blob: b25a4450a8f519874ae387893c16d476591180ec [file] [log] [blame]
This document and the OpenEJB TCK setup can be cloned from Git:
git clone
In order to run the TCK, you will need both the TCK binary itself, and the Eclipse Glassfish RI.
=== Use
Ensure, that you have a `profile` in your maven settings.xml like
You can copy & paste from `settings.xml.template`. Ensure, that the directories exist. Then just run `./`.
It will conduct the initial TCK setup.
==== Getting a fresh TCK install after modifications
A critical thing to be aware of is that
- 1.) Running the TCK will in fact modify your install in a handful of ways
- 2.) Some of these processes happen exactly once and will not repeat unless you unpack a completely fresh TCK install.
Just go to the location of the unzipped TCK and run
git init
git add *
git commit -m "initial"
With that you can do a `git clean -fd` / `git reset --hard HEAD` at any time to restore the TCK install to a fresh state.
You can also do a `git status` and `git diff` to see exactly what has been modified.
=== Semi Automated Way of Building the TCK from Source
This is interesting, if you need to modify TCK source. To build from source, following these steps:
cd jakartaeetck
export WORKSPACE=$(pwd)
export ANT_HOME=/home/jgallimore/Apps/apache-ant-1.10.5
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.11.0-openjdk-amd64/
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$ANT_HOME/bin/:$PATH
NOTE: Substitute in your path for JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME as appropriate. The TCK takes around an hour to build.
Once that is complete, unzip the TCK zip file somewhere on your file system. Where and how you set this up is all down to personal preference, but I like to create a ee8tck folder under ~/dev and have both the TCK
and Glassfish in this folder:
export TCK_HOME=/Users/jgallimore/dev/ee8tck/javaeetck
export RI_HOME =/Users/jgallimore/dev/ee8tck/glassfish5
You'll then need to add Apache Ant to the TCK:
mkdir -p $TCK_HOME/tools/ant
cp -R $ANT_HOME $TCK_HOME/tools/
NOTE: I'm hoping we can eliminate this step (copying Ant) in the coming days.
Once unpacked, they can be "hooked" up via your maven settings.xml file like so:
To complete a test run against the latest TomEE 9.0.0-M8-SNAPSHOT, from the tomee-tck folder, run
./runtests --web tomee-plume
A successful execution should show and output similar to:
1/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/bb/localaccess/statelessclient/Client#java#exceptionTest1 - PASSED
2/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/bb/localaccess/statelessclient/Client#java#exceptionTest2 - PASSED
3/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/bb/localaccess/statelessclient/Client#java#exceptionTest3 - PASSED
4/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/bb/localaccess/statelessclient/Client#java#exceptionTest4 - PASSED
5/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/bb/localaccess/statelessclient/Client#java#exceptionTest5 - PASSED
6/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/bb/localaccess/statelessclient/Client#java#passByReferenceTest1 - PASSED
7/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/bb/localaccess/statelessclient/Client#java#passByReferenceTest2 - PASSED
8/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/bb/localaccess/statelessclient/Client#java#passByReferenceTest3 - PASSED
9/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/bb/localaccess/statelessclient/Client#java#passByReferenceTest4 - PASSED
10/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/bb/localaccess/statelessclient/Client#java#passByReferenceTest5 - PASSED
11/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/bb/localaccess/statelessclient/Client#java#passByValueTest - PASSED
12/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/bb/localaccess/statelessclient/Client#java#runtimeExceptionTest1 - PASSED
13/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/bb/localaccess/statelessclient/Client#java#runtimeExceptionTest2 - PASSED
14/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/bb/localaccess/statelessclient/Client#java#runtimeExceptionTest3 - PASSED
15/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/bb/localaccess/statelessclient/Client#java#runtimeExceptionTest4 - PASSED
16/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/bb/localaccess/statelessclient/Client#java#runtimeExceptionTest5 - PASSED
Completed running 16 tests (0:00:37.088):
Passed: 16
Failed: 0
Errors: 0
The target directory is not cleaned out at the beginning of a test
run. There are a few thousand tests and sometimes multiple
executions are required to get complete results. It's also nice to
be able to look back on older log files when tracking down and fixing
bugs that the tests uncover.
Bottom line is you have to clear out the target directory manually.
On occasion some bad state will get into the server install in the
target/ directory. If you start getting weird maven or groovy
errors, clean out the target dir and try again.
There is a nice little script in the root directory called
runtests.completer which, when sourced, can give be a great
time-saver when trying to navigate to run a specific test.
In bash just source the file like so:
source runtests.completer
=== ZSH
If you are using ZSH, you need to execute the follows commands:
autoload -U +X compinit && compinit
autoload -U +X bashcompinit && bashcompinit
source runtests.completer
Then you will be able to have the completer working fine for you ZSH as well. :)
The TCK for the most part runs as a client in a separate vm. The
test results are sent to this vm and then logged here:
When looking at exceptions in that log file often come from the
remote deployer tool -- the same tool we use on the command line for
deployment. Most of the deployment related exceptions were generated
on the server and sent to the client and that's why the show up in
that log.
The server logs are in the usual place:
It is possible to select whole groups of tests or even individual
tests. The following are all valid ways to select which tests you'd
like to run.
