blob: e1335356808e06af4364ea9b14d314f2384b3c43 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license Apache-2.0
* Copyright 2022 ocket8888
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* This file is for modeling and functionality related to Server objects
import type { Alert } from "./alert";
/** IPAddress is a single IP address of a single network interface of a server. */
export interface IPAddress {
/** The actual IP address. */
address: string;
/** The IP address of a gateway for this IP, if one exists/is known. */
gateway: string | null;
/** Whether or not this IP address is responsible for serving ATC traffic. */
serviceAddress: boolean;
/** Interface is a server's network interface. */
export interface Interface {
/** The IP addresses assigned to this network interface. */
ipAddresses: Array<IPAddress>;
/** The maximum bandwidth for considering the server healthy, if any. */
maxBandwidth: number | null;
* Whether or not the Traffic Monitor should consider this network interface
* in health calculations.
monitor: boolean;
/** The maximum transmission unit of the network interface, if known. */
mtu: number | null;
/** The name of the network interface in the `/dev` directory. */
name: string;
* Searches a collection of IPAddresses exhaustively for service addresses.
* @param ips The IPAddresses to search.
* @returns A tuple of the found IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, each being `null` if
* not found.
function exhaustiveServiceAddresses(ips: Array<IPAddress>): [IPAddress | null, IPAddress | null] {
let ipv4 = null;
let ipv6 = null;
for (const ip of ips) {
if (ip.serviceAddress) {
if (ip.address.includes(":")) {
if (ipv6 !== null) {
throw new Error(`found two IPv6 service addresses: '${ipv6.address}' and '${ip.address}'`);
ipv6 = ip;
} else if (ipv4 !== null) {
throw new Error(`found two IPv4 service addresses: '${ipv4.address}' and '${ip.address}'`);
} else {
ipv4 = ip;
return [ipv4, ipv6];
* Searches for service IP Addresses in the given collection, traversing the
* list as little as possible to find a valid set.
* @param ips The collection of IPs to search.
* @returns A tuple of the found IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, each being `null` if
* not found.
function inexhaustiveServiceAddresses(ips: Array<IPAddress>): [IPAddress | null, IPAddress | null] {
let ipv4 = null;
let ipv6 = null;
for (const ip of ips) {
if (ip.serviceAddress) {
if (ip.address.includes(":")) {
if (ipv6 !== null) {
throw new Error(`found two IPv6 service addresses: '${ipv6.address}' and '${ip.address}'`);
ipv6 = ip;
} else if (ipv4 !== null) {
throw new Error(`found two IPv4 service addresses: '${ipv4.address}' and '${ip.address}'`);
} else {
ipv4 = ip;
if (ipv4 !== null && ipv6 !== null) {
return [ipv4, ipv6];
* Extracts the "service" address of an {@link IPAddress} collection or
* {@link Interface}.
* @param infs The interfaces from which to extract service addresses.
* @param exhaustive If `true`, the function will check for service addresses
* exhaustively. When this is `false`, the function returns as soon as it finds
* one service address per address family - essentially assuming that there are
* no duplicates. Exhaustive searches will ensure there is no more than one
* service address per family by checking the entire collection.
* @returns A tuple of the IPv4 service address of the interface (or `null` if
* it doesn't have one) and the IPv6 service address of the interface (or `null`
* if it doesn't have one). Note that this function does not check for the case
* when a collection of IPs has no service addresses - it is up to the caller to
* recognize that a return value of `[null, null]` indicates an invalid
* collection.
* @throws {Error} When more than one service address is found for a single
* address family.
export function serviceAddresses(infs: Array<Interface>, exhaustive = false): [ipv4Address: IPAddress | null, ipv6Address: IPAddress | null] {
const arr =>inf.ipAddresses).flat();
if (exhaustive) {
return exhaustiveServiceAddresses(arr);
return inexhaustiveServiceAddresses(arr);
* Represents a nebulous "server" object as returned by Traffic Ops in
* responses.
export interface ResponseServer {
/** The Cache Group to which the server belongs. */
cachegroup: string;
* The integral, unique identifier of the Cache Group to which the server
* belongs.
cachegroupId: number;
* The integral, unique identifier of the CDN to which the server belongs.
cdnId: number;
/** The name of the CDN to which the server belongs. */
cdnName: string;
* The servers FQDN without its hostname - e.g. '' from
* ''.
domainName: string;
* Legacy field with no purpose.
