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| <H1><A name="Deployments-The%27Deployments%27elementinopenejb.conf"></A>The 'Deployments' element in openejb.conf</H1> |
| |
| <H2><A name="Deployments-Asinglejar"></A>A single jar</H2> |
| |
| <P>To include a single jar by name, just declare a 'Deployments' element with a 'jar' attribute pointing to the jar file on the file system.</P> |
| |
| <DIV class="code"><DIV class="codeHeader"><B>openejb.conf</B></DIV><DIV class="codeContent"> |
| <PRE class="code-xml"><SPAN class="code-tag"><openejb></SPAN> |
| ... |
| <SPAN class="code-tag"><Deployments jar=<SPAN class="code-quote">"c:\my\app\superEjbs.jar"</SPAN> /></SPAN> |
| <SPAN class="code-tag"><Deployments jar=<SPAN class="code-quote">"c:\someplace\purchasing.jar"</SPAN> /></SPAN> |
| <SPAN class="code-tag"><Deployments jar=<SPAN class="code-quote">"timeTrack.jar"</SPAN> /></SPAN> |
| <SPAN class="code-tag"></openejb></SPAN></PRE> |
| </DIV></DIV> |
| |
| <P>The last element in the example uses a relative path to point to the ejb jar. This path will be resolved relative to the openejb.base property. So, for example, of the value of openejb.base was 'c:\timeapp\' then OpenEJB would look for the jar 'c:\timeapp\timeTrack.jar'. See the <A href="configuration.html" title="Configuration">OPENEJB:Configuration</A> guide for more details.</P> |
| |
| <H2><A name="Deployments-Adirectoryofjars"></A>A directory of jars</H2> |
| |
| <P>To point to a directory that contains several jar files that OpenEJB should load, simply declare a 'Deployments' element with a 'dir' attribute pointing to the directory containing the jar files.</P> |
| |
| <DIV class="code"><DIV class="codeHeader"><B>openejb.conf</B></DIV><DIV class="codeContent"> |
| <PRE class="code-xml"><SPAN class="code-tag"><openejb></SPAN> |
| ... |
| |
| <SPAN class="code-tag"><Deployments dir=<SPAN class="code-quote">"c:\my\app\beans\"</SPAN> /></SPAN> |
| <SPAN class="code-tag"><Deployments dir=<SPAN class="code-quote">"c:\crimestopper\lib"</SPAN> /></SPAN> |
| <SPAN class="code-tag"><Deployments dir=<SPAN class="code-quote">"ejbs"</SPAN> /></SPAN> |
| <SPAN class="code-tag"><Deployments dir=<SPAN class="code-quote">"beans"</SPAN> /></SPAN> |
| <SPAN class="code-tag"></openejb></SPAN></PRE> |
| </DIV></DIV> |
| |
| <P>The directories listed will be searched for jars containing 'META-INF/ejb-jar.xml' files and will be added to the list of jars to load if they do. Better said, it's completely save to point to a directory containing a mix of ejbs and regular jar files. OpenEJB will simply skip over jars that do contain the required 'META-INF/ejb-jar.xml' file.</P> |
| |
| <P>The last Deployments element declares a 'beans' directory relative to openejb.base for holding ejb jars. This declaration is simply convention and not required.</P> |
| |
| <H2><A name="Deployments-Anunpackedjar"></A>An unpacked jar</H2> |
| |
| <P>As of 1.0 beta1, OpenEJB supports unpacked ejb jars. Simply meaning that you don't need to pack your ejb's into a jar file in order to use them in OpenEJB. You still need to follow the ejb jar layout and include an "META-INF/ejb-jar.xml" in the directory that contains your ejbs.</P> |
| |
| <P>For example, if you have a directory structure like this:</P> |
| |
| <P>C:\myapp\<BR> |
| C:\myapp\acmeEjbs\<BR> |
| C:\myapp\acmeEjbs\META-INF\ejb-jar.xml<BR> |
| C:\myapp\acmeEjbs\org\acme\Foo.class<BR> |
| C:\myapp\acmeEjbs\org\acme\FooBean.class<BR> |
| C:\myapp\acmeEjbs\org\acme\FooHome.class<BR> |
| C:\myapp\acmeEjbs\org\acme\Bar.class<BR> |
| C:\myapp\acmeEjbs\org\acme\BarBean.class<BR> |
