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<p>Apache TomEE can be run as a daemon using the <a href="">jsvc</a> tool from the <a href="">Apache Commons Daemon</a> project.</p>
<p>Source tarballs for <code>jsvc</code> are included with Tomcat and therefore can be found in TomEE as well. These need to be compiled before jsvc can be used. </p>
<h1>Building jsvc</h1>
<p>First, we'll need to locate and unpack the <code>commons-daemon-native.tar.gz</code></p>
<pre><code>cd $TOMEE_HOME/bin
tar xzvf commons-daemon-native.tar.gz
cd commons-daemon-1.0.7-native-src/unix/
<p>Note that the <code>commons-daemon-1.0.7-native-src</code> directory may have a slightly different version number.</p>
<p>Second, we'll need to build the <code>jsvc</code> binary. Under a UNIX operating system you will need:</p>
<li>An ANSI-C compliant compiler (GCC is good)</li>
<li>GNU Make</li>
<li>A Java Platform 2 compliant SDK</li>
<p>You have to specify the <code>JAVA_HOME</code> of the SDK either with the <code>--with-java=&lt;dir&gt;</code> parameter or set the <code>JAVA_HOME</code> environment to
point to your SDK installation. For example:</p>
<pre><code>./configure --with-java=/usr/java
<pre><code>export JAVA_HOME
<p>If your operating system is supported, configure will go through cleanly, otherwise it will report an error (please send us the details of your
OS/JDK, or a patch against the sources). To build the binaries and libraries simply do:</p>
<p>This will generate the executable file <code>jsvc</code>.</p>
<p>Finally, we'll want to set the execution bits and move the <code>jsvc</code> binary</p>
<pre><code>chmod 755 jsvc
mv jsvc $TOMEE_HOME/bin
<p>As one script, the above might look like:</p>
<pre><code>cd $TOMEE_HOME/bin
tar xzvf commons-daemon-native.tar.gz
cd commons-daemon-1.0.7-native-src/unix/
chmod 755 jsvc
mv jsvc ../..
<h1>Starting (unix)</h1>
<pre><code>sudo "$TOMEE_HOME/bin/jsvc" -cp "$TOMEE_HOME/bin/bootstrap.jar:$TOMEE_HOME/bin/tomcat-juli.jar" \
"-javaagent:$TOMEE_HOME/lib/openejb-javaagent.jar" -outfile "$TOMEE_HOME/logs/catalina.out" \
-errfile "$TOMEE_HOME/logs/catalina.err" org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap
<h1>Starting (osx)</h1>
<p>For a 64-bit JVM such as OSX Lion</p>
<pre><code>sudo arch -arch x86_64 "$TOMEE_HOME/bin/jsvc" -jvm server -cp "$TOMEE_HOME/bin/bootstrap.jar:$TOMEE_HOME/bin/tomcat-juli.jar" \
"-javaagent:$TOMEE_HOME/lib/openejb-javaagent.jar" -outfile "$TOMEE_HOME/logs/catalina.out" \
-errfile "$TOMEE_HOME/logs/catalina.err" org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap
<p>For a 32-bit JVM</p>
<pre><code>sudo arch -arch i386 "$TOMEE_HOME/bin/jsvc" -jvm server -cp "$TOMEE_HOME/bin/bootstrap.jar:$TOMEE_HOME/bin/tomcat-juli.jar" \
"-javaagent:$TOMEE_HOME/lib/openejb-javaagent.jar" -outfile "$TOMEE_HOME/logs/catalina.out" \
-errfile "$TOMEE_HOME/logs/catalina.err" org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap
<h2>Note on formatting</h2>
<p>Note that <code>\</code> at the end of each line is unix syntax to keep everything effectively as one line and one command. The command is simply too long to show as one line on a fixed width html page. The <code>\</code> can be removed as long as the resulting command is one long line.</p>
<h1>Common Issues</h1>
<p>Ensure your <code>$TOME_HOME</code> and <code>$JAVA_HOME</code> variables are set correctly. You should see similar output with the following two commands</p>
<pre><code>mingus:~ 01:51:37
LICENSE RELEASE-NOTES bin endorsed logs webapps
NOTICE RUNNING.txt conf lib temp work
mingus:~ 01:51:46
bin bundle lib man
<p>The <code>jsvc -debug</code> option can also show useful information for troubleshooting:</p>
<pre><code>$TOMEE_HOME/bin/jsvc -debug
<p>Note on OSX, <code>$JAVA_HOME</code> should be set to <code>/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Home</code></p>
<h1>Further documentation</h1>
<p>See also the full Apache Commons Daemon documentation for jsvc.</p>
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