blob: 968f8461b3b517ad79f41904c57f3b85708f97bb [file] [log] [blame]
Title: Custom Injection
# Overview
As noted in the [Injection of env-entry Example](injection-of-env-entry-example.html)
, the EJB 3.0 supported env-entry types are fairly limited. Also the use
of several <env-entry> tags in an ejb-jar.xml can get a bit verbose.
OpenEJB does not restrict you to just these data types or require you to
use an ejb-jar.xml to declare them.
- `@Resource` can be used on any type for which there is
- You may `install your own` PropertyEditors and package them with your
- Java Generics are supported (e.g. List<URI> myURIs)
- You may use a `META-INF/` file as an alternative
to an ejb-jar.xml
See [Built-in Type Converters](built-in-type-converters.html)
for a full list of supported env-entry types.
The source for this example is the "custom-injection" directory located in
the [](downloads.html)
available on the [download page](
<a name="CustomInjection-TheCode"></a>
# The Code
<a name="CustomInjection-BeanClass"></a>
## Bean Class
public class Stratocaster {
@Resource(name = "pickups")
private List<Pickup> pickups;
@Resource(name = "style")
private Style style;
@Resource(name = "dateCreated")
private Date dateCreated;
@Resource(name = "guitarStringGuages")
private Map<String, Float> guitarStringGuages;
@Resource(name = "certificateOfAuthenticity")
private File certificateOfAuthenticity;
public Date getDateCreated() {
return dateCreated;
* Gets the guage of the electric guitar strings
* used in this guitar.
* @param string
* @return
public float getStringGuage(String string) {
return guitarStringGuages.get(string);
public List<Pickup> getPickups() {
return pickups;
public Style getStyle() {
return style;
public File getCertificateOfAuthenticity() {
return certificateOfAuthenticity;
<a name="CustomInjection-TheMETA-INF/env-entries.propertiesfile"></a>
## The META-INF/ file
<a name="CustomInjection-TheCustomTypeandEditor"></a>
## The Custom Type and Editor
Support for java.lang.Enum types is already built-in, but we've decided
we'd like to allow abbreviated versions of the enum constants to be usable.
We do this by creating a custom PropertyEditor for our Pickup enum like
public class PickupEditor extends java.beans.PropertyEditorSupport {
public void setAsText(String text) throws IllegalArgumentException {
text = text.trim();
if (text.equalsIgnoreCase("H")) setValue(Pickup.HUMBUCKER);
else if (text.equalsIgnoreCase("S")) setValue(Pickup.SINGLE_COIL);
else throw new IllegalStateException("H and S are the only supported Pickup aliases");
We cleverly install this PropertyEditor in a static block in the Pickup
class that will be executed should someone actually reference the Pickup
public enum Pickup {
// Here's the little magic where we register the PickupEditor
// which knows how to create this object from a string.
// You can add any of your own Property Editors in the same way.
static {
PropertyEditorManager.registerEditor(Pickup.class, PickupEditor.class);
<a name="CustomInjection-TestCase"></a>
# Test Case
public class StratocasterTest extends TestCase {
private Stratocaster strat;
public void test() throws Exception {
EJBContainer.createEJBContainer().getContext().bind("inject", this);
Date date = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, Locale.US).parse("Mar 1, 1962");
assertEquals("Strat.getDateCreated()", date, strat.getDateCreated());
List<Pickup> pickups = asList(Pickup.SINGLE_COIL, Pickup.SINGLE_COIL, Pickup.SINGLE_COIL);
assertEquals("Strat.getPickups()", pickups, strat.getPickups());
assertEquals("Strat.getStyle()", Style.VINTAGE, strat.getStyle());
assertEquals("Strat.getStringGuage(\"E1\")", 0.052F, strat.getStringGuage("E1"));
assertEquals("Strat.getStringGuage(\"A\")", 0.042F, strat.getStringGuage("A"));
assertEquals("Strat.getStringGuage(\"D\")", 0.030F, strat.getStringGuage("D"));
assertEquals("Strat.getStringGuage(\"G\")", 0.017F, strat.getStringGuage("G"));
assertEquals("Strat.getStringGuage(\"B\")", 0.013F, strat.getStringGuage("B"));
assertEquals("Strat.getStringGuage(\"E\")", 0.010F, strat.getStringGuage("E"));
File file = new File("/tmp/strat-certificate.txt");
assertEquals("Strat.getCertificateOfAuthenticity()", file,strat.getCertificateOfAuthenticity());
<a name="CustomInjection-Runningit"></a>
# Running it
Running the example is fairly simple. In the "custom-injection" directory of the [examples zip](openejb:download.html), just run:
> $ mvn clean install
Which should create output like the following.
Running org.superbiz.enventries.StratocasterTest
Apache OpenEJB 3.1-SNAPSHOT build: 20080409-12:05
INFO - openejb.home = /Users/dblevins/work/openejb3/examples/custom-injection
INFO - openejb.base = /Users/dblevins/work/openejb3/examples/custom-injection
INFO - Configuring Service(id=Default Security Service, type=SecurityService, provider-id=Default Security Service)
INFO - Configuring Service(id=Default Transaction Manager, type=TransactionManager, provider-id=Default Transaction Manager)
INFO - Configuring Service(id=Default JDK 1.3 ProxyFactory, type=ProxyFactory, provider-id=Default JDK 1.3 ProxyFactory)
INFO - Found EjbModule in classpath: /Users/dblevins/work/openejb3/examples/custom-injection/target/classes
INFO - Configuring app: /Users/dblevins/work/openejb3/examples/custom-injection/target/classes
INFO - Configuring Service(id=Default Stateless Container, type=Container, provider-id=Default Stateless Container)
INFO - Auto-creating a container for bean StratocasterImpl: Container(type=STATELESS, id=Default Stateless Container)
INFO - Loaded Module: /Users/dblevins/work/openejb3/examples/custom-injection/target/classes
INFO - Assembling app: /Users/dblevins/work/openejb3/examples/custom-injection/target/classes
INFO - Jndi(name=StratocasterImplLocal) --> Ejb(deployment-id=StratocasterImpl)
INFO - Created Ejb(deployment-id=StratocasterImpl, ejb-name=StratocasterImpl, container=Default Stateless Container)
INFO - Deployed Application(path=/Users/dblevins/work/openejb3/examples/custom-injection/target/classes)
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.705 sec
Results :
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0