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| <H1><A name="Examples-EJB3Examples"></A>EJB3 Examples</H1> |
| |
| <P>All examples come with JUnit unit tests that can be run in any IDE, Maven or Ant without special plugins using OpenEJB as an embedded EJB container. The easiest way to run the examples in your IDE is to use maven (<TT>mvn eclipse:eclipse</TT> or <TT>mvn idea:idea</TT>) to generate project descriptors.</P> |
| |
| <P><SPAN class="ExamplesTable"><DIV class="table-wrap"> |
| <TABLE class="confluenceTable"><TBODY> |
| <TR> |
| <TH class="confluenceTh"> title </TH> |
| <TH class="confluenceTh"> description </TH> |
| <TH class="confluenceTh"> APIs used </TH> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> <DIV class="Cel1"><B><A href="../OPENEJBx30/simple-stateless-example.html" title="Simple Stateless Example">Simple Stateless</A></B></DIV> </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> Simple EJB3 <B>@Stateless</B> bean with local and remote business interfaces and unit test. </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"><UL class="alternate" type="square"> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Remote</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Local</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Stateless</LI> |
| </UL> |
| </TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> <B><A href="../OPENEJBx30/simple-stateful-example.html" title="Simple Stateful Example">Simple Stateful</A></B> </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> Simple EJB3 <B>@Stateful</B> bean with local and remote business interfaces and unit test. </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"><UL class="alternate" type="square"> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Remote</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Stateful</LI> |
| </UL> |
| </TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> <B><A href="../OPENEJBx30/singleton-example.html" title="Singleton Example">EJB 3.1 Singleton</A></B> </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> Shows two EJB 3.1 <B>@Singleton</B> beans. One configured to load on startup via <B>@Startup</B> and using Bean-Managed Concurrency and synchronization. Another using Container-Managed Concurrency via <B>@Lock(READ)</B> and <B>@Lock(WRITE)</B>. </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"><UL class="alternate" type="square"> |
| <LI>javax.annotation.PostConstruct</LI> |
| <LI>javax.annotation.PreDestroy</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.ConcurrencyManagement</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Lock</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Singleton</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Startup</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.ConcurrencyManagementType.BEAN</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.LockType.READ</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.LockType.WRITE</LI> |
| </UL> |
| </TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> <B><A href="../OPENEJBx30/ejb-21-compatibility-example.html" title="EJB 2.1 Compatibility Example">EJB 2.1 Compatibility</A></B> </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> Shows an EJB 3.0 Stateful bean with Business interfaces and EJB 2.1 interfaces (now called "component" interfaces) using the <B>@LocalHome</B> and <B>@RemoteHome</B>. Four interfaces in total. </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"><UL class="alternate" type="square"> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.CreateException</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.EJBHome</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.EJBLocalHome</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.EJBObject</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Init</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Local</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.LocalHome</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Remote</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.RemoteHome</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Remove</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Stateful</LI> |
| </UL> |
| </TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> <B><A href="../OPENEJBx30/injection-of-env-entry-example.html" title="Injection of env-entry Example">Injection of env-entry</A></B> </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> Shows how <B>@Resource</B> can be used to inject <B><TT>env-entry</TT></B> values declared in an ejb-jar.xml file </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"><UL class="alternate" type="square"> |
| <LI>javax.annotation.Resource</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Local</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Remote</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Stateful</LI> |
| </UL> |
| </TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> <B><A href="../OPENEJBx30/custom-injection.html" title="Custom Injection">Injection of env-entry 2</A></B> </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> Same as the above example but shows how to use a <B>properties file</B> to declare the injection values and demonstrates how to get injection of <B>more types</B> such as java.util.Date, java.lang.Class, java.net.URI and more. <EM>OpenEJB specific feature</EM>. </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"><UL class="alternate" type="square"> |
| <LI>javax.annotation.Resource</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Stateless</LI> |
| </UL> |
| </TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> <B><A href="../OPENEJBx30/injection-of-other-ejbs-example.html" title="Injection of other EJBs Example">Injection of other EJBs</A></B> </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> Shows use of <B>@EJB</B> in a Stateless to have another Stateless bean injected into it. </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"><UL class="alternate" type="square"> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.EJB</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Local</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Remote</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Stateless</LI> |
| </UL> |
| </TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> <B><A href="../OPENEJBx30/injection-of-datasource-example.html" title="Injection of DataSource Example">Injection of DataSource</A></B> </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> Shows use of <B>@Resource</B> to have a JDBC <B>DataSource</B> injected into a Stateful bean. The Stateful bean does basic INSERT, SELECT and DELETE SQL operations. </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"><UL class="alternate" type="square"> |
| <LI>javax.annotation.PostConstruct</LI> |
