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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<title>OpenEJB Configuration</title>
<sub-title>Stateless SessionBean Containers</sub-title>
<section title="Declaring your Container" ref-id="declare">
Stateless SessionBean containers are defined using a &lt;Container&gt; element
with the <b>ctype</b> attribute set to <b>STATELESS</b>.
<section title="STATELESS properties" ref-id="properties">
All Stateless SessionBean containers have the following properties
which you can override. If a property is not overridden, then the
default value is used.
<section title="TimeOut" ref-id="STATELESS.TimeOut">
Specifies the time to wait between invocations. This
value is measured in milliseconds. A value of 5 would
result in a time-out of 5 milliseconds between invocations.
A value of zero would mean no timeout.
<code-block>TimeOut 0</code-block>
<section title="PoolSize" ref-id="STATELESS.PoolSize">
Specifies the size of the bean pools for this
stateless SessionBean container. Each bean type gets it's
own pool. For example, if two ejbs are deployed into this
container, there will be to instance pools, one for each
ejb type.
<code-block>PoolSize 10</code-block>
<section title="StrictPooling" ref-id="STATELESS.StrictPooling">
StrickPooling tells the container what to do when the pool
reaches it's maximum size and there are incoming requests
that need instances.
With strick pooling, requests will have to wait for instances
to become available. The pool size will never grow beyond the
the set PoolSize value.
Without strict pooling, the container will create temporary
instances to meet demand. The instances will last for just one
method invocation and then are removed.
<code-block>StrictPooling true</code-block>
<section title="Examples" ref-id="examples">
<section title="Basic Default" ref-id="example.default">
Here is an OpenEJB config with a Stateless SessionBean Container using all
the default values.
<file name="openejb.conf"><![CDATA[
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Container id="My Stateless Container" ctype="STATELESS"/>
<section title="Multiple Containers" ref-id="example.multiple">
It may help application or team organization to define more than one Stateless
SessionBean container in your openejb.conf file and name then accordingly.
<file name="openejb.conf"><![CDATA[
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Container id="Widget App Container" ctype="STATELESS"/>
<Container id="Foo App Container" ctype="STATELESS"/>
<section title="Overriding Properties" ref-id="">
Anytime you want to change the way the container manages the beans
it runs, you simply need to override the corresponding property.
Here is an example of one Stateless Container with the PoolSize set
to 20 and another with it's PoolSize set to 200.
<file name="openejb.conf"><![CDATA[
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Container id="Widget App Container" ctype="STATELESS">
StrictPooling false
PoolSize 20
<Container id="Foo App Container" ctype="STATELESS"/>
TimeOut 60000
PoolSize 200
In the above example, the Widget conainer has shut off strict pooling, so
even when the pool has grown to the maximum (20), no one will have to wait for
an instance. As soon as each request finishes, the extra instances are removed.
The Foo container, on the other hand has not shut off strict pooling, so when the
pool has reached it's maximum (200), incoming requests will have to wait till
another request finishes and returns an instance to the pool. Since 200 instances is
a lot to keep in a pool when nothing is happening, we set the TimeOut to
60000 milliseconds (1 hour). So, an hour after the last request comes in, the
container will start to shrink the pool down as much as possible.