blob: 60a8aa3b400fff5d8ad03c0eff53e3c22d0b2f6b [file] [log] [blame]
* @license Apache-2.0
* Copyright 2022 ocket8888
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* PostRequestUser is a user as it appears in a POST request to /users.
* This is subtly different from a user as required in other contexts. For more
* information, see apache/trafficcontrol#6299.
export interface PostRequestUser {
addressLine1?: string | null;
addressLine2?: string | null;
city?: string | null;
company?: string | null;
confirmLocalPasswd: string;
country?: string | null;
email: `${string}@${string}.${string}`;
fullName: string;
/** @deprecated This has no purpose and should never be used. */
gid?: number | null;
localPasswd: string;
/** @deprecated This has no purpose and should never be used. */
newUser?: boolean | null;
phoneNumber?: string | null;
postalCode?: string | null;
publicSshKey?: string | null;
role: string;
stateOrProvince?: string | null;
tenantId: number;
ucdn?: string | null;
/** @deprecated This has no purpose and should never be used. */
uid?: number | null;
username: string;
* Represents a user in a PUT request where the user's password is *not* being
* changed.
interface PutRequestNotChangingPasswordUser {
addressLine1?: string | null;
addressLine2?: string | null;
city?: string | null;
company?: string | null;
country?: string | null;
email: `${string}@${string}.${string}`;
fullName: string;
/** @deprecated This has no purpose and should never be used. */
gid?: number | null;
newUser?: boolean | null;
phoneNumber?: string | null;
postalCode?: string | null;
publicSshKey?: string | null;
role: string;
stateOrProvince?: string | null;
tenantId: number;
ucdn?: string | null;
/** @deprecated This has no purpose and should never be used. */
uid?: number | null;
username: string;
* PostRequestUser is a user as it appears in a POST request to /users.
* This is subtly different from a user as required in other contexts. For more
* information, see apache/trafficcontrol#6299.
export type PutRequestUser = PostRequestUser | PutRequestNotChangingPasswordUser;
/** Generically represents a user in the context of a request. */
export type RequestUser = PutRequestUser | PostRequestUser;
/** Generically represents a user in the context of a response. */
export interface ResponseUser {
addressLine1: string | null;
addressLine2: string | null;
readonly changeLogCount: number;
city: string | null;
company: string | null;
country: string | null;
email: `${string}@${string}.${string}`;
fullName: string;
/** @deprecated This has no purpose and should never be used. */
gid: number | null;
readonly id: number;
readonly lastAuthenticated: Date | null;
readonly lastUpdated: Date;
/** @deprecated This has no known purpose and shouldn't be used. */
newUser: boolean | null;
phoneNumber: string | null;
postalCode: string | null;
publicSshKey: string | null;
readonly registrationSent: null | Date;
role: string;
stateOrProvince: string | null;
tenant: string;
tenantId: number;
ucdn: string;
/** @deprecated This has no purpose and should never be used. */
uid: number | null;
username: string;
* User generically represents a user in the context of a PUT, POST, or GET
* request or response to/from /users.
export type User = RequestUser | ResponseUser;
* ResponseCurrentUser represents a response from /user/current.
export interface ResponseCurrentUser {
addressLine1: string | null;
addressLine2: string | null;
readonly changeLogCount: number;
city: string | null;
company: string | null;
country: string | null;
email: `${string}@${string}.${string}`;
fullName: string;
gid: number | null;
readonly id: number;
readonly lastAuthenticated: null | Date;
readonly lastUpdated: Date;
localUser: boolean;
newUser: boolean;
phoneNumber: string | null;
postalCode: string | null;
publicSshKey: string | null;
readonly registrationSent: null | Date;
role: string;
stateOrProvince: string | null;
tenant: string;
tenantId: number;
ucdn: string;
uid: number | null;
username: string;
* Checks if a provided user email is valid.
* @param email The email to check.
* @returns `true` if `email` is valid, `false` otherwise.
export function userEmailIsValid(email: string): email is `${string}@${string}.${string}` {
return /^.+@.+\..+$/.test(email);
* Represents a request to modify the current user.
export interface RequestCurrentUser {
addressLine1?: string | null;
addressLine2?: string | null;
city?: string | null;
company?: string | null;
country?: string | null;
email: string;
fullName: string;
* @deprecated This serves no purpose and is subject to removal in the
* future.
gid?: number | null;
phoneNumber?: string | null;
postalCode?: string | null;
publicSshKey?: string | null;
role: string;
stateOrProvince?: string | null;
tenantId: number;
ucdn?: string | null;
* @deprecated This serves no purpose and is subject to removal in the
* future.
uid?: number | null;
username: string;
* CurrentUser generically represents a "current user" representation in the
* context of either a request or response. This differs from a "user" in a few
* key ways as tracked by
* {@link #6299}.
export type CurrentUser = ResponseCurrentUser | RequestCurrentUser;
* Represents a Role as Traffic Ops requires it in requests.
export interface RequestRole {
* This will be null in responses if it is null or undefined in the request.
permissions?: Array<string> | null;
description: string;
name: string;
* Represents a Role in a response to a PUT request.
* Note that this should not be different from a `PostResponseRole` - but
* currently is (because it's missing `lastUpdated`). This bug is tracked by
* [apache/trafficcontrol#7248](
export type PutResponseRole = RequestRole;
* Represents a Role as Traffic Ops presents it in responses to POST requests.
export interface PostResponseRole extends PutResponseRole {
readonly lastUpdated: Date;
* Represents a Role as Traffic Ops presents it in responses.
export type ResponseRole = PutResponseRole | PostResponseRole;
* A Role encapsulates the permissions to perform operations through the Traffic
* Ops API.
export type Role = RequestRole | ResponseRole;
* Represents a Tenant as Traffic Ops requires it in requests.
export interface RequestTenant {
active: boolean;
name: string;
parentId: number;
* A response to a {@link RequestTenant}.
export interface RequestTenantResponse extends RequestTenant {
readonly id: number;
readonly lastUpdated: Date;
* Properties common to Tenants in (almost) all responses.
interface ResponseTenantBase {
active: boolean;
readonly id: number;
readonly lastUpdated: Date;
name: string;
* The root Tenant - it's the only one allowed to have a `null` `parentId`.
interface ResponseRootTenant extends ResponseTenantBase {
active: true;
name: "root";
parentId: null;
* A regular Tenant - its `parentId` must not be `null`.
interface ResponseRegularTenant extends ResponseTenantBase {
// I know this doesn't work, but I'm doing it anyway.
name: Exclude<string, "root">;
parentId: number;
* Represents a Tenant as Traffic Ops presents it in responses.
export type ResponseTenant = ResponseRootTenant | ResponseRegularTenant;
* A Tenant is a grouping of users to manage a shared set of CDN configuration,
* most frequently one or more Delivery Services.
export type Tenant = ResponseTenant | RequestTenant | RequestTenantResponse;