./runtests --web tomee-plume -c com.sun.ts.tests.ejb30 com.sun.ts.tests.ejb
./runtests --web tomee-plume -c com.sun.ts.tests.ejb30.lite.stateful.concurrency.accesstimeout
./runtests --web tomee-plume -c com.sun.ts.tests.ejb30.lite.stateful.concurrency.accesstimeout.annotated
./runtests --web tomee-plume -c com.sun.ts.tests.ejb30.lite.stateful.concurrency.accesstimeout.annotated.Client#beanClassLevel_from_ejbembed
The first command runs of the ejb30 and ejb sections of the TCK
illustrating that it is possble to run many sections or tests at
once. The very last line shows the syntax for running just one
specific test.
Note that the output of the tck shows which exact tests are being
run. For example:
...[tck output]...
com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/lite/stateful/concurrency/accesstimeout/annotated/Client#java#beanClassLevel_from_ejbembed - FAILED
com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/lite/stateful/concurrency/accesstimeout/annotated/Client#java#beanClassLevel_from_ejblitejsf - PASSED
com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/lite/stateful/concurrency/accesstimeout/annotated/Client#java#beanClassLevel_from_ejblitejsp - PASSED
com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/lite/stateful/concurrency/accesstimeout/annotated/Client#java#beanClassLevel_from_ejbliteservlet - PASSED
com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/lite/stateful/concurrency/accesstimeout/annotated/Client#java#beanClassLevel_from_ejbliteservlet2 - PASSED
com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/lite/stateful/concurrency/accesstimeout/annotated/Client#java#beanClassLevel2_from_ejbembed - FAILED
For the most part, you can copy and paste that test name as-is and use
it to run a test that failed... with one slight adjustment. You need
to delete the "#java" part and then it will work.
=== BAD
./runtests --web tomee-plume com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/lite/stateful/concurrency/accesstimeout/annotated/Client#java#beanClassLevel_from_ejbembed
=== GOOD
./runtests --web tomee-plume com/sun/ts/tests/ejb30/lite/stateful/concurrency/accesstimeout/annotated/Client#beanClassLevel_from_ejbembed
The following are the flags the scrip `runtests` accept for debugging purposes:
-d,--debug Enable Server and TCK appclient debug options (5005 and 5003)
-de,--debug-embedded Enable TCK embedded ejb debug options (port 5001)
-dh,--debug-harness Enable TCK harness debug options (port 5002)
-da,--debug-appclient Enable TCK appclient debug options (port 5003)
-dj,--debug-javatest Enable TCK javatest debug options (port 5004)
-ds,--debug-server Enable Server debug options (port 5005)
--connector deploy connectors for connector tests
You can attach to the ports via your IDE remote debugger options.
./runtests --web tomee-plume -c -d com.sun.ts.tests.ejb30.lite.stateful.concurrency.accesstimeout.annotated.Client#beanClassLevel_from_ejbembed
Depending on the IDE, you will need to attempt twice to connect to the exposed port.
The test that needs to be tested are the one having the following `keywords`:
javaee_web_profile, ejb_web_profile, jacc_web_profile, jaspic_web_profile, javamail_web_profile, jaxr_web_profile, xa_web_profile, jaxrpc_web_profile, jaxws_web_profile
For more information about TCK structure and tests attributes check the link:about_tck{outfilesuffix}[about_tck] documentation.
Getting from zero to passing is a long road. Failures and the
overall progress tends to go in three stages:
1. setup issues -- the right things are not where they need to be.
2. missing features -- a key feature is missing causing failures in unrelated tests.
3. compliance issues -- legitimate failures.
During phase 1 there will be big jumps in numbers. It is best to
clear out as much of phase 1 as possible before moving on to any
issues of phase 2 or 3.
During phase 2 it becomes apparent that many tests fail simply
because of an unrelated feature that many tests use, such as global
jndi support. As these features are added, the tests that still fail
are usually failing for more legitimate reasons -- actual compliance
issues -- this is phase 3.
Phase 3 takes the longest and is often the hardest. Unlike phase 1
or 2, the time spent debugging and fixing a test usually only results
in one or two more passing tests. It is also common that fixing a
specific test requires reworking part of the code. This inevitably
results in "two steps forward, one step backward" and other tests
might fail because of the change. This is normal. It is also the
reason why there should be no more phase 1 or 2 style issues, so that
it is possible to see the regressions. Working on phase 3 style
issues while there are still phase 1 and 2 style issues is a little
bit like working blind. You don't really know how many steps
backward you might be taking as a result of a change. It can be
done, but it is risky.
-Email:Make use of
We want to divide and conquer on each phase and clear it out as much
as possible before moving to the next one. We could possibly get up
to 80% passing before reaching phase 3.
So the name of the game is "call your shot" or "name it and claim
it." Find an issue that affects as many tests as possible and post
that you are working on it so others know not to look into it as
If you get busy or stuck, no problem, just post again to let others
know the issue is up for grabs. This is also normal. Taking a quick
peak and then realizing that the issue involves someone else's area
of expertise is common. Even if you aren't able to fix something,
taking a look and reporting as much info as you can is incredibly
valuable. It's all part of the certification dance and will ideally
happen very often -- the right people working on the right things
gets you certified much faster.
There are usually so many issues that finding the right one for you
is somewhat like sifting through a pile of legos looking for that
perfect piece. It doesn't always fit -- chuck it back and look for
another one.