blob: 27be754ac0eee76d244b8a759c8916f3f0c8c13e [file] [log] [blame]
Title: TomEE Maven Plugin
Inspired by the Jetty Maven Plugin, the TomEE Maven Plugin is a feature-rich
plugin that allows for:
- Easy provisioning of a TomEE server
- Server start and stop
- Application deployment and undeployment
Simply add the following to the <plugins>, and optionally the <pluginManagement>), section of your `pom.xml`
###Plugin Goals
<table border="0" class="bodyTable">
<tr class="a">
<tr class="b">
<td><a href="maven/build-mojo.html">tomee:build</a></td>
<td>Create TomEE, but do not run it.</td></tr>
<tr class="a">
<td><a href="maven/configtest-mojo.html">tomee:configtest</a></td>
<td>Run the Apache Tomcat `configtest` command.</td></tr>
<tr class="b">
<td><a href="maven/debug-mojo.html">tomee:debug</a></td>
<td>Same as `run` but with debug activated on the default or specified port.</td></tr>
<tr class="a">
<td><a href="maven/deploy-mojo.html">tomee:deploy</a></td>
<td>Deploy an application in a running TomEE.</td></tr>
<tr class="b">
<td><a href="maven/exec-mojo.html">tomee:exec</a></td>
<td>Creates an executable jar of the application.</td></tr>
<tr class="a">
<td><a href="maven/help-mojo.html">tomee:help</a></td>
<td>Display help information on the tomee-maven-plugin.<br />
Call <code>mvn tomee:help -Ddetail=true
-Dgoal=&lt;goal-name&gt;</code> to display parameter details.</td></tr>
<tr class="b">
<td><a href="maven/list-mojo.html">tomee:list</a></td>
<td>Largely inspired by the OpenEJB command helper, but with some differences. List deployed EJB's in a running TomEE.</td></tr>
<tr class="a">
<td><a href="maven/run-mojo.html">tomee:run</a></td>
<td>Start and wait for TomEE.</td></tr>
<tr class="b">
<td><a href="maven/start-mojo.html">tomee:start</a></td>
<td>Start TomEE and continue.</td></tr>
<tr class="a">
<td><a href="maven/stop-mojo.html">tomee:stop</a></td>
<td>Stop a TomEE started with start command.</td></tr>
<tr class="b">
<td><a href="maven/undeploy-mojo.html">tomee:undeploy</a></td>
<td>Undeploy an application in a running TomEE</td></tr></table>
Note that for the tomee:deploy and tomee:undeploy goals, the path can either be specified within the <configuration/> section of the `pom.xml` using the <path> parameter, or it can be passed via the user property tomee-plugin.archive. If a relative path is passed for the deploy path archive, this must be relative to the TomEE server.
Note 2: running tomee maven plugin you can type 'quit' directly in the console to shutdown correctly the
server. 'reload' is also available when internal openejb application is deployed.
###More Tweaks
The lib tag allows to enrich the container with some additional libraries.
Some interesting patterns in addition to the default maven formats are supported.
* remove:&lt;some prefix of jar in lib folder&gt;: remove all jar starting with the specified prefix
* unzip:&lt;some maven zip&gt;: extract the zip in lib folder
* ?name=&lt;new-name&gt;: rename the libary once copied in lib folder
Note: the name tweak can be used to rename applications too
###Provisioning Example
This plugin is also usable in projects which are not war. For instance you can use it in a pom
project to setup a TomEE install, add libraries, deploy apps then run the server.
###Auto Reloading Example
<extension>.class</extension> <!-- if you want to update each time you build with mvn compile -->
The Synchronization block supports the following configuration options:
* resourcesDir (default src/main/webapp)
* binariesDir (default target/classes)
* targetBinariesDir (default tomee/webapps/finalName/WEB-INF/classes)
* targetResourcesDir (default tomee/webapps/finalName)
* updateInterval (default 5 - in second)
* extensions (default html, xhtml, js and css)
* regex: a regex should match files to take into account when updating
reloadOnUpdate means to reload the entire context (webapp). This means undeploying/redeploying the application.