blob: 162ad2c02222cd0fc505bf46ccaddf3ec088d5f8 [file] [log] [blame]
Title: SingletonContainer Configuration
A SingletonContainer can be declared via xml in the `<tomee-home>/conf/tomee.xml` file or in a `WEB-INF/resources.xml` file using a declaration like the following. All properties in the element body are optional.
<Container id="mySingletonContainer" type="SINGLETON">
accessTimeout = 30 seconds
Alternatively, a SingletonContainer can be declared via properties in the `<tomee-home>/conf/` file or via Java VirtualMachine `-D` properties. The properties can also be used when embedding TomEE via the `javax.ejb.embeddable.EJBContainer` API or `InitialContext`
mySingletonContainer = new://Container?type=SINGLETON
mySingletonContainer.accessTimeout = 30 seconds
Properties and xml can be mixed. Properties will override the xml allowing for easy configuration change without the need for ${} style variable substitution. Properties are not case sensitive. If a property is specified that is not supported by the declared SingletonContainer a warning will be logged. If a SingletonContainer is needed by the application and one is not declared, TomEE will create one dynamically using default settings. Multiple SingletonContainer declarations are allowed.
# Supported Properties
<td><a href="#accessTimeout">accessTimeout</a></td>
<td><a href="configuring-durations.html">time</a></td>
Specifies the maximum time an invocation could wait for the
`@Singleton` bean instance to become available before giving up.
<a name="accessTimeout"></a>
## accessTimeout
Specifies the maximum time an invocation could wait for the
`@Singleton` bean instance to become available before giving up.
After the timeout is reached a `javax.ejb.ConcurrentAccessTimeoutException`
will be thrown.
Usable time units: nanoseconds, microsecons, milliseconds,
seconds, minutes, hours, days. Or any combination such as
`1 hour and 27 minutes and 10 seconds`
Any usage of the `javax.ejb.AccessTimeout` annotation will
override this setting for the bean or method where the
annotation is used.