| <LI>javax.annotation.Resource</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Stateful</LI> |
| <LI>javax.sql.DataSource</LI> |
| </UL> |
| </TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> <B><A href="../OPENEJBx30/injection-of-entitymanager-example.html" title="Injection of EntityManager Example">Injection of EntityManager</A></B> </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> Shows use of <B>@PersistenceContext</B> to have an <B>EntityManager</B> with an <B>EXTENDED</B> persistence context injected into a @Stateful bean. An EJB 3 <B>@Entity</B> bean is used with the EntityManager to create, persist and merge data to a database. </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"><UL class="alternate" type="square"> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Stateful</LI> |
| <LI>javax.persistence.Entity</LI> |
| <LI>javax.persistence.EntityManager</LI> |
| <LI>javax.persistence.PersistenceContext</LI> |
| <LI>javax.persistence.PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED</LI> |
| <LI>javax.persistence.Query</LI> |
| </UL> |
| </TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> <B><A href="../OPENEJBx30/testing-transactions-example.html" title="Testing Transactions Example">Testing Transactions</A></B> </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> Shows use of @PersistenceContext to have an <B>EntityManager</B> with an <B>TRANSACTION</B> persistence context injected into a <B>@Stateful</B> bean using the <B>@TransactionAttribute</B> annotation and a TestCase that runs test code in a JTA <B>Transaction</B>. An EJB 3 @Entity bean is used with the EntityManager to create, persist and merge data to a database. </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"><UL class="alternate" type="square"> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Stateful</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Stateless</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.TransactionAttributeType.MANDATORY</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW</LI> |
| <LI>javax.persistence.Entity</LI> |
| <LI>javax.persistence.EntityManager</LI> |
| <LI>javax.persistence.PersistenceContext</LI> |
| <LI>javax.persistence.PersistenceContextType.TRANSACTION</LI> |
| <LI>javax.persistence.Query</LI> |
| </UL> |
| </TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> <B><A href="../OPENEJBx30/testing-security-example.html" title="Testing Security Example">Testing Security</A></B> </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> Builds upon the <A href="../OPENEJBx30/injection-of-entitymanager-example.html" title="Injection of EntityManager Example">Injection of EntityManager Example</A> but adds the use of <B>@RolesAllowed</B> and <B>@PermitAll</B> in the @Stateful bean to restrict who can perform create, persist and remove operations on the EntityManager. Shows a TestCase using the <B>@RunAs</B> annotation to execute and test the bean code as various users. </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"><UL class="alternate" type="square"> |
| <LI>javax.annotation.security.PermitAll</LI> |
| <LI>javax.annotation.security.RolesAllowed</LI> |
| <LI>javax.annotation.security.RunAs</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.EJBAccessException</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Stateful</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Stateless</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS</LI> |
| <LI>javax.persistence.Entity</LI> |
| <LI>javax.persistence.EntityManager</LI> |
| <LI>javax.persistence.PersistenceContext</LI> |
| <LI>javax.persistence.PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED</LI> |
| <LI>javax.persistence.Query</LI> |
| </UL> |
| </TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> <B><A href="../OPENEJBx30/embedded-and-remotable.html" title="Embedded and Remotable">Embedded and Remotable</A></B> </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> Demonstrates how to use an OpenEJB feature that allows people embedding OpenEJB into their applications to support remote clients in other VMs. This is not required for unit testing. </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"><UL class="alternate" type="square"> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Remote</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Stateful</LI> |
| </UL> |
| </TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> <B><A href="../OPENEJBx30/helloworld-weblogic.html" title="Helloworld Weblogic">Helloworld Weblogic</A></B> </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> Demonstrates OpenEJBs ability to understand and support the WebLogic deployment descriptors so people using that platform in production can still use OpenEJB in their IDE or build to unit test their EJB applications. </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"><UL class="alternate" type="square"> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.CreateException</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.EJBLocalHome</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.LocalHome</LI> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Stateless</LI> |
| </UL> |
| </TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> <B><A href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=OPENEJBx30&title=JSF%20Injection%20Support&linkCreation=true&fromPageId=86439" class="createlink">JSF Injection Support</A></B> </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> Demonstrates OpenEJBs ability to inject EJB's into JSF managed beans. </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"><UL class="alternate" type="square"> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Stateless</LI> |
| </UL> |
| </TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> <B><A href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=OPENEJBx30&title=Struts%20with%20OpenEJB%20and%20Tomcat&linkCreation=true&fromPageId=86439" class="createlink">Struts with OpenEJB and Tomcat</A></B> </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> Demonstrates the usage of Struts within an OpenEJB + Tomcat environment. </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"><UL class="alternate" type="square"> |
| <LI>javax.ejb.Stateless</LI> |
| </UL> |
| </TD> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| </TR> |
| <TR> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> <B><A href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=OPENEJBx30&title=Applets%20with%20OpenEJB&linkCreation=true&fromPageId=86439" class="createlink">Applets with OpenEJB</A></B> </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"> Demonstrates how an applet can communicate with a remote stateless session bean. The stateless session bean is deployed in an OpenEJB + Tomcat environment </TD> |
| <TD class="confluenceTd"><UL class="alternate" type="square"> |
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