add link to Jira.
diff --git a/src/main/jbake/content/community/sources.adoc b/src/main/jbake/content/community/sources.adoc
index b6b96ad..ee8eea4 100755
--- a/src/main/jbake/content/community/sources.adoc
+++ b/src/main/jbake/content/community/sources.adoc
@@ -61,3 +61,11 @@
 -[TomEE Master]
 -[TomEE 1.7.x]
+=== Issues
+Tomee uses Jira for issues, if you are looking for a problem or reporting one, use the following address:
+- Create a ticket on
+- Open a PR in the Gihub mirror with the ticket number e.g `TOMEE-1000 - Ticket Description`
\ No newline at end of file