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= Application Composer Maven Plugin
:jbake-date: 2016-03-16
:jbake-type: page
:jbake-status: published
This plugin has two goal:
- `applicationcomposer:run`: to start the application from mvn command line
- `applicationcomposer:zip`: to package a zip with dependencies and start scripts
IMPORTANT: the dependencies are retrieved with `MavenProject.getArtifacts()` which means you artifacts should be a `war`
- maven doesn't populate it with a `jar` - and the compile phase - at least - should be passed to ensure it is populated.
=== Run goal configuration
mvn process-classes applicationcomposer:run -DskipTests
| Name | Default | Description
| args | - | a list of application arguments
|application|-|application qualified name
|binaries|${}|where is your module code (target/classes)
|mavenLog|true|force to use maven logging in openejb
=== Zip goal configuration
mvn process-classes applicationcomposer:zip -DskipTests
| Name | Default | Description
|workDir|${}/${}-applicationcomposer| where the container can "work" and create temp files
|zip|${}/${}| where to create the zip
|attach|true|attach the created artifact
|classifier|-|artifact classifier if needed
|application|-|application qualified name
|binaries|${}|where is your module code (target/classes)