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<p>The simple application contains a CDI managed bean <code>CalculatorBean</code>, which uses the <code>Calculator</code> EJB to add two numbers
and display the results to the user. The EJB is injected in the managed bean using @Inject annotation.</p>
<p>You could run this in the latest Apache TomEE <a href="">snapshot</a></p>
<p>The complete source code is below but lets break down to look at some smaller snippets and see how it works.</p>
<p>A little note on the setup:</p>
<p>As for the libraries, myfaces-api and myfaces-impl are provided in tomee/lib and hence they should not be a part of the
war. In maven terms, they would be with scope 'provided'</p>
<p>Also note that we use servlet 2.5 declaration in web.xml
<web-app xmlns:xsi=""
<p>And we use 2.0 version of faces-config</p>
<p><faces-config xmlns=""
<p>To make this a cdi-aware-archive (i.e bean archive) an empty beans.xml is added in WEB-INF</p>
<pre><code> &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
&lt;beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<p>We'll first declare the FacesServlet in the web.xml</p>
<pre><code> &lt;servlet&gt;
&lt;servlet-name&gt;Faces Servlet&lt;/servlet-name&gt;
<p>FacesServlet acts as the master controller.</p>
<p>We'll then create the calculator.xhtml file.</p>
<pre><code> &lt;h:outputText value='Enter first number'/&gt;
&lt;h:inputText value='#{calculatorBean.x}'/&gt;
&lt;h:outputText value='Enter second number'/&gt;
&lt;h:inputText value='#{calculatorBean.y}'/&gt;
&lt;h:commandButton action="#{calculatorBean.add}" value="Add"/&gt;
<p>Notice how we've used the bean here. By default, the bean name would be the simple name of the bean
class with the first letter in lower case.</p>
<p>We've annotated the <code>CalculatorBean</code> with <code>@RequestScoped</code>.
So when a request comes in, the bean is instantiated and placed in the request scope.</p>
<p><h:inputText value='#{calculatorBean.x}'/></p>
<p>Here, getX() method of calculatorBean is invoked and the resulting value is displayed.
x being a Double, we rightly should see 0.0 displayed.</p>
<p>When you change the value and submit the form, these entered values are bound using the setters
in the bean and then the commandButton-action method is invoked.</p>
<p>In this case, CalculatorBean#add() is invoked.</p>
<p>Calculator#add() delegates the work to the ejb, gets the result, stores it
and then returns what view is to be rendered.</p>
<p>The return value "success" is checked up in faces-config navigation-rules
and the respective page is rendered.</p>
<p>In our case, 'result.xhtml' page is rendered where
use EL and display the result from the request-scoped <code>calculatorBean</code>.</p>
<h1>Source Code</h1>
<pre><code>import javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped;
import javax.inject.Named;
import javax.inject.Inject;
public class CalculatorBean {
Calculator calculator;
private double x;
private double y;
private double result;
public double getX() {
return x;
public void setX(double x) {
this.x = x;
public double getY() {
return y;
public void setY(double y) {
this.y = y;
public double getResult() {
return result;
public void setResult(double result) {
this.result = result;
public String add() {
result = calculator.add(x, y);
return "success";
<pre><code>package org.superbiz.jsf;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
public class Calculator{
public double add(double x, double y) {
return x + y;
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<p><web-app xmlns:xsi=""
<p><description>MyProject web.xml</description></p>
<p><!-- Faces Servlet -->
<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
<p><!-- Faces Servlet Mapping -->
<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
<p><!-- Welcome files -->
<p><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns=""
<p><h:body bgcolor="white">
<h:panelGrid columns="2">
<h:outputText value='Enter first number'/>
<h:inputText value='#{calculatorBean.x}'/>
<h:outputText value='Enter second number'/>
<h:inputText value='#{calculatorBean.y}'/>
<h:commandButton action="#{calculatorBean.add}" value="Add"/>
<p><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns=""
<h:form id="mainForm">
<h2><h:outputText value="Result of adding #{calculatorBean.x} and #{calculatorBean.y} is #{calculatorBean.result }"/></h2>
<h:commandLink action="back">
<h:outputText value="Home"/>
<p><?xml version="1.0"?>
<faces-config xmlns=""
<div class="page-header">&nbsp;</div>
<h4>APIs Used</h4>
<ul><li><a href="">javax.ejb.Stateless</a></li>
<li><a href="">javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped</a></li>
<li><a href="">javax.inject.Inject</a></li>
<li><a href="">javax.inject.Named</a></li>
<li>Apache <a href="">jsf-cdi-and-ejb</a></li>
<li>Github <a href="">jsf-cdi-and-ejb</a></li>
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