blob: 4d634bc1b52c7bb70dd3039874fc9032a09c92a1 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license Apache-2.0
* Copyright 2022 ocket8888
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/** Represents a request to create or modify a Server Capability. */
export interface RequestServerCapability {
name: string;
* Represents a Server Capability as it is presented by Traffic Ops in responses
* to requests made to its API to create or modify Server Capabilities.
export interface RequestServerCapabilityResponse {
readonly lastUpdated: Date;
name: string;
* @deprecated This field exists erroneously and will probably be removed at
* some point.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
RequestedName: string;
* Represents a Server Capability as it appears in responses from Traffic Ops to
* GET requests made to its `/server_capabilities` API endpoint.
export interface ResponseServerCapability {
readonly lastUpdated: Date;
name: string;
* Represents in an arbitrary context the ability of a Server to perform some
* function.
export type ServerCapability = RequestServerCapability | RequestServerCapabilityResponse | ResponseServerCapability;
* Represents a request to associate the requirement of a Server Capability with
* a Delivery Service.
export interface RequestDeliveryServiceRequiredCapability {
deliveryServiceID: number;
requiredCapability: string;
* Represents a response from Traffic Ops to a request to associate the
* requirement of a Server Capability with a Delivery Service.
export interface RequestDeliveryServiceRequiredCapabilityResponse {
deliveryServiceID: number;
readonly lastUpdated: Date;
requiredCapability: string;
* Represents the requirement of a Delivery Service that its assigned servers
* have a given Server Capability as they appear in responses to GET requests
* made to `/deliveryservices_required_capabilities`.
export interface ResponseDeliveryServiceRequiredCapability {
deliveryServiceID: number;
readonly lastUpdated: Date;
requiredCapability: string;
xmlID: string;
* Represents in an arbitrary context the requirement of a Delivery Service that
* cache servers responsible for serving its content have the ability to perform
* some special function defined by a Server Capability.
export type DeliveryServiceRequiredCapability = RequestDeliveryServiceRequiredCapability | RequestDeliveryServiceRequiredCapabilityResponse | ResponseDeliveryServiceRequiredCapability;
* Represents a request to associate a cache server with some Server Capability
* it ostensibly possesses.
export interface RequestServerServerCapability {
serverCapability: string;
serverId: number;
* Represents a response from Traffic Ops to a request to associate a Server
* Capability with a cache server.
export interface RequestServerServerCapabilityResponse {
readonly lastUpdated: Date;
serverCapability: string;
serverId: number;
* Represents an association between a cache server and a Server Capability
* which it ostensibly possesses as such associations appear in responses to GET
* requests made to the `/server_server_capabilities` endpoint of the Traffic
* Ops API.
export interface ResponseServerServerCapability {
readonly lastUpdated: Date;
serverCapability: string;
serverHostName: string;
serverId: number;
* Represents in an arbitrary context the association between a cache server and
* a Server Capability it ostensibly possesses.
export type ServerServerCapability = RequestServerServerCapability | RequestServerServerCapabilityResponse | ResponseServerServerCapability;
* Represents a response to a request to simultaneously create multiple
* associations between servers and Server Capabilities they now possess.
export interface ResponseMultipleServerCapabilities {
serverIds: Array<number>;
serverCapabilities: Array<string>;
* Represents a request to simultaneously create multiple associations between
* servers and Server Capabilities they will then possess.
export interface RequestMultipleServerCapabilities extends ResponseMultipleServerCapabilities{
* The purpose of this property is unknown, and it may be removed before
* 4.1's release.
pageType: "server" | "sc";
* Generically represents multiple simultaneously created server-and-Server
* Capability associations in the context of either a request or a response.
export type MultipleServerCapabilities = RequestMultipleServerCapabilities | ResponseMultipleServerCapabilities;