blob: 970cb59adf0e89da87bdc8a335ae282bc09f994e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.openejb.cts;
import com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.DeliverableFactory;
import com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.PropertyManagerInterface;
import com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.PropertyNotSetException;
import com.sun.ts.lib.implementation.sun.javaee.runtime.web.SunWebApp;
import com.sun.ts.lib.porting.DeploymentInfo;
import com.sun.ts.lib.porting.TSDeploymentException;
import org.apache.openejb.config.RemoteServer;
import org.apache.openejb.cts.deploy.TSDeploymentInterface2;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.DeploymentManager;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.TargetModuleID;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.status.ProgressObject;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import static org.apache.openejb.assembler.Deployer.ALT_DD;
public class DeploymentImpl implements TSDeploymentInterface2 {
private static final String HEAD = "OpenEJB - ";
private static final String FILENAME = "filename";
private static final String PATH_SEP = System.getProperty("path.separator", ":");
private static final String CLIENT_MAIN = "org.apache.openejb.client.Main";
static {
Properties overrides = new Properties();
String containerJavaHome = System.getProperty("");
String containerJavaVersion = System.getProperty("");
String containerJavaOpts = System.getProperty("", "-Dopenejb.deployer.jndiname=openejb/DeployerBusinessRemote");
// String containerJavaOpts = System.getProperty("", " -Dopenejb.deployer.jndiname=openejb/DeployerBusinessRemote");
if (containerJavaVersion != null) {
overrides.put("java.version", containerJavaVersion);
if (containerJavaHome != null) {
overrides.put("java.home", containerJavaHome);
if (containerJavaOpts != null) {
overrides.put("java.opts", containerJavaOpts);
final RemoteServer remoteServer = new RemoteServer(overrides, 250, true);
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
public void run() {
private PrintWriter log;
private File libDir;
private File appsDir;
private StringBuilder classpathBuilder = new StringBuilder();
public void init(final PrintWriter log) {
this.log = log;
final PropertyManagerInterface propMgr;
try {
propMgr = DeliverableFactory.getDeliverableInstance().getPropertyManager();
final String openejbHomeName = propMgr.getProperty("openejb.home");
if (openejbHomeName == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Not initialized; missing property: geronimo.porting.planDir");
final File openejbHome = new File(openejbHomeName).getCanonicalFile();
System.setProperty("openejb.home", openejbHome.getAbsolutePath());
appsDir = new File(openejbHome, "apps");
libDir = new File(openejbHome, "lib");
try {
final String openejbUri = propMgr.getProperty("openejb.server.uri");
System.setProperty("openejb.uri", openejbUri);
} catch (final PropertyNotSetException e) {
try {
final String value = propMgr.getProperty("");
System.setProperty("", value);
} catch (final PropertyNotSetException e) {
this.log.println(HEAD + "Initialized Deployment helper");
} catch (final Exception e) {
this.log.println(HEAD + "ERROR initializing DeploymentImpl");
throw new AssertionError(e);
public Hashtable getDependentValues(final DeploymentInfo[] infoArray) {
return new Hashtable();
public InputStream getDeploymentPlan(final DeploymentInfo info) throws TSDeploymentException {
classpathBuilder = new StringBuilder();
final String earPath = info.getEarFile();
final String earDir = earPath.substring(0, earPath.lastIndexOf('.'));
try {
JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(earPath);
Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jarFile.entries();
while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
JarEntry jarEntry = entries.nextElement();
if (jarEntry.getName().startsWith("lib") && jarEntry.getName().endsWith(".jar")) {
if (classpathBuilder.toString().isEmpty()) {
classpathBuilder.append(String.format("%s%s", earDir, File.separator + jarEntry.getName()));
if (!classpathBuilder.toString().contains(jarEntry.getName())) {
classpathBuilder.append(String.format("%s%s%s", PATH_SEP, earDir, jarEntry.getName()));
} catch (IOException e) {
// do nop
if (earPath == null) {
throw new TSDeploymentException("EarFile is null");
log.println(HEAD + "module: " + earPath);
final Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put(FILENAME, earPath);
final Set<String> moduleIds = new TreeSet<String>();
for (final String path : info.getRuntimeFiles()) {
