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<p>Work on the development has slowed and a release of that codebase
(3.1.3) is likely to come out soon.</p>
<p>Activity on the 3.2 codebase is going strong with significant progress on
EJB 3.1 features, specifically; @AccessTimeout, @AfterBegin,
@BeforeCompletion, @AfterCompletion and some support for the @Asynchronous
method invocations. Most of this work is being done by contributors. New
committers are sure to be right around the corner. Work has started on
JCDI integration aided by the OpenWebBeans community. That work is
somewhat revolutionary and a separate branch has been created temporarily
to workout the overall architecture and design of the integration.
Significant work is also being done to overhaul and test the application
validation code and related i18n message keys.</p>
<p>Dev list participation has increased due to greater contributor activity.
User list traffic has slowed somewhat which is welcome as it provides a
little breathing room for development.</p>
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