* @deprecated This field has no purpose and is subject to removal in the
* future.
guid: number | null;
* The server's hostname, e.g. 'trafficcontrol' from
* ''.
hostName: string;
/** The port used to serve HTTPS responses, if any. */
httpsPort: number | null;
/** An integral, unique identifier for this Server. */
readonly id: number;
/** The IP address of the Server's ILO interface. */
iloIpAddress: string | null;
/** The IP address of the gateway to the Server's ILO interface. */
iloIpGateway: string | null;
* A netmask that describes the subnet allocated to the Server's ILO
* interface.
iloIpNetmask: string | null;
/** The Server's ILO interface's password. */
iloPassword: string | null;
/** The Server's ILO interface's root user's name. */
iloUsername: string | null;
/** The Server's network interfaces. */
interfaces: Array<Interface>;
/** The date/time at which the Server was last updated. */
readonly lastUpdated: Date;
/** The IP address of the server's management interface. */
mgmtIpAddress: string | null;
/** The IP address of the gateway to the Server's management interface. */
mgmtIpGateway: string | null;
* The netmask that describes the subnet allocated to the Server's
* management interface.
mgmtIpNetmask: string | null;
/** The reason the Server has been taken out of service. */
offlineReason: string | null;
/** The physical location in which the Server resides. */
physLocation: string;
* An integral, unique identifier for the physical location in which the
* Server resides.
physLocationId: number;
/** The Profile used by the Server. */
profile: string | null;
* A description of the Profile used by the Server.
* @deprecated Future representations of Server objects will drop the
* Profile description entirely, as it's trivially deduced from Profile
* identity.
profileDesc: string | null;
* An integral, unique identifier for the Profile used by the Server.
* @deprecated In the latest API version, a server's Profile is identified
* only by name, not unique, integral identifier.
profileId: number | null;
* An _ordered_ array of strings representing the Profiles used by this server
profileNames: Array<string>;
/** Whether or not revalidations are pending for this Server. */
revalPending: boolean;
* Legacy field with no purpose.
* @deprecated This field has no purpose and is subject to removal in the
* future.
rack: string | null;
/** The hostname of the router that routes to this Server. */
routerHostName: string | null;
/** The... name... of the port... used by the Server's router?? */
routerPortName: string | null;
/** The Server's status. */
status: string;
/** An integral, unique, identifier for the Server's Status. */
statusId: number;
/** The time at which the server's status was last updated. */
statusLastUpdated: Date | null;
/** The port on which the Server listens for incoming TCP connections. */
tcpPort: number | null;
/** The type of the Server. */
type: string;
/** An integral, unique identifier for the Type of this Server. */
typeId: number;
/** Whether or not this Server has updates pending. */
updPending: boolean;
* The string used by Traffic Router for consistent hashing to this Server.
* This is generated for the server upon its creation, and cannot be
* modified afterwards.
readonly xmppId: string;
/** legacy field with no purpose. */
xmppPasswd?: string | null;
* Represents a server of some kind in the context of a request to Traffic Ops.
export interface RequestServer {
* The integral, unique identifier of the Cache Group to which the server
* belongs.
cachegroupId: number;
* The integral, unique identifier of the CDN to which the server belongs.
cdnId: number;
* The servers FQDN without its hostname - e.g. '' from
* ''.
domainName: string;
* Legacy field with no purpose.
* @deprecated This field has no purpose and is subject to removal in the
* future.
guid?: number | null;
* The server's hostname, e.g. 'trafficcontrol' from
* ''.
hostName: string;
/** The port used to serve HTTPS responses, if any. */
httpsPort?: number | null;
/** The IP address of the Server's ILO interface. */
iloIpAddress?: string | null;
/** The IP address of the gateway to the Server's ILO interface. */
iloIpGateway?: string | null;
* A netmask that describes the subnet allocated to the Server's ILO
* interface.
iloIpNetmask?: string | null;
/** The Server's ILO interface's password. */
iloPassword?: string | null;
/** The Server's ILO interface's root user's name. */
iloUsername?: string | null;
/** The Server's network interfaces. */
interfaces: Array<Interface>;
/** The IP address of the server's management interface. */
mgmtIpAddress?: string | null;
/** The IP address of the gateway to the Server's management interface. */
mgmtIpGateway?: string | null;
* The netmask that describes the subnet allocated to the Server's
* management interface.
mgmtIpNetmask?: string | null;
/** The reason the Server has been taken out of service. */
offlineReason?: string | null;
* An integral, unique identifier for the physical location in which the
* Server resides.
physLocationId: number;
* An integral, unique identifier for the Profile used by the Server.
* @deprecated In the latest API version, a server's Profile is identified
* only by name, not unique, integral identifier.
profileId: number | null;
* An _ordered_ array of strings representing the Profiles used by this server
profileNames: Array<string>;
* Legacy field with no purpose.
