./delivery.service";
* Represents a request to create or edit a Delivery Service Request Comment.
export interface RequestDeliveryServiceRequestComment {
deliveryServiceRequestId: number;
value: string;
* Represents a response from Traffic Ops to a request for the creation or
* modification of a Delivery Service Request Comment.
export interface RequestDeliveryServiceRequestCommentResponse {
authorId: number;
* This will be whatever it was in the request - not necessarily the truth.
* (undefined will be coerced into `null`).
author: string | null;
deliveryServiceRequestId: number;
readonly id: number;
readonly lastUpdated: Date;
value: string;
* This will be whatever it was in the request - not necessarily the truth.
* (undefined will be coerced into `null`).
xmlId: string | null;
* Represents a Delivery Service Request Comment as it appears in responses to
* `GET` requests made to the `/deliveryservice_request_comments` endpoint of
* the Traffic Ops API.
export interface ResponseDeliveryServiceRequestComment {
authorId: number;
author: string;
deliveryServiceRequestId: number;
readonly id: number;
readonly lastUpdated: Date;
value: string;
xmlId: string;
/** Represents a Delivery Service Request comment in an arbitrary context. */
export type DeliveryServiceRequestComment = RequestDeliveryServiceRequestComment | RequestDeliveryServiceRequestCommentResponse | ResponseDeliveryServiceRequestComment;
/** The various types of changes indicated by a Delivery Service Request (DSR). */
export const enum DSRChangeType {
/** The `changeType` of a DSR for creating a new Delivery Service. */
CREATE = "create",
/** The `changeType` of a DSR for deleting an existing Delivery Service. */
DELETE = "delete",
/** The `changeType` of a DSR for modifying an existing Delivery Service. */
UPDATE = "update"
/** The various statuses of a Delivery Service Request (DSR). */
export const enum DSRStatus {
/** This request has been carried out fully and was enacted as stated. */
COMPLETE = "complete",
/** This request is a draft, and isn't ready to be implemented. */
DRAFT = "draft",
* This request has been accepted, but is waiting for further actions before
* it can be called complete.
PENDING = "pending",
/** This request will never be implemented as-is. */
REJECTED = "rejected",
/** This request is ready for review and either approval or rejection. */
SUBMITTED = "submitted"
* Represents a Delivery Service Request as Traffic Ops requires it in requests.
export interface RequestDeliveryServiceRequest {
assigneeId?: number | null;
changeType: DSRChangeType;
deliveryService: DeliveryService;
status: DSRStatus;
/** A Delivery Service Request with no assignee, as it appears in responses. */
interface UnassignedResponseDeliveryServiceRequest {
readonly author: string;
readonly authorId: number;
changeType: DSRChangeType;
readonly createdAt: Date;
deliveryService: DeliveryService;
readonly id: number;
readonly lastEditedBy: string;
readonly lastEditedById: number;
readonly lastUpdated: Date;
status: DSRStatus;
/** An assigned DSR, as it appears in responses. */
interface AssignedResponseDeliveryServiceRequest extends UnassignedResponseDeliveryServiceRequest {
assignee: string;
assigneeId: number;
* Represents a Delivery Service Request as it appears in (some) responses
export type ResponseDeliveryServiceRequest = AssignedResponseDeliveryServiceRequest | UnassignedResponseDeliveryServiceRequest;
/** Represents a Delivery Service Request in an arbitrary context. */
export type DeliveryServiceRequest = ResponseDeliveryServiceRequest | RequestDeliveryServiceRequest;
* Represents a request to change the assignee of a DSR.
* Both an undefined value and `null` mean "remove the current assignee".
export interface DeliveryServiceAssignmentChangeRequest {
assigneeId?: number | null;
* Represents a request to change the status of a DSR.
export interface DeliveryServiceStatusChangeRequest {
status: DSRStatus;
* Represents a request to submit a Delivery Service change or creation request
* via email through the `/deliveryservices/request` endpoint of the Traffic Ops
* API.
* @deprecated This structure is superseded by {@link DeliveryServiceRequest}
* objects and has been removed from the latest version of the API.
export interface DeliveryServicesRequest {
details: {
contentType: string;
customer: string;
deepCachingType: "ALWAYS" | "NEVER";
deliveryProtocol: "http" | "https" | "http/https";
hasNegativeCachingCustomization: boolean;
hasOriginACLWhitelist: boolean;
hasOriginDynamicRemap: boolean;
hasSignedURLs: boolean;
headerRewriteEdge?: string | null;
headerRewriteMid?: string | null;
headerRewriteRedirectRouter?: string | null;
maxLibrarySizeEstimate: string;
negativeCachingCustomizationNote: string;
notes?: string | null;
originHeaders?: string | null;
originTestFile: string;
originURL: string;
otherOriginSecurity?: string | null;
overflowService?: string | null;
peakBPSEstimate: string;
peakTPSEstimate: string;
queryStringHandling: string;
rangeRequestHandling: string;
rateLimitingGBPS?: number | null;
rateLimitingTPS?: number | null;
routingName?: string | null;
routingType: "HTTP" | "DNS" | "STEERING" | "ANY_MAP";
serviceAliases?: Array<string> | null;
serviceDesc: string;
emailTo: string;