blob: 40b9b66714c59f95e77be07dbc544709f15e8e2e [file] [log] [blame]
<!-- ================================================================== -->
<!-- = OpenORB XML profile = -->
<!-- ================================================================== -->
PUBLIC "-// Config//EN"
<OpenORB profile="default"
This is the default config file, as found in the jar file. It can be
copied into the user's home directory and modified.<p/>
Users are reccomended to modify the corbaloc reference to the
NameService, found in the BasicRefs profile, so that it locates the
name service.
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<!-- The user modified profile. This is imported into all the below -->
<!-- profiles to set some common user modifyable properties -->
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<profile name="user-mods" >
<import xlink:href="${openorb.home}config/default.xml#InitRef">
<property name="NameService"
value="corbaloc::1.2@localhost:2001/NameService" />
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<!-- -->
<!-- This profile is the default profile used by OpenORB when starting. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- This profile extends another profile named "default" available -->
<!-- in the default.xml file. In addition, it provides a way to overload -->
<!-- the property that defines the CORBA URL to find the Naming Service -->
<!-- -->
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<profile name="default" xlink:href="${openorb.home}config/default.xml#default">
The default profile loads the POA, iiop and some basic initial references.
<import profile="user-mods" />
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<!-- Example of a profile which extends another. -->
<!-- This profile extends the default, and sets debug logging to highest -->
<!-- level. -->
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<profile name="debug" extends="default" >
Activates debugging mode.
<import xlink:href="${openorb.home}config/default.xml#openorb" >
<property name="debug.level" value="MEDIUM" />
<property name="debug.trace" value="DEBUG" />
<property name="useStaticThreadGroup" value="true" />
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<!-- Example of a profile which imports modules. -->
<!-- This profile activates only the BOA, and not the POA. -->
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<profile name="boa-only" >
This profile uses the BOA instead of the POA.
<import xlink:href="${openorb.home}config/default.xml#BOA" />
<import xlink:href="${openorb.home}config/default.xml#iiop" />
<import xlink:href="${openorb.home}config/default.xml#BasicRefs" />
<import profile="user-mods" />
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<!-- Activate only the client side ORB. This just extends a profile of -->
<!-- the same name in the default.xml file. -->
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<profile name="client-only" xlink:href="${openorb.home}config/default.xml#client-only">
Activates only the client side ORB.
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The following profiles are only used with OpenORB services -->
<!-- and extensions. If you don't use any services and extensions -->
<!-- don't take care of them. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<!-- -->
<!-- This profile must be used for transactional applications. It -->
<!-- requires the OpenORB OTS service. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<profile name="ots" extends="default">
The ots profile loads the OTS interceptors required for the
management of distributed transaction. This profile must be used
on server and client sides for transaction applications.
<import xlink:href="${openorb.home}config/ots.xml#ots" />
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<!-- -->
<!-- This profile must be used for persistent applications. It -->
<!-- requires the OpenORB PSS service. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<profile name="pss" extends="default">
The pss profile loads the PSS intializer required for persistence
management. This profile must be used on server side when a server
application is using the PSS.
<import xlink:href="${openorb.home}config/pss.xml#pss" />
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<!-- -->
<!-- This profile must be used for persistent and transactional -->
<!-- applications. It requires the OpenORB PSS and OTS services. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- ==================================================================== -->
<profile name="transactionalpss" extends="default">
This profile is used for transactional and persistent server
applications. It must be used on the server side only.
<import xlink:href="${openorb.home}config/ots.xml#ots" />
<import xlink:href="${openorb.home}config/pss.xml#pss" />
<profile name="ejb" extends="default">
<import xlink:href="${openorb.home}config/rmi.xml#rmi" />
<import xlink:href="${openorb.home}config/default.xml#openorb.server" />