| C:\myapp\acmeEjbs\org\acme\BarHome.class</P></BLOCKQUOTE> |
| |
| <P>Then you would delcare a 'Deployments' element with the 'dir' attribute set to 'C:\myapp\acmeEjbs' as shown below.</P> |
| |
| <DIV class="code"><DIV class="codeHeader"><B>openejb.conf</B></DIV><DIV class="codeContent"> |
| <PRE class="code-xml"><SPAN class="code-tag"><openejb></SPAN> |
| ... |
| |
| <SPAN class="code-tag"><Deployments dir=<SPAN class="code-quote">"c:\myapp\acmeEjbs"</SPAN> /></SPAN> |
| <SPAN class="code-tag"></openejb></SPAN></PRE> |
| </DIV></DIV> |
| |
| <P>Note that this syntax is the same as the directory syntax above. If OpenEJB finds a META-INF directory with an 'ejb-jar.xml' fine inside, then OpenEJB will treat the directory as an unpacked ejb jar. Otherwise OpenEJB will look for ejb jar files to load as detailed in the above section.</P> |
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| <H1><A name="Deployments-Logfile"></A>Log file </H1> |
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| <P>When trying to figure out if your ejbs were loaded, the openejb.log file is an incredible asset.</P> |
| |
| <P>If your ejbs were loaded successfully you should see entries like the following (1.x and higher only):</P> |
| |
| <DIV class="panel"><DIV class="panelHeader"><B>openejb.log</B></DIV><DIV class="panelContent"> |
| <P>INFO : Loaded EJBs from /usr/local/openejb-1.0-beta1/beans/openejb-itests-beans.jar<BR> |
| INFO : Loaded EJBs from /usr/local/openejb-1.0-beta1/beans/openejb-webadmin-clienttools.jar</P> |
| </DIV></DIV> |
| |
| <P>If your ejbs failed to load, you will see an entry similar to the following.</P> |
| |
| <DIV class="panel"><DIV class="panelHeader"><B>openejb.log</B></DIV><DIV class="panelContent"> |
| <P>WARN : Jar not loaded. /usr/local/openejb-1.0-beta1/beans/helloworld.jar. Jar failed validation. Use the validation tool for more details</P> |
| </DIV></DIV> |
| |
| <P>Additionally, all the successfully loaded ejbs are individually listed in the log file at startup. The Deployment ID listed is the JNDI name used to lookup the ejb from a client of the Local or Remote Servers. The beans listed below are from our test suite.</P> |
| |
| <DIV class="preformatted"><DIV class="preformattedContent"> |
| <PRE>DEBUG: Deployments : 19 |
| DEBUG: Type Deployment ID |
| DEBUG: CMP_ENTITY client/tests/entity/cmp/RMI-over-IIOP/EJBHome |
| DEBUG: STATEFUL client/tests/stateful/EncBean |
| DEBUG: STATELESS client/tests/stateless/BeanManagedBasicStatelessHome |
| DEBUG: STATEFUL client/tests/stateful/BasicStatefulHome |
| DEBUG: STATELESS client/tests/stateless/EncBean |
| DEBUG: STATEFUL client/tests/stateful/BeanManagedTransactionTests/EJBHome |
| DEBUG: BMP_ENTITY client/tests/entity/bmp/RMI-over-IIOP/EJBHome |
| DEBUG: STATEFUL client/tests/stateful/RMI-over-IIOP/EJBHome |
| DEBUG: STATELESS client/tests/stateless/BeanManagedTransactionTests/EJBHome |
| DEBUG: BMP_ENTITY client/tests/entity/bmp/allowed_operations/EntityHome |
| DEBUG: CMP_ENTITY client/tests/entity/cmp/EncBean |
| DEBUG: STATEFUL client/tests/stateful/BeanManagedBasicStatefulHome |
| DEBUG: BMP_ENTITY client/tests/entity/bmp/BasicBmpHome |
| DEBUG: STATELESS client/tests/stateless/BasicStatelessHome |
| DEBUG: CMP_ENTITY client/tests/entity/cmp/BasicCmpHome |
| DEBUG: STATELESS client/tools/DatabaseHome |
| DEBUG: CMP_ENTITY client/tests/entity/cmp/allowed_operations/EntityHome |
| DEBUG: BMP_ENTITY client/tests/entity/bmp/EncBean |
| DEBUG: STATELESS client/tests/stateless/RMI-over-IIOP/EJBHome |
| </PRE> |
| </DIV></DIV> |
| </DIV> |
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