final String earName = earName(path, earPath);
if (earName != null && path.contains(earName)) {
final String name = path.substring(path.indexOf(earName) + earName.length() + 1);
properties.put(ALT_DD + "/" + name, path);
} else {
final String fileName = new File(path).getName();
for (final String moduleId : moduleIds) {
if (fileName.startsWith(moduleId)) {
final String name = fileName.substring(moduleId.length() + 1);
properties.put(ALT_DD + "/" + moduleId + "/" + name, path);
// hack when deployer is used to deploy war in a standalone manner and not within an ear file
// in that case, the altDD above are not read and webapp context is not overridden by the sun web.xml
final Object webAppObject = info.getWebRuntimeData().get(moduleId);
if (webAppObject != null) {
final SunWebApp sunWebApp = SunWebApp.class.cast(webAppObject);
if (sunWebApp.getContextRoot() != null) {
properties.put("webapp." + moduleId + ".context-root", sunWebApp.getContextRoot());
final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {, "Auto Generated Deployment Plan");
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new TSDeploymentException("Unable to create deployment plan", e);
return new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray());
private String earName(final String path, final String earPath) {
String earName = earPath;
int end = earName.indexOf(".ear");
if (end > 0) {
end += 4; // .ear
int start;
int currentIdx = 0;
do {
start = currentIdx;
currentIdx = earName.indexOf("/", currentIdx + 1);
} while (currentIdx < end - 1 && currentIdx > start);
earName = earName.substring(start + 1, end);
return earName;
return null;
public Target[] getTargetsToUse(final Target[] targets, final DeploymentInfo info) {
return new Target[]{targets[0]};
public String getAppClientArgs(final Properties p) {
final String executeArgs = p.getProperty("executeArgs");
final String clientname = p.getProperty("client_name");
String earFile = p.getProperty("ear_file");
earFile = new File(earFile).getName();
earFile = earFile.substring(0, earFile.lastIndexOf('.'));
final File appClientJar = new File(new File(appsDir, earFile), clientname + ".jar");
if (!classpathBuilder.toString().contains(appClientJar.getAbsolutePath())) {
classpathBuilder.append(String.format("%s%s", PATH_SEP, appClientJar.getAbsolutePath()));
final String property = System.getProperty("");
if (!classpathBuilder.toString().contains(property)) {
classpathBuilder.append(String.format("%s%s", PATH_SEP, property));
// for (int i = 0; i < libDir.listFiles().length; i++) {
// File file = libDir.listFiles()[i];
// if (file.getName().endsWith(".jar")) {
// classPath += PATH_SEP + file.getAbsolutePath();
// }
// }
// lib/ directory if exists
/*File file = new File(p.getProperty("ear_file"));
if (file.getName().endsWith("ar") && !file.isDirectory() && file.exists()) {
JarInputStream jarFile = null;
try {
jarFile = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
ZipEntry entry;
byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
int n;
while ((entry = jarFile.getNextEntry()) != null) {
if (entry.getName().startsWith("lib/") && entry.getName().endsWith(".jar")) {
File extracted = File.createTempFile("ext", ".jar");
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(extracted);
while ((n =, 0, 1024)) > -1) {
fos.write(buf, 0, n);
classPath += PATH_SEP + extracted.getPath();
} catch (IOException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates.
} finally {
if (jarFile != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// no-op
} else if (file.isDirectory()) {
File libDir = new File(file, "lib");
if (libDir.exists()) {
for (File lib : libDir.listFiles()) {
if (lib.getName().endsWith(".jar")) {
classPath += PATH_SEP + lib.getPath();
return "-cp " + classpathBuilder.toString() + " -Dopenejb.client.moduleId=" + clientname + " " + CLIENT_MAIN + " " + executeArgs;
public String getClientClassPath(final TargetModuleID[] targetIDs, final DeploymentInfo info, final DeploymentManager manager) throws TSDeploymentException {
return "";
public void createConnectionFactory(final TargetModuleID[] targetIDs, final Properties p) throws TSDeploymentException {
public void removeConnectionFactory(final TargetModuleID[] targetIDs, final Properties p) throws TSDeploymentException {
public void postDistribute(final ProgressObject po) {
final TargetModuleID moduleID = po.getResultTargetModuleIDs()[0];
log.println(HEAD + "Distribute returned moduleID " + moduleID.getModuleID());
public void postStart(final ProgressObject po) {
public void postStop(final ProgressObject po) {
public void postUndeploy(final ProgressObject po) {