* @deprecated This field has no purpose and is subject to removal in the
* future.
rack?: string | null;
/** The hostname of the router that routes to this Server. */
routerHostName?: string | null;
/** The... name... of the port... used by the Server's router?? */
routerPortName?: string | null;
/** An integral, unique, identifier for the Server's Status. */
statusId: number;
/** A port on which the Server listens for TCP connections. */
tcpPort?: number | null;
/** An integral, unique identifier for the Type of this Server. */
typeId: number;
* Generically represents a Server in the context of either a request or a
* response.
export type Server = RequestServer | ResponseServer;
* Servercheck models the data returned by the /servercheck API endpoint.
export interface Servercheck {
/** contains the server's Status */
adminState: string;
/** the name of the Cache Group to which the server belongs */
cacheGroup: string;
* Checks emulates a map of check names to their numbers. All values are
* numbers, but some may express boolean concepts; for example, the ORT
* check uses 1 to represent "true" and any other value indicates "false".
checks?: Record<string, number>;
/** the server's hostname */
hostName: string;
/** the server's ID */
id: number;
/** the name of the server's Profile */
profile: string;
/** whether or not the server has pending revalidations */
revalPending: boolean;
/** the name of the server's Type */
type: string;
/** whether or not the server has updates pending */
updPending: boolean;
* Represents a request to add a result to the table of "checks".
export interface ServercheckUploadRequest {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
host_name: string;
id: number;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
servercheck_short_name: string;
value: string | number;
* Builds a true Map from the Servercheck's "checks" property.
* @param srv The Servercheck to convert.
* @returns A map of servercheck check names to their values.
export function checkMap(srv: Servercheck): Map<string, number | boolean> {
const ret = new Map();
if (!srv.checks) {
return ret;
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(srv.checks)) {
switch (key) {
case "ILO":
case "10G":
case "FQDN":
case "DSCP":
case "10G6":
case "MTU":
ret.set(key, value === 1);
ret.set(key, value);
return ret;
* A Servercheck Extension as Traffic Ops requires it in requests.
export interface RequestServercheckExtension {
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
/** @default null */
additional_config_json?: string | null;
/** @default null */
description?: string | null;
info_url: string;
isactive: 0 | 1;
name: string;
servercheck_short_name: string;
script_file: string;
type: string;
version: string;
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
* Traffic Ops's non-standard response to a {@link RequestServercheckExtension}.
export interface RequestServercheckExtensionResponse {
alerts: Array<Alert>;
supplemental: {
readonly id: number;
* Represents a Servercheck Extension as presented by Traffic Ops in responses.
export interface ResponseServercheckExtension {
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
additional_config_json: string | null;
description: string | null;
readonly id: number;
info_url: string;
isactive: 0 | 1;
name: string;
servercheck_short_name: string;
script_file: string;
type: string;
version: string;
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
* A Servercheck extension is a "check"-type extension to Traffic Ops that
* provides servercheck data for later retrieval through the `/servercheck`
* endpoint.
export type ServercheckExtension = RequestServercheckExtension | ResponseServercheckExtension;
* @deprecated This gives no useful information that a {@link Server} doesn't,
* so there's no reason to use it.
export interface ServerDetails {
cachegroup: string;
cdnName: string;
deliveryservices?: [number, ...number[]];
domainName: string;
/** @deprecated this has no known purpose, and you shouldn't invent one. */
guid: string | null;
* @deprecated This field is legacy and cannot be populated, and should be
* removed soon (if this whole type isn't).
hardwareInfo: unknown;
hostName: string;
httpsPort: number | null;
readonly id: number;
iloIpAddress: string;
iloIpGateway: string;
iloIpNetmask: string;
iloPassword: string;
iloUsername: string;
interfaces: Array<Interface>;
mgmtIpAddress: string;
mgmtIpGateway: string;
mgmtIpNetmask: string;
offlineReason: string;
physLocation: string;
profile: string | null;
/** @deprecated This has been removed from the latest API version. */
profileDesc: string | null;
/** @deprecated this has no known purpose, and you shouldn't invent one. */
profileNames: Array<string>;
rack: string;
routerHostName: string;
routerPortName: string;
status: string;
tcpPort: number | null;
type: string;
xmppId: string;
xmppPasswd: string;
* Represents the various statuses of a Server to give a complete view of its
* current state.
export interface ServerUpdateStatus {
configApplyTime: Date;
configUpdateTime: Date;
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
host_id: number;
host_name: string;
parent_pending: boolean;
parent_reval_pending: boolean;
revalUpdateTime: Date;
revalApplyTime: Date;
reval_pending: boolean;
status: string;
upd_pending: boolean;
use_reval_pending: boolean;
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
* Represents a response from Traffic Ops to a request to associate zero or more
* Delivery Services with a server.
export interface ServerDeliveryServices {
dsIds: Array<number>;
serverId: number;
replace: boolean;