blob: c94a8e0f3ca0ee3f7e9e9ed9f1b4fd93f02d28c3 [file] [log] [blame]
package view;
Each function within which will be used for page generation must
implement a standard interface.
sub my_view {
my %args = @_;
return ($content, $extension, @optional);
First, each function must accept labeled parameters. The only parameter which
will always be present is "path"; see the documentation in for the
"@patterns" array with regards to invocation with additional parameters.
Second, each function must return a list with at least two elements: the first
element must be the page content, and the second must be a file extention.
Returning additional elements in the list (as some of the functions below do)
is optional.
return ($content, 'html', \%args);
The constraints imposed by this interface may cause difficulties, for example
when you want to generate both "foo.html" and "foo.pdf". However, it is
usually possible to work around such issues with symlinks and dependency
management in
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Dotiac::DTL;
use ASF::Util qw( read_text_file );
use OpenEJBSiteDotiacFilter;
use Data::Dumper;
use LWP::Simple;
BEGIN { push @Dotiac::DTL::TEMPLATE_DIRS, "templates"; }
# This is most widely used view. It takes a
# 'template' argument and a 'path' argument.
# Assuming the path ends in foo.mdtext, any files
# like will be parsed and
# passed to the template in the "bar" (hash)
# variable.
# Has the same behavior as the above for
# files, parsing them into a bar variable for the template.
# Otherwise presumes the template is the path.
sub news_page {
my %args = @_;
my $template = "content$args{path}";
my $page_path = $template;
$page_path =~ s/\.[^.]+$/.page/;
if (-d $page_path) {
for my $f (grep -f, glob "$page_path/*.mdtext") {
$f =~ m!/([^/]+)\.mdtext$! or die "Bad filename: $f\n";
$args{$1} = {};
read_text_file $f, $args{$1};
$args{base} = _base($args{path});
my $rendered = Dotiac::DTL->new($template)->render(\%args);
return ($rendered, 'html', \%args);
# A "basic" view, which takes 'template' and 'path' parameters.
sub basic {
my %args = @_;
my $filepath = "content$args{path}";
print "basic $filepath";
read_text_file($filepath, \%args);
$args{path} =~ s/\.mdtext$/\.html/;
$args{base} = _base($args{path});
$args{breadcrumbs} = _breadcrumbs($args{path}, $args{base});
my $template_path = "templates/$args{template}";
my @includes = ($args{content} =~ m/{include:([^ ]+?)}/g);
foreach my $include (@includes) {
next unless ( -e "content/$include");
my %a = ();
read_text_file("content/$include", \%a);
my $text = $a{content};
$args{headers}{title} = $a{headers}{title} unless $args{headers}{title};
# If the file to be included is in a child directory, resolve all the links
# in the included content to be relative to this document
if ($include =~ m,/,) {
my $ipath = $include;
$ipath =~ s,/[^/]*$,,;
$text =~ s,(\[[^[]+])\(([^/][^)]+)\),$1($ipath/$2),g;
$args{content} =~ s/{include:$include}/$text/g;
if ($args{headers}{version}) {
my $url = "$args{headers}{version}-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml";
my $_ = get($url);
s/\n| //g;
my ($timestamp, $buildNumber) = m,<timestamp>(.*)</timestamp>.*<buildNumber>(.*)</buildNumber>.*,;
$args{headers}{build} = "$timestamp-$buildNumber";
$args{changelog} = `java -jar lib/release-tools-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar releasenotes -DtomeeVersion=$args{headers}{version} -DopenejbVersion=$args{headers}{oversion}`;
print $args{changelog};
if ($args{headers}{oversion}) {
my $url = "$args{headers}{oversion}-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml";
my $_ = get($url);
s/\n| //g;
my ($timestamp, $buildNumber) = m,<timestamp>(.*)</timestamp>.*<buildNumber>(.*)</buildNumber>.*,;
$args{headers}{obuild} = "$timestamp-$buildNumber";
print " - rendering";
my $rendered = Dotiac::DTL->new($template_path)->render(\%args);
print " - complete\n";
return ($rendered, 'html', \%args);
sub swizzle_jira {
my %args = @_;
my $filepath = "content$args{path}";
print "swizzle_jira $filepath";
read_text_file($filepath, \%args);
print " - java";
# $args{content} = `java -jar lib/swizzle-jirareport-1.6.2-SNAPSHOT-dep.jar $filepath`;
# $args{content} =~ s,Title:.*\n,,;
$args{path} =~ s/\.mdtext$/\.html/;
$args{base} = _base($args{path});
print " - breadcrumbs";
$args{breadcrumbs} = _breadcrumbs($args{path}, $args{base});
my $template_path = "templates/$args{template}";
print " - rendering";
my $rendered = Dotiac::DTL->new($template_path)->render(\%args);
print " - complete\n";
return ($rendered, 'html', \%args);
sub apilinks {
my $dir = shift;
my %imports;
for my $java (listdir($dir, ".*\.java\$")) {
open J, "<$java" or die "Can't open $java: $!\n";
while (<J>) {
next unless /^import.*javax/;
next if /\*/;
my $static = m/static/;
s/.* |;$//g;
my $link = $_;
$link =~ s/(.*)\./$1#/ if $static;
$link =~ s,\.,/,g;
$link =~ s,(#.*)$,.html$1, if $static;
$link =~ s,$,.html, unless $static;
$imports{$_} = $link;
my $apis = "<ul>";
for my $i (sort keys %imports) {
$apis .= "<li><a href=\"$imports{$i}\">$i</a></li>\n";
$apis .= "</ul>";
return $apis;
sub example {
my %args = @_;
my $filepath = "content$args{path}";
print "example $filepath";
read_text_file($filepath, \%args);
$args{path} =~ s/README\.md(text)?$/index\.html/;
$args{base} = _base($args{path});
print " - breadcrumbs";
$args{breadcrumbs} = _breadcrumbs($args{path}, $args{base});
print " - zipurl";
$args{zipurl} = _zipurl($args{path});
my $dir = $filepath;
$dir =~ s!/[^/]+$!!;
print " - apilinks";
$args{apis} = apilinks($dir);
my $template_path = "templates/$args{template}";
my $svndir = $args{path};
$svndir =~ s,/index.html,,;
$svndir =~ s,/examples-trunk/,trunk/examples/,;
$args{repo} = $svndir;
my $example = $svndir;
$example =~ s,.*/,,;
$args{example} = $example;
# print Dumper( \%args );
print " - rendering";
my $rendered = Dotiac::DTL->new($template_path)->render(\%args);
print " - complete\n";
return ($rendered, 'html', \%args);
sub sitemap {
my %args = @_;
my $template = "content/$args{path}";
# $args{breadcrumbs} .= _breadcrumbs($args{path});
$args{base} = _base($args{path});
my $dir = $template;
$dir =~ s!/[^/]+$!!;
opendir my $dh, $dir or die "Can't opendir $dir: $!\n";
my %data;
for (map "$dir/$_", grep $_ ne "." && $_ ne ".." && $_ ne ".svn", readdir $dh) {
if (-f and /\.(mdtext|swjira)$/) {
my $file = $_;
$file =~ s/^content//;
no warnings 'once';
for my $p (@path::patterns) {
my ($re, $method, $args) = @$p;
next unless $file =~ $re;
my $s = view->can($method) or die "Can't locate method: $method\n";
my ($content, $ext, $vars) = $s->(path => $file, %$args);
$file =~ s/\.(mdtext|swjira)$/.$ext/;
$data{$file} = $vars;
my $content = "";
for (sort keys %data) {
my $link = $_;
$link =~ s,.*/,,;
my $title = $data{$_}->{headers}->{title};
$title = $link unless $title;
$content .= "- [$title]($link)\n";
for my $hdr (grep /^#/, split "\n", $data{$_}->{content}) {
$hdr =~ /^(#+)\s+([^#]+)?\s+\1\s+\{#([^}]+)\}$/ or next;
my $level = length $1;
$level *= 4;
$content .= " " x $level;
$content .= "- [$2]($_#$3)\n";
$args{content} = $content;
my $rendered = Dotiac::DTL->new($template)->render(\%args);
return ($rendered, 'html', \%args);
# return Dotiac::DTL::Template($template)->render(\%args), html => \%args;
sub sitemapxml {
my %args = @_;
my $template = "content/$args{path}";
$args{base} = _base($args{path});
my $dir = $template;
$dir =~ s!/[^/]+$!!;
my %data = listcontent($dir);
my $content .= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . "\n";
$content .= '<urlset xmlns="">' . "\n";
for (sort keys %data) {
my $link = $_;
$link =~ s,^//,,;
$content .= " <url>\n";
$content .= " <loc>$link</loc>\n";
if ($link =~ m/tomcat/) {
$content .= " <priority>0.8</priority>\n";
} elsif ($link =~ m/example/) {
$content .= " <priority>0.9</priority>\n";
$content .= " </url>\n";
$content .= "</urlset>\n";
$args{content} = $content;
return ($content, 'xml', \%args);
sub listcontent {
my $dir = shift;
my %data;
opendir my $dh, $dir or die "Can't opendir $dir: $!\n";
for (map "$dir/$_", grep $_ ne "." && $_ ne ".." && $_ ne ".svn", readdir $dh) {
if (-f and /\.md(text)?$/) {
my $file = $_;
$file =~ s/^content//;
no warnings 'once';
for my $p (@path::patterns) {
my ($re, $method, $args) = @$p;
next unless $file =~ $re;
my $s = view->can($method) or die "Can't locate method: $method\n";
my ($content, $ext, $vars) = $s->(path => $file, %$args);
$file =~ s/\.md(text)?$/.$ext/;
$data{$file} = $vars;
} elsif (-d) {
my %subdir = listcontent($_);
%data = (%subdir, %data);
return %data;
sub listdir {
my $dir = shift;
my $pattern = shift;
my @files;
opendir my $dh, $dir or die "Can't opendir $dir: $!\n";
for (map "$dir/$_", grep $_ ne "." && $_ ne ".." && $_ ne ".svn", readdir $dh) {
if (-f and /$pattern/) {
push @files, $_;
} elsif (-d) {
my @subdir = listdir($_, $pattern);
push @files, @subdir;
return @files;
sub _breadcrumbs {
my $path = shift;
my $base = shift;
my $index = "$base/index.html";
$index =~ s,/+,/,g;
my @breadcrumbs = (
qq|<a href="$index">Home</a>|,
my @path_components = split( m!/!, $path );
pop @path_components;
my $relpath = $base;
for (@path_components) {
$relpath .= "$_/";
$relpath =~ s,/+,/,g;
next unless $_;
my @names = split("-", $_);
my $name = "";
for my $n (@names) {
$name .= ucfirst($n) . " ";
$name =~ s/ *$//;
push @breadcrumbs, qq(<a href="$relpath">\u$name</a>);
return join "&nbsp;&raquo&nbsp;", @breadcrumbs;
sub _base {
my $path = shift;
my @path_components = split( m!/!, $path );
pop @path_components;
pop @path_components;
my $rel = "./";
for (@path_components) {
$rel .= "../";
return $rel;
sub _zipurl {
my $path = shift;
my $base = "";
# path: /examples-trunk/simple-stateless/index.html
$path =~ s,.*/([^/]+)/index.html,$1/$,;
return $base . $path;
=head1 LICENSE
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The
ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.