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<h1>Securing a Web Service
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<p>Web Services are a very common way to implement a Service Oriented
Architecture (SOA).</p>
<p>There are lots of web service standards/specifications (XML, SOAP, WSDL,
UUDI, WS-*, ...) coming from organizations like W3C, OASIS, WS-I, ...
And there are java web service standards like JAX-WS 1.x (JSR 181), JAX-WS
2.0 (JSR 224). </p>
<p>OpenEJB provides a standard way to implement web services transport
protocol throughout the JAX-WS specification.
Java basic standards for web services (JAX-WS) do lack some features that
are required in most real world applications, e.g. standard ways for
handling security and authentication (there is no java specification for
Oasis's WS-Security specification).</p>
<p>OpenEJB provides two mechanisms to secure webservices - HTTP authentication
and WS-Security: </p>
<p>HTTPS : works at the transport level, enables a point-to-point security.
It has no impact on developments. It allows you :</p>
<li>To secure data over the network with data encrypted during transport</li>
<li>To identify the end user with SSLv3 with client certificate required</li>
<li>OpenEJB supports BASIC authentication over HTTP(S), using the configured
JAAS provider. This will honour any EJB security roles you have setup using
@RolesAllowed. See the webservice-security example in the OpenEJB codebase <a href=""></a></li>
Currently only BASIC is the only HTTP authentication mechanism available
when running OpenEJB standalone or in a unit test, but we hope to support
DIGEST in the future.</em></p>
<p>WS-Security: works at the message (SOAP) level, enables a higher-level
Nowadays, SOAP implementations use other protocols than just HTTP so we
need to apply security to the message itself and not only at the transport
layer. Moreover, HTTPS can only be used for securing point-to-point
services which tend to decrease with Enterprise Service Bus for example. </p>
<p>The Oasis organization has defined a standard (part of well-known WS-*)
which aims at providing high level features in the context of web services:
WS-Security. It provides a standard way to secure your services above and
beyond transport level protocols such as HTTPS. WS-Security relies on other
standards like XML-Encryption.</p>
<p>Main features are:</p>
<li>Timestamp a message,</li>
<li>Pass credentials (plain text and/or ciphered) between services,</li>
<li>Sign messages,</li>
<li>Encrypt messages or part of messages.</li>
<p>Again, JAX-WS doesn't standardize security for web services. OpenEJB
provides a common and highly configurable way to configure WS-Security in
association with the JAX-WS usage without vendor dependence. Internally,
OpenEJB integrates Apache WSS4J as the WS-Security implementation. To use
the integration, you will need to configure WSS4J using the
the proposed WS-Security integration is only used at server side.
Currently, WS-Security client configuration is not managed by OpenEJB. You
can use the JAX-WS API to create a stub and then rely on the implementation
to set up WS-Security properties.</em> </p>
<p>This configuration file lets you set up incoming and outgoing security
parameters. Incoming and outgoing configuration is independent so that you
can configure either one or the other or both. You can decide to check
client credentials for incoming messages and sign outgoing messages
<p><a name="SecuringaWebService-Configurationprinciples"></a></p>
<h1>Configuration principles</h1>
<p>The configuration is made in the <em>openejb-jar.xml</em>. Each endpoint web
service can provide a set of properties to customize WS-Security behavior
through the <properties> element. The content of this element is consistent
with the overall structure of <em>openejb.xml</em>. The format for properties is
the same as if you would use a common java property file.</p>
<pre><code>&lt;properties&gt; = UsernameToken = PasswordDigest
<p>In order to recover WSS4J properties both for input and output, we use
naming conventions.
Each property is made of
<wss4j>.<in|out>.<wss4j property name>=<wss4j property value></p>
<p>For example : <em> = UsernameToken</em></p>
<p><a name="SecuringaWebService-UsernameToken(Passworddigest)example"></a></p>
<h1>Username Token (Password digest) example</h1>
<p><a name="SecuringaWebService-Excerptfrom*openejb-jar.xml*."></a></p>
<h4>Excerpt from <em>openejb-jar.xml</em>.</h4>
<pre><code>&lt;openejb-jar xmlns=""&gt;
&lt;properties&gt; = UsernameToken = PasswordDigest
<p><a name="SecuringaWebService-Requestsentbytheclient."></a></p>
<h4>Request sent by the client.</h4>
<p>This request contains SOAP headers to manage security. You can see
<em>UsernameToken</em> tag from the WS-Security specification.</p>
<pre><code>POST /CalculatorImplUsernameTokenHashedPassword HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
SOAPAction: ""
Accept: *
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
User-Agent: Java/1.5.0_05
Connection: keep-alive
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
&lt;soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""&gt;
&lt;wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soap:mustUnderstand="1"&gt;
&lt;wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu=""
&lt;wsse:Username xmlns:wsse=""&gt;jane&lt;/wsse:Username&gt;
&lt;wsse:Password Type=""
&lt;wsse:Nonce xmlns:wsse=""&gt;cKhUhmjQ1hGYPsdOLez5kA==&lt;/wsse:Nonce&gt;
&lt;wsu:Created xmlns:wsu=""&gt;2009-04-14T20:16:26.203Z&lt;/wsu:Created&gt;
&lt;ns1:sum xmlns:ns1=""&gt;
<p><a name="SecuringaWebService-Theresponsereturnedfromtheserver."></a></p>
<h4>The response returned from the server.</h4>
<pre><code>HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 200
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
Server: OpenEJB/??? (unknown os)
&lt;soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""&gt;
&lt;ns1:sumResponse xmlns:ns1=""&gt;
<p><a name="SecuringaWebService-JAASwithWS-Security"></a></p>
<h1>JAAS with WS-Security</h1>
<p>@RolesAllowed doesn't work straight off with WS-Security, but you can add
calls to the OpenEJB SecurityService to login to a JAAS provider to a
CallbackHandler. Once you have done this, any permissions configured with
@RolesAllowed should be honoured.</p>
<p>Here is a snippet from the webservice-ws-security example demonstrating
<pre><code>public class CustomPasswordHandler implements CallbackHandler {
public void handle(Callback[] callbacks) throws IOException, UnsupportedCallbackException {
WSPasswordCallback pc = (WSPasswordCallback) callbacks[0];
if (pc.getUsage() == WSPasswordCallback.USERNAME_TOKEN) {
// TODO get the password from the if possible
} else if (pc.getUsage() == WSPasswordCallback.DECRYPT) {
} else if (pc.getUsage() == WSPasswordCallback.SIGNATURE) {
if ((pc.getUsage() == WSPasswordCallback.USERNAME_TOKEN) || (pc.getUsage() == WSPasswordCallback.USERNAME_TOKEN_UNKNOWN)) {
SecurityService securityService = SystemInstance.get().getComponent(SecurityService.class);
Object token = null;
try {
token = securityService.login(pc.getIdentifer(), pc.getPassword());
} catch (LoginException e) {
throw new SecurityException("wrong password");
<p><a name="SecuringaWebService-Examples"></a></p>
<p>A full example (webservice-ws-security) is available with OpenEJB Examples